Defenestrate Them All: Canadian Politics 2021

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am not that big on strategic voting

didn't mean to imply that you were. I was just complaining about strategic voters on fb who live in urban ridings where the tories have no chance anyway. a lot of canadians don't really understand how our system works.

symsymsym, Tuesday, 24 August 2021 14:38 (three years ago) link

This is interesting and a definite shift, considering how partisan Ford used to be:

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Thursday, 26 August 2021 13:44 (three years ago) link

starting to get a little nervous, polling is shifting to the Cons

symsymsym, Thursday, 26 August 2021 15:20 (three years ago) link

ignore the polls, how have we not learned this by now

bon ivermectin (Murgatroid), Thursday, 26 August 2021 15:28 (three years ago) link

Yeah, they're m/l statistically tied now. The Tory strategy might have actually been correct: perhaps people are resentful of being asked to come out for an unnecessary early election when we're not fully out of the pandemic woods yet but are still happy with Liberal policy.

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Thursday, 26 August 2021 17:06 (three years ago) link

I think hardcore tory voters hate JT so much they don't care what OToole is promising, they just want to see the Libs fail. And if OToole can keep the open bigotry to an acceptable level that might be enough to win our beloved Ontario suburbs.

symsymsym, Friday, 27 August 2021 01:52 (three years ago) link

Really hoping for the 135 lib seats, 40 NDP seats outcome, so they'll actually need the NDP to govern. Dreading the 145 Tory seats, 27 BQ seats outcome. And those two results are both pretty conceivable now.

symsymsym, Friday, 27 August 2021 01:55 (three years ago) link

Ugh Tories pulling slightly ahead of Grits (statistically tied) on CBC poll tracker.

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Saturday, 28 August 2021 15:40 (three years ago) link

This election is grim, but the likeliest outcome - a reduced Liberal minority - is exactly what Trudeau and his team deserve. The increasing chances of a Tory/BQ alliance government is very depressing though.

everything, Sunday, 29 August 2021 00:59 (three years ago) link

why do you think so? pandemic response was pretty good

flopson, Sunday, 29 August 2021 01:03 (three years ago) link

It was a questionable decision to have this election in the first place. A gamble. They look reckless. Then, it gives massive exposure to his opponents. Jagmeet and O'Toole, who so far is successfully playing his cards close to his chest, are now becoming much more familiar to voters - in both cases in a positive way. Trudeau himself is not a convincing spokesman (in my opinion anyway) and he is easily portrayed as weak, patronizing, etc. Both the right and left have immediate issues that are giving their bases tons of energy. Climate change, vaccines, Afghanistan. It has been a shitshow for the Liberals so far.

everything, Sunday, 29 August 2021 02:38 (three years ago) link

So Topham Guerin, the NZ-based PR firm that our Tories hired for this election (, apparently specializes in creating intentionally low-quality memes that go viral in part bc of hate-sharing: . They've worked on winning campaigns for right-wing parties in Australia and the UK.

As per the 2019 Guardian piece on the UK Tories' successful campaign:

The pair’s arrival comes after their success helping Australia’s rightwing coalition unexpectedly win the country’s general election, where they were praised by local media for their understanding of how to fight online campaigns. Purposefully low-quality memes based around popular shows such as Game of Thrones were used in a bid to drive interactions – good or bad – at any cost, on the basis that this would boost the reach of future Facebook posts.

“We’d make them really basic and deliberately lame because they’d get shares and lift our reach; that made our reach for the harder political messages higher,” an anonymous individual told the Sydney Morning Herald, dubbing the strategy “boomer memes” as the content appealed to older audiences.

In recent days, the [ British ] Conservatives have begun purposefully posting badly-designed social media material, at one point urging MPs to back a Brexit deal using the often-derided Comic Sans font. The Tories’ political opponents lined up to mock the image, inadvertently sending it viral and ensuring it was seen by a wider audience.

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Sunday, 29 August 2021 18:54 (three years ago) link

Certainly explains the Wonka ad

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Sunday, 29 August 2021 18:56 (three years ago) link

Your (BC) Liberals:

Last week, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau pledged to impose heavy taxation on those who flipped homes within a year of buying them.

Of the 42 home sales made by Noormohamed since 2005 reviewed by NEWS 1130, 21 would have qualified for the Liberal anti-flipping tax had it been in place.

Punster McPunisher, Monday, 30 August 2021 17:26 (three years ago) link

That riding is probably going to go Conservative now. Great job, Liberals.

everything, Monday, 30 August 2021 17:31 (three years ago) link

100% into a heavy tax for home flipping.

Van Horn Street, Monday, 30 August 2021 19:41 (three years ago) link

Your (BC) Liberals

is he actually a BC Liberal? The Liberal candidate in my riding was an aide to Christy Clark, so no thank you!

symsymsym, Tuesday, 31 August 2021 01:20 (three years ago) link

seeing bus stop ads for the PPC in downtown Vancouver today was disturbing

symsymsym, Tuesday, 31 August 2021 03:46 (three years ago) link

Might normally hesitate before sharing something like this but it's too believable in this case:

hey @ottawacity it sure seems like councilman @RickChiarelli is trying to take me on a vaguely sexual trip to Europe using state funds ???

— cass city (@HeavenlyGrandpa) September 2, 2021

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Friday, 3 September 2021 12:35 (three years ago) link

So at least three women received similar messages. Chiarelli, who's already under investigation for sexual harassment, is saying his account was hacked:

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Friday, 3 September 2021 12:36 (three years ago) link

Maybe not impossible that his account was hacked while his staff were also sending out official business? Not really sure how that works.

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Friday, 3 September 2021 12:37 (three years ago) link

Weird. It is possible though - my own Twitter account always began posting strange links in between my real postings. Despite changing passwords. Only thing that made it stop was to make the account not public. But if you’re going to hack and set someone up, that convo is kind of.. weak?

Kim, Friday, 3 September 2021 19:43 (three years ago) link

Yeah, don't know what to make of it. It seems weird that someone would hack an account to have that conversation but also seems weird that someone who wasn't hacked would do so - why this random comedienne in Chicago? Why just bring up the sexual harassment investigation in the conversation? Would a suburban city councillor even have the power to hire someone like that for a trip to Europe (on what business grounds?) and bill the city?

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Friday, 3 September 2021 23:12 (three years ago) link

New Liberal attack ad - turning around O'Toole's "take Canada back" slogan seems like a good move, as is recalling how right-wing his ideas were before this election campaign.

We can’t let Erin O’Toole take Canada backward.

Now is the time to move forward. For everyone.

— Liberal Party (@liberal_party) September 4, 2021

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Saturday, 4 September 2021 19:39 (three years ago) link

Suspicious death in Truro NS being treated as homicide; possible hate crime

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Tuesday, 7 September 2021 02:38 (three years ago) link

French debate tonight, English debate tomorrow

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 13:12 (three years ago) link

As initially reported by Radio-Canada:

pomenitul, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 14:17 (three years ago) link

From the Radio-Canada piece (, it seemed that scholarly books were even destroyed because they were not written by FN people, regardless of how accurate the information or how progressive the pov was. I can understand removing problem books from curricula but really can't get behind a mass book-burning on the part of a school board and library; O'Toole and Noël both OTM, sadly.

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 14:42 (three years ago) link

why is this event that took place in 2019 a story in 2021? why is it an election issue?

symsymsym, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 14:46 (three years ago) link

Aiui, Radio-Canada only learned of it now, though I'm not sure why since it doesn't seem that the school board tried to keep it a secret at all; on the contrary, they wanted people to know about it. The actions of a Catholic school board in Ontario are definitely not a federal election issue, though; I wasn't thinking of it that way.

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 14:52 (three years ago) link

yeah I find the framing in the NP story very there's not even an attempt to explain why this story is news

symsymsym, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 15:12 (three years ago) link

book burning is always going to be news, I just don't get why this wasn't news in 2019

silverfish, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 15:31 (three years ago) link

Obv an attempt to gin up outrage over the “left” stifling free speech.

I received a big flyer in the mail from my conservative MP (incumbent and sadly not unseatable) with an eye-catching fear-inducing graphic saying “DON’T LET TRUDEAU CENSOR YOUR SPEECH”


Really disheartened by this whole election, it just seems hopeless on every front.

"The Pus/Worm" by The Smiths (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 15:33 (three years ago) link

Like there is obv a huge RW info (disinfo) campaign that paints a Trudeau victory (and it’s always a Trudeau victory, not a Liberal one, capitalizing on people’s distaste for JT personally and ignoring the fact that powers in Canada is not concentrated in the executive) as a doomsday scenario. The number of comments I’ve seen on social media specifically using the word “doomed” makes me think it’s a targeted, coordinated effort.

"The Pus/Worm" by The Smiths (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 15:37 (three years ago) link

right wing parties have been taking their fight online in a much more coordinated effort for a while now. identifying their targets and grooming them with escalating levels of misinformation has worked exceptionally well. i remember nick kouvalis bragging about astroturfing efforts helping to get rob ford elected and the entire "ontario/canada proud" groups being started by a conservative staffer, with dumptrucks of cash from developers. the centre/left parties haven't been nearly as effective at this. maybe they're running on the mistaken assumption that things like facts and compassion are more effective... i dunno. likely, they don't have nearly the amount of wealthy, dubious actors from around the world acting on their behalf.
i've seen a few, otherwise ok, people light-radicalized by these things lately. one previously nice-enough (maybe not the brightest) coworker comes to mind who just shares shit about how much she hates trudeau. no facts or rationales or anything. just pure, seething hatred. seemed totally out of the blue from the person i knew three years ago.

FRAUDULENT STEAKS (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 16:32 (three years ago) link

He is very dislikable for reasons that have nothing to do with how the right frame him.

everything, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 19:03 (three years ago) link

Sure. But he hasnt done anything to warrant having rocks thrown at him.

FRAUDULENT STEAKS (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 19:20 (three years ago) link

He has grown on me tbh. I am actually a little baffled as to what it is that people hate.

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 19:24 (three years ago) link

He is very dislikable for reasons that have nothing to do with how the right frame him.

― everything, Wednesday, September 8, 2021 12:03 PM (thirty minutes ago) bookmarkflaglink

this was my initial reaction. i don't keep up with ontario/liberal politics, but there are a lot of non-right wingers in vancouver that do not like trudeau at all. by the looks of it, the ones i know will vote ndp or green.

in my riding, the same liberal MP has won for decades. i have no idea why aside from people voting for the liberal party/federal libs. okay. i mean, sure. whatever happened to thinking locally? at any rate, she sounds like a despicable human being.

Punster McPunisher, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 19:41 (three years ago) link

he's actually been better then i expected at doing his job (it was a low bar). but there were people at there frothing at the mouth about him long before he'd ever even had the chance to govern.

FRAUDULENT STEAKS (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 19:51 (three years ago) link

i meant to write ontario/ontario liberal politics

also, yes, if i recall correctly those early critics were mostly conservatives

Punster McPunisher, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 20:10 (three years ago) link

am covering the debates tonight/tomorrow

PPC protesters out in full force

sean gramophone, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 22:13 (three years ago) link

Are you at the Museum of Civilisation rn?

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 22:57 (three years ago) link

I, too, am baffled by the vitriol. I’m not thrilled with some very high-profile broken promises, specifically electoral reform and drinkable water on remote reserves, but the scandals have been pretty mild and I thought he’s done a good job leading through the pandemic. Much, much better than our provincial leaders here in the West, obv.

Not sure “he is personally dislikable” is a great reason to go back to letting a party that’s still v much in the thrall of Harper (and leavened with a soupçon of Trump) govern again.

"The Pus/Worm" by The Smiths (hardcore dilettante), Wednesday, 8 September 2021 23:05 (three years ago) link

Are you at the Museum of Civilisation rn?


have now done more recon and see MAK advocates nearly outnumber the Bernieristes.

frankly more distressing to find five TERF protesters on the third street corner!

sean gramophone, Wednesday, 8 September 2021 23:27 (three years ago) link

You will have to explain MAK and TERF

FRAUDULENT STEAKS (The Cursed Return of the Dastardly Thermo Thinwall), Thursday, 9 September 2021 00:33 (three years ago) link

O'Toole really seems to be aiming for some kind of alliance with the Bloc.

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Thursday, 9 September 2021 00:50 (three years ago) link

haha, all i know of the MAK is their wikipedia page

but TERFs are anti-trans "feminist" activists

sean gramophone, Thursday, 9 September 2021 00:51 (three years ago) link

O'Toole has so little to say on the environment I briefly forgot he was in the debate.

Sequel to Sadness (Sund4r), Thursday, 9 September 2021 01:09 (three years ago) link

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