U.S. Supreme Court: Post-Ginsburg Edition

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It was recorded last week, at a Supreme Court Historical Society dinner. xp

Overly dramatic elevator music (Dan Peterson), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 01:02 (three weeks ago) link

I wish this could amount to something, anything, you know?

Marten Broadcloak, mild-mannered GOP congressman (Raymond Cummings), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 01:06 (three weeks ago) link

Asked how the country can become less polarized, Alito responded: “I wish I knew. I don’t know. It’s easy to blame the media, but I do blame them because they do nothing but criticize us. And so they have really eroded trust in the court. … “

Yes, it’s the media’s fault that Clarence Thomas is gorging at the trough of free stuff while the court delays a Trump trial by slow walking a decision on presidential immunity. I blame Rolling Stone.

Overly dramatic elevator music (Dan Peterson), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 01:17 (three weeks ago) link

It’s not surprising at all but always a bit depressing to be reminded just how dumb our ruling castes are. Just fucking idiots.

not sure what you mean by our ruling classes, but I think the members of the supreme court and their spouses and enablers are much more evil than they are dumb

Dan S, Tuesday, 11 June 2024 01:42 (three weeks ago) link

I suppose. It’s more their stupidity I find depressing. Dipshits all the way down. Just vapid incurious people.

Tho tbh Roberts doesn’t come off so badly in the secret recordings.

Yahoo! has published the Rolling Stone article on Alito's bigoted wife so now you can read it without a paywall.

birdistheword, Tuesday, 11 June 2024 02:00 (three weeks ago) link

Be a shame if they faced unrelenting harassment

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 02:16 (three weeks ago) link

They think they already do

A So-Called Pulitzer price winner (President Keyes), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 02:17 (three weeks ago) link

Victimized by seeing a pride flag from a couple miles away

Are you addicted to struggling with your horse? (Boring, Maryland), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 03:03 (three weeks ago) link

young thug judge just lapping these SCOTUS losers tbf

mark s, Tuesday, 11 June 2024 09:10 (three weeks ago) link

I can not imagine loving someone so much or needing someone around so much and MYSELF BEING SUCH A SHITHOG that i would willingly stay with that woman

Its big ball chunky time (Jimmy The Mod Awaits The Return Of His Beloved), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 12:23 (three weeks ago) link

Because they're both shithogs?

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 12:26 (three weeks ago) link

I know it’s just like - is there a competition within the household to see who can be more of a shithog?

Its big ball chunky time (Jimmy The Mod Awaits The Return Of His Beloved), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 12:29 (three weeks ago) link

John Denver's plane crashed why couldn't it have been theirs?

a based robot like Bender (stevie), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 12:39 (three weeks ago) link

Interesting to read the National Review’s handwaving of the whole flag skirmish. I assume some version of this is what Fox is running with as well.


Overly dramatic elevator music (Dan Peterson), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 12:47 (three weeks ago) link

ah, so we've been misled

A So-Called Pulitzer price winner (President Keyes), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 13:51 (three weeks ago) link

Good for a new dn though.

The transparently flimsy and misleading (Dan Peterson), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 14:20 (three weeks ago) link

(The Bar Song) Flimsy

A So-Called Pulitzer price winner (President Keyes), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 14:23 (three weeks ago) link

I can see the 'BIDEN GUILTY' headlines now

nashwan, Tuesday, 11 June 2024 15:21 (three weeks ago) link

(meant for US politics thread)

nashwan, Tuesday, 11 June 2024 15:22 (three weeks ago) link

looks like a paywall is blocking me from the National Review Baseball Crank guy take. I used to look at his nonsense on twitter.

Alas, Schumer won't pressure Durbin to hold a hearing or to subpoena anyone, and Durbin is waiting for a magical 60 seat Dem majority in the Senate and Dems regaining the House before having a vote on a tougher ethics bill.

curmudgeon, Tuesday, 11 June 2024 20:55 (three weeks ago) link

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) told reporters that Democrats will attempt to move the ethics bill, which he authored with Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), via unanimous consent. A Durbin spokesperson said the UC request would happen on Wednesday.

Pierre Delecto, Tuesday, 11 June 2024 21:10 (three weeks ago) link

how’s it hanging Pierre

Gigi Allen (Boring, Maryland), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 22:51 (three weeks ago) link

and Durbin is waiting for a magical 60 seat Dem majority in the Senate and Dems regaining the House before having a vote on a tougher ethics bill.

Not to be That Guy but they wouldn't get to that now. I understand the symbolic gesture.

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Tuesday, 11 June 2024 22:53 (three weeks ago) link

Another Alito tape from same event. He’s complaining about “well funded groups “ out to get the justices and mentions Pro Publica .

curmudgeon, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 22:12 (two weeks ago) link

Sen. Lindsey Graham says he will block Democrats' effort to unanimously pass Supreme Court ethics bill
The South Carolina Republican’s objection means the bill won't be able to move forward under a unanimous consent request, which any senator can block.

From NBC News

curmudgeon, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 22:15 (two weeks ago) link

On Tuesday, Dem reps Raskin and AOC held a round table with guest speakers including a law professor and the Rhode Island Dem Senator re Supreme Court corruption


curmudgeon, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 22:22 (two weeks ago) link

Sheldon Whitehouse has been all over these fucks as well as the federalist society. Conservative Catholics really hate him

Heez, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 22:43 (two weeks ago) link

It truly stuns most of the world that these fucks don’t have 18-36 month long terms. But, hey, at least Biden and his really strong words will clip their wings a bit

beamish13, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 23:21 (two weeks ago) link

You're right. He should arrest them.

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 12 June 2024 23:30 (two weeks ago) link

I don’t know why people aren’t camped out on their fucking lawns 24/7.

beamish13, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 23:42 (two weeks ago) link

where's your chair

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Wednesday, 12 June 2024 23:56 (two weeks ago) link

I’ll pay for seat fillers.

beamish13, Wednesday, 12 June 2024 23:59 (two weeks ago) link

my man

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 13 June 2024 00:02 (two weeks ago) link

Are you busy blowing up Walmarts beamish

Gigi Allen (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 13 June 2024 00:59 (two weeks ago) link

He’s doing secret stuff. Don’t blow up his spot.

A So-Called Pulitzer price winner (President Keyes), Thursday, 13 June 2024 01:18 (two weeks ago) link

Don’t have many Wal-Marts in the Lower Mainland, fortunately. I grew up in Los Angeles, which was VERY successful in preventing them from sprouting up for years

beamish13, Thursday, 13 June 2024 04:07 (two weeks ago) link

Speaking of Alito’s house I was genuinely surprised he lives in a normal suburban neighborhood and not on an estate or something with a gate

Gigi Allen (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 13 June 2024 13:51 (two weeks ago) link

They're normal people.

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 13 June 2024 14:26 (two weeks ago) link

All they want is to be left alone in their average home.

A So-Called Pulitzer price winner (President Keyes), Thursday, 13 June 2024 14:33 (two weeks ago) link

SCOTUS maintains access to mifepristone, rules that the parties bringing the suit didn't have standing.

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Thursday, 13 June 2024 14:34 (two weeks ago) link

“Try again”

As many have pointed out already the plaintiffs had no standing under, there never was any question about that. Kasczmaryk needs to be removed from office.

Gigi Allen (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 13 June 2024 14:47 (two weeks ago) link


Gigi Allen (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 13 June 2024 14:48 (two weeks ago) link

His legal malfeasance isn’t even hidden

Gigi Allen (Boring, Maryland), Thursday, 13 June 2024 14:48 (two weeks ago) link

took them a year and a half for this wasted attempt

xpost Boring otm

Iacocca Cola (Neanderthal), Thursday, 13 June 2024 14:49 (two weeks ago) link

I agree with Alito the plaintiffs didn’t have standing. But in general it reads—see Kavanaugh—like they know their legitimacy hangs by a thread.

— Richard M. Nixon (@dick_nixon) June 13, 2024

the talented mr pimply (Alfred, Lord Sotosyn), Thursday, 13 June 2024 15:45 (two weeks ago) link

how could they not know this? they are constantly churning out decisions that ignore precedent and clear constitutional language, they know what they are doing

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Thursday, 13 June 2024 15:58 (two weeks ago) link

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