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A serious person at the bad place.

"Ah, but won't your children feel happier that it's a fiscally prudent, Labour-governed ceiling falling in on their heads?"

— James B (@piercepenniless) September 5, 2023

xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 5 September 2023 12:27 (one year ago) link

Bad tweet.

Broke: London is never going to recover from Covid & Work From Home shift.

Woke: We need to turn SE England into mega-London, creating a city on the scale of Tokyo.

Bespoke: We need to turn Oxford-Cambridge into Waitrosegrad, with a higher GDP per capita than the capital.

— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) September 5, 2023

the pinefox, Tuesday, 5 September 2023 14:26 (one year ago) link

I know it's just a frivolous post by an excitable teenager thinking about cool dystopic sci-fi fantasies, but I think having a MORE and BIGGER THAN TOKYO ambition in urban planning realised is only going to make millions of people's quality of living even worse.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 15:35 (one year ago) link

Actually really not quite sure what AB is saying here, or if he is serious about any of it.

I don't get how it squares with his professed love of natural spaces and traditional architecture.

the pinefox, Tuesday, 5 September 2023 15:49 (one year ago) link

even though I don't even know what the definition of a "mega city" is - the most horribly giant cities don't ever seem to have expanded so grotesquely because they planned to be in the big club and love their occupants to choke to death. They seem to grow over decades of chaotic piecemeal development and seem more to be a symptom of things getting out of control rather than something you aim for. Like as if London isn't already a big enough city - no we need Mega-London. Even as a frivolous throway post it's really dumb.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 5 September 2023 19:10 (one year ago) link

It's a much-abused format, but my read is that it's "Here's a problem" - "Here's a stupid solution" - "Here's an even more stupid solution"

Andrew Farrell, Tuesday, 5 September 2023 19:18 (one year ago) link

I have had some engagements with what appear like blood and thunder characters but in person they are shambolic figures incapable of doing things like basic hygiene (this is a specific reference to a journalist). I just thought "why did I ever take what this guy says seriously?"

— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) September 12, 2023

the pinefox, Tuesday, 12 September 2023 12:11 (one year ago) link

Sometimes scruffiness and bad hygiene can be symptoms of someone having a mental health crisis, but either way it isn't a reason to invalidate people, that would be a very arch-tory Thatcher attitude to take. If he's talking about centrist journalists - you don't need to find superficial reasons to invalidate them. This dickhead might be the best turned out useful idiot on GB News, but the Left will never take him seriously again. His luxury communism book - I'd be embarrassed to have that in my house.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 12 September 2023 12:24 (one year ago) link

Michael js Walker rn

— Y (@tinscognito__) September 15, 2023

xyzzzz__, Friday, 15 September 2023 11:46 (one year ago) link

Once they were defeated by the EU it was only a matter of time.

I suppose ending up being run by a shipping executive marks Syriza’s real absorption into the Greek political establishment. Very bleak that a left-wing party should elect a leader whose primary argument is that they should turn themselves into the DNC.

— James B (@piercepenniless) September 25, 2023

xyzzzz__, Monday, 25 September 2023 09:52 (one year ago) link

oof! that is grim.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Monday, 25 September 2023 10:23 (one year ago) link

syriza was always already an uneasy coalition of left and very-much-not-left (something butler used to know and vociferously say!)

(i've actually grown to like butler, who i found insufferable back in the occupy days -- but i like him primarily because he's a haven of high-cultural reflection, which is only a good reason when nearly no one else takes on this role any more)

mark s, Monday, 25 September 2023 10:30 (one year ago) link

vault boy just seems so dreadful

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Monday, 25 September 2023 11:09 (one year ago) link

I met him the other week at a friend’s book launch. Liked him based on that brief interaction.

steely flan (suzy), Monday, 25 September 2023 11:57 (one year ago) link

just for some clarity in case it's needed. I meant mr thumbs up shipping exec in the pic there, not James B!

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Monday, 25 September 2023 12:06 (one year ago) link

anyone else think PASOK are owed a bit of an apology here

xl bully romance (Bananaman Begins), Monday, 25 September 2023 14:52 (one year ago) link

Very funny disagreements

You are misreading the tweet if you think it's an objection to periodising capitalism in any sense, rather than bad writing from people wanting to appear sophisticated by using muddy and vague jargon.

— James B (@piercepenniless) September 26, 2023

xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 26 September 2023 11:04 (one year ago) link

would he prefer "very naughty laissez-faire economics" or something. Seeing as though it is driving the end of human civilisation through climate catastrophe "late-period" sounds about right because it is used in the epochs and usually describes a period before a mass extinction event.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 26 September 2023 11:22 (one year ago) link

Please save GB news (so I can go on it)

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 28 September 2023 09:47 (one year ago) link

This is a really extraordinary conclusion from Boulton. Basically: a station should be punished for transgressing ofcom rules (I obviously agree - and the Fox incident clearly does that in my view) but also that a station should be shut because it damages a ‘fragile broadcast…

— Aaron Bastani (@AaronBastani) September 27, 2023

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 28 September 2023 09:47 (one year ago) link

Lol they are not even getting paid to go on Sky News

The real-time, mid-interview realisation that this man is, in fact, being paid when I was not, as I was talking about how tiring it was to constantly have this discussion about misogyny redirected by media figures who deny misogyny even exists

— Moya Lothian-McLean (@mlothianmclean) September 27, 2023

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 28 September 2023 09:51 (one year ago) link

That’s not funny; she probably has a vast claim against the news orgs that paid her opposite number in papers reviews/debates but ‘couldn’t get budget’ to pay her.

It’s SAR time!

steely flan (suzy), Thursday, 28 September 2023 10:40 (one year ago) link

The real-time, mid-interview realisation that the Wallet Inspector is not actually in a position of genuine authority

xl bully romance (Bananaman Begins), Thursday, 28 September 2023 11:12 (one year ago) link

To me it's funny; Novara are, in my view, meant to build their own news and networks with other left-wing media and ultimately their own ecology and not supply lone leftie voices to other news orgs. Would've thought they'd make sure of an appearance fee.

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 28 September 2023 12:44 (one year ago) link

(i've actually grown to like butler, who i found insufferable back in the occupy days -- but i like him primarily because he's a haven of high-cultural reflection, which is only a good reason when nearly no one else takes on this role any more)

― mark s, Monday, 25 September 2023 bookmarkflaglink

Very good set of reflections here, sparked off by a review of a new translation of Homer.

My Greek is fairly good, yet I would be wary about pronouncing on the virtues of a translation in a review. Let alone a translator's supposed agenda. Striking that a lack of Greek (and a somewhat spotty grasp of the poem) proves no obstacle for the bold minds of Compact.

— James B (@piercepenniless) September 29, 2023

xyzzzz__, Friday, 29 September 2023 09:49 (one year ago) link

Sad to read the editor's letter. Horizons narrowed, bits of writing around the five minutes' worth of possibilities is all that's there.

We're really excited to (finally!) publish the first batch of pieces in our CLASS edition. Lots more still to come, but for now, we hope you enjoy it!

— New Socialist (@NewSocialistNS) September 30, 2023

xyzzzz__, Monday, 2 October 2023 10:45 (eleven months ago) link

xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 3 October 2023 07:03 (eleven months ago) link

If Bastani went on his right-wing shows like this it would be better, but also he wouldn't be allowed to go after a few weeks.

Holy SHIT this man is COOKIN

— 🫡🏴 (@corncommunist) October 5, 2023

xyzzzz__, Thursday, 5 October 2023 15:09 (eleven months ago) link

so fucking concise and sharp, everything Bastani isn't

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Thursday, 5 October 2023 15:18 (eleven months ago) link

These people will @ you as if you wrote the 2019 Labour manifesto. I'm not a pacifist. I believe oppressed people deserve to fight for freedom in the ways that they deem appropriate. Incidentally, you believe this too, but only if the victims are imperial powers.

— Rivkah Brown (@rivkahbrown) October 7, 2023

xyzzzz__, Sunday, 8 October 2023 12:10 (eleven months ago) link

Rivkah is solid.

xyzzzz__, Sunday, 8 October 2023 12:11 (eleven months ago) link

good short piece on Palestinian voices on UK media. Imagine being Palestinian and getting accused of "minimising" by Boris fucking Johnson's sister.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 10 October 2023 16:02 (eleven months ago) link

well not strictly UK, but they face the same shit in the US

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 10 October 2023 16:03 (eleven months ago) link

Bastani is a cop part #2722556271

hope you’re happy to have promoted this

— Nihal | نهال (@nihalist___) October 16, 2023

xyzzzz__, Monday, 16 October 2023 20:22 (eleven months ago) link

Bastani has seriously fucked any remaining good will he had from the left and i'm amazed he's continuing to defend this

no gap tree for old men (Noodle Vague), Tuesday, 17 October 2023 08:58 (eleven months ago) link

It's bro-y doubling down, which is often my default mode online, but not when it comes to handing people over to the pigs.

xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 17 October 2023 13:59 (eleven months ago) link


I couldn't be opening my mouth as big as you are doing right now, when you were throwing rocks at bank back in 2011. Want to talk about shame? Let's talk about your criminal record.

— Dan🇨🇴 (@LTAD_98) October 17, 2023

xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 17 October 2023 14:09 (eleven months ago) link

agree that Bastani is not good and is actually getting worse. Ash Sarkar meets Gary Younge was a good interview though.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 17 October 2023 15:16 (eleven months ago) link

three weeks pass...

did somebody say doubling down?

it shouldn't need saying at this point, but this man is not a comrade, not part of anything worth calling a left, he is a fucking clown

— michael richmond (@Sisyphusa) November 12, 2023

no gap tree for old men (Noodle Vague), Sunday, 12 November 2023 13:21 (ten months ago) link

two weeks pass...

this compact and insightful Ash Sakar interview with Rashid Khalidi is very good. The Brits thought a Jewish population in the Palestinian Mandate could be like a Middle Eastern loyalist Ulster doing their Arab oppression for them, the Jewish population told the Brits "suck it"!

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Monday, 27 November 2023 08:24 (ten months ago) link

two months pass...

The El Salvador elections are a real challenge to liberal left (of which I'm generally part).

Due process went out the window, human rights quashed, but crime fell dramatically and the vast majority loved it.

— Michael Walker (@michaeljswalker) February 5, 2024

xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 08:03 (seven months ago) link

Human rights groups say that thousands have been arbitrarily arrested during his anti-gang drive.
Amnesty International criticised the "gradual replacement of gang violence with state violence".

the pro-Duterte wing of the liberal left, what a fucking tool he is.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 6 February 2024 09:37 (seven months ago) link

I don't know that much about El Salvador, but the impression I got is that Bukele's policies have 'worked' in as much as crime has reduced dramatically? So it's a challenge to the liberal left in as much as the liberal left often argues that tough-on-crime policies are counterproductive, don't actually reduce crime because other criminals take the place of the ones you've taken off the streets, when you eventually release the people you lock up they are more likely to be involved with gangs and commit serious crimes - Bukele has shown that if you brute force it, lock up enough people, get around the problem of what happens when you let them out by just not letting them out, then you can significantly reduce crime this way. And if the negative consequences of eliminating due process are concentrated on a specific 10% of society then that still leaves you with the support of 90% of the population.

Has Bukele's success in reducing crime been overstated? I know some have pointed out that crime was already falling before he took office and have accused him of secretly negotiating with gangs, but even his critics seem to acknowledge that what he's done has had a big effect. Or is his policy unsustainable, something that 'works' to reduce crime for a period of time but will eventually lead to negative consequences even for the 90% who aren't currently targets of the crackdown?

soref, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 10:20 (seven months ago) link

Only eight months before the election, the Legislative Assembly passed a reform that introduced a new method of counting votes. The D’Hondt formula is a proportional seat allocation system, which, for many analysts, implies favoring the majority parties. This could even go against the pluralistic system of political parties guaranteed in the Inter-American Democratic Charter because there is a high risk that Nuevas Ideas -Bukele’s party- will become the only ruling party in the Assembly, leaving out the political opposition necessary in any representative democracy.

erasing all opposition parties through dodgy electoral reform bills, mass arbitrary arrests - but at least crime is down. It shouldn't even require a 2nd thought to condemn this shit if you are the so-called liberal left.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 6 February 2024 10:31 (seven months ago) link

of course the liberal left should condemn it, but if they condemn it and it's still wildly popular and their condemnation is entirely ineffectual then that's still a 'real challenge'

soref, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 10:34 (seven months ago) link

How can you know it is wildly popular when there is no electoral oversight, and a strongman leader who is getting rid of judges, doing away with the constitution. Making himself the only power.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 6 February 2024 10:45 (seven months ago) link

Not entirely clear which ‘liberal left’ this is meant to be a challenge for, tbh. Is the expectation that external condemnation from people who can’t make a dent in their own political processes would have a meaningful impact on El Salvador’s? Is the ‘liberal left’ here meant to mean Biden and Trudeau, who have sort of ineffectually condemned bits of it? Is the idea that because it’s popular in a country that had a murder rate 100x that of the UK’s the same
could potentially apply here?

ShariVari, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 10:51 (seven months ago) link

lol, I took it as meaning himself. I read that the Biden administration sanctioned them for bribing crime gangs to cut down on the homicide, lads.

vodkaitamin effrtvescent (calzino), Tuesday, 6 February 2024 10:55 (seven months ago) link

Yep, basically they had a deal with the gangs to allow them to operate / have a degree of protection from extradition to the US in order to keep violence to a minimum - which hit a barrier, iirc because they were getting pressure to extradite one of the leaders, which led to the gangs murdering a bunch of people. After that, Bukele pretty much mandated arresting anyone who was loosely suspected of gang affiliation, including 1000+ children.

Whether the murder rate declining indicates that organised crime has decreased or if it has just been monopolised by the state / state-affiliated gangs who don’t need to murder their rivals if they’re all locked up is not completely clear.

ShariVari, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 12:27 (seven months ago) link

"Bukele has shown that if you brute force it, lock up enough people, get around the problem of what happens when you let them out by just not letting them out, then you can significantly reduce crime this way."

Starmer fans are logging on.

xyzzzz__, Tuesday, 6 February 2024 13:06 (seven months ago) link

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