Alex Chilton S&D

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Alex Chilton, former singer of Big Star and the Box Tops. What about his solo career? What is there to retain, what is there to throw away (a lot I guess). In Germany he used to be a favourite of the critics 10 to 15 years ago. That was when Morrissey was their other darling!

alex in mainhattan, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I really like High Priest, but I may be alone on that one...anyone know whether it's ever come out on CD? Otherwise, the 19 Years compilation on Rhino may be the best bet, because Chilton tends to be a bit spotty. Still, best solo Chilton is Third/Sister Lovers, even though it came under the Big Star name.

Sean Carruthers, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

"Bangkok" & his version of the Seeds "Can't Seem to Make You Mine" - circa '77 singles - on a lot of compilations...those're fantastic...the "messy" period (late '70s) is the shit man.

duane, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

(specific album titles if you want them - "Like Flies on Sherbet", "Dusted in Memphis", "Bach's Bottom". All his albs've got decent stuff tho')

duane, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

(also a band he's only a peripheral member of - but worth mentioning 'cause they're great - Tav Falco's Panther Burns - like a super-ramshackle blues-rockabilly deal - prototypes of the Gories/Doll Rods/etc)

duane, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

1970 is GRATE. The three solo accousitc tracks on Big Star Live are gut wrenchingly beautiful.

JM, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Unless you're talking about Big Star or Box Tops stuff, destroy it all... here's a man who shot his load early on, and has consistently failed to produce anything listenable since. His records are released because of his pedigree, but it all sucks.

andy, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

He recently had a pretty good covers album, if a bit dull. I like his badly produced 70s stuff, like Bangcock.

Mike Hanle y, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

"Loose Shoes and Tight Pussy" = smashing album name, okay album. 19 years = almost good enough. No Sex EP and Feudalist Tarts EP = more essential than just trax in 19 yrs. Man Called Destruction = just OK. Flies On Sherbert period + live recording of such is groovy. Bangkok = one of the greatest garage songs ever. Lost My Job = similarly essential. No Sex = the most essential. "C'mon baby, fuck me and die!"

Sterling Clover, Wednesday, 18 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I like 'Hey Little Child' on Live in London. 'Bangkok', too. And the version of 'Sugar Sugar' on 1970. I saw him play at McCabe's several years ago, and he was pretty entertaining. The other day, I relistened to an interview I recorded off the radio near the time of the concert - this was when Cliches was released, which I don't have - cos I remembered he said some stuff about songwriting and singing as separate crafts. Well, it just seemed like he wanted to record stuff without having to come up with original songs. But cos he thinks songwriting is really important. He said he'd only come up with a few worthwhile songs in his career, among them 'September Gurls' and 'In the Street'. I love the combination of being laid back about things, but also idealistic and ambitious.

youn, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

And "Thirteen". Don't forget "Thirteen".

Sterling Clover, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

i still haven't got "1970" but i know some of those songs & they're champ. - & another stray track I dunno what it's off, his version of "I Will Always Love You" live on some radio show in the '70s - acoustic gtr, shaky & clumsy 'cause he "took his last 30 mgs of valium before coming here to the studio tonight" (approx. paraphrase of mid-song monologue) - it sounds dumm i know , "oh he's so WASTED man, cool" but it's really affecting. He realises he's fumbling the chords really badly & making a dick of himself so he sips into self-parody there - this monologue - then he comes back strong for another chorus - even sloppy stoned- drunk-whatever his voice is such a wonder. I *heart* LX!

duane, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

Ned wrote the (positive) review of Chilton's 19 Years on . I like when Ned and I agree on something - it doesn't happen nearly enough, considering what a fine, knowledgeable, over-opinionated fellow he is. I think we'd probably agree more on pre-80s stuff, before the goth mistake happened. I do find his tendency to call for the assassination of my favorite performers rather disturbing, though.

Patrick, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

I started this thread as I am about to buy Live in London (great album have got it already on vinyl) and Like Flies on Sherbert on one CD. My favourite besides Big Star's Third (all-time classic of depression) is Cubist Blues from 1996 which Chilton recorded with Alan Vega from Suicide and Ben Vaughn. An amazing session, slightly improvisational with Vega's low voice mumbling and a very stripped down sound. A little bit like Tom Waits in his best time, e.g. Bone Machine but much cooler.

alex in mainhattan, Thursday, 19 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

All meant in the insanely over-the-top intentionally foolish way it is, those assassination attempts. I think it would be more accurate to say that practicing Orwell-like unperson approaches would be more my speed, though. "Springsteen? Never heard of him. Albums, you say? Huh." ;-) But I do thank you for the kind words re: 19 Years and all -- goth's no mistake, it's just sometimes mistaken. ;-)

Ned Raggett, Friday, 20 July 2001 00:00 (twenty-three years ago) link

one year passes...
i think that like flies on sherbert is excellent for a goofy, sloppy drug addled studio record... there is a great tale around memphis of one of the guitar solos being performed with a young lady in his lap.

there is little to be gleaned from the live in london set aside from a mere curio stance.

search: the big star boot entitle Beale Street Green which features some great "Lost-Era" Alex doing some very rad demos:
"she might look my way"
"windows hotel"
"can't seem to make you mine" (seeds)
"shaking the world"
"all the time"

but then the greatest song ever written:

"tennis bum"... as alex mentions it's like wooly bully, all strat reverb and the goofiest lyrics you've never heard. i am in love with the lost era chilton voice, it's perfect.

classic classic classic.

gygax!, Tuesday, 19 November 2002 01:19 (twenty-one years ago) link

The song Alex Chilton by the Replacements = Classic.

Just had to point that out.

David Allen, Tuesday, 19 November 2002 01:22 (twenty-one years ago) link

I can't remember what album it's from, but the song "Free Again" is fantastic. A classic three-chord charmer, also covered (I think?) by Teenage Fanclub, back when they were inexplicably garnering so many Big Star comparisons.

Shakey Mo Collier, Tuesday, 19 November 2002 01:32 (twenty-one years ago) link

Not mentioned yet, this Ep I got a while ago "Black List", it's mostly really good despite coming from 1989 and has my favourite solo proper Chilton song "Guatanamerika" and as usual a bunch of weird covers, which are good too, esp. "Little GTO" and "I Will Turn Your Money Green".

Andrew Thames (Andrew Thames), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 02:36 (twenty-one years ago) link

Alex Chilton puts on a swanky live show. The time I saw him, he was great.

earlnash, Tuesday, 19 November 2002 03:59 (twenty-one years ago) link

i think the very first post i ever made here on ILM was about "flies on sherbert". i love it. and "1970" too, especially that version of 'jumpin jack flash'

Fritz Wollner (Fritz), Tuesday, 19 November 2002 16:39 (twenty-one years ago) link

three weeks pass...
So. Here we are. Does he still tour?

Nordicskillz (Nordicskillz), Monday, 16 December 2002 19:40 (twenty-one years ago) link

Yes, both as a solo act and with Big Star.

hstencil, Monday, 16 December 2002 19:45 (twenty-one years ago) link

Really? He/They never come to the UK. Just like Tom Waits, Devo, X, Screamin Jay (RIP), Jay Z...

Nordicskillz (Nordicskillz), Monday, 16 December 2002 20:20 (twenty-one years ago) link

four months pass...
I've only just bought the Chris Bell album! It makes me want to listen to Like Flies On Sherbert.

Nordicskillz (Nordicskillz), Friday, 9 May 2003 12:19 (twenty-one years ago) link

"Flies on Sherbert" is a great record--lots of power-poppers hate it, because they "fuck up" the songs...I believe the dumb-ass person who wrote the review for All Music Guide hates it, which should tell you right there that it's a good record. I mean, how much can you "fuck up" "Boogie Shoes" and why on earth would you want to "respect" it? The version that came out in 2000 is the best reissue I've heard of "Sherbert"--I copped an original Peabody LP of it a few years back.
"19 Years" contains most of his good stuff from that 19 years. "Dalai Lama" is missing, though, and it's one of his best songs, I think. "No Sex" is another highlight from the '80s.
His version of Willie Tee's "Thank You John" is some of his best singing ever--the production leaves a bit to be desired. He does for real fuck up the Slim Harpo tunes, though.
"Black List" is nice, he references the Charlie Rich version of "Nice and Easy" (compare the guitar parts), and "Guantanamerika" is among his best songs post-Big Star.
"A Man Called Destruction" is his best single record since "Sherbert" and of course much more "listenable." "Don't Stop" is great as a sort of homage to the New York sound of 1977 (Richard Lloyd goes thru therapy and comes out relaxed), and his take on Dan Pearson's "What's Your Sign Girl" is awesome. Doug Garrison, his drummer, is fantastic on this and other songs.
"Loose Shoes and Tight Pussy"/"Set" sucks, I find it, except for the nice version of the Brenton Wood song, almost completely unlistenable--his voice is terrible (try listening to "Single Again").
"Live in London" has its moments but it's not too hot and the version of "September Gurls" is horrible. I've seen AC play live many times and not once has he ever done a decent version of "September Gurls."
"High Priest" is about half-good. As with all his '80s work, the production leaves much to be desired. And as I say, "Destruction" is his single best effort post-drunkenness because it's the best produced, someone at Ardent actually took the time to make it sound good.
The demos collected on "Dusted in Memphis" are generally quite good, esp. "She Might Look My Way." There's a bootleg called "Beale Street Green" that collects "Dusted" and some other stuff, including a pretty instrumental outtake from the first Big Star album, I believe. The cover of "Beale Street Green" is a photo by Eggleston--of Nashville, not Memphis, and you gotta wonder when the bootlegger-liner-note "writer" can't even spell Eggleston's name right...
I dislike "Cubist Blues" but did see that trio in NYC in 1996, decent enough if you can tolerate Alan Vega. "One Day in NYC" contains a couple of nice live tracks. "Bach's Bottom" is the stupid Jon Tiven attempt to remake AC in the dubious image of Mr. Tiven himself, but I enjoy Chilton's obvious relish in sabatoging the whole thing, and the endless take on "Take Me Home" is fun, as is the "version" of "I'm So Tired." Tiven re-recorded that stuff, apparently; the other thing, besides the fact that Tiven was involved, that's wrong with that 1975 material is that AC doesn't play guitar on it.
I saw the Panther Burns live a couple times with Chilton. Tav Falco as a guy who found some great Cordell Jackon tunes, is great--as a performer he's worthless, and I sold my copy of "Behind the Magnolia Curtain" years ago, as it's a piece of shit.

Of course the third Big Star record is an Alex Chlton solo album and it's one of the greatest LPs ever made, in my opinion, greater even than "Radio City."

So I would say get "19 Years," "Sherbert" and "Destruction" and you'd have it. Alex has been treading the same water for years now, though--I've seen him be brilliant live and I've seen him just go thru the motions. Some experimental genie seems to ruin many of his efforts, which I guess is kind of a good thing, since how many performers even try anything new, ever? As a commentator on pop-music history, he's been intermittently great--there's something very second-hand about his passion, which doesn't mean I disregard what's real about his passion. Very strange guy, but I rate him very high as a guitarist, despite the fact that he's among the most mannered of all rock guitarists.

Jess Hill (jesshill), Friday, 9 May 2003 13:56 (twenty-one years ago) link

I saw him play last Friday night after a Big Star show with some friends (a couple could have been ex-Box Toppers). They did covers of Stax and early Rock'n'roll standards and not much else. It was kind of off-the-cuff and loungy, for lack of a better adjective. Highlight of the evening: a cover of "Desafinado" (sp??) with Alex playing the Stan Getz part all slinky on the guitar. Low point: the band half-heartedly busting into "Don't Lie to Me" (or was it "In the Street," I was DRUNK) while Alex was packing up his stuff to leave.

Will (will), Friday, 9 May 2003 13:57 (twenty-one years ago) link

Sabotage, not sabatage...

"1970" is decent, I always liked "Just to See You" and "All I Really Want is Money," both of which circulated for yrs on tapes...I never liked "Free Again" at all. What they do to "Sugar Sugar" is nice. It's good juvenalia, I guess.

The Big Star reunion CD is all right--they left off the best thing about that show in Missouri, though: AC leading his backup band thru the very demanding changes of Gene Chandler's "Duke of Earl" as an encore.

Will, it is "Desafinado."

Jess Hill (jesshill), Friday, 9 May 2003 14:10 (twenty-one years ago) link

two years pass...
I love 1970 sooo much.

Stormy Davis (diamond), Friday, 5 August 2005 05:56 (nineteen years ago) link

"The Smile Song" is so beautifully sweet and trippy.

Stormy Davis (diamond), Friday, 5 August 2005 05:57 (nineteen years ago) link

Like Flies on Sherbet is outstanding. The rest of his solo stuff is not so hot.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Friday, 5 August 2005 09:45 (nineteen years ago) link

"Sherbert" is great. You got to have the two Rs in that one, because that's the way it's spelled in the south. "Man Called Destruction" is the other really consistently good one. Most of his solo stuff that is unreleased or fairly hard-to-get (like the Elektra/Ardent demos on the boot "Dusted in Memphis" and the live CBGB material on "One Day in New York") is good too. The Jon Tiven album "Bach's Bottom" is good fun, nice to hear how he hijacked it out from under Tiven. "Guantanamerika" from "Black List" is a good song.

edd s hurt (ddduncan), Friday, 5 August 2005 13:02 (nineteen years ago) link

three years pass...

skin as soft as buttermilk

paper plans (tipsy mothra), Friday, 13 February 2009 06:41 (fifteen years ago) link

one month passes...

guys which of his solo albums/compilations are worth checking out? i'm going through a big star phase and i'd like to explore chilton solo too. i know it's depressing stuff, i'm down for that

k3vin k., Friday, 10 April 2009 21:23 (fifteen years ago) link

solo chilton isn't that depressing really -- it's fun! definitely start with like flies on sherbert

tylerw, Friday, 10 April 2009 21:25 (fifteen years ago) link

omg that french tv clip

This Board is a Prison on Planet Bullshit (Shakey Mo Collier), Friday, 10 April 2009 21:26 (fifteen years ago) link

The album called 1970 rocks balls and isn't depressing at all; the cover of "Jumpin' Jack Flash" tops the Stones' original (acc. to me)

Euler, Friday, 10 April 2009 21:38 (fifteen years ago) link

Search: the 1987 CD version of High Priest on Big Time, which includes the Feudalist Tarts EP and the "No Sex"/"Underclass" single.

...but is apparently rare as hell, because I can't find any copies for sale anywhere.

WmC, Friday, 10 April 2009 22:03 (fifteen years ago) link

Wow, this edition is apparently really rare. I wonder what I could get for it.

WmC, Friday, 10 April 2009 23:21 (fifteen years ago) link

yeah, 1970 is good, he's trying out different things like country rock, funk, almost bubblegum-y ballads

velko, Friday, 10 April 2009 23:25 (fifteen years ago) link

five months pass...

fuck the "Jumpin' Jack Flash" on 1970 is tight. The drum sound in particular is amazing, as you'd expect from a Terry Manning production, as is the bass. And Chilton's lead guitar mines the song's implicit funk, brings it forth. The vocal is good and hoarse too but the rhythm section sells this one.

Euler, Saturday, 3 October 2009 14:58 (fourteen years ago) link

one year passes...

kinda cool
Ray Davies , whose new album See My Friends contains special contributions from artists like Billy Corgan and Bruce Springsteen, recently talked about working with Alex Chilton. The Big Star icon died earlier this year, but he recorded “Till the End of the Day” with Ray Davies before he became sick.

Speaking to ClashMusic, Ray Davies elaborates on the collaboration: “Way back in 2004 I was in New Orleans, recovering from an injury, and I was befriended by a neighbor called Alex Chilton. Alex had been in a band called Big Star, and had sung on a record called ‘The Letter’ by The Box Tops. We didn’t talk about music much, but he did say to me before I came back to England, ‘You know, I’ve recorded one of your songs, ‘Till the End of the Day’, with Big Star, and I’d love to do another song with you. And he asked me to write some songs for him – I felt really flattered, because by then I had found out about his history. A very unassuming guy.”

Then, in 2009, Chilton and Davies did indeed get together to record. Davies recalls: “In 2009, on July 4th, Independence Day, he came up to Konk Studios. He was a real character – he was wearing a New Orleans beret, he had a cigarette holder, he was a chain smoker, and I think a recovering drinker – and he said, ‘Let’s do it!’ I said, ‘What would you like to do?’ He said, ‘Till the End of the Day’ and ‘Set Me Free.’ So I just had an acoustic guitar and a rhythm box, because I hadn’t organized anything. I played guitar and Alex sang.”

tylerw, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 17:37 (thirteen years ago) link
artists listed on the cover of this tribute makes it look fucking horrible

tylerw, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 17:37 (thirteen years ago) link

Wish I could make it to Los Angeles and hear this Holly George-Warren presentation on Alex Chilton at the February 2010 EMP Pop conference

curmudgeon, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 17:46 (thirteen years ago) link

She's writing a bio of him that is scheduled for a 2012 release.

curmudgeon, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 17:47 (thirteen years ago) link

ooh that does look good. interesting that there's a bio in the works. would read.

tylerw, Wednesday, 12 January 2011 17:47 (thirteen years ago) link

eight months pass...

thought i'd bumped one of the AC threads to say this a while back but either way, damn, cliches still sounds exquisite to me

and my soul said you can't go there (schlump), Tuesday, 13 September 2011 14:55 (thirteen years ago) link

I picked up Cliches in a used cd shop last year and still haven't gotten around to it. This week!

Trip Maker, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 15:09 (thirteen years ago) link

would be really interested to hear from anyone else who likes/hates it etc, i'd never heard anything about it before hearing it. it's a really good showcase for his guitar playing, &c, but it's also just such a satisfying fit for him, knowing how into the standards he was, & how much working in that sorta context was what he was drawn to, eg playing with pick-up groups etc.

and my soul said you can't go there (schlump), Tuesday, 13 September 2011 15:21 (thirteen years ago) link

It makes me feel great listening to it, his guitar is so enveloping.

Also note the Box Tops reunion album is surprisingly alright, with a few of the tracks absolutely essential for AC fans.

Gerald McBoing-Boing, Tuesday, 13 September 2011 15:53 (thirteen years ago) link

A live session of Chilton w/ Hi rhythm section sounds promising for sure

curmudgeon, Monday, 29 March 2021 15:31 (three years ago) link

one month passes...

Surely there's some better quality live recordings out there across his entire career.

I answered my own question:
Ocean Club '77 - solid but only a handful of unique tracks
Electricity By Candlelight NYC 2/13/97 - good selection of songs but terrible bootleg sound quality
Live In Anvers - ahhh, this one is great. A bunch of fun covers, his backing band is a bit loose but enjoyable, and he's in fine voice.

I'm looking forward to the new one based on that review!

Gerald McBoing-Boing, Sunday, 2 May 2021 04:27 (three years ago) link

I thought Live In London was pretty cool. esp. since he got drafted into a one-off (interrupting his dishwashing gig).
So far "Boogie Shoes" is the only Live on Beale Street track posted on Spotify and the 'Tube---as I expected, most of the interest is insturumental:
Also a tiny trailer:

dow, Sunday, 2 May 2021 17:13 (three years ago) link

His voice seems more effective on these Chet Baker-associated tunes (first track is glitchy on my computer, but no prob w others). He plays some nice guitar too getting into it more on uptempo "There Will Be Another You" (reminds me, look for Sonnly Rollins's version of that, from the album of the same title, which he sued to have deleted, but later on an import., and prob posted somewhere)

0:00​ There Will Never Be Another You [acoustic]
3:02​ That Old Feeling
5:07​ Let's Get Lost
7:11​ Look for the Silver Lining
9:33​ Time After Time
12:11​ Like Someone in Love
14:48​ There Will Never Be Another You [electric]

Band on "That Old Feeling", "Look for the Silver Lining" and "Like Someone in Love" : Ron Miller,acoustic bass and producer; Robert Arron on piano and tenor saxophone; Richard Dworkin on drums. From the album "Imagination" by Medium Cool, with Alex Chilton as guest vocalist on these three tracks only.

Band on "There Will Never Be Another You [electric]" : Ron Easley, electric bass, Richard Dworkin, drums. From the 1999 album "Loose Shoes and Tight Pussy" (New Rose Records) (a.k.a. "Set", Bar/None Records).

"There Will Never Be Another You [acoustic]", "Let's Get Lost", and "Time After Time" are solo performances from the album "Cliches" (1994, New Rose / Ardent)

Photos: Chet Baker, Times Square, New York City, 1958 (age 29; photo by Carole Reiff); Alex Chilton, The Bowery, New York City, 1977 (age 26; photo by David Godlis)

dow, Sunday, 2 May 2021 17:28 (three years ago) link

two weeks pass...

So this is streaming now but haven’t listened yet

Working in the POLL Mine (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 16 May 2021 22:11 (three years ago) link

It's fun if not as epic as I'd hoped. As always, his choice of covers is impeccable.

Gerald McBoing-Boing, Monday, 17 May 2021 00:45 (three years ago) link

I kind of sometimes want to be contrarian about that, but hard to find fault really.

Working in the POLL Mine (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 17 May 2021 00:51 (three years ago) link

two months pass...

sequence from Sweet Soul Music thread:

Judging by "Boogie Shoes" on YouTube, most of the appeal of the Alex Chilton/Hi Rhythm live album might be insrumental, which reminds me: here they are with Terry Manning, better known as a producer and engineer at Ardent etc. but his rough-and-ready vocal approach works better with HRS live than Chilton's (comparing just one track to another):

dow, Tuesday, 20 July 2021 01:06 (three years ago) link

(Chilton seems a bit cautious by comparison---their set was a one-off, but so was Manning's w HRS---filling in at the last minute for a no-show, and just taking the plunge, what the hell---this is the only live track on his album, and really seemed like the only keeper---according to the press sheet, he did a Box Tops Chilton parody for kicks, and was ordered to create an album around it, which mostly seemed like filler, but I didn't listen much)

So Chilton does okay after all, though yeah of course Hi Rhythm Gang is the main interest, esp. horns and bass, though everybody steps up--most songs go on a little over four minutes and a half minutes; the studio originals were at least a minute shorter, but but we get more solo turns and full Section flexing, comfortably. Fave is the penultimate performance, "Hello Josephine," where a Hi man starts the vocal, Chilton coming in later: a very robust 7:12 work-out, calm as ever. Also: Motown gets the Memphis treatment on "Where Did Our Love Go," with Chilton as okay stand-in for Diana Ross, though this is one of he shorter ones, as it probably should be).Does not sing as high, loud and fast there as on "Lucille" or "Maybelline." Sounds like Pat Boone looking to go rong on "Kansas City." Any of yall heard this one? xgau sez:
On the Loose [Hi, 1976]
In which Al Green's sidemen, perhaps disgruntled at Al's unwillingness to record their material, get together and cut it. Some stickler for detail is sure to point out that the singing on side two is completely out of tune, but that's OK--so is most of the singing on side one, which I prefer to Full of Fire. One of the more carefully thought out tracks features a mildly malicious lyric about Green himself, but it's the eccentricity of the music, which sounds as if it includes a banjo, that does him in. Loose indeed. A-

Anyway, very good music for a holiday weekend, has me looking to go for b-b-q chicken.

― dow, Thursday, July 1, 2021 4:33 PM

dow, Tuesday, 20 July 2021 01:09 (three years ago) link

five months pass...

Well, I attended the 1999 show from which came the latest Chilton live album. At the time I thought it was just a gig for him. His patented guitar sound didn't work in that context. Last time I ever saw Alex. But the live album is really good. He sings so well and easily. I used to think he sloughed off the vocals and got over on the guitar--which could also get messy. But I was wrong. I think "Live in Anvers" is his best live album and the definitive Alex one-stop.

Edd Hurt (whatstalker), Sunday, 26 December 2021 22:56 (two years ago) link

The fact he was friends with Ray Davies when Ray Davies was living in New Orleans is pretty cool.

I Can't See Gervais In My Mind (Tom D.), Sunday, 26 December 2021 23:09 (two years ago) link

Right. I love Ray Davies rendition of a New Orleans accent.

Heatmiserlou (James Redd and the Blecchs), Sunday, 26 December 2021 23:12 (two years ago) link

There's quite a lot about their friendship in the Americana book.

Halfway there but for you, Sunday, 26 December 2021 23:18 (two years ago) link

*birthday bump*

Heatmiserlou (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 28 December 2021 16:26 (two years ago) link

Alex sounds a lot better to me, 11 years after he departed this plane for a heaven filled with Little Beaver albums, high-grade weed and lamb chops prepared by busty Commie gurls. With mint jelly. In retrospect, he almost always sang well, often better than that, and hus guitar playing sounds more original than ever. I can't think of any other guitarist who managed to be both recessive and avant-garde.Structural and expressive. I don't even hear his post-1984 work as ironic--it's a kind of love. Most of his '80s EPs and about half of "High Priest" is brilliant and while "Man Called Destruction" aspires to the generic and remains ... inert? uncommitted? unreadable?, there are 3-4 tracks that work. I can't think of another major artist who did most of his best (mature) work live. I think he was one of the few major performers of the rock era who mastered the art of relaxation. I don't think I would have been comfortable calling Alex major 10 years ago, but now I am. As major as...Tom Petty or Roger MvGuinn or Gram Parsons.

Edd Hurt (whatstalker), Monday, 3 January 2022 14:47 (two years ago) link

Excuse the typos. Alex also was actually literate, so I guess I need to be more careful. Also, I think the bio by George-Warren is very flawed. There's not one bit about his style or approach in a practical sense. No discussion of how he got his guitar sound. Very light on his last decade. Alex needed a very tough person who was also a discerning ear to how musicians achieve their effects, which she's just too travails-of-thwarted-star to bother with. I actually can't think of one piece or book that gets him. I've read just about every interview ever done with him and listened to every interview I can find. From that you begin to get the picture. Alex was both a synoptic student of pop and rock and a guy who actually contributed to it, fundamentally at a Sun Records level. Which is completely singular.

Edd Hurt (whatstalker), Monday, 3 January 2022 14:57 (two years ago) link

That was a booming post, Edd, didn't even notice the typos. Second post too.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 14:59 (two years ago) link

I always find it sort of interesting to compare him to Lou Reed. On the one hand, they shared some kind of orneriness and waywardness with respect to baiting their audiences and record companies if applicable. On the other hand, Alex had this interesting approach/avoid relationship to his material and his delivery, often recording and performing in kind of a deliberately offhand manner, but at the same time working on his craft (as George Martin said of George Harrison) perfecting or at least improving his guitar playing, building on those early lessons from Dennis Wilson while creating his own skewed version of a Great American Songbook - I can still hear his Memphis drawl saying "this is my favorite song" before performing "Single Again" by Gary Stewart. Whereas Lou ultimately seemed content with the classic career path of Undertutored But Inspired Genius Becomes Sacred Monster And Goes Out Playing Grand Old Man. I guess I still will take one from column A and column B as well though.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 15:14 (two years ago) link

Alex learned from Carl Wilson directly, maybe Reggie Young and Bobby Womack at American, from Cropper, Dave Davies. Alex confounds and remains underappreciated by guitar musos because he played in timespace, not in harmonic vertical space--except when he provided the essential harmonic wheels of any particular song. Rhythm guitar. Not unlike Reed but so much warmer, fonder and more rooted in Mel Bay full-bodied chording that was also always right up on the beat, because he respected the song even as he wanted to remain minimalist. A disinclination to step on the bones but a totally funky, laggy, suggestive and non-tonal dirtiness in his non-solos. I know no other guitarist like him, and very few guitarists even come close to his style. Just drastically misunderstood in a world of Dickey Betts fans. Richard Lloyd is maybe Alex's only analogue? Obviously a far more conventionally fluent player, but still somewhat similar. ?

Edd Hurt (whatstalker), Monday, 3 January 2022 15:29 (two years ago) link

Ugh, didn't realize I typed Dennis instead of Carl. Monday, Monday.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 15:33 (two years ago) link

Richard Lloyd is a great comparison, yeah.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 15:34 (two years ago) link

Alex learned many other equally valuable lessons from Dennis. Cars and gurls.

Edd Hurt (whatstalker), Monday, 3 January 2022 15:36 (two years ago) link


(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 15:42 (two years ago) link

The guitar world is maybe implicitly divided up into (with some overlap of course):

  • "Real" Jazz guitarists playing chord melodies with at least four voices and as many altered/color tones as possible
  • Rhythm guitarists of all stripes, who vary from playing a somewhat smaller subset of chords used above to only barre chords
  • Single note soloists
  • Double stop Chuck Berry-style
  • Folky/Flamenco/Classical acoustic fingerpickers
  • Outside (Lou, Sonny Sharrock, Bob Stinson, Bo Diddley, John Lee Hooker etc)
Alex doesn't seem to fall neatly into any of these categories, as he is not quite "good" enough or primitive or outside or inspired enough, or so it would seem, but he is kind of drawing on more of these categories than usual, so we can either put him into the implicit Other category, or make one for him alone or him and Richard Lloyd until we find or remember more examples.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 15:59 (two years ago) link

Maybe I should have had a separate Drone category and put John Lee Hooker in that along with, say, Ron Asheton. Also wondering what to do with Marshall Crenshaw as he has some similarities with Alex, although he is more conventional.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 16:11 (two years ago) link

Yes - Mississippi Fred McDowell, Mississippi hill country blues guys ( RL Burnside) along with Hooker

curmudgeon, Monday, 3 January 2022 16:24 (two years ago) link

Yes, I was also thinking of those kinds of cats (Sorry, wrong thread). I think we are all familiar with the story of those guys having to play more "legit" for certain audiences. My friend from Detroit who I often mention who you met once although I'm not sure if either of you remember that now (I wasn't there) told me that John Lee Hooker once called up his uncle to take some lessons so he could play for the college crowd.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 16:56 (two years ago) link

Yeah, blues with pop appeal, in the 50s, early 60s, when he was coming up in Memphis: BB King and Rufus Thomas, who were known as DJs early on---and think Rufus continued doing that some, after "Walkin' The Dog"?---Memphis Slim: those guys knew they had to compete with Elvis and so on (and Mississippi Sheiks, with their own Memphis connections, had already gone for crossover appeal, filling the gap left by Jimmie Rodgers from the other side, raciallY)---Little Richard his own kind of shattering blues-pop (esp. as my older Black customers in the CD store used "blues" to mean anything from one of the Kings to Johnny Taylor to Lattimore [father, not son, usually] to Smokey Robinson to Nat King Cole to Aretha to Eddie Floyd to Irma Thomas to Dusty Springfield). A necessary precursor to Hendrix at his psych-poppest, on debut Are You Experienced? and Joplin too:her sound is closer to his than any female artist I can think of (Yeah, I know she got "Ball and Chain" from Big Mama Thornton, who had a deeper range than Richard or Joplin's signature sonics).
Also, of course, when Sonny Sharrock was asked what he thought of punk, he said that he'd seen Little Richard at the Apollo in the mid-50s: "You can't get more punk rock than that."
Leading back to Richard Lloyd, whose own pop proclivities emerged more clearly on solo albums (though I think some of it was there in his Television playing, incl. how it fit into Verlaine's songs). Emerged more clearly when he wrote and produced his own tracks, although the caveman bellow and offkey impulses took him in a different direction.
Can imagine that Chilton was further encouraged in the blues-pop direction by his avowed fascination with early Rundgren, who went from blooze w Woody's Truck Stop to Nazz and early solo stuff----
But wait, where and when and what did he learn directly from Carl Wilson?

dow, Monday, 3 January 2022 17:42 (two years ago) link

Carl Wilson gave him guitar lessons when The Box Tops toured with The Beach Boys.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 18:00 (two years ago) link

There's an incredible paragraph about this in the HGW book that I am unfortunately being prevented from c&p-ing right now. Maybe can type in but not at the moment.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 18:04 (two years ago) link

And there's more where that came from.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 18:05 (two years ago) link

Thanks! Had been meaning to read that, w foggy notion that some personal/career-of-sorts historical context might help me keep his long and winding discography in focus (maybe not, though)

dow, Monday, 3 January 2022 18:10 (two years ago) link

As Edd, pointed out, it is far from perfect, but it'll have to do for now in the place of anything else, although of course there are also books about Big Star and Chris Bell for that stuff.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 18:20 (two years ago) link

Yeah, I got Rob Jovanovic's Big Star chronicle when it first came out, or at least the trade pb did (latter revised & updated, I now see) around the time of In Space and Cilton's Katrina adventure ---but this one might be good as memory-comprehension aid re solo releases---?

dow, Monday, 3 January 2022 18:53 (two years ago) link

get back, typo!

dow, Monday, 3 January 2022 18:54 (two years ago) link

Alex's guitar style is one weird thing after another. I can't think of any other rock guitarist who was more varied while at the same time so, not limited, but consistently identifiable even when he was aiming for what I believe he was interested in: a kind of anonymity. The stealth of the rhythm guitarists he liked, which had to include Teenie Hodges, Cropper, Reggie Young, Bobby Womack, Dave Davies, John Lennon and Snooks Eaglin. And basically every R&B guitarist who played chords and a combination of those chords and figured stuff behind a vocal. Also, Little Beaver on the Miami stuff with Betty Wright and his own great Party Down album. And Johnny Guitar Watson and Carl Wilson. Also Hendrix, whom I think Alex has more than a little affinity for and with whom Alex could've easily played with. That's a very odd set of reference points for a "rock" guitarist, like he aspired to be the guy in the background on a Brenton Wood record. It's also a style that seems to disappear in front of your ears--weightless, not really "bluesy" but totally blues-oriented, not "heavy" but strange, strangulated, and decidedly off-kilter amid the standard usages he favored. However the heck he did Radio City, that stands as a monument to anti-rock rock guitar as surely as anything by Johnny Thunders or Lou Reed. Whatever he's playing underneath the lines in "She's a Mover" that go "now all night" and "she's coming from," which in cover versions just gets turned into the chords themselves, very easy shit, is completely ineffable and functions as commentary that's never over the line into embellishment, but is obviously intended as commentary. That's an extremely subtle gift, and every single thing he plays on that record is actually just about the simplest stuff you can play. Not necessarily harmonically, but certainly it never strays from the most basic things. What remains so uncanny about Radio City is, if you listen to the thing enough and then stop to remember, this is rock 1973, you begin to realize that's its just one step over and across from completely standard playing, like the fucking James Gang and Rick Derringer and so forth, but it has a totally different feel. "September Gurls" in particular is so, so simple.

Also uncanny is the stuff on the third Big Star album. "You Can't Have Me" is just like I to IV chords, yet listen carefully and he's also juicing them with subtle dissonances and wide voicings--big chords. There's the barest hint of "jangle" in one section that disappears like Windex in the heat. "Thank You Friends" is like American Studio Craft, as if it's some Ronnie Milsap record produced by Chips Moman in 1970, just the barest hint of something outside the normal I-II-IV_V progression, a suspension that hooks you in. And again, just very simple. The Chilton space is one where things are up on the beat, and rendered in a tempo neither very slow or very fast, a medium tempo that allows for reflection. I think his least effective, but still interesting, guitar playing comes in 1977, when he does indeed sound something like Neil Young or Tom Verlaine. He's barely on his marks, skidding around and making a comedy act out of making the changes, but he makes them, mostly. Again, the basics: the version of "Take Me Home and Make Me Like It" on the CBGB-recorded One Day in New York set is exemplary blues-rock guitar 101, chugging along as the rhythmic pulse and one slangy lick that anchors the turnaround, the psychology of which he totally respects even as the "solo" careers almost out of the picture, like Richard Lloyd in Tops Barbeque in Memphis. Take it down into your own thang, son, and don't forget the sauce while you're down here with us.

Marshall Crenshaw is a better guitarist, I think, obviously, but Alex and Marshall Crenshaw are almost doin' the same thing, in general, and Crenshaw's "Seven Miles an Hour" is my single favorite thing he ever did, except for a song called "Passing Through" which is as beautiful as the most melancholy Big Star tunes, and it's Alex cleaned up, more uptight, in a carefully arranged room full of white furniture and 37-year-old ex-beauty queens both Alex and Marshall wish they knew better.

Edd Hurt (whatstalker), Monday, 3 January 2022 18:55 (two years ago) link

Weightless guitar, Reggie Young meets Hendrix meets Mick Ronson and goes out for a grilled cheese sandwich. Pretty much how I remember his guitar playing when he was in a good mood and on it.

Edd Hurt (whatstalker), Monday, 3 January 2022 19:16 (two years ago) link

Wow, thanks! Also,
...exemplary blues-rock guitar 101, chugging along as the rhythmic pulse and one slangy lick that anchors the turnaround, the psychology of which he totally respects even as the "solo" careers almost out of the picture, like Richard Lloyd in Tops Barbeque in Memphis. Take it down into your own thang, son, and don't forget the sauce while you're down here with us is pretty much my impression of how he fit (esp. instrumentally: vocals are also respectful enough, while slightly campy, w/o irony [of lol what am I goofy white pop-rock boy doing here] getting too underlined) w Hi Rhythm on the xpost live one-off (I'm assuming it's that, but hope he did perform with them again at some point, recorded or not).

dow, Monday, 3 January 2022 19:18 (two years ago) link

Alex had never met the Hi players in toto, except for Charles Hodges, who played on one track on Man Called Destruction, and never played with 'em again.

Edd Hurt (whatstalker), Monday, 3 January 2022 19:25 (two years ago) link

Did you note the "(Theme From) A Summer Place" quotation solo at the end of the first song on that video?

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 19:45 (two years ago) link

Excuse the typos. Alex also was actually literate, so I guess I need to be more careful. Also, I think the bio by George-Warren is very flawed. There's not one bit about his style or approach in a practical sense. No discussion of how he got his guitar sound. Very light on his last decade. Alex needed a very tough person who was also a discerning ear to how musicians achieve their effects, which she's just too travails-of-thwarted-star to bother with. I actually can't think of one piece or book that gets him. I've read just about every interview ever done with him and listened to every interview I can find. From that you begin to get the picture. Alex was both a synoptic student of pop and rock and a guy who actually contributed to it, fundamentally at a Sun Records level. Which is completely singular.

Edd, judging from the most recent thread revive, I think you are the one to write the book on LX.

Everybody Loves Ramen (WmC), Monday, 3 January 2022 19:47 (two years ago) link

Or if that's too stressful maybe we can have you hypnotized like the guy in PKD's Time Out of Joint so that you can write the book while you think you are doing something else.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 19:51 (two years ago) link

Just was moved through the ILX pachinko game from the Doris Day to the Terry Melcher thread, which led me to listen to his jaw-dropping Is It Tone Deaf Or Genius? take on “Stagger Lee” which somehow reminded me of Alex’s approach.

(I'm Not Your) Steppin' Razor (James Redd and the Blecchs), Monday, 3 January 2022 21:36 (two years ago) link

one month passes...

Edd is now one of the lobes (along with ov mastermynd---Dickinson-Chilton-inspired---thee spirit and letter, incl. covers ov "Bangkok" and "Take Me Home and Make Me Like It," also a dystopian vision of Spooner and Karen Oldham----It Came From Nashville:

In late 2020, after figuring out that the only thing I wanted to do musically was a kind of cabaret-style retrospect of some great songs I thought other people ought to know about, I assembled a group of Nashville musicians at Sundog Recording Studio with engineer and producer Michael Esser. We recorded six songs drawn from the mists of the 1970s, and added one instrumental I wrote myself. We cut with almost no rehearsal, and trusted to the unguarded moment to guide us in our reconstructions of these timeless tunes.
...Fayetteville, Paris, Nashville, Memphis, man, it's all the same on this record.

dow, Tuesday, 1 March 2022 19:04 (two years ago) link

Sorry, I meant (along with *Michael Esser*)

dow, Tuesday, 1 March 2022 19:05 (two years ago) link

Also meant *"1980,"* a dystopian vision of Spooner and Karen Oldham.

dow, Tuesday, 1 March 2022 19:07 (two years ago) link


Gary Gets His Tonsure Out (James Redd and the Blecchs), Tuesday, 1 March 2022 19:13 (two years ago) link

Good production job Edd

curmudgeon, Tuesday, 1 March 2022 19:48 (two years ago) link

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