Mostly Apolitical Thread for Discussing/Venting our Rational/Irrational COVID-19 Fears and Experiences in 2020

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Lockdown meaning ... what?

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 31 October 2020 14:15 (three years ago) link

“Lockdowns” as in back to what democratic states were implementing back in April and May, before all the backsliding.

Conservative states, I don’t expect them to do anything to protect their own people from dying, so they are exempt from my silly prediction

just another 3-pinnochio post by (Karl Malone), Saturday, 31 October 2020 14:21 (three years ago) link

Panic because of covid or because of politics?

What politics?

Young Boys of Bernie (Tom D.), Saturday, 31 October 2020 14:37 (three years ago) link

I don't think Corbyn being suspended has had that much impact on the general public tbh.

Young Boys of Bernie (Tom D.), Saturday, 31 October 2020 14:39 (three years ago) link

xpost Sorry, forgot where you were. I was thinking of here, where the election automatically means at least the prospect of violence or unrest.

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 31 October 2020 14:47 (three years ago) link

No, we're apparently on the verge of a nationwide lockdown and, as my neighbourhood is largely populated by nervous Nellies, I fully expected the toilet paper hostilities to have resumed.

Young Boys of Bernie (Tom D.), Saturday, 31 October 2020 15:04 (three years ago) link

Reading about a poor man in Wales who's just lost his wife and two sons to COVID over five days and I'm back to March levels of fear and anxiety.

How do you even begin to cope with your family all disappearing one by one like that?

here we go, ten in a rona (onimo), Friday, 6 November 2020 12:11 (three years ago) link

No use to go back to March levels of fear and anxiety. Go back to March levels of distancing and caution.

healthy cocaine off perfect butts (the table is the table), Friday, 6 November 2020 12:19 (three years ago) link

xp God that's awful. and to not know where you likely got it.

kinder, Friday, 6 November 2020 12:26 (three years ago) link

I think what happened in March was that there was a continual supply of goods coming in buit they were being greeted by panickers. I'm wondering if there wasa point at which it became clear taht there was supplies to go around if people were sensible.
Or am i having too much faith in the human race. I wasn't in the UK at the time and can't really remember what the story about timeline was here.
I didn't get into town very frequently, think it was mainly to get heels done on boots and things.

Stocked up on toilet rolls of various types when I found them over that initial period. Also noticed bran cereal disappeared which may been coincidental but did seem to take a while to return so wondered about supply channels and things.

was just thinking about the panicking thing cos one person on my FB feed was showing the shelves after people had been in there panicking which I know I saw a lot on there back in March

Stevolende, Friday, 6 November 2020 12:30 (three years ago) link

My March level anxiety is about about people I love dying, I'll somehow manage to wipe my arse.

here we go, ten in a rona (onimo), Friday, 6 November 2020 12:59 (three years ago) link

yup. A friend was just coming out of cancer treatment, then their whole family got Covid, and he's got pneumonia on top too, and is in intensive care. Really quite scared for him. (Family members are key workers so most likely cause of infection). Just awful.

kinder, Friday, 6 November 2020 13:06 (three years ago) link

My husband works in the busiest and largest emergency department in Philadelphia, I get it...

I'm just saying, if you take precautions yourself, I found it does help with anxiety about others such as loved ones.

healthy cocaine off perfect butts (the table is the table), Friday, 6 November 2020 13:10 (three years ago) link

I had a horrible dream last night where they developed a vaccine and gave the first doses to doctors and first responders and then, after it was too late, they found out something was wrong with it and all the doctors and first responders died, and then we suddenly had no doctors and first responders in the middle of a worsening pandemic.

Josh in Chicago, Friday, 6 November 2020 13:38 (three years ago) link

I'm just saying, if you take precautions yourself, I found it does help with anxiety about others such as loved ones.

I do and it does (though sometimes I get caught in the additional anxiety of my minor transgressions or the judging of others).
What also sometimes helps is venting in the venting thread.

Schools being back full time here caused some early anxiety where every snuffle was treated as the dreaded 'vid then it all settled down for a bit. Now it's becoming real again with over half of my daughter's year group isolating at home as contacts of positive cases.

here we go, ten in a rona (onimo), Friday, 6 November 2020 15:23 (three years ago) link

know the feeling; really sorry to hear it

like, I’m eating an elephant head (katherine), Friday, 6 November 2020 15:30 (three years ago) link

Absolutely. I'm just trying to offer advice, not shame anyone for feeling anxious or venting.

healthy cocaine off perfect butts (the table is the table), Friday, 6 November 2020 15:31 (three years ago) link

Sorry table, reacting to things that aren't there. Good week for it.

here we go, ten in a rona (onimo), Friday, 6 November 2020 16:35 (three years ago) link

new covid cases in new york are now higher than they've been since the beginning of May and seemingly nobody gives a shit, which is fucking INFURIATING

like, I’m eating an elephant head (katherine), Monday, 9 November 2020 23:11 (three years ago) link

It's insane. Our state is heading completely off the rails and I don't know if people are just numb, bored, distracted, tired of it or some combination of all the above, but the complete apathy is astounding.

soaring skrrrtpeggios (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Monday, 9 November 2020 23:12 (three years ago) link

well the vaccine is coming

groovemaaan, Monday, 9 November 2020 23:13 (three years ago) link

Except, per the other thread, it's very likely that *best case* that vaccine is not distributed in a wide enough manner until September 2021. A lot more people can die between now and then if we all just quit thinking about.

soaring skrrrtpeggios (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Monday, 9 November 2020 23:18 (three years ago) link

and also people don't un-get sick once a vaccine arrives

like, I’m eating an elephant head (katherine), Monday, 9 November 2020 23:38 (three years ago) link

so, my sister has it. she showed some symptoms on Friday, went to get tested and got the results today. her symptoms are mild and she doesn't seem worried. from what i can tell, if it's going to get worse it'll happen 5-10 days from onset, so tomorrow through Saturday.

she has an infant and a toddler and seems fatalistic about being able to isolate from her husband when they're already just barely functioning. i tried to convince her that anything she does will reduce his viral load and is worth doing, even if it's not perfect.

time to call my parents ...

lukas, Tuesday, 10 November 2020 04:12 (three years ago) link

So sorry to hear it, lukas! What a rough spot for them to be in. Hoping for the best.

Fetchboy, Tuesday, 10 November 2020 05:17 (three years ago) link

so sorry lukas.

Li'l Brexit (Tracer Hand), Tuesday, 10 November 2020 08:32 (three years ago) link

Best to you and yours, Lukas.

healthy cocaine off perfect butts (the table is the table), Tuesday, 10 November 2020 12:11 (three years ago) link

Now it's becoming real again with over half of my daughter's year group isolating at home as contacts of positive cases.

― here we go, ten in a rona (onimo), Friday, 6 November 2020 15:23 (four days ago) bookmarkflaglink

since discovered that my daughter's friend (tested +ve), her sister (also +ve) and their mother (you guessed it) were all spotted in the local shopping mall catching up on a bit of Christmas shopping while everyone else is isolating because of them and I could just fucking

here we go, ten in a rona (onimo), Tuesday, 10 November 2020 14:06 (three years ago) link

To be perfectly honest, if it wasn't the election, it would be the pandemic that is proof that Americans are too selfish to live.

healthy cocaine off perfect butts (the table is the table), Tuesday, 10 November 2020 14:33 (three years ago) link

xp call the cops on 'em imo.

neith moon (ledge), Tuesday, 10 November 2020 14:33 (three years ago) link

In the words of big patso

@Tesco am no a grass

— Patso Perpète (@big_patso) March 23, 2015

but yes, tempted

here we go, ten in a rona (onimo), Tuesday, 10 November 2020 15:26 (three years ago) link

To be perfectly honest, if it wasn't the election, it would be the pandemic that is proof that Americans are too selfish to live.

No reason to give a pass to onimo's neighbours imo.

@oneposter (👍) (sic), Tuesday, 10 November 2020 19:16 (three years ago) link

Shit, Lukas, that sounds like a lot. At the very least I hope there is some comfort for them in knowing they have someone like you advocating for them and helping them out however you can. Sending good vibes your way.

soaring skrrrtpeggios (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Tuesday, 10 November 2020 19:17 (three years ago) link

All th best, Lukas.

Onimo, you need to call that shot in or at least publicly shame these arseholes. These jokers are putting people’s health, safety, lives at risk in an act of pure selfishness.

American Fear of Scampos (Ed), Tuesday, 10 November 2020 19:30 (three years ago) link

Man, I just really hate how I feel tonight. I’ve essentially just given up hope that things are ever going to get better. Fuck this pandemic, fuck the lack of competent leadership in this shitty country and most importantly, fuck the selfish people who refuse to take even the most basic steps to mitigate this disaster - thanks to you, we may never see the end of this.

soaring skrrrtpeggios (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Thursday, 12 November 2020 02:47 (three years ago) link

Feeling you my man

I’m dreading this winter, it’s going to be a real challenge. But it’ll turn around. There’s something better on the other side of this shit.

early-Woolf semantic prosody (Hadrian VIII), Thursday, 12 November 2020 03:02 (three years ago) link

If you survive enough disasters, then even if you aren't sure you'll survive another, you no longer feel like disasters are not survivable. That's about where I am now. I always have my eye out for the flying monkeys to come and trounce me, but I figure there are way too many of us for the flying monkeys to destroy.

the unappreciated charisma of cows (Aimless), Thursday, 12 November 2020 03:48 (three years ago) link

My uncle, who is 89, was just diagnosed positive

DJP, Thursday, 12 November 2020 17:07 (three years ago) link

Uh, sorry.

An Andalusian Do-rag (James Redd and the Blecchs), Thursday, 12 November 2020 17:08 (three years ago) link

sorry Dan, best wishes to him

longtime caller, first time listener (man alive), Thursday, 12 November 2020 17:09 (three years ago) link

Sorry Dan, sending good thoughts to you and your family.

soaring skrrrtpeggios (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Thursday, 12 November 2020 17:12 (three years ago) link

So sorry, Dan. Best wishes for his health.

Fetchboy, Thursday, 12 November 2020 17:23 (three years ago) link

best wishes for your uncle, Dan.

Lover of Nixon (or LON for short) (Neanderthal), Thursday, 12 November 2020 18:23 (three years ago) link

He was not hospitalized and his daughter/granddaughter are monitoring his oxygen levels, which have been pretty steady even though he's been physically weak. He fell twice a week and a half ago and they took him to the ER thinking he'd had another stroke.

DJP, Thursday, 12 November 2020 18:27 (three years ago) link

best wishes to you and lukas; fuck this pandemic

like, I’m eating an elephant head (katherine), Thursday, 12 November 2020 18:31 (three years ago) link

ugh. what hell that would be on anybody's psyche. glad to hear his oxygen has been steady


Lover of Nixon (or LON for short) (Neanderthal), Thursday, 12 November 2020 18:33 (three years ago) link

sorry Dan sending positive thoughts

Blues Guitar Solo Heatmap (Free Download) (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Thursday, 12 November 2020 18:41 (three years ago) link

Sending love to you and your uncle xx

scampopo (suzy), Thursday, 12 November 2020 18:46 (three years ago) link

Sorry, DJP. Best to your uncle.

the colour out of space (is the place) (PBKR), Thursday, 12 November 2020 18:46 (three years ago) link

That sucks Dan, sorry.

lukas, Thursday, 12 November 2020 18:52 (three years ago) link

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