Mostly Apolitical Thread for Discussing/Venting our Rational/Irrational COVID-19 Fears and Experiences in 2020

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No updates. We're watching Barry to distract ourselves

genital giant (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 00:18 (four years ago) link

Quality distraction.

FRAUDULENT STEAKS (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 02:10 (four years ago) link

dad's gallbladder has been taken out, as well as his rectal blockage.

now a pathologist is going to concern where his sepsis seems to be originating, and treating him with antibiotics.

at the same time, my mom thinks dad doesn't want to live.

fun times. but she's felt this way for 2 years, and it's hard to tell because he can barely talk anymore.

He's still in there....strokes have made it hard for him to communicate.

genital giant (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 02:59 (four years ago) link


genital giant (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 02:59 (four years ago) link

i'm really sorry.

let me be your friend on the other end! (Karl Malone), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 03:04 (four years ago) link

was going to apologize for my inappropriately goofy display name, but then saw yours.

<3 hang in there Neanderthal.

let me be your friend on the other end! (Karl Malone), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 03:04 (four years ago) link

thanks Karl.

lol u don't gotta apologize for being goofy. the goofiness is keeping me afloat.

genital giant (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 03:06 (four years ago) link

Ugh, take care man, that sounds really rough.

Andrew Farrell, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 06:46 (four years ago) link

Yup, take care.

xyzzzz__, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 07:37 (four years ago) link

Sorry Neanderthal. must be hard to keep an even keel rn. Hang in there.

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 08:34 (four years ago) link

Floridians stick together, Neanderthal. I'm here if you need me.

TikTok to the (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 10:47 (four years ago) link

Hang in there Neanderthal. Wishing you and your family the best.

Why, I would make a fantastic Nero! (PBKR), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 12:26 (four years ago) link

THree are apparently overwhelmed so you can't get through to their website and ringing them takes half an hour at least, which is an internal line for most of it so may lead to charge.

Is that true of all phone networks at the moment or is my service special?

Stevolende, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 12:55 (four years ago) link

So I got my stimulus check. Yea?

TikTok to the (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 13:40 (four years ago) link

Me too. Of course I don't understand the amount at all - something to do with children surely. Once the dust has settled from our tax returns we will find some do-gooders to donate it to.

Fleetwood Machiavelli (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 13:46 (four years ago) link

I keep receiving direct mail from the "Alfred Lord Sotosyn Campari Sustainment Fund." Not sure if this is a legit charity; advice is welcomed

Fleetwood Machiavelli (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 13:49 (four years ago) link

Expect a newsletter and samples should you join. I'll let my interns know.

TikTok to the (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 13:51 (four years ago) link

we've started referring to foods past their dates as expired, but not yet pandemic expired

also curious about the money but our online banking seems to have crashed, probably from everyone doing the same thing

joygoat, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 13:53 (four years ago) link

Still sending good vibes your way Neanderthal!

Gotta say, especially after some of the expert opinions we've seen this week, it's a bit surprising to see all these concert reschedule announcements for September and October. Also not sure I get the impetus at this point. Wishful thinking? Something they have to do to meet insurance/legal requirements to avoid a full on cancellation? Just seems... unlikely.

soaring skrrrtpeggios (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 15:36 (four years ago) link

Hedging their bets just in case, I'd imagine

quartet for the endocrine (Matt #2), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 15:59 (four years ago) link

People need hope to carry on (even if it turns out to have been false hope). Personally, the thought of finally seeing Pantera in October is all that keeps me alive rn

Fleetwood Machiavelli (Ye Mad Puffin), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 17:38 (four years ago) link


calzino, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 17:41 (four years ago) link

Dad doing better today. Getting physical therapy. He called me and sounded doped out of his mind. I told him we love him.

WBC is high, so he has to stay as they fight the infection. But better news

genital giant (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 19:24 (four years ago) link

Additionally, i had a credit on Cameo from past purchases, so I booked a Cameo with Bun B and asked him to give a get well to my dad.

Giggling just imagining Bun shouting out my pops, so I hope he completes it.

Once upon a time, chattin with my homie
A n**** like myself said get well to Tony
Now this was Tony in the sense of Montana
But an old Italian man, who fell in the shower in his cabana

genital giant (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 19:31 (four years ago) link

wore the mask I have available while inside the grocery store, I kept having to grab it to move it back up over my nose ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

silby, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 19:35 (four years ago) link

time for a nose piercing?

dip to dup (rob), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 19:36 (four years ago) link

if I did it'd likely be septum not nostril so it wouldn't help, also piercers likely closed rn

silby, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 19:37 (four years ago) link

Silby, are you by any chance in Cap Hill? If so, I've been making masks that have a wire nose-piece, I could drop one off for you.

The fillyjonk who believed in pandemics (Lily Dale), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 19:40 (four years ago) link

Not very far, in Madison Valley, but I don't want to make anyone surmount the hill on my behalf. A more nearby friend is making masks and I think will hook us up soon with an improved model. Thanks for offering though!

silby, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 19:49 (four years ago) link

I didn’t pre test the masks my boss made and wore one to the grocery store - the stupid thing was miles too loose

just1n3, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 19:59 (four years ago) link

The conspiracy theorists are really getting to me today. Almost lost it on a friend throwing out all these ideas they “just found interesting”. Ignoring this shit clearly does not work, engaging with it just makes it grow, and now avoiding it is failing too. Soul crushing like few other things.

Kim, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 20:30 (four years ago) link


let me be your friend on the other end! (Karl Malone), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 20:31 (four years ago) link

adding "just found it interesting" to list of red flag phrases:-/

weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 20:34 (four years ago) link

Another friend used “for those wise enough to listen” and a relative had “don’t comment til you watch to the end”. Just fuck off.

Kim, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 20:36 (four years ago) link

fuck off otm

silby, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 20:37 (four years ago) link

the prototype of conspiracy theories is antisemitism and everyone going down the road of conspiracy theories will get there eventually, zero tolerance to conspiracy theorists

silby, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 20:39 (four years ago) link

"isn't this conspiracy theory hilarious?" followed by anger and defensiveness when you make fun of it

avellano medio inglés (f. hazel), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 20:49 (four years ago) link

in the same category as "it was just a joke!" followed by my favorite "where's your sense of humor?"

fuck that shit

weird woman in a bar (La Lechera), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 20:50 (four years ago) link

“We should be open to all points of view, and then make up our own minds”

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 20:54 (four years ago) link

There are good crackpot theories on both sides...

nickn, Wednesday, 15 April 2020 20:56 (four years ago) link

my N95 mask can only be cleaned via boiling (no, mine would be destroyed), baking (if you have an extra oven that you don't put food in), or just worn 3+ days apart so the virus would die on it.

I didn't even know til yesterday that they're not normally supposed to be reusable.

brooklyn suicide cult (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 21:27 (four years ago) link

I don’t think you need to keep kosher for mask sterilisation. If it sterilises the mask it will sterilise the inside of the oven.

American Fear of Pranksterism (Ed), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 21:30 (four years ago) link

Neanderthal I know the stress is built into the fact of a hospital stay in the first place, but that's good news, glad to hear it!

Yanni Xenakis (Hadrian VIII), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 21:36 (four years ago) link

The Residents had the right idea in 1978... though they are flouting the 'one trolley length' rule.

The Corbynite Maneuver (Tom D.), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 22:30 (four years ago) link

Got a letter from my doctor today - he's retiring at the end of May. He recommends a different doctor in the same building, so I guess I'll give that guy a call?

but also fuck you (unperson), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 22:51 (four years ago) link

Got a letter from my doctor today

It said i was suckers

genital giant (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 15 April 2020 23:54 (four years ago) link

Oh whoops maybe it was a bad idea to pour alcohol on our N95 masks. Should have baked them instead.

There's more Italy than necessary. (in orbit), Thursday, 16 April 2020 00:43 (four years ago) link

baking is always better than alcohol iykwim

i am a horse girl (map), Thursday, 16 April 2020 00:47 (four years ago) link

I support alcohol AND getting baked.

FRAUDULENT STEAKS (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Thursday, 16 April 2020 00:47 (four years ago) link

the other day some bored 5g tinfoil hat nutters have set fire to a communications mast in Hudds (that was also used by emergency services as well as various phone networks) which meant the fire services had to evacuate the adjacent flats until the fire was put out, just what you need during a lockdown. Stupid fucking xenophobic conspiracy theories from dim politicians (and US presidents) have consequences.

calzino, Thursday, 16 April 2020 09:50 (four years ago) link

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