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He was begging to get his ass kicked even more than usual on these specials.

Chris L, Monday, 11 March 2024 16:14 (six months ago) link

can't help but wonder if Joey's "softball team" is about to pay him a visit

frogbs, Monday, 11 March 2024 17:24 (six months ago) link

replay is now up btw, I rewatched the end to see if I could figure anything else out and noticed when Tim is backstage cursing out Joey and G. Amato he walks past Gregg who says "Tim! Oppenheimer won!" lmao

frogbs, Monday, 11 March 2024 17:25 (six months ago) link

oh god movie links

ivy., Monday, 11 March 2024 20:21 (six months ago) link

I don’t know if I’ll watch live again tbh but glad I did at least once, during movie links frogbs & I both just posted “oh no” at the same time & I wondered how many ppl were also saying/typing “oh no” at that moment

cozen itt (wins), Monday, 11 March 2024 20:41 (six months ago) link

I do need to watch the recording just to see the 10 minutes that the stream was down — I need to know how many Hei points that guy won!

cozen itt (wins), Monday, 11 March 2024 20:45 (six months ago) link

in the Discord it was a LOT

in the Office Hours Patreon Tim gives credit to the "crowd" who did a remarkable job of staying stonefaced the whole time, which apparently caused IRL Tim to wonder if any of the bits were landing. though I did see one audience member really struggle to keep it together when "Big Bird" came out

frogbs, Monday, 11 March 2024 20:46 (six months ago) link

I’m not really into liveposting & would only come here in the breaks but I had to post at that moment

The extras were great, big laugh early on was the cut to the woman absolutely cramming a funnel cake

cozen itt (wins), Monday, 11 March 2024 20:54 (six months ago) link

hah same I had to post mostly to find a way to look away from the screen while that was happening

had the Discord feed on the side for a while because they capture great screencaps but it became too distracting

favorite extra was prob the woman working the booth who looked absolutely miserable. was the implication that everyone had been there for 3 days?

frogbs, Monday, 11 March 2024 21:00 (six months ago) link

I don’t think they had a 1-day option for buffs 😕

cozen itt (wins), Monday, 11 March 2024 21:03 (six months ago) link

it really was the knock out


frogbs, Monday, 11 March 2024 21:34 (six months ago) link

At least the Kettleheads out there got some content

latebloomer, Monday, 11 March 2024 22:08 (six months ago) link

“I know what Paula Poundstone’s signature looks like and that ain’t it!”

latebloomer, Monday, 11 March 2024 22:35 (six months ago) link

wonder how long Joey sticks around in this series. it doesn't really make sense to have him but OC does find a way to make its best characters stick around so I'm sure we'll see him. would be really funny if Tim holds a major grudge against him for beating him up during his own special and found ways to get his ass kicked worse and worse

frogbs, Wednesday, 13 March 2024 03:33 (six months ago) link

two weeks pass...

Scorsese’s secret life as an obsessive VHS archivist

It’s a shame the show’s season has ended—I can easily imagine Gregg boasting of how he’s in talks with Scorsese re: the VFA, similar to the storyline about him writing to Tim Burton.

blatherskite, Tuesday, 2 April 2024 13:19 (five months ago) link

Rewatching currently, hit season 9 and the back-end of that season is a massive peak in this show. Particularly the run of ep 7. Gregg and Mark shit all over Tim killing 20 kids, ep 8. Joe comes in to tell his potato story while calling Tim who informs he’ll be out for the next episode and looks forward to watching last weeks episode and ep 9. “On the advice of my council, we are here to talk about the movies”

H.P, Monday, 15 April 2024 03:07 (five months ago) link

that slow zoom in on their faces during that part where Mark & Gregg find out Tim is going to be back is hilarious but also one of those moments that weirdly bothers me, like it's the kind of humor that SNL does, which is kind of the polar opposite of how On Cinema is

frogbs, Monday, 15 April 2024 03:12 (five months ago) link

“I hope everyone gets better, the folks that are still in the hospital….. I’m praying for you….. see you next week!”

H.P, Monday, 15 April 2024 03:13 (five months ago) link

Yeah, it’s a break in style, but I think it makes sense in-universe! The ‘production’ crew are Tim’s lackeys and have no respect for Gregg (There’s an earlier episode where Gregg says to cut the lights and they don’t, waiting for Tim’s direction).

H.P, Monday, 15 April 2024 03:14 (five months ago) link

My stupid fan-theory: the “production” is some lovecraftian, beastly apparatus of Tim. The show will never stop, because Tim is the show. His cosmic weight instantly pulls in all passer-by’s to have their life’s destroyed through the mundanity of two, soulless men reading movie synopses and muttering “5 bags, and 2 bags of soda”. The production is the beast

H.P, Monday, 15 April 2024 03:18 (five months ago) link

Omg I forgot Dr. San hangs himself

H.P, Monday, 15 April 2024 03:19 (five months ago) link

reminds me of probably my favorite joke of this season which is Toni having that really macho intro music blaring when she's first introduced, it's a wordless joke but it's really deeply funny once you understand like 4 things about the show

frogbs, Monday, 15 April 2024 03:19 (five months ago) link

Gregg finds so much joy in Tim murdering 20 kids that when he finally gets an episode to himself to host, he can’t even talk about the movies. Now that’s a 5 bagger move

H.P, Monday, 15 April 2024 03:23 (five months ago) link

see thats something I really love about it, the constant bickering and sniping between them would feel kinda forced if not for the fact that they really do each have dozens of reasons to hate each other. its a very palpable hatred that a lot of comedies use but don't really earn the way this show does

frogbs, Monday, 15 April 2024 03:28 (five months ago) link

Otm. The hate is palpable, it’s the fuel to every episode.

Watching the Trial for the second time and it’s an amazing piece of satire on how Trump won the presidency. Maybe obvious to others, my Australian eyes didn’t see it the first time tho

H.P, Monday, 15 April 2024 09:20 (five months ago) link

Tim is genuinely great in how he is able to catch the vibe of a certain type of American guy without going in for obvious parody of specific people. Tim also seems to have a good sense of detecting right-wing trends early, like his character's turn to alternative medicine long before COVID (because of "Obamacare")*

*Like during the Obama administration I noticed the right-wingers in my Washington exurb start to get interested in what had previously been left-coded things like backyard chickens and acupuncture because Obamacare poisoned all our food and medicine.

Slorg is not on the Slerf Team, you idiot, you moron (Boring, Maryland), Monday, 15 April 2024 15:18 (five months ago) link

It really shows up how lame pretty much all other liberal comics’ satire of the trump era is, everything else feels cheap & reactive where this managed to anticipate the bizarrest stuff years in advance and really get into how these guys think

subpost master (wins), Monday, 15 April 2024 16:12 (five months ago) link

xps tim & Gregg have a Walt-Jesse level toxic relationship at this point, so much ill feeling but they can’t extricate themselves from each other — & there are moments where they reveal they do sort of care for each other a bit, but always in an ultimately abusive way

It’s very funny how they both seem not fully conscious of how much the hatred is driving how they think, like Tim basing his whole self-help cult around the idea that watching lots of films is dangerous or Gregg spinning his resentment of dekkar into a dislike of all music

subpost master (wins), Monday, 15 April 2024 16:22 (five months ago) link

managed to anticipate the bizarrest stuff years in advance


Evan, Monday, 15 April 2024 16:27 (five months ago) link

I've probably pointed it out before but Tim trying to explain why he's trying to pay for Ayaka's abortion despite being staunchly pro-life is maybe the best encapsulation of Republican 'logic' I've ever seen

frogbs, Monday, 15 April 2024 21:22 (five months ago) link

You need options

Slorg is not on the Slerf Team, you idiot, you moron (Boring, Maryland), Monday, 15 April 2024 21:52 (five months ago) link

Sometimes situations occur

frogbs, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 00:05 (five months ago) link

The situation had to be evacuated

H.P, Tuesday, 16 April 2024 00:11 (five months ago) link

Getting a little choked up at the 40 years of Jaws 2 montage (which is actually a Jaws 3 montage; movie buffs will know). So great to see so many people around the world celebrate such a massive milestone. Jaws 2 made it! to think we're only 4 years from the big 50!

H.P, Thursday, 18 April 2024 01:43 (five months ago) link

the people’s joker (written and directed by on cinema editor vera drew) is so good

ivy., Thursday, 18 April 2024 02:53 (five months ago) link

two weeks pass...

well this is not where I was expecting this to go


frogbs, Friday, 3 May 2024 22:11 (four months ago) link

the fact that the shooter was calling for Toni still seems to be an outstanding point, especially since in retrospect she did get kinda weird when the subject of computers was brought up?

lmao that Tim was right when he said it was "just some dude"

frogbs, Friday, 3 May 2024 22:15 (four months ago) link

i was assuming that joaqin is joey p's real name? or am i missing something

paul mccartney and wigs (diamonddave85), Saturday, 4 May 2024 21:23 (four months ago) link

nah, Joey's supposed to be Italian and he ain't 27, plus whoever it was got shot and nearly bled to death, whereas Joey was healthy enough to beat both Tim AND Gregg's asses during the Oscar Special

still kinda suspicious that Joey happened to be in Mexico while it went on, not to mention Tim pointing the finger directly at Amato. maybe he just inferred what everyone watching did but I'd assume he knows *something*

gotta say the show is almost starting to remind of something like Breaking Bad, it's leaving all these little crumbs around pointing at a larger story but there's still so much left to be revealed. I wonder if G. Amato's interest in HEI points and Matt's own crypto scam are gonna be linked in any way

frogbs, Saturday, 4 May 2024 22:21 (four months ago) link

“Timothy Newman”

Allen (etaeoe), Saturday, 4 May 2024 22:45 (four months ago) link

cant tell if having all this potentially being nothing is irritating or brilliant

frogbs, Thursday, 16 May 2024 04:10 (four months ago) link

Like the Breaking Bad analogy above, this show is always misdirecting you. It’s brilliant of course.

Are you addicted to struggling with your horse? (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 16 May 2024 12:38 (four months ago) link

"it is a crazy conspiracy theory created by what is clearly a mentally-compromised...nutcase" joey is so good

ivy., Thursday, 16 May 2024 19:56 (four months ago) link

congrats to bill brown

c u (crüt), Thursday, 16 May 2024 20:29 (four months ago) link

Bill Brown, a king’s king.

Allen (etaeoe), Thursday, 16 May 2024 20:47 (four months ago) link

What’s Joey P’s deal? He’s a far better actor than what I’ve come to expect.

Allen (etaeoe), Thursday, 16 May 2024 20:47 (four months ago) link

I think Tim was looking for someone normal to play a normal person instead of the usual weirdos they have in the extended Tim and Eric universe

Are you addicted to struggling with your horse? (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 16 May 2024 21:56 (four months ago) link

he's the only person in the show's history to give actual movie reviews lol

frogbs, Thursday, 16 May 2024 22:00 (four months ago) link

three weeks pass...


Return of the Roller Blade Seven
starring joe estevez, frank stallone, and more.
1.9/10 bags of imdb popcorn.

211 people voted. 33 people gave it 10 bags of popcorn, including the review below. unfortunately 102 people gave it 1 bag of popcorn.

This is a Great Film!
uscfilmgrad200021 February 2004
I am always amused when anonymous reviewers attempt to criticizes actors and filmmakers here at IMDb.com. Most of the time I simply read the reviews and chuckle. But, in regard to this film, I feel like I really need to put in my two cents, because it seems that most of the reviewers are either missing the point of this film or simply want to attack the filmmakers, (for whatever reason).

First of all, I am grad film student at U.S.C. In one of my classes we went through the three films associated with the project, THE ROLLER BLADE SEVEN, RETURN OF THE ROLLER BLADE SEVEN, and LEGEND OF THE ROLLER BLADE SEVEN, frame by frame. So, I believe I know these films as well as anyone, expect maybe the filmmaker. And, 'Yes,' I have gone to both Scott Shaw's and Donald G. Jackson's websites and have read what they have had to say about these films. What I have to say is that they accomplished exactly what they set out to do; to make a completely nontraditional, art based, film.

Now, I am not saying this is the greatest film every. What I am saying, however, is that the filmmakers used every element at their disposable to, as they put it, 'Push the envelope,' of film-making.

If you look at what Donald G. Jackson and Scott Shaw accomplished in this film, with out any of the computer technology which became available after this film was made, they did one hell of a great job. The camera work is great, the editing is great, the story line, (or lack of one), is also great. What I think they really accomplished is to be the first to bring an MTV style of edit to a full length feature film. Or, three in this case.

Not only are these films visually inspirational, but they brought together a great cast. I mean look at the acting careers of Karen Black, Don Stroud, and William Smith. If actors of that caliber embraced this film, how is a person who has no background in either acting or film-making qualified to criticize it. I mean you may not like Indy Art Films, but a Scott Shaw says on his website, 'You may not like the art of Picasso but you can not say it is not art!'

There are a lot of reviewers who claim they could make a better film. As I always say to people who make this claim, 'Let's see it.'

I briefly met both Scott Shaw and Donald G. Jackson when they gave a lecture at the DGA, Director's Guild of America, a couple of years ago. They were both very nice men and have held true to their ideal of pushing the boundaries of traditional film-making. I believe they are both an inspiration and the nonsensical criticism of this film should cease. People should open their eyes and see this movie for what it is, an inspiration to Indy Filmmaker that you can make a nontraditional film and push the boundaries of the accepted and the expected.

10 out of 31 found this helpful

z_tbd, Monday, 10 June 2024 14:46 (three months ago) link

just the other night i was just watching beach babes from beyond starring joe estevez

ivy., Monday, 10 June 2024 14:48 (three months ago) link

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