Public Shaming C/D?

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Simon lives across the street from me and sends messages on paper airplanes between windows. Don’t be paranoid. xp

Trϵϵship, Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:25 (five years ago) link

Trϵϵship posting a Megan McArdle article is really something

ebro the letter (Whiney G. Weingarten), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:26 (five years ago) link

Um, it’s a tweet thread. Learn more about media dude.9

Trϵϵship, Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:27 (five years ago) link

The fact that the right's best response to this is "an elderly man DRUMMED in his FACE" should really be the tell that there's no defense for these kids

ebro the letter (Whiney G. Weingarten), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:30 (five years ago) link

that was one magic loogie

ILX’s bad boy (D-40), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:31 (five years ago) link

Yes, the extra videos exonerate the kids from the charge of storming an Indigenous People March and staring down someone while they played healing music, but they were still hooting around like the Lost Boys meeting the tribe in Peter Pan and committing a hate crime on an elderly man, with some crazy Twinkie Defense that they were all juiced up by being called faggots by black israelites or something.

So it got downgraded from a LEVEL 5 racism to a LEVEL 3 racism or something. Fuck out of here, defending these kids

ebro the letter (Whiney G. Weingarten), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:34 (five years ago) link

wait mordy doesn't really live across the street from treeship?

Yerac, Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:36 (five years ago) link

Mordy is Treeship

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:37 (five years ago) link

mordy, treeship, and simon all live in different cities people. update your xls once in while jeez

( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) (jim in vancouver), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:38 (five years ago) link

Yes, the extra videos exonerate the kids from the charge of storming an Indigenous People March and staring down someone while they played healing music, but they were still hooting around like the Lost Boys meeting the tribe in Peter Pan and committing a hate crime on an elderly man, with some crazy Twinkie Defense that they were all juiced up by being called faggots by black israelites or something.

So it got downgraded from a LEVEL 5 racism to a LEVEL 3 racism or something. Fuck out of here, defending these kids

― ebro the letter (Whiney G. Weingarten), Wednesday, January 23, 2019 4:34 PM (three minutes ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

booming post

( ͡☉ ͜ʖ ͡☉) (jim in vancouver), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:38 (five years ago) link

that thread is long and dumb and fucking terrible

sans lep (sic), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:50 (five years ago) link

I'm apparently an uninformed moron, because I've never heard of Megan McArdle, but she appears to be brain damaged. But I love when she says:

You get my point; I won't belabor it.

With eight tweets in and like 30 more to go.

This is my least favorite thread on ILX I have ever read.

Andrew "Hit Dice" Clay (PBKR), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:52 (five years ago) link

Some "if you look past my gold chain, I'll look past the iron chain" shit

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:52 (five years ago) link

the kids had been bussed from their drives-gay-kids-to-suicide, can't-wear-blackface-anymore school in another state to shout abuse at women. who gives a fuck if your friends on a website dedicated to overthrowing democracy may have ERRONEOUSLY thought that the one who wasn't making "scalpy scalpy" motions might have been racist just because he was wearing a racist hat sold by a racist grifter

sans lep (sic), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:56 (five years ago) link

The important thing is to keep shining, if we’re talking jewelry.

Trϵϵship, Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:56 (five years ago) link

With eight tweets in and like 30 more to go.

I admit I tapped out when it said "load 45 more tweets" after the first 30 or 60 or w/e

sans lep (sic), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:58 (five years ago) link

I read it in article format

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:59 (five years ago) link

I did it wrong and read the article and not the tweets.

Yerac, Thursday, 24 January 2019 00:59 (five years ago) link

Twitter is the true paper of record

Trϵϵship, Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:00 (five years ago) link

Well more like read halfway then put on Hall and Oates

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:01 (five years ago) link

I'm apparently an uninformed moron, because I've never heard of Megan McArdle, but she appears to be brain damaged.

catching up on her now so I can fully appreciate why I should have loaded the rest of that thread

McArdle correctly acknowledges that Grenfell might not have claimed as many lives if regulators had required sprinkler systems in the tower, but then proceeds to brainstorm bizarre hypotheticals in which installing sprinklers might have actually killed more people. “Every dollar [the government] spends on installing sprinkler systems cannot be spent on the health service, or national defense, or pollution control. Would more lives be saved by those measures or by sprinkler systems in public housing? It’s hard to say,” she writes. It’s worth noting that this abomination of an opinion piece was published before many Grenfell victims were pulled from the smoldering rubble that was, literally, their entire lives. “It’s possible that by allowing large residential buildings to operate without sprinkler systems, the British government has prevented untold thousands of people from being driven into homelessness by higher housing costs.”

sans lep (sic), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:07 (five years ago) link

this is a position i often see articulated by people who have never been victims and have little to lose by provoking racist demagogues

― the late great

that's not a political strategy, that's a survival mechanism. people do what they need to survive and don't need my approval or disapproval, and therefore i have neither to offer.

i lost track of this thread because i had other things to do, people were trying to defend rage as a viable political strategy? and then started talking about civility? are the two related because i don't think they are

The Elvis of Nationalism and Amoral Patriotism (rushomancy), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:11 (five years ago) link

love you, but I won't do what you tell me

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:12 (five years ago) link

ok right this thread is officially all talking and no listening, i'm going to switch over to slaughterchrist's "reflections of things to come", it's on youtube if anybody elese is interested

The Elvis of Nationalism and Amoral Patriotism (rushomancy), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:12 (five years ago) link

two of my favorite things

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:14 (five years ago) link

love you, but I won't do what you tell me

― fuck the NRA (Neanderthal)

actually this is great, somebody needs to rewrite all of ratm from angry white-boy posturing into songs of loving but principled resistance, or possibly pizza, because songs about pizza are always funny

The Elvis of Nationalism and Amoral Patriotism (rushomancy), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:14 (five years ago) link

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:15 (five years ago) link

really like that WGW post upthread

Dan S, Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:17 (five years ago) link

WGW may refer to:

Wagawaga language (New Guinea) – former ISO 639 code WGW; later split into codes YLB (Yaleba) and WGB (Wagawaga)
Whitby Goth Weekend, a goth music festival in North Yorkshire, England
Wigan Wallgate railway station, Greater Manchester, England (station code WGW)
WorldGenWeb, genealogy project

Trϵϵship, Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:18 (five years ago) link

lol, I meant Whiney G. Weingarten

Dan S, Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:20 (five years ago) link

everyone dogging into the thread is right about why the ppl itt are wrong but wrong about it being a bad thread it is in fact a good thread

topical mlady (darraghmac), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:20 (five years ago) link

WGW may refer to:

Wagawaga language (New Guinea) – former ISO 639 code WGW; later split into codes YLB (Yaleba) and WGB (Wagawaga)
Whitby Goth Weekend, a goth music festival in North Yorkshire, England
Wigan Wallgate railway station, Greater Manchester, England (station code WGW)
WorldGenWeb, genealogy project

― Trϵϵship

"what god wants", the first single from roger waters' acclaimed 1992 album "amused to death"

The Elvis of Nationalism and Amoral Patriotism (rushomancy), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:21 (five years ago) link

That’s what i thought at first, but roger water(face) hasn’t posted in some time

Trϵϵship, Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:22 (five years ago) link

that's not a political strategy, that's a survival mechanism

fair enough i guess

the late great, Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:25 (five years ago) link

i think TLG's point is pretty legit as a counterbalance to overconfident white progressives that there are unintended consequences to unexamined radical ideological positioning fwiw ... that said i do think the blowback to ppl wishing death on some teens while bad for leftist optics or whatever is still kind of a red herring / distraction from the way the system actually *worked* in this instance, which was to move to protect the positions of the kids when they were forced to face some consequence

ILX’s bad boy (D-40), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:40 (five years ago) link

the thing about 'wishing death on teens' is, anybody who is outed in social media for doing anything, heinous or imagined-heinous, is typically subjected to death threats. Which doesn't make it not fucked up, but it means the average friend of yours that was roaring over this story wasn't sending Sandmann messages like "Peek a boo, you are doomed".

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:43 (five years ago) link

I haven't seen anybody in my social sphere wanting to John the Baptist the little fuckers

fuck the NRA (Neanderthal), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:43 (five years ago) link


I admit I jumped the gun when I said those MAGA kids should have their lives ruined. Now that more info about the students and their school has come to light, I believe their families should also have their lives ruined, and Covington Catholic should be bulldozed to the ground.

— Bryan🌹 (@superlancerboy) January 22, 2019

sleeve, Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:53 (five years ago) link

So this is kind of hilarious. This thread reminded me to call out a friend of a friend (who was manpearlclutching at length about the maga kids being vicitms) about him posting bullshit about David H0gg like a month after the shooting. His response. "Hogg is an opportunist who sought and made personal gain from a tragedy."

Yerac, Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:53 (five years ago) link

Rationalization, it's not just a river in Egypt.

A is for (Aimless), Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:57 (five years ago) link

i lost track of this thread because i had other things to do, people were trying to defend rage as a viable political strategy? and then started talking about civility? are the two related because i don't think they are

IMO you are 100% wrong about almost everything you've posted about in these threads over the last few days, and I utterly reject your entire value system.

sleeve, Thursday, 24 January 2019 01:57 (five years ago) link

sorry, I'm just tired of the second-guessing of tactics. I support all the tools in the toolbox, all the time.

sleeve, Thursday, 24 January 2019 02:15 (five years ago) link

is sleeve really 52 and how do i get to shadow ilx

BIG HOOS aka the steendriver, Thursday, 24 January 2019 02:16 (five years ago) link

xp yeah sleeve I agree with that

Dan S, Thursday, 24 January 2019 02:19 (five years ago) link

the last statement about supporting all measures

Dan S, Thursday, 24 January 2019 02:21 (five years ago) link

Interesting the bullshit account (@2020fight) that edited/popularized the MAGA kid video hasn't been mentioned. Sounds like the story would have trended even if it had to rely on bot accounts following that account. Everyone ate it up, so... moot?

maffew12, Thursday, 24 January 2019 02:35 (five years ago) link

lol hoos

also I conflated this thread with the alt right thread w/r/t discussion of tactics, I apologize for that vehemence there rusho - death threats are not cool, "public shaming" seems to be very complex in the social media age and I shld read that book

sleeve, Thursday, 24 January 2019 03:11 (five years ago) link

NBC looked into the twitter account, and found that it was probably not 'bullshit': Again, the overcorrection has been absolutely insane.

Frederik B, Thursday, 24 January 2019 12:23 (five years ago) link

this is a little off topic, but I think this is a great example of the internet's fascination with breaking down every tiny detail of everything - explainer videos, 10 things in star wars that you never noticed and will BLOW YOUR MIND, YouTube dildos and their "response" videos - really poisons the dialogue and our reaction to things

the initial reaction people had was totally correct, the kid's a smug racist little piece of shit, but then the internet has this compulsion to make simple things complex, let's see what happened 10 minutes before 10 minutes after for "context" oh wait they aren't bad the black Israelites are, oh wait they are bad they harassed a girl earlier in the day, oh wait they aren't bad the guy with the drum walked up to them first.... just insane, like people aren't that complex most of em are super simple and 9x out of 10 it's really easy to understand exactly who they are

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 24 January 2019 14:13 (five years ago) link

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