Free as a Dodo: UK Politics Welcomes 2021

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would I be rude in suggesting a UK covid thread? I can't keep up with the general ukpol one but the covid stuff is useful to me. however I understand if it'd get too messy.

kinder, Friday, 1 January 2021 20:43 (three years ago) link

> this too

Based upon the biology, I'd eat my hat if the Pfizer vaccine is substantially less effective with a longer dose interval. Most vaccines induce stronger immune responses with longer intervals. A couple of examples below. There are more.

— Sandy Douglas (@sandyddouglas) January 1, 2021

From what I can parse, obvs not a scientist or anything, if this is the logic used for the decision it seems sound...?

scampish inquisition (gyac), Friday, 1 January 2021 20:45 (three years ago) link

i guess we’re gonna find out one way or another

you are like a scampicane, there's calm in your fries (bizarro gazzara), Friday, 1 January 2021 20:51 (three years ago) link

Thanks, that’s quite persuasive as far as ultimate efficacy - but the worrying thing is still the potential for vaccine resistant strains to evolve if millions of people are going around for months not fully vaccinated, no?

Cheese flavoured Momus (wins), Friday, 1 January 2021 20:56 (three years ago) link

Yeah was thinking we could use a UK Covid thread even though it’s massively political anyway. (I wouldn’t put it past them to somehow fuck up the second dose in the name of the economy)

stet, Friday, 1 January 2021 20:57 (three years ago) link

It'd only end up being about the US anyway.

Eggbreak Hotel (Tom D.), Friday, 1 January 2021 20:59 (three years ago) link

the Outbreak thread is quite US-centric already tho

kinder, Friday, 1 January 2021 21:01 (three years ago) link

Yes, I'm joking but...

Eggbreak Hotel (Tom D.), Friday, 1 January 2021 21:02 (three years ago) link

xp I agree but they don’t seem too concerned about it? I wonder if there was the same concern about MMR vaccines where the spacing is years apart? My practice asked me (as they don’t have my vaccination records) if I had had the MMR booster, incidentally, and I said I thought I had but wasn’t sure, but they want me to get it anyway because there’s always outbreaks in the area.

scampish inquisition (gyac), Friday, 1 January 2021 21:03 (three years ago) link

Idk if we need a separate UK covid thread? There’s already a couple of covid threads knocking around and I’m sure I’m not the only one who eyerolls at the USilx tendency to have multiple threads of theirs on the go.

scampish inquisition (gyac), Friday, 1 January 2021 21:04 (three years ago) link

chalk up another U-turn in the 'wasn't forced by the labour party' column

||||||||, Friday, 1 January 2021 21:04 (three years ago) link

should be no USilx threads on the go imo

||||||||, Friday, 1 January 2021 21:06 (three years ago) link


scampish inquisition (gyac), Friday, 1 January 2021 21:08 (three years ago) link

We could have separate covid threads for each of the home nations maybe? Devolved threads, as it were.

meanwhile back at the song (Matt #2), Friday, 1 January 2021 21:17 (three years ago) link

And what about the Free State?

Eggbreak Hotel (Tom D.), Friday, 1 January 2021 21:21 (three years ago) link

I didn’t have long to wait for them to fuck about with the second dose some more: apparently we are now going to mix and match vaccines?

stet, Friday, 1 January 2021 22:24 (three years ago) link

without knowing much about the science of vaccination, that sounds very bad practise.

calzino, Friday, 1 January 2021 22:28 (three years ago) link

lmao we’re just going all-out to try and create a world-ending supermutant strain, never been more proud to be british

you are like a scampicane, there's calm in your fries (bizarro gazzara), Friday, 1 January 2021 22:40 (three years ago) link

Maybe this is the real post-Brexit strategy, lay waste to the world so we're starting from a level playing field

Uptown Top Scamping (Noodle Vague), Friday, 1 January 2021 23:02 (three years ago) link

The immediate issue again is not that these may be legitimate strategies for vaccination but that there's no communication or evidence coming from the government itself.

I'm sure our media will chase them up on it tho

Uptown Top Scamping (Noodle Vague), Friday, 1 January 2021 23:05 (three years ago) link

Hopefully they’ll leak something to the Telegraph soon

stet, Friday, 1 January 2021 23:22 (three years ago) link

I hate to do this again but (bold mine):

Previous incomplete vaccination

If the course is interrupted or delayed, it should be resumed using the same vaccine but the first dose should not be repeated. There is no evidence on the interchangeability of the COVID-19 vaccines although studies are underway. Therefore, every effort should be made to determine which vaccine the individual received and to complete with the same vaccine. For individuals who started the schedule and who attend for vaccination at a site where the same vaccine is not available, or if the first product received is unknown, it is reasonable to offer one dose of the locally available product to complete the schedule. This option is preferred if the individual is likely to be at immediate high risk or is considered unlikely to attend again.

In these circumstances, as both the vaccines are based on the spike protein, it is likely the second dose will help to boost the response to the first dose. For this reason, until additional information becomes available, further doses would not then be required.
Individuals who are participating in a clinical trial of COVID-19 vaccines who present for vaccination should be referred back to the investigators. Eligible persons who are enrolled in vaccine trials should then be provided with written advice on whether and when they can be safely vaccinated in the routine programme.

It reads as contingency planning for what to do in a difficult situation for doctors, no?

Furthermore, this professor says that it will likely work, but again, it’s not the officially endorsed approach aiui:

The good thing about the mRNA vaccine is that if you prime with it, you can boost with other types of vaccines (viral vectored, DNA, mRNA…etc). In the future, a mixed prime boost vaccine strategies can be tested to provide long term protective immunity. (9/n)

— Prof. Akiko Iwasaki (@VirusesImmunity) January 1, 2021

scampish inquisition (gyac), Friday, 1 January 2021 23:36 (three years ago) link

I'm thinking if we don't have a proper national lockdown again and close schools in other tiered zones outside of that there Londonium and the SE, then by mid January we might be having more daily deaths than in Brazil. They probably don't count many of the deaths inside their huge favelas idk, but still running close to fucking things up as badly as a country with 3 and half times the population and led by a covid-hawk fascist lunatic would be truly Global Britaining it.

calzino, Friday, 1 January 2021 23:43 (three years ago) link

Schools being open also gives rise to the mindset of 'oh well the kids are mixing in schools so it's ok to mix with their parents/break X rule' etc.
As shit as it is having kids off school, and I don't underestimate the longterm problems of this, I do think it's madness to send them back within 10 days of the Christmas free-for-all.
I'm pretty set on keeping mine off for the first week, whatever happens, even though cases are low in my immediate area.

kinder, Friday, 1 January 2021 23:53 (three years ago) link

it's very bad for the mental health of my son to keep him out of school and I can see how hard it hits him, but these are desperate times. Of course lots of these politician arseholes from Labour + the Conservatives who've previously been ruthless in their parliamentary voting on matters that badly affect millions of children are suddenly very *concerned* about what lockdowns are doing to their mental well-being.

calzino, Saturday, 2 January 2021 00:10 (three years ago) link

So this is another reading of that nytimes article.

i've seen plausible threads saying this is worth doing, but it's being done because we don't have enough vaccines, which make the justifications look like policy based evidence making.

— jamie k (@jkbloodtreasure) January 1, 2021

xyzzzz__, Saturday, 2 January 2021 00:13 (three years ago) link

It does read like gyac says but perhaps because it is This Lot after all that tweet feels closer to it - they are giving doctors a way out a difficult situation: a situation they created by fucking up procurement.

Weren’t they boasting of having ordered 30 million vaccinations not that long ago?

stet, Saturday, 2 January 2021 01:00 (three years ago) link

Kinder’s right about the weird effect schools being open has on parent behaviour too. Even this week I noped out of a park because of the fucking big gaggles of parents. Tier 4, with schools shut, and apart from a scared-looking masked grandparent hiding in a far corner you really wouldn’t have known there was a pandemic on.

stet, Saturday, 2 January 2021 01:04 (three years ago) link

Unions are gunning for Williamson now. Pity nothing matters, that should have been an easy scalp

stet, Saturday, 2 January 2021 01:15 (three years ago) link

Unions should be gunning for Starmer as well, his job is to back them and put political pressure on the UK govt instead of expressing admiration for Theresa May's moral framework - the fucking waste of space.

calzino, Saturday, 2 January 2021 11:41 (three years ago) link



the bed, or something similar trending

calzino, Saturday, 2 January 2021 17:04 (three years ago) link

just be "buhbye dodds, hellow shadow chancellor reeves" no doubt

||||||||, Saturday, 2 January 2021 17:07 (three years ago) link

or more likely just boberto pesto being shithoused by left twitter shenanigans

||||||||, Saturday, 2 January 2021 17:07 (three years ago) link

I hope he's reading it and getting very pissed off

calzino, Saturday, 2 January 2021 17:10 (three years ago) link

Hearing this leaked video may hold some clue to all the chaos this afternoon #starmerquits

— So I Says to Mabel... (@ISaysto) January 2, 2021

calzino, Saturday, 2 January 2021 17:39 (three years ago) link

fs lmaoooooooooooo

||||||||, Saturday, 2 January 2021 17:45 (three years ago) link


Cheese flavoured Momus (wins), Saturday, 2 January 2021 17:45 (three years ago) link

ffs trust hilarity to break out on Twitter while i'm trying to watch the football

Uptown Top Scamping (Noodle Vague), Saturday, 2 January 2021 17:56 (three years ago) link


yeah but at least he snubbed Trump, what a hero.

calzino, Saturday, 2 January 2021 18:06 (three years ago) link

NYT seems to have fucked that tale just like gyac said, while BBC 5 Live has kicked off a scare about kids getting sick that the rcpch is trying to squash

stet, Saturday, 2 January 2021 18:10 (three years ago) link

Sorry what happened with the NYT, stet?! I haven’t been online much today so I’ve missed everything

scampish inquisition (gyac), Saturday, 2 January 2021 18:21 (three years ago) link

Such vultures lol

Anyone standing in the way of CVAs right now is an enemy of society. We ought to have tens of thousands of them. We've got a legal system that allows companies to go bankrupt then reappear as phoenixes with the same staff and owners doing the same thing, let's use it for good.

— Dan Davies (@dsquareddigest) January 2, 2021

xyzzzz__, Saturday, 2 January 2021 18:26 (three years ago) link

Nothing spectacular yet just lots of condemnation/calls to retract among media Twitter and general rinsing xp

stet, Saturday, 2 January 2021 18:37 (three years ago) link

Thanks for that reassuring link, stet!

kinder, Saturday, 2 January 2021 23:01 (three years ago) link

Breaking News:

Teaching & Headteaching Unions have had enough. They’re commencing legal action against this government & advising teachers to stay away from schools until SAGE’s advice is listened too.

I stand in solidarity with them

— Claudia Webbe MP (@ClaudiaWebbe) January 2, 2021

stet, Saturday, 2 January 2021 23:55 (three years ago) link

politico asked uk politicians and commentators how they got through 2020

among a load of shite about family and takeaways and we’ll-stocked booze cupboards, there is this

Priti Patel, home secretary: “Showing the perpetrators of crime that they have nowhere to hide and joining our police on early morning raids — reminding the criminals that we’re coming after them. Supporting our front line and watching them keeping us safe has been humbling. They are real heroes.”

you are like a scampicane, there's calm in your fries (bizarro gazzara), Sunday, 3 January 2021 10:08 (three years ago) link

i wish i was fucking joking

you are like a scampicane, there's calm in your fries (bizarro gazzara), Sunday, 3 January 2021 10:09 (three years ago) link

(no apologies if that was already posted, this thread is now WAY too long and my NEW laptop can't handle it when the hidden replies are unhidden)

mark s, Sunday, 9 May 2021 08:35 (three years ago) link

my sense is that politics and labour in particular is so populated by a huge array of think tank people PR hype men and career politicians shuttling back and forth between lobbying westminster and charity, desperately clinging on to the narrow idea world that supports their careers. anything that really challenges this status quo is the real enemy. The ideals of centrism and neoliberalism were supposed to craft a fairly comfortable niche in the end of history for all these people, the overarching hostility to 'populism' etc I think is borne of this. Anything transformative of this status quo is much more challenging to their position than labour becoming even more defanged than they currently are. I think the vaccillating anxiety around what the current tory government are doing from this point of view comes from the way in which they are obvioulsy both in the business of shredding norms (human rights, 'standards') and fortifying others (corporate hegemony, cultural conservatism).

But yeah I agree that they are deeply uninterested in winning power, they already have the kind of power they are interested in. and I agree that its not some 4d chess they're up to just knee-jerk aversion and hostility to anything that upsets basic tenets of what they consider modern approaches (c. 1996) and can thus bizarrely construct the notion of 'free broadband' as something dessicated and backward. They're sincere whey they say this isn't 'grown up' 'sensible' politics but what they mean is really because it upsets their idea of what it is to be a grown up, to move smoothly through a professionalised world where they wear a suit and say things with confidence. I think the career of chuka umunna is pretty instructive. anyway, i'm pretty sure this is the end of the line for the nhs so there's going to be a hell of a lot of consultancy roles for them to fight over once they've completely collapsed the labour party.

plax (ico), Sunday, 9 May 2021 08:42 (three years ago) link

Did I see correctly Sadiq Khan was advising people not to vote Labour as far back as 2010? (framed in a "we dont currently deserve power" kind of way)? And we've had other Labour figures advising the public not to vote Labour (and not just in the Corbyn years). So there's definitely at least a section that is actively opposed to being in power.

With much of the rest seem like winning or losing is tangential, unrelated to the real aims - the Arsenal of political parties

anvil, Sunday, 9 May 2021 09:08 (three years ago) link

(apologies if I've been the victim of misinformation and got Sadiq wrong, saw it in last day or so and didn't verity its veracity)

anvil, Sunday, 9 May 2021 09:09 (three years ago) link

no he has previous for that, and when he won his first Mayoral election he snubbed Corbyn and then taunted him in a speech where he used the word "power" about 63 times to illustrate that getting into power is something Corbz was incapable of.

calzino, Sunday, 9 May 2021 09:13 (three years ago) link

there's a new and very good thread lads

mark s, Sunday, 9 May 2021 09:14 (three years ago) link

Starmer has that weirdo obsession with 'power' (the word, he has no idea what to do to get it)

xyzzzz__, Sunday, 9 May 2021 09:17 (three years ago) link

Lock thread

let's hear everyone's best impressions of keir starmer having sex

— Ed (@ted_pen) May 8, 2021

xyzzzz__, Sunday, 9 May 2021 09:48 (three years ago) link

Labour's new strategy director...

— Alex Nunns (@alexnunns) May 9, 2021


Scampo di tutti i Scampi (ShariVari), Sunday, 9 May 2021 11:40 (three years ago) link

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