US Politics March 2019: “I can’t say I’m happy. I can’t say I’m thrilled”

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Are special counsels supposed to push off a decision to the AG? Seems like the point of his role was to maintain independence

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 16:19 (five years ago) link

The most disappointing thing is lack of any new secret scandal revelations - but then why trust this guy Barr who looks like John Goodman constipated - he is obviously covering things up

| (Latham Green), Monday, 25 March 2019 16:20 (five years ago) link

Maybe trump is actually an ok guy

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 16:22 (five years ago) link

I'd be willing to accept "too out of it to be capable of collusion"

| (Latham Green), Monday, 25 March 2019 16:26 (five years ago) link

A lot doesn’t add up. The letter suggests russians solicited help from the campaign but were rebuffed by trump’s team. But why didn’t they report this to law enforcement then?

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 16:34 (five years ago) link

And then try to cover it up, necessitating this whole investigation? Maybe “russia” was the wrong hook to go after trump but he has definitely been secretive and weird about a lot of things.

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 16:36 (five years ago) link

Whatever. Back to the primaries!

― recriminations from the nitpicking woke (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn)

Emperor Tonetta Ketchup (sleeve), Monday, 25 March 2019 16:39 (five years ago) link

XP yeah Trump, maybehe's just got a bit of a behaviour problem. Somebody pretty similar to him seem sto have clouds of continually criminal behaviour happening all the time. Unfortunately they look so much like him that everybody thinks its him, they are almost identical and cospatial apparently.

Is taht the source of information r the information in that ccan't reach a conclusion thing. THought he had done things right in front of people. BUt since it's him it can't be criminal can it?

THing about how crime is defined is about an egalitarian leveled uunderstanding where similar behaviour across the board winds up with similar results,. I thought that was one of teh major problems people had with teh initial sentencing of Manafort, the idea of sentencing guidelines was supposed to make things far more equal across society & geiography so somebody sentenced for a similar crime anywhere would get similar sentencing. & similar behaviour from different people would be seen as at least nominally similarly treated. BUt wonder if that will ever happen.

Stevolende, Monday, 25 March 2019 16:40 (five years ago) link

Well that was certainly a run of posts

early to board the Buttigieg train (Neanderthal), Monday, 25 March 2019 16:47 (five years ago) link

Avenatti arrested

early to board the Buttigieg train (Neanderthal), Monday, 25 March 2019 17:31 (five years ago) link

Now Trump will REALLY be ina good mood

| (Latham Green), Monday, 25 March 2019 17:32 (five years ago) link

xpost soon to be frozen in carbonite

We were never Breeting Borting (President Keyes), Monday, 25 March 2019 17:32 (five years ago) link

"I don't love you"

"i know"

early to board the Buttigieg train (Neanderthal), Monday, 25 March 2019 17:34 (five years ago) link

"Still somehow hoping there is another boot to drop."


akm, Monday, 25 March 2019 17:38 (five years ago) link

Attorney General Bill Barr has known for three weeks that special counsel Robert Mueller would not be making a determination on whether President Trump obstructed justice, multiple outlets reported Monday.

A source told CNN that this “unexpected” move on Mueller’s part left it to Barr and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to determine how to weigh in on the issue.

There has been much speculation over how it took Barr only 48 hours from the time Mueller’s final report was submitted on Friday to release his Sunday afternoon summary, in which he said he and Rosenstein concluded there was “not sufficient” evidence to bring such a charge. This new development reveals the two Justice Department officials had more time to reach this conclusion. It’s not clear how much of the evidence Barr and Rosenstein were shown before Friday.

Karl Malone, Monday, 25 March 2019 17:43 (five years ago) link

Barr has been a Republican crony for years

"Barr was known as a strong defender of presidential power and wrote advisory opinions justifying the U.S. invasion of Panama and arrest of Manuel Noriega, and a controversial opinion that the FBI could enter onto foreign soil without the consent of the host government to apprehend fugitives wanted by the United States government for terrorism or drug-trafficking.[7]"

| (Latham Green), Monday, 25 March 2019 17:46 (five years ago) link


"Barr is an avid bagpiper; he began playing the bagpipes at age 8, and has played competitively in Scotland with a major American pipe band. At one time, Barr was a member of the City of Washington Pipe Band.[31]

Barr and Robert Mueller have known each other since the 1980s and have been described as good friends. Mueller attended the weddings of two of Barr's daughters, and their wives attend Bible study together.[69]"

| (Latham Green), Monday, 25 March 2019 17:48 (five years ago) link

I keep hearing this. Exoneration means you were in Cleveland when the fire started. Lack of evidence means the gas can was for the lawnmower. But only lawyers care about that.

— Richard M. Nixon (@dick_nixon) March 24, 2019

a Mets fan who gave up on everything in the mid '80s (Dr Morbius), Monday, 25 March 2019 18:06 (five years ago) link

god i can't imagine how embarbassing it must be one of those twitter "resistance" twerps that had done nothing but reply to trump and other repub figures with "tick tock" and game of thrones "mueller is coming" means

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Monday, 25 March 2019 18:15 (five years ago) link

don't rely on heroes on white horses.
& shit floats.

BUt just hope taht it does remain a catalyst for people to want to get up and get involved as it seems to have done for the last couple of years. But back then people still had hope, I guess.

Stevolende, Monday, 25 March 2019 18:22 (five years ago) link

god i can't imagine how embarbassing it must be one of those twitter "resistance" twerps that had done nothing but reply to trump and other repub figures with "tick tock" and game of thrones "mueller is coming" means

This was always super embarrassing so part of me thinks it can't be much different for them now

GDPR vs GAPDY (DJP), Monday, 25 March 2019 18:24 (five years ago) link

really delightful that Rush Lumbago is screaming HOAX

a Mets fan who gave up on everything in the mid '80s (Dr Morbius), Monday, 25 March 2019 18:28 (five years ago) link

im not sure who need to get over themselves more twitter resistance twerps or their haters, but luckily neither of them are capable of embarassment so here we are

Hunt3r, Monday, 25 March 2019 18:35 (five years ago) link

Just a reminder that @DaftLimmy is probably the most prescient political commentator we've had in recent history.

— Madeley (@Madeley) March 24, 2019

mfktz (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Monday, 25 March 2019 18:37 (five years ago) link

Why does he get away with everything though? Why him?

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 18:49 (five years ago) link

It’s still weird

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 18:51 (five years ago) link

Because he is the most unfairly treated president of all time


Karl Malone, Monday, 25 March 2019 18:58 (five years ago) link

I'm always here for Jane Child.

recriminations from the nitpicking woke (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Monday, 25 March 2019 18:59 (five years ago) link

it is weird. I mean the guy is more Teflon than Reagan now.

akm, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:04 (five years ago) link

is he just lucky? he definitely was dancing along the edge of impropriety his entire life and yet, while almost all of his inner circle was taken down by mueller--for reasons other than conspiracy--he is "vindicated" somehow.

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:08 (five years ago) link

it is preposterous that michael cohen is going to jail and trump is not.

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:10 (five years ago) link

the Cohen thing is totally separate though

frogbs, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:11 (five years ago) link

Part of the charges were related to campaign finance violations and lying to congress about trump tower moscow

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:12 (five years ago) link

He’s not just going to jail for taxi medallions

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:13 (five years ago) link

it is weird. I mean the guy is more Teflon than Reagan now.

― akm, Monday, March 25, 2019

Reagan averaged over 50 percent approval for most of his presidency and was personally popular like his party wasn't.

recriminations from the nitpicking woke (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Monday, 25 March 2019 19:13 (five years ago) link

limmy rules. his take is right until we make it not right.

i guess in favor of resist twerps, theyre at least kicking against assholes, possibly distracting opposition, and i think being ridic overly optimistic in good faith. It’s not always a straight self-interested grift in the case of several, tho definitely not for all.

Twerp resistance haters are sort of interesting. Profiles seem to point a lot to “haters of establishment that FAILS US,” “haters of clintons,” “haters of women,” “haters of privilege,” “haters of _ANY_ support of status quo,” “haters of dems,” and even “haters of losers.”

Hunt3r, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:18 (five years ago) link

I think the preferred one to me “haters of failure to recognize the valuable causes”

Hunt3r, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:22 (five years ago) link

We definitely need to steer more in the direction of encouraging putative allies to tighten up their perspectives/messages rather than unburdening our would-be conquerors the effort of dividing us. I mean, our 'narcissism of small differences' game is on point, but maybe it's worth considering whether that might be a pointless act of self-annihilation, idk.

The First Time Ever I Fly @ U Face (Old Lunch), Monday, 25 March 2019 19:26 (five years ago) link

Idk. It seems russiagate was a catastrophic distraction there should be some soul searching here

Trϵϵship, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:33 (five years ago) link

Here's an oxymoron to contemplate: GOP hairshirt.

The First Time Ever I Fly @ U Face (Old Lunch), Monday, 25 March 2019 19:39 (five years ago) link

It seems russiagate was a catastrophic distraction

catastrophic? oh, puh-leeeze spare us. what marvelous things were denied us because the nation was too distracted by russiagate? what catastrophe has overtaken us that was not born of Trump's election, rather than our distraction from... remind me what were we supposed to be doing instead?

A is for (Aimless), Monday, 25 March 2019 19:43 (five years ago) link

Treesh bb are you having a time again

moose; squirrel (silby), Monday, 25 March 2019 19:47 (five years ago) link

necessary esp given the gop buy-in for trumps hardcore oligopoly model.

russiagate has some dimensions. still it was necessary to ask 1 was it real, 2 should it be criminal and was it, and 3 should it disqualify pres? Answers for resist are yes, yes and yes. Answers from mueller are, so far, 1 yes, 2 only for a few flunkies and russians, and 3 ?!?

play on imo.

Hunt3r, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:47 (five years ago) link

the idea that Mueller would find proof of Donald Trump, who does not use a computer, writing something like "YES I WILL DROP SANCTIONS IN EXCHANGE FOR HILLARYMAILS. BEST, [EKG-like signature]" was always a pipe dream, especially since Jr. leaked proof of himself doing just that and got away scot-free

frogbs, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:51 (five years ago) link

there should be some soul searching here


mookieproof, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:51 (five years ago) link

by the way, even if they *HAD* found that proof, wouldn't that just lead to months of "So what, it isn't a crime!!! He's just willing to do what it takes to win!! He's a winner!!!", which I think would raise my blood pressure even more

frogbs, Monday, 25 March 2019 19:52 (five years ago) link

remind me what were we supposed to be doing instead?

organizing voters and describing socialism to them

difficult listening hour, Monday, 25 March 2019 20:02 (five years ago) link

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