itt: non-english-language netflix series you recommend (or not) and commentary thereon

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Most enjoyable thing I've seen this year is 'A Korean Odyssey' Fun, the clothes were great, and the guy who plays Devil King Woo is terrific.

'Something in the Rain' is good too, be interested in knowing if it's a realistic portrayal of workplace dynamics in Korea. Also all the characters seem to stay up drinking half the night p much every day!!

oscar bravo, Tuesday, 28 August 2018 13:22 (six years ago) link

I know we've already been over it, but it blows my mind that Netflix has Gandu available:

Only in India...

Frederik B, Tuesday, 28 August 2018 14:06 (six years ago) link

i am now watching gomorrah the TV series as advised by calzino ages ago (on amazon prime arrow free 7-day trial rather than netflix)

mark s, Tuesday, 28 August 2018 20:36 (six years ago) link

Naples looks amazing in Gomorrah, probably the true star of the show really.

― calzino, Sunday, October 15, 2017 6:05 PM (ten months ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

^^^cosine this totally, urban or rural

mark s, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 17:20 (six years ago) link

tfw the chief top villain physically reminds you very much of someone you know who is sweet and by nature unvillainous

mark s, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 19:11 (six years ago) link

some of the flats in gomorrah sort look like the pre-refurb Park Hill flats in Sheffield, but brutalist concrete decays differently in the Mediterranean sun or something, and their slums in the sky look way more sexy! I never got into S3 of this, but this was more to do with tv series burnout or something. Apparently some of S4 is being filmed in London.

calzino, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 22:00 (six years ago) link

Glad to hear there's a new season coming, this was probably my favorite show that I watched recently

badg, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 22:17 (six years ago) link

there's some fantastic gang bosses in this, in some cases they look like factory workers that have just won 30k on a scratchcard last week.

calzino, Wednesday, 29 August 2018 22:52 (six years ago) link

whole lotta vapin goin on

this is not a good photo (you can' t see his pointy ears) but i love* the long-haired gang member -- he also reminds me a bit of a friend

*you know what i mean, everyone is terrible

mark s, Thursday, 30 August 2018 08:41 (six years ago) link

here he is with his ears -- his name's zecchinetta

mark s, Thursday, 30 August 2018 22:21 (six years ago) link

typical ageing raver!

calzino, Thursday, 30 August 2018 22:23 (six years ago) link


mark s, Thursday, 30 August 2018 22:45 (six years ago) link

an interesting thing in gomorrah series one -- i'd have to rewatch to firm up how i feel abt it, and whether it "works" -- is there's an odd mobility to yr feel for some of the main characters, not just yr identification with them but how on top of their own story you feel they are. partly this is bcz the action takes place over several years, and two or three of them grow up and grow hard and perhaps grow "bad" (a very relative idea in this drama), and their relative capabilities w.r.t. one another shift

(don't spoiler me! i'm watching e12 s1 right now -- i think i know how it will end but i could be completely wrong!)

mark s, Friday, 31 August 2018 16:44 (six years ago) link

series two is nuts

mark s, Saturday, 1 September 2018 15:58 (six years ago) link

one month passes...


bcz a friend came to stay who also likes this kind of stuff but between us we'd watched nearly everything except this

it's bad! hannibal lecter retread except hannibal is an elegant enigmatic lady of stonefaced sorrows and clarice starling is her son

i: everyone's house is VAST and FANCY! evidently kevin mcloud was on hand when it was designed and didn't believe they'd get it finished before the ep ended
ii: lol turning a chateau into a makeshift lecter-cage (who is tending the GARDEN?)
iii: the key tec -- the son -- is a charisma-free pod
iv: the lecter lady's name is (and this is honestly where suspension of critical faculties turned into hooting disbelief) MRS CARROT

mark s, Friday, 26 October 2018 19:51 (six years ago) link

I would watch this if she were a large animate carrot who is a vegetarian cannibal.

mick signals, Friday, 26 October 2018 19:54 (six years ago) link

If you haven’t reached the end yet, it gets even worse.

I like Carol Bouquet and Frederique Bel but this was ghastly and, in the end, enormously offensive.

Wag1 Shree Rajneesh (ShariVari), Friday, 26 October 2018 19:55 (six years ago) link

mick signals, Friday, 26 October 2018 19:59 (six years ago) link

i like how three of the six-strong crime team never do anything and one of them never says anything either

mark s, Friday, 26 October 2018 20:04 (six years ago) link

very feeble of french to have no word for copycat

mark s, Friday, 26 October 2018 21:26 (six years ago) link

ok lol the commissioner just said "why not bring hannibal lecter onto the team?", which is brass balls chutzpah on the part of the scriptwriter

mark s, Friday, 26 October 2018 21:43 (six years ago) link

anyone watch dad of light yet

― the ghost of tom, choad (thomp), Tuesday, December 19, 2017 11:38 PM (ten months ago)

somehow i watched all of dad light three times, at least

Karl Malone, Friday, 26 October 2018 21:48 (six years ago) link

all of dad of light

Karl Malone, Friday, 26 October 2018 21:48 (six years ago) link

very feeble of french to have no word for copycat

― mark s, Saturday, 27 October 2018 8:26 AM (one hour ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

Of course they do but Le Copiechat is banned by L’Acadamie Française.

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Friday, 26 October 2018 22:35 (six years ago) link

two months pass...


topical mlady (darraghmac), Saturday, 12 January 2019 21:22 (five years ago) link

its perfect herself fodder she pours wine down her and snorts laughing and i can get the ironing done unencumbered

also everyone kills it and the guest roles are great

topical mlady (darraghmac), Saturday, 12 January 2019 21:23 (five years ago) link

it is the best show, genuinely surprising and moving

noemie is managing to steal the entire series imo

illegal economic migration (Tracer Hand), Saturday, 12 January 2019 21:27 (five years ago) link

^ good recommendation imo.

Fizzles, Monday, 14 January 2019 15:48 (five years ago) link

six months pass...

DEADWIND (= finnish)

my trivial pleasure is whenever the cops shout "police" they have to shout "poliisi!" which sounds like "policey!"

mark s, Wednesday, 17 July 2019 16:31 (five years ago) link

deadwind update: the two little girls whose mum died are heartbreaking, esp.the smaller one :(

mark s, Thursday, 18 July 2019 17:39 (five years ago) link

Oh man, I watched one episode of La Mante and seeing this thread it looks like I should stop right now.

Yerac, Thursday, 18 July 2019 17:42 (five years ago) link

The French also have no french word for 'weekend" and...there are lots of jokes there.

Yerac, Thursday, 18 July 2019 17:43 (five years ago) link

her estranged son DAMIEN CARROT

mark s, Thursday, 18 July 2019 17:46 (five years ago) link

deadwind update update: a key strand in this story is ZONING

mark s, Thursday, 18 July 2019 19:24 (five years ago) link

deadline theme is VERY like judy nylon's "information rain" off of pal judy

mark s, Friday, 19 July 2019 21:25 (five years ago) link

New season of Money Heist!

Yerac, Monday, 22 July 2019 00:29 (five years ago) link

Is Trapped (the Icelandic series) on Netflix? I just watched Season 2 on Amazon Prime and it's really good.

shared unit of analysis (unperson), Monday, 22 July 2019 00:58 (five years ago) link

fairly sure trapped was originally broadcast on BBC2 in the uk: it is indeed very good

mark s, Monday, 22 July 2019 10:49 (five years ago) link

I really enjoyed Babylon Berlin and wish more people watched it.

Mario Meatwagon (Moodles), Monday, 22 July 2019 13:31 (five years ago) link

Friend of mine loved it and has been reading all the books - in German- but I haven’t really latched onto it yet.

U or Astro-U? (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 22 July 2019 23:37 (five years ago) link

Trapped is excellent - sent me down a rabbithole of grim Scandi-et-al crime dramas for a long while after but this one really was one of the best of them for me. Olafur Olafsson is so good!

Loved Babylon Berlin SO much. They’re doing a second season apparently.

Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 23 July 2019 05:08 (five years ago) link

Babylon Berlin mostly hooked me for how well-studied the look was. That whole thing of dressing up but still looking sweaty & desperate is very specific & they pulled it off amazingly well. Plus lots of Bryan Ferry Orchestra :D

Squeaky Fromage (VegemiteGrrl), Tuesday, 23 July 2019 05:10 (five years ago) link

Trapped is pretty much perfect VG, I agree, and it really is better than most. I've got the second season lined up. Love me some grim Nordic viewing in the summertime.

Le Bateau Ivre, Tuesday, 23 July 2019 09:03 (five years ago) link

i have started watching "The Could’ve-Gone-All-the-Way Committee," alternatively translated from the Japanese as "The Almost Got Laid Committee." In each episode, a guy (I think they're all guys) comes before the three-member committee, comprising a karate master, a businesswoman, and a rock star in a floppy hat, and tells them about a time he almost got laid. The committee investigates and rules on whether or not he could've.

mick signals, Tuesday, 23 July 2019 14:59 (five years ago) link

okay that sounds like a dream I've had

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 23 July 2019 19:32 (five years ago) link

the only way that could be more ilxor-bait was if it was called The So-Not-Gonna-Happen Committee

Roz, Wednesday, 24 July 2019 03:14 (five years ago) link

Money Heist is very good, even though season 2 is approaching Breaking Bad levels of ridiculous brinksmanship. Subtitles are very bad, clearly produced by a non-native speaking robot.

El Ministerio del Tiempo is goofy fun, I'm only 3 episodes in but so far it seems more light soap opera than high stakes drama, even when they were actually plotting to kill Hitler. Doesn't look so good, ep 2 in particular looks like it was shot at ISO 256000.

The Pingularity (ledge), Tuesday, 6 August 2019 10:39 (five years ago) link

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