the day after the deadline: can the union survive brexit and other deep questions

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OJ has definitely wobbled (as has Ellie Mae O'Hagan and Abi Wilkinson).

This purity test bullshit is just that. Are you just casually saying that the ongoing nonsense - putting aside factional and opposing motives and arguments not made in good faith - will blow over without any damage? Because that’s not true and hugely dismissive.

but without that specific old-left baggage.

The issue is not simply “dump Corbyn if he won’t do what we want”. The issue is “can Corbyn address this in a tactful and intelligent way that acknowledges concerns but doesn’t concede the point he wants to make”? In light of the awful new legislation passed through Israel, is it not reasonable to say “it’s fine to criticise the government and it should be done” while drawing a firm line across the kind of people who use Israel’s atrocities to harass Jewish people in this country? If he can’t dump the baggage, then naturally people will ask what’s more important to him.

Criticism isn’t the same as an attack. Corbyn has long had dissenting voices in the shadow cabinet and the party but he’s weirdly stubborn on this and it is absolutely not doing him any favours.

gyac, Thursday, 2 August 2018 14:17 (six years ago) link

tl;dr if you’re sick of the press talking about antisemitism in Labour, it helps if there’s nothing to back that up on. Some of the old stories brought up this week have been pretty flimsy but it’s the new stuff that keeps it going.

gyac, Thursday, 2 August 2018 14:18 (six years ago) link

Also a lot of people will be thinking - if Corbyn can't even keep this one party issue under control, or even demonstrate that he's willing to do what it takes to get to grips with it, how's he going to react when faced with a genuine crisis as PM?

Matt DC, Thursday, 2 August 2018 14:21 (six years ago) link

weirdly stubborn

i keep going back to this but his stubbornness is closely connected to how he's learned over a lifetime in politics to steer away from vituperetive splits (which are endemic on the far left) -- and therefore not weird, in the sense that it has actually to date (medium- and long-term) served him well. i absolutely think they should have got in ahead of this problem earlier, but with the best will in the world this can only have meant between the election last year and now, and whenever it was confronted it was always going to lead to something like this

mark s, Thursday, 2 August 2018 14:35 (six years ago) link

In light of the awful new legislation passed through Israel, is it not reasonable to say “it’s fine to criticise the government and it should be done” while drawing a firm line across the kind of people who use Israel’s atrocities to harass Jewish people in this country?

Corbyn agrees with you. The harrassment applies to a small minority in the Labour membership. The baggage doesn't apply to Corbyn himself but the range of people in the left he is able to connect with so they become Labour Party members.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 2 August 2018 15:24 (six years ago) link

Pressed submit early:

This purity test bullshit is just that. Are you just casually saying that the ongoing nonsense - putting aside factional and opposing motives and arguments not made in good faith - will blow over without any damage? Because that’s not true and hugely dismissive.

Its not a purity test. iirc OJ went concern trolling when he should've used his brain. He's shut up since the election, apologised and even hung out with Alastair Campbell for his sins! You go ahead and read his column. Waste your time with that.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 2 August 2018 15:33 (six years ago) link

Sounds like you’ve got me pretty bang to rights there. Absolutely those were the points that I was making.

gyac, Thursday, 2 August 2018 15:41 (six years ago) link

xxxp I'm going to have to ask you to have another go at the second sentence there - as it is, it reads as "there aren't a lot of left-wing Jews so *shrug*"

If you mean that it's fine because the anti-semites aren't a large enough group, they are still larger than zero, and growing. I've always been one of the first to make the point that the longer you've been involved in left-wing politics, the longer you've seen the right use the left's natural position on Palestine as a stick to beat us with. But there's a councillor in Bognor Regis half Corbyn's age posting on Facebook about executing blood-drinking Jews - that seems like a reasonable sign that enough is fucking enough.

Andrew Farrell, Thursday, 2 August 2018 15:42 (six years ago) link

Yes, and a lot of the angriest people on this are the natural allies, the left wing Jewish members and voters and commentators, and they are upset because they’ve had Corbyn’s back on so much and yet this he can’t deal with.

gyac, Thursday, 2 August 2018 15:49 (six years ago) link

From what I see twitter Left Jewish Labour haven't abandoned Corbyn but they have been erased in these debates.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 2 August 2018 15:59 (six years ago) link

That’s not the issue, have they abandoned him. Should it have to get to that point? Look at the timeline of any of the people who have defended him, just utter shit from both supporters and opponents both. Do you think that any of these people want to be talking about antisemitism constantly?

gyac, Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:03 (six years ago) link

It will always get to that point because of Corbyn's pro-Palestinian politics, that's ultimately what's driving this. Removing him isn't going to stop the next leader getting attacked in some way.

Corbyn and many on the left are anti-imperialists and as I said a bit above, because the conversation isn't carried out in good faith it will always get to that point and it will be constant because the groups raising it basically don't want to pay tax.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:34 (six years ago) link

This is really just trolling now, right? Who would read mentions of people defending Corbyn who share most of his views (including on Palestine) and conclude that the problem was tax dodgers?

gyac, Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:43 (six years ago) link

Everyone seems to have forgotten Ed Miliband was criticized for being anti-Israel and the worst Labour leader for the Jewish community ever etc etc etc.

Father Ted in Forkhandles (Tom D.), Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:48 (six years ago) link

Everyone seems to have forgotten Ed Miliband

could have stopped there tbf

Rogan Twort's highly portable product (bizarro gazzara), Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:51 (six years ago) link

the reason for taking action isn't to reduce or deflect media criticism, bcz this won't happen (bcz too much of it is in bad faith)

it is to place labour in an unimpeachable *rhetorical* position when it comes to tackling racism in general, and to build cross-community support: at the moment it is clearly more vulnerable than it wants to be to the usual media whataboutery, and this can be leveraged beyond places where it's ignorable (the telegraph, the spectator) just by constant squall

gyac's point abt loyal corbyn supporters left in horribly over-exposed positions right now, attacked by both side, is pertinent bcz it can and will exhaust and deplete in-party support. i continue to think that something very much like this would have taken place had this been firmly addressed say 12 months ago, and this trial-by-fire was always coming. obviously i'd hugely prefer it was now a bad memory from last year deftly finessed (but it was never going to be finessed)

mark s, Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:52 (six years ago) link

ed was good not bad, shut up

mark s, Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:52 (six years ago) link

tbh I'm not sure what to think of a labour leader's stance on Israel till I've heard Maureen Lipman's very thoughtful take!

calzino, Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:54 (six years ago) link

Catching to more past points, sorry:

xxxp I'm going to have to ask you to have another go at the second sentence there - as it is, it reads as "there aren't a lot of left-wing Jews so *shrug*"

The minority I refer to is the minority carrying out the harrassment.

On a moral level it's a disaster because *we should expect better*. On a political level it could be the difference that loses them another election.

On a moral level I agree but the next election will be fought on roughly the same lines as the last one, with more on Brexit and its potential aftermath.

Anti-semitism could lead to an incident, a question at a debate and it goes wrong but you can never plan for that - this issue has been going on for a long time and when it came to the last gen election there was nothing.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:54 (six years ago) link

This is really just trolling now, right? Who would read mentions of people defending Corbyn who share most of his views (including on Palestine) and conclude that the problem was tax dodgers?

― gyac, Thursday, 2 August 2018 Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

Most of the ppl driving this convo in this particular way are from the right-wing media who don't want to see any form of socialism. Is this controversial?

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:57 (six years ago) link

I don’t care about those people. I’ve already pointed out that many people are acting in bad faith. It’s not those people whose opinions concern me. Do you have anything to say to the points I’ve actually raised?

gyac, Thursday, 2 August 2018 16:58 (six years ago) link

Don't act like I didn't address anything you've raised because you didn't like what I said.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 2 August 2018 17:01 (six years ago) link

there's actually a serious tension between (A) "this is a moral issue that we should address because it's right" and (B) "therefore we should step up and do something instant and media-facing RIGHT NOW"

A: this is unarguably true, and shd be part of labour's thinking
B: this actually *not* necessarily always true, if the things you need to do are reorganising structures and rebuilding trust -- bcz the seemingly effective things you can do overnight to address this kind of moral issue can go horribly wrong and undermine the new structures and the trust

(B is is the lesson to learned from the adventures in "humanitarian intervention" that began to be undertaken in the 90s: insofaras they were undertaken to address "something must be done" they have on the whole made things much much worse

matt made a good point upthread abt ppl judging fitness for leadership through perceived effectiveness of leadership of yr own party -- and obviously many voters do reach for this shorthand BUT the extent to which the discussion is transmitted thru a media increasingly distrusted renders this much more of an open question than it was even three years ago

mark s, Thursday, 2 August 2018 17:06 (six years ago) link

I'm quite sceptical of the notion that Corbyn is just drifting through this whole row using his usual cool distance from the media, and not just blinking like a rabbit in the headlights because he can't think what to do.

The alternative is that he just doesn't see anything wrong with what's been happening - either out of a blind spot or wilful stubborness, and that's more worrying than anything else.

BUT the extent to which the discussion is transmitted thru a media increasingly distrusted renders this much more of an open question than it was even three years ago

Yes except now it's also filtered through other channels that are even less trustworthy and even more distorting.

Matt DC, Thursday, 2 August 2018 18:14 (six years ago) link

The fact that we’re talking about this at length when the major political story of the day is that Michel Barnier has basically told the uk govt. to F-off in 20 European newspapers because their white paper proposals threaten the stability of the single market is pretty indicative of where we are.

Britain's Sexiest Cow (jed_), Thursday, 2 August 2018 18:18 (six years ago) link

Barnier was always going to kick those proposals into the dust.

Attempts are being through much of the party to make it right with the much criticised code of conduct, but still. And Momentum's decision last night was correct.

That shorthand is good and all however its certainly something that Corbyn has made it this far and Labour gained seats at the last election, given how much the PLP hate him.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 2 August 2018 19:30 (six years ago) link

A quiet day so I'll just put this out there...John McTernan follows me on twitter now.

xyzzzz__, Friday, 3 August 2018 14:38 (six years ago) link

does it seem weird to anyone else that Jon Lansman is personally calling for Carolyn Harris to stand down, tweeting about the homophobia allegations etc? does he not have proxies who can do this sort of thing for him?

soref, Friday, 3 August 2018 15:01 (six years ago) link

he follows me too: he's very into books

Mince Pramthwart (James Morrison), Saturday, 4 August 2018 01:56 (six years ago) link

It's a solid piece.

Leaghaidh am brón an t-anam bochd (dowd), Saturday, 4 August 2018 05:46 (six years ago) link

Seems well put.

devops mom (silby), Saturday, 4 August 2018 06:10 (six years ago) link

The JLM leadership has dismissed it as ‘another article bemoaning a situation of the party’s own making’ and called for action, in the form of the full adoption of the IHRA code and Willsman’s expulsion, rather than words - though it does seem to have been well received elsewhere.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Saturday, 4 August 2018 06:34 (six years ago) link

The best they can come up with is How Dare He Allow This To Be Published On The Sabbath, which is pretty pathetic.

Father Ted in Forkhandles (Tom D.), Saturday, 4 August 2018 07:22 (six years ago) link

Hard to find much fault in it and at the very least he's taking on the "it's all a right wing media lie" dorks

the Joao looked at Jonny (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 4 August 2018 08:00 (six years ago) link

"and even one individual who appeared to believe that Hitler had been misunderstood"

and at least he has thwarted Ken's attempt at rejoining with a nom de plum sock!

calzino, Saturday, 4 August 2018 08:14 (six years ago) link

We're all doomed and here's why, according to the Daily Telegraph, 3rd August, 1918 2018...

Father Ted in Forkhandles (Tom D.), Saturday, 4 August 2018 08:34 (six years ago) link

as PWEI once said, Charles Moore knows the score

the Joao looked at Jonny (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 4 August 2018 08:38 (six years ago) link

once again that Torgraph paywall-fadeout replicates the walking away from a pub bore meme!

calzino, Saturday, 4 August 2018 08:42 (six years ago) link

if we could just find and shoot anybody who doesn't think that piece is hilarious we'd secure a brighter future for the world

the Joao looked at Jonny (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 4 August 2018 08:47 (six years ago) link

Charles Moore's face always looks like someone has dropped their trousers and started doing a shit in front of him and he feels appalled, disgusted, but somehow also suddenly aroused.

mfktz (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Saturday, 4 August 2018 08:55 (six years ago) link

There are good reasons why so many prime ministers were from Eton – while none have come from comprehensives

Notwithstanding the fact there were ca. 250 years of Prime Ministers before comprehensive schools existed in any great numbers, this is true.

Father Ted in Forkhandles (Tom D.), Saturday, 4 August 2018 09:17 (six years ago) link

mcternan follows me also -- we shd invite him onto ilm, in the 70s he co-founded and ran a stranglers fanzine called "hanging around" (early enough and important enough to have been in the british library punk display)

mark s, Saturday, 4 August 2018 09:51 (six years ago) link

sudden relevatory thought: he's already there

mark s, Saturday, 4 August 2018 09:54 (six years ago) link


imago, Saturday, 4 August 2018 09:56 (six years ago) link


calzino, Saturday, 4 August 2018 09:56 (six years ago) link


the Joao looked at Jonny (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 4 August 2018 09:58 (six years ago) link

OK so McTernan could've seen me replying to some of the ppl he already follows and seen mutuals. It could get weird if I RT some pro-North Korea shit that's for sure ;-)

So re-linking again:

Be good to hear from people who are finding problems with Corbyn's approach.

Its a good piece but note there is no shift in position.

Seven of the IHRA examples were incorporated word-for-word. And I believe the essence of the other four have also been captured.

There are well expressed sentiments, it draws (to me) clear lines on what is or isn't acceptable - but I reckon it won't satisfy. What would you like Corbyn to say that he hasn't?

xyzzzz__, Saturday, 4 August 2018 10:54 (six years ago) link

What would you like Corbyn to say that he hasn't?

I don't think McTernan's going to out himself that easily.

Father Ted in Forkhandles (Tom D.), Saturday, 4 August 2018 11:07 (six years ago) link

mcternan follows me also -- we shd invite him onto ilm, in the 70s he co-founded and ran a stranglers fanzine called "hanging around" (early enough and important enough to have been in the british library punk display)

― mark s, Saturday, 4 August 2018 09:51 (one hour ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

sudden relevatory thought: he's already there

― mark s, Saturday, 4 August 2018 09:54 (one hour ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink


― imago, Saturday, 4 August 2018 09:56 (one hour ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink


― calzino, Saturday, 4 August 2018 09:56 (one hour ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

The Stranglers - The Raven (started by The Jupiter 8 (Turrican) on board I Love Music on 25-Oct-2012)
The Stranglers - Black and White POLL (started by WHERE'S JIM!? (Turrican) on board I Love Music on 23-Mar-2016)
The Stranglers - Singles (The UA Years) (started by You’re being too simplistic and you’re insulting my poor heart (Turrican) on board I Love Music on 27-Feb-2015)

Father Ted in Forkhandles (Tom D.), Saturday, 4 August 2018 11:09 (six years ago) link

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