Mostly Apolitical Thread for Discussing/Venting our Rational/Irrational COVID-19 Fears and Experiences in 2020

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Good for you, I guess.

AP Chemirocha (James Redd and the Blecchs), Friday, 28 May 2021 23:11 (three years ago) link

It is good!

Bidh boladh a' mhairbh de 'n láimh fhalaimh (dowd), Saturday, 29 May 2021 04:52 (three years ago) link

The dawdling over the vaccine rollout in Australia is infuriating. We just hit our March target for doses yesterday. The prime minister and health minister have told people ‘it’s not a race’ and ‘it’s OK to wait for the vaccine of your choice’.

I was in the same convention centre for a conference a week ago and dropped by the vaccination Center and there was no line at all, one could walk in no trouble at all. I did ask about a dose of the feared and dreaded Astra-Zeneca that the government has been so busy in undermining the confidence in, but no dice.

Anyway it’s done now and I’m glad I queued yesterday because the computer systems broke this morning and everyone’s vaccine is being processed by hand today and waits are even longer.

American Fear of Scampos (Ed), Saturday, 29 May 2021 04:59 (three years ago) link

I have my Astra-Zeneca booster shot today! Not expecting to die of any blood clotting disorder tbh. Am expecting mild fatigue.

adrian "voodoo" chiles (Matt #2), Saturday, 29 May 2021 08:03 (three years ago) link

wait are we on to boosters now?? i didn’t think that was a thing, yet

Tracer Hand, Saturday, 29 May 2021 09:33 (three years ago) link

2nd shot I mean, although elderly people of my acquaintance are down for the autumn booster already

adrian "voodoo" chiles (Matt #2), Saturday, 29 May 2021 12:00 (three years ago) link

Anti-Lockdown protestors in Westfield this afternoon. In somewhere that obviously wasn't locked down, at least not until their protest caused it to be.

koogs, Saturday, 29 May 2021 18:59 (three years ago) link

Hanging by a lake for a function in the northwoods of Wisconsin, people are pretty chill. Most have had two shots, some just one, mask requirements in the bits of civilization we've seen have been lax, but still lots of masks, considering shots more or less negate the most pressing need. All feels almost... normal.

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 29 May 2021 19:06 (three years ago) link

Re Australia, my SiL is scheduled for her first Pfizer in June, which is earlier than she was expecting.

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 29 May 2021 19:07 (three years ago) link

At a restaurant last night, I saw unmasked waiters for the first time, which knocked me on my heels.

So who you gonna call? The martini police (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Saturday, 29 May 2021 19:27 (three years ago) link

I ate at a place for lunch today where most servers were unmasked but one or two still were.

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 29 May 2021 19:29 (three years ago) link

Also seen lots of joyful hugs the past couple of weeks.

Josh in Chicago, Saturday, 29 May 2021 20:46 (three years ago) link

Anti-lockdown dorks all along the north side of Hyde Park and on the Central Line after their demo; my friend and I were in Hyde Park having a meet-up for our puppies, who are litter brothers. As soon as we saw them - loads were dropping in and out of the demo to sit in the park - we very pointedly put on our masks. Tube VERY crowded with them afterwards, and most of them were crusties or those weird middle-class white women who exude mediocrity and winter colds.

the thin blue lying (suzy), Saturday, 29 May 2021 20:55 (three years ago) link

most of them were crusties

like... punks? Maybe I don't know what this word means now

Guayaquil (eephus!), Saturday, 29 May 2021 21:39 (three years ago) link

Anyway why are there anti-lockdown protests in places that... aren't locked down

Guayaquil (eephus!), Saturday, 29 May 2021 21:40 (three years ago) link

They’re anti-vaxxers and pRoTeSTiNg aGAiNsT tHe SyStEm too. A Scottish friend went to photograph the demo today and got a good vantage point on a centre island, when all of a sudden this old man surrounded by a dozen young women asked if he could take that spot; friend was like NAW, GET TAE FUCK to none other than Piers Corbyn.

the thin blue lying (suzy), Saturday, 29 May 2021 21:51 (three years ago) link

Anyway why are there anti-lockdown protests in places that... aren't locked down

OK I'm sorry I read Hyde Park and thought you were in Chicago, but you're talking about London, which I guess is actually more locked down than here, my bad

Guayaquil (eephus!), Saturday, 29 May 2021 22:04 (three years ago) link

FL officials indicated they aren't reporting any COVID case data this weekend and presumably a few other states are in the same boat.

Can't wait til everyone freaks out at the 'spike' when a three day backlog gets reported all at once

Feta Van Cheese (Neanderthal), Sunday, 30 May 2021 03:49 (three years ago) link

it's barely locked down in London, there is another stage of "fully back to normal" in late June, but really almost everything other than nightclubs is already open, just some limits on capacity. I saw a headline that they were protesting "vaccine passports" and suspect they are general antivaxxer conspiracy theorist jerks.

colette, Sunday, 30 May 2021 06:44 (three years ago) link

Crusties thing checks out, I was having a coffee at a tattoo parlour in letchworth yday and the proprietor and his mate, v much in that demo, were talking about ppl they knew going down to London for it & trying to get them to go (they were saying the protests are a load of bollocks but I did get the vibe that they were truther/anti lockdown/antivax all the same)

Pfizer the pharma chip (wins), Sunday, 30 May 2021 07:55 (three years ago) link

like... punks? Maybe I don't know what this word means now

No, they're basically hippies.

Are Animated Dads Getting Hotter? (Tom D.), Sunday, 30 May 2021 09:15 (three years ago) link

The work colleague who told me she wouldn't get the vaccine hasn't got the dreads, the tattoos and the piercings but she is fundamentally a hippy. They're a menace.

Are Animated Dads Getting Hotter? (Tom D.), Sunday, 30 May 2021 09:28 (three years ago) link

I think those vape-shop owning tattooed + bearded types are part of that same anti-vax subculture, perhaps not as crustie but made from similar pastry.

calzino, Sunday, 30 May 2021 09:38 (three years ago) link

Basically it's people who see the world through the lens of magic rather than anything provable. There's a part of me that would love to see them held down screaming by black-visored security operatives and forcefully vaccinated, probably not the best part of me that's thinking that I will admit but I can't lie.

adrian "voodoo" chiles (Matt #2), Sunday, 30 May 2021 10:02 (three years ago) link

:D @ Hyde Park

Hyde Park, Perth (1899)

Hyde Park, Chicago (1889)

Hyde Park, Los Angeles (1887)
Hyde Park, Kansas (1880s)
Hyde Park, Tampa (1880s)

Hyde Park, Glasgow (1874-1897)

Hyde Park, Boston (1868)

Hyde Park, Townsville (1860s)

Hyde Park, Utah (1860)
Hyde Park, Minnesota (1858)
Hyde Park, Vermont (1839)

Hyde Park, Sheffield (1824)

Hyde Park, NYC, New York (1810)

Hyde Park, Leeds (c. 1800)

Hyde Park, Sydney (1810)

Hyde Park, Long Island, New York (1715)

Hyde Park, London (1536)

bobo honkin' slobo babe (sic), Sunday, 30 May 2021 12:06 (three years ago) link

ok you still can't do par breaks in h tags

bobo honkin' slobo babe (sic), Sunday, 30 May 2021 12:07 (three years ago) link

tickets for the NHL playoff game in Raleigh are actually gettable and affordable but we're not ready to have the kids inside a big ol building with a bunch of adults yet :(

J Edgar Noothgrush (Joan Crawford Loves Chachi), Sunday, 30 May 2021 12:30 (three years ago) link

[ hyde ] park

kinder, Sunday, 30 May 2021 12:51 (three years ago) link


Pfizer the pharma chip (wins), Sunday, 30 May 2021 13:17 (three years ago) link


bobo honkin' slobo babe (sic), Sunday, 30 May 2021 13:17 (three years ago) link

Anti-Lockdown protestors in Westfield this afternoon. In somewhere that obviously wasn't locked down, at least not until their protest caused it to be.

Just saw this on youtube

anvil, Sunday, 30 May 2021 20:52 (three years ago) link

This is quite confusing. There are some people outside that want to go in, and then some other people inside that want to go out. And some of them are protestors and others are just shopping

anvil, Sunday, 30 May 2021 20:57 (three years ago) link

Just got back from our trip to the Northwoods of Wisconsin. The region itself is overwhelmingly Republican, but the mask stuff was pretty reasonable. That is, a mix of those with and without, but nowhere did it feel weird or uncomfortable to don or doff. Most consistent mask wearing was among the small set, kids either too young to be vaccinated or too young to have had more than one shot at this point. The event itself (a three times rescheduled bat mitzvah, of all things, on a lake at a decommissioned summer camp where ... actually, the whole thing is a fascinating story, beginning with the parents, a loud Jewish mom from Long Island and a quiet non-Jewish creative writing teacher born and raised in a small town in Wyoming, now residing in the Northwoods, but that's all for some other thread) was supposedly mostly populated with double-vaxxed folks, with a smattering of single vaxxed and a few unvaxxed (for various reasons) locals scattered among them. The ceremony was outside, and the party was in a big tent, so I suppose there was some risk, but more or less minimal for a large gathering.

Anyway, it all felt pretty good, psychologically, to spend a long more or less carefree weekend with folks, strangers and friends alike, for the first time in forever.

Other anecdotal data from a backyard gathering last night from a friend who owns a few restaurants and concert venues is that for all the guidance the city and state has offered here, places like his are more or less on their own in terms of safety precautions at this point, and even if they weren't, he said the vibe and attitude among those in his industry, vaxxed and not alike, employees and guests alike, is that covid is over and it's time to move on. (Semi-related, he said the labor shortage is real and significant, and that those he's hired as everything from cooks to bartenders have been immediately using the job to bargain for better paying jobs for other places similarly desperate for employees, even when he offers higher pay or cash bonuses, but that's another story as well).

Another take from another friend last night is that with all the unknowns about variants and fall outbreaks and whatnot, those vaxxed (like all of us in the friend group) might as well try to enjoy what we can this summer, because it's easy to see it all getting shut down again in an instant.

Josh in Chicago, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 13:09 (three years ago) link

Staff have gone mask optional (if vaxxed) at Trader Joe's! That's the biggest corner I've seen turned yet.

Josh in Chicago, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 19:02 (three years ago) link

The question is, do they have to give their manager some documentation that they're vaccinated?

Guayaquil (eephus!), Tuesday, 1 June 2021 19:08 (three years ago) link

JiC where'd you go? we were at Lake Tomahawk this weekend. definitely noticed a lot less Trump signs than last time.

frogbs, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 19:12 (three years ago) link

Virginia liquor stores just went "mask optional if vaccinated."

Nostradamusferatu (Ye Mad Puffin), Tuesday, 1 June 2021 19:13 (three years ago) link

Was driving on a local freeway a week ago and a pickup truck went by in the fast lane with a big 'TRUMP' flag still flying. It was tattered and heavily faded. Hadn't seen one in a while, but this is the Portland metro area.

What's It All About, Althea? (Aimless), Tuesday, 1 June 2021 19:17 (three years ago) link

oops! no covid content in that one. anyway, Oregon's case rate rose sharply in March, plateaued in April and fell slowly in May. It doesn't feel like the virus has stopped circulating here, but has only been impeded in its steady march. I've only dispensed with masking up when outdoors - or at home.

What's It All About, Althea? (Aimless), Tuesday, 1 June 2021 19:22 (three years ago) link

my LIBRARY is now OPEN, want to bring them cookie baskets or something, covid's a little bitch, what

cat, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 22:03 (three years ago) link

JiC where'd you go? we were at Lake Tomahawk this weekend. definitely noticed a lot less Trump signs than last time.

Wow, that's exactly where we were! The family has roots there (the grandpa even built one of the camp cabin). It was chilly most of the time, but we had a blast.

Josh in Chicago, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 22:38 (three years ago) link

I've only dispensed with masking up when outdoors - or at home.

― What's It All About, Althea? (Aimless)

aimless btw i thought i saw you walking on a path by kruse way like a week ago, but all i have to go on are ancient wdyll's that i barely remember! anyways, hi!

covid sucks! (just making this thread-appropriate)

Clay, Tuesday, 1 June 2021 23:29 (three years ago) link

(Semi-related, he said the labor shortage is real and significant, and that those he's hired as everything from cooks to bartenders have been immediately using the job to bargain for better paying jobs for other places similarly desperate for employees, even when he offers higher pay or cash bonuses, but that's another story as well).

Good that people are advocating for themselves, imho.

heyy nineteen, that's john belushi (the table is the table), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 00:01 (three years ago) link

considering cheap business owners are lobbying for the end of the $300 federal unemployment and have succeeded in doing so in several states, they can go fuck themselves

Feta Van Cheese (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 00:04 (three years ago) link

sensible moderate real estate guy larry hogan is ending it in MD july 3

superdeep borehole (harbl), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 00:06 (three years ago) link

god bless america

Clara Lemlich stan account (silby), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 00:13 (three years ago) link

there's no such thing as a "labor shortage" you're just not paying enough

Clara Lemlich stan account (silby), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 00:13 (three years ago) link

anyways, hi!

hi, clay. it's possible, I sometimes walk over that way on Saturdays when the office bldgs are vacated.

and yes, covid sucks!

What's It All About, Althea? (Aimless), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 00:14 (three years ago) link

stats are jacked up due to the number of states that didn't report on Memorial Day, but COVID hospitalizations are below 20,000 now, and the 7-day average is below 3,000 now. it's hard to tell until this week ends what case numbers are at, but seems pretty clear that the 7-day average is either already below 20,000 or will be soon (officially it is, but I feel like it's artificial due to abnormally low case counts due to holiday).

Infection rate 2.6% as of last week, down from 2.9% the week previous. Deaths probably below 400 soon (if not already - again, jacked data). NYT reporting no evidence of spike from last month's new CDC guidance, yet (though honestly, such a spike would be much more gradual than immediate as it's not the same as a state that is completely closed opening back up, so obviously too early to declare victory).

Vaccination data is also jacked due to Memorial Day but it seems to be slowing yet again, but we're at about 51% of the entire US population with one shot, 41% fully vaccinated.

there's yr quick hit stats, also Bryce Harper struck out 5 times

Feta Van Cheese (Neanderthal), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 15:25 (three years ago) link

Numbers look incredible, which is promising and much appreciated good news. My state announced that all students must be back in person in the fall, so our district had to backtrack and withdraw the option for any virtual learning next school year.

On one hand, I do get it, we have to plan for schools to be back in person at some point, especially given the mental health issues a lot of kids are suffering by not being able to be around other kids and socialize.

But, at the same time, I do have some hesitancy about being this gung-ho and insistent that all kids must be back in person, especially when virtually every elementary school student in the country is still ineligible for the vaccine. And based on the timing reported thus far, it seems nearly certain that school will be back in session before emergency use is authorized for the next age group. I know the data and science both show that young kids are far less likely to suffer severe consequences from COVID, but it's uh, not zero (and I think the data would be cold comfort for the parents of the roughly 300 kids in America who have died from it). Not to mention recent reporting about kids in Brazil getting hit really hard right now.

soaring skrrrtpeggios (jon /via/ chi 2.0), Wednesday, 2 June 2021 15:41 (three years ago) link

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