Ashlee Simpson: Emo or Oh no?

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So were most '60s garage bands. (Actually, they blipped even *more* momentarily. And some '70s punk bands blipped even less than them!)

xhuxk, Thursday, 10 November 2005 16:49 (eighteen years ago) link

I actually wish this would've spurred a Chris Rea discussion, but no such luck.

Well, he never wanted to tour in the States, which affected the degree to which he registered on the radar. Me, I like "The Road to Hell" and "Texas," though not nearly as much as "Fool." For some reason, the noncelebrity barroom rock of 1978-1982 has slipped through a black hole in radio, and so we miss out on not only Rea, but Paul Davis, Player, Gino Vannelli, Benny Mardones, and Greg Guidry. A shame, especially with Davis.

Sorry to digress, but you asked.

Joseph McCombs (Joseph McCombs), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:01 (eighteen years ago) link

Speaking of ballads, I was wrong when I said that all the slow songs on I Am Me were LOUD; I'd driven from my memory the two that are soft and sensitive, one of which, "Catch Me When I Fall," is pretty good, actually, at least for a ballad, and may be her only real chance at a boffo hit (the current single, "L.O.V.E.," is wonderful but isn't rocketing up the charts). It pisses me off anyway because she sings "When the lights are off something's killing me" but she doesn't say what's killing her, and when she asks "Who will save me from myself?" she doesn't tell us what's in her that she needs saving from. (And Ashlee, weren't you the one who told us that you wouldn't change for anyone?)

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:07 (eighteen years ago) link

And some of the best (and longest!) discussions of music ever (i..e., Bangs on the Count Five) have been inspired by said momentary blips.


Thanks, Joseph, you rule! I should totally check out Paul Davis; I want to have a more concrete opinion of "Cool Night," "I Go Crazy," and "'65 Love Affair" than I currently do. As for those other guys, let's see here, I definitely kinda like "Baby Come Back," I really like the Gino Vanelli song about those nights in Montreal, I have very little memory of Benny Mardones even though "Into The Night" apparently hit the top 40 something like 14 different times (always in the early summer), and I never heard of Greg Guidry til now. But if I see any of their albums in the dollar bins, I'll go for it! Ditto Chris Rea's other stuff; I bet he has a good best of CD. I should compare track listings on those Sunnyside jukeboxes (which also feature plenty of the Thin Lizzy by the way. And Thin Lizzy were sort of punk in a few different ways as well, it should be noted.)

xhuxk, Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:08 (eighteen years ago) link

(plays and sings in a style that has come to be called punk rock whether or not that style delivers the emotional and intellectual experience that Johnny Rotten deliver(ed))

I think if/when Ashlee is thinking about delivering a "punk" emotional and intellectual experience, she's probably aiming more at the Green Day/Blink 182/Sum 41 school of (pop) punk than anything. While her writers/co-writers/producers may have a lot more in mind, you're ascribing a lot to one kid who probably hasn't thought about it more than in passing. If she's consciously emulating anyone, it's the music she may have actually heard or her peers.

Punk-inflected pop rock.

mike h. (mike h.), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:13 (eighteen years ago) link

I just realized how disturbing it is that some music journalists really are sitting around trying to figure out where the current manufactured pop star is going to sit in the lineage of pop hits as it's happening. Isn't it a little early to judge that sort of thing, or are you just getting a headstart on the listmaking for the retrospectives in 2010?

mike h. (mike h.), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:19 (eighteen years ago) link

Mike, do you really believe Ashlee would never have heard Courtney Love? (I hear no Green Day/Blink 182/Sum 41 in her music at all.)

xhuxk, Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:23 (eighteen years ago) link

So were most '60s garage bands. (Actually, they blipped even *more* momentarily. And some '70s punk bands blipped even less than them!)

I'm not talking about actual time in existence, I'm talking about the quality of their respective contributions. Twenty years from now, I sincerely doubt anyone's going to still be discussing the arguable merits of Ashlee's "La La," but I dare say people who still be talking about, say, the Count Five's "Psychotic Reaction" and/or "(I'm) Stranded" by the Saints.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:24 (eighteen years ago) link

will not who.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:24 (eighteen years ago) link

I want to have a more concrete opinion of "Cool Night," "I Go Crazy," and "'65 Love Affair" than I currently do

Not that I'm an expert or have any cred, since I'm still pretty new around here, but I listened to these recently, and for some reason "I Go Crazy" was a lot worse than I remembered, and "'65 Love Affair" was a hell of a lot better. "Cool Night" I can take or leave.

monkeybutler, Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:26 (eighteen years ago) link

Mike, on the title song of "I Am Me" she's singing like Courtney Love. I surmise from this that she listens to Courtney Love, though perhaps she merely frequents bars that feature transvestites doing first-class Courtney Love impressions.


Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:27 (eighteen years ago) link

No Alex and Mike, it disturbs you that we take seriously the work of someone who appeals to preppies and teenyboppers.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:32 (eighteen years ago) link

Another thing about her that reminds me of punk: On her first *SNL* appearance, when the music came out of the speakers while she non-lip-synched and did her awkward jig, I *immediately* thought of John Lydon doing something very similiar on *American Bandstand* in 1980, so we heard "Poptones" but he just did a silly dance while it played.

xhuxk, Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:33 (eighteen years ago) link

Preppies like Ashlee Simpson? I thought they only listened to crap like Dido and Phish.

Chuck, you should have your facial hair vigorously waxed off for invoking Lydon's Bandstand appearance here.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:35 (eighteen years ago) link

(I feel as if I've just taken the troll bait.)

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:37 (eighteen years ago) link

I'd say that she probably heard Courtney Love, yeah. But how many people Ashlee's age think of her as punk? I'm not really disturbed, Frank. Just joking, I can appreciate what you're doing. I'd say you're reading too much into this (which is Alex's complaint) but that's really kind of your job to make these connections!

Nice parallel, Chuck. Who's being cheated?

mike h. (mike h.), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:37 (eighteen years ago) link

God, remember when emo meant, like, the Hal Al Shedad? What happened?

Roxymuzak, Mrs. Carbohydrate (roxymuzak), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:39 (eighteen years ago) link

Ditto Chris Rea's other stuff; I bet he has a good best of CD

He does. 1989's New Light From Old Windows.

Alfred Soto (Alfred Soto), Thursday, 10 November 2005 17:54 (eighteen years ago) link

>Twenty years from now, I sincerely doubt anyone's going to still be discussing the arguable merits of Ashlee's "La La," but I dare say people who still be talking about, say, the Count Five's "Psychotic Reaction" and/or "(I'm) Stranded" by the Saints. <

You could be right. But then again, if somebody had shut down discussion of the Count Five or the Saints way back then, there's a good chance that nobody would be talking about them now (inasmuch as anybody still is. Not sure when was the last time I heard anybody say anything really *interesting* about either of those bands. Maybe a decade or more ago, when Metal Mike Saunders told me that, when Alice Cooper came out, he thought they sounded like a Count Five ripoff.) Anyway, for that very reason, I don't see the point in shutting down discussion of Ashlee now. (Hey Lester, why the hell are you writing a Count Five essay? Who's gonna care about *them* in 2005, you dork?)

xhuxk, Thursday, 10 November 2005 18:01 (eighteen years ago) link

Oops, I goofed! Metal Mike thought Alice Cooper were ripping off the Chocolate Watchband, not the Count Five! (So it's been even longer.)

xhuxk, Thursday, 10 November 2005 18:03 (eighteen years ago) link

Alex, I know you watch enough VH1 to realize that people will still be talking about all kinds of crap twenty years from now.

'Twan (miccio), Thursday, 10 November 2005 18:55 (eighteen years ago) link

I want to be the talking head talking about the VH1 specials with talking heads. "Remember when the one guy said something wryly ironic about his youth?"

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 10 November 2005 19:44 (eighteen years ago) link

I like "La La" more now than I liked "Psychotic Reaction" then (or than I like it now). But I like "Heart Full of Soul" more than either. (Well, at least more than "Psychotic Reaction.") Not that I'd even heard "Heart Full of Soul" back then.

But what'd I like 20 years ago? "Roxanne's Revenge"!

There, that proves it.

(Proves what?)

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Thursday, 10 November 2005 19:49 (eighteen years ago) link

(Anthony, I heard "First" on Radio Disney a couple of nights ago, and "Drama Queen" last night. But they still don't play Lindsay enough.)

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Thursday, 10 November 2005 19:49 (eighteen years ago) link

"Remember that one time when you could be on TV for quoting 'Dr. Detroit'?"


darin (darin), Thursday, 10 November 2005 19:55 (eighteen years ago) link

I want to be the talking head talking about the VH1 specials with talking heads. "Remember when the one guy said something wryly ironic about his youth?"

-- Ned Raggett (ne...), November 10th, 2005.

TALKING HEAD: Everyone in the entire universe was watching I Love The 80's 3-D. Where else could you get Nelson redoing a ToTo song? TOTAL INSANITY!


TALKING HEAD (looking at camera): Am I right or what? *nervous laughter*



The CAMERA PULLS OUT TO REVEAL that the Z-lister is not in the studio where he thought he was in, but instead a vast gravely wasteland.


latebloomer (latebloomer), Thursday, 10 November 2005 20:04 (eighteen years ago) link

Another thing about her that reminds me of punk: On her first *SNL* appearance, when the music came out of the speakers while she non-lip-synched and did her awkward jig, I *immediately* thought of John Lydon doing something very similiar on *American Bandstand* in 1980, so we heard "Poptones" but he just did a silly dance while it played.

Johnny did a LOT more than just do a silly dance, xhuxhxhxh. Granted, none of it lives up to the hype to those who've never seen it. But the audience participation and the whole spectacle was definitely more than just a silly dance.

(plurplurplur) ^_- DJ 'O' Nut -_^ (rulprulprulp) (donut), Thursday, 10 November 2005 20:12 (eighteen years ago) link

OK, and now my super extra special, FINAL Ashlee post (until my next Ashlee post):

Ashlee's fundamental model is P!nk's M!ssundaztood, but though she sounds like P!nk, she's not doing what P!nk did, which was to overthrow a budding and already lucrative r&b career for hard rock/confessional rock. An incredibly gutsy move, whatever you think of the result (Sheffield complained that M!ssundaztood was the teenpop In Utero.) And gutsy of Arista to take the commercial gamble on it. And the result was raw and powerful and endearing, and original, even though it was sometimes maudlin and it vagued out too much. And for better or worse, P!nk's risk made subsequent rock moves by Avril, Lindsay, Kelly, and Ashlee much less risky. As I said, Ashlee vagues out even more than P!nk did, so all around - commercially, personally - she's not nearly as much on the line - which ironically may hurt her commercially, since in "Catch Me When I Fall," when she says that something's killing her, she owes us details as to what. Owes us aesthetically, that is, so we can feel the danger and the pain. If she wants to matter more, this is what she's got to do. She should make something up, if she has to; just give us something to make the song more powerful.

So, in courage, in mattering, P!nk beats Ashlee. But one thing: Ashlee made the record that - song for song, melody by melody, riff by riff, wail by wail - I'd much rather listen to. One could still legitimately say that P!nk is better just for doing what she did (I'm not a "sound-beats-all-other-criteria" man by any means), but I'm with Ashlee at least for now, as the better artist. Even if she's not as punk.

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Thursday, 10 November 2005 20:30 (eighteen years ago) link

(Donut is right, by the way.) (So much for famous final posts.)

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Thursday, 10 November 2005 20:34 (eighteen years ago) link

It was definitely a left turn for Pink, butI'm not sure if deciding to perform power ballads is really that gutsy.

'Twan (miccio), Thursday, 10 November 2005 20:40 (eighteen years ago) link

Plus how many of the singles from Misundastood were really hard rock? "Don't Let Me Get Me" had a tiny guitar solo, but so did Usher's "U Got It Bad."

'Twan (miccio), Thursday, 10 November 2005 20:48 (eighteen years ago) link

"Just Like A Pill"

Alfred Soto (Alfred Soto), Thursday, 10 November 2005 20:52 (eighteen years ago) link

That's two out of four, and both are ballads. While it was surprise to see her go post-Alanis, I don't see how it would be an audacious move to do so. Since when are power ballads commercially risky?

'Twan (miccio), Thursday, 10 November 2005 21:01 (eighteen years ago) link

But either way, this may be the first time I've ever heard somebody suggest that *'60s* punk was rebelling against other music. Mostly it was kids imitating Beatles/Stones/Yardbirds, crassly attempting to get on the radio. You can't rebel against *Sgt. Pepper's* if it doesnt exist yet.

Right, but since they didn't call it punk rock at the time, I always thought that was why it was retroactively dubbed punk rock: Because it rebelled (consciously or not) against Sgt. Pepper or (going back) Fabian or whatever.

I dunno, that sounds pretty naive to me! Wouldn't the mere fact that she's willing to have a TV show make it *less* likely that you're getting the "real" her? TV is acting! Including reality shows.


So is recorded music; we're not talking some blues octagenarian serenading his dead dog on the porch.

No, but don't record titles like Autobiography and I Am Me suggest something? Or at least tip you off that they're meant to suggest something?

Either way, I'm still not sure how that would change how her music sounds. The CDs are completely the same whether she had a reality show or not.

And I don't like 'em on their own merits, as I said above. The TV business is my theory on why she gets more crap than others in a similar spot.

"Moonlight Feels Right" rules! That chuckle before the chorus!

Rick Massimo (Rick Massimo), Thursday, 10 November 2005 21:11 (eighteen years ago) link

"Yeah. And if she is pissing people off on purpose, she's a genius, but it really doesn't seem like it."

Ugh. Einstien, Shakespeare, Stephen Hawking, Ashlee. The Littlest simpson would have to create an ipod that runs off cold fusion to come close to deserving her name in the same sentence as that word.

"I sincerely doubt anyone's going to still be discussing the arguable merits of Ashlee's "La La," but I dare say people will still be talking about, say, the Count Five's "Psychotic Reaction" and/or "(I'm) Stranded" by the Saints. "

Does more than 1% of the population talk about either of those songs? The sad fact is that Ashlee WILL be remembered by a much larger segment of people, reformed tennyboppers and aging Gen-Y'ers, as an example when music was actually *good*. Everyone should shudder.

JD from CDepot, Thursday, 10 November 2005 21:37 (eighteen years ago) link

Plus how many of the singles from Misundastood were really hard rock?


Alex in NYC (vassifer), Thursday, 10 November 2005 21:55 (eighteen years ago) link

Does more than 1% of the population talk about either of those songs? The sad fact is that Ashlee WILL be remembered by a much larger segment of people, reformed tennyboppers and aging Gen-Y'ers, as an example when music was actually *good*. Everyone should shudder.

Both the Count Five and the Saints singles have been re-released more times than you've had hot dinners (usually by those tireless folks at Rhino) suggests that YES, people do still talk about/care about the music in question.

I could be completely wrong, but I suspect Ashlee Simpson will be remembered more for her television show and her lip-synch catastrophe and her relationship with her equally irrelevant sister THAN FOR HER ACTUAL MUSIC. She's destined to be a embarassing blemish on this part of the decade. She'll be a punchline at best.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Thursday, 10 November 2005 21:59 (eighteen years ago) link

Alex, I know you watch enough VH1 to realize that people will still be talking about all kinds of crap twenty years from now.

And it will be mostly crap they aired. I got an ad from a 1992 GQ with VH-1 doing a Michael Bolton special...unironically! Three years from now they'll be mocking Fred Durst and a few years later some Black Eyed Peas.

What was the Hilary Duff/Loveless connection mendtioned earlier?

Cunga (Cunga), Thursday, 10 November 2005 22:29 (eighteen years ago) link

It's a picture of her holding a red guitar, Loveless-sleeve stylee. Not earth-shattering.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Thursday, 10 November 2005 22:35 (eighteen years ago) link

>it rebelled (consciously or not) against Sgt. Pepper or (going back) Fabian or whatever.<

Nah, Fabian's last Top 40 single was in 1960. He would've been long, long gone and--after the Beatles and Stones etc--I would assume long forgotten by the time "96 Tears" came along. And like I said, *Sgt Peppers* didn't exist yet. So when '70s fanziners renamed all those bratty old one-hit wonders (and some two and three hit wonders) "punk rock", I doubt it was because they were rebelling against anything. More likely it was just because they sounded like brats. Tough brats.

xhuxk, Thursday, 10 November 2005 22:45 (eighteen years ago) link

Ah, I thought they took her new album cover and went and filtered>blurred it the color red to the point of insanity. You never know.

Cunga (Cunga), Thursday, 10 November 2005 22:49 (eighteen years ago) link


i never said that people don't talk about those songs, obviously they do, but thats not really the idea. Many of the people that will get nostalgic about Ashlee many years of now will think they ARE talking about music, because they never needed/wanted to look beyond the radio or their immediate exposures.

JD from CDepot, Thursday, 10 November 2005 23:04 (eighteen years ago) link

But if you don't "look beyond the radio," then of course you would be "talking about music"!

Alfred Soto (Alfred Soto), Thursday, 10 November 2005 23:06 (eighteen years ago) link

XP: Also, I mean, you gotta remember that, when Dave Marsh or whoever decided that ? and the Mysterians were "punk rock," '70s punk rock bands like *the Sex Pistols* didn't exist yet. Ditto when, say, Brownsville Station (an early '70s band self-consciously keeping '60s garage sounds alive) named an album *School Punks* (I think - unless that one came later, but I don't think it did.) They meant "punks" as in greasers, hitters, guys who'd steal your lunch money then smoke in the boys room. Not just guys who don't like Pink Floyd.

xhuxk, Thursday, 10 November 2005 23:52 (eighteen years ago) link

The word "punk" long pre-dates the genre/movement/whathaveyou dubbed "Punk".

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Friday, 11 November 2005 00:05 (eighteen years ago) link


Chris Rea's "I Can Hear Your Heartbeat" was a medium-sized hit on Montreal radio - pretty decent song (never heard "Fool" though). Greatest Gino Vannelli single ever: 1986's "Wild Horses" (a towtruck driver I worked with once told me his mom was Gino's cousin!)

Patrick (Patrick), Friday, 11 November 2005 04:31 (eighteen years ago) link

XP: Also, I mean, you gotta remember that, when Dave Marsh or whoever decided that ? and the Mysterians were "punk rock," '70s punk rock bands like *the Sex Pistols* didn't exist yet. Ditto when, say, Brownsville Station (an early '70s band self-consciously keeping '60s garage sounds alive) named an album *School Punks* (I think - unless that one came later, but I don't think it did.) They meant "punks" as in greasers, hitters, guys who'd steal your lunch money then smoke in the boys room. Not just guys who don't like Pink Floyd.
-- xhuxk (xedd...), November 10th, 2005.

I see your point. It starts sounding like "punk" means so many things that it means nothing. Which would hardly be the first word that that's happened to.

Rick Massimo (Rick Massimo), Friday, 11 November 2005 17:44 (eighteen years ago) link

"punk" means so many things that it means nothing

Just because "punk" might arguably mean many things, doesn't mean it means everything. Gloppy, cookie-cutter, glossy, sickly, candy-colored, slickly-produced teenybopper radio fodder it does NOT mean.

Alex in NYC (vassifer), Friday, 11 November 2005 17:47 (eighteen years ago) link

They meant "punks" as in greasers, hitters, guys who'd steal your lunch money then smoke in the boys room. Not just guys who don't like Pink Floyd.

more likely guys who "took it" in prison.

hstencil (hstencil), Friday, 11 November 2005 17:48 (eighteen years ago) link

Just because "punk" might arguably mean many things, doesn't mean it means everything. Gloppy, cookie-cutter, glossy, sickly, candy-colored, slickly-produced teenybopper radio fodder it does NOT mean.

Oh, I don't know. I mean, you're right, not every bit of gloppy, cookie-cutter, glossy, sickly, candy-colored, slickly-produced teenybopper radio fodder is punk, but "Hey Joe" (Byrds), "Hey Joe" (Love), "Cherry Cherry" (Neil Diamond), "Steppin' Stone" (Monkees), "Break On Through" (Doors), "We Gotta Get Out of this Place" and "It's My Life" (Animals, those songs included on this list for their Brill Building/Colgems associations), and "Kicks" (Paul Revere and the Raiders) - to name some tracks that were state-of-the-art in their time and had money and bizzers involved in their creation and were the sort of record that retrospectively got called punk rock once Marsh, Bangs, Barnes & Co. started batting the term around c. 1971. Not that I'd call any of those songs sickly, but I wouldn't call any Ashlee songs sickly either. And not that those songs have much of a punk effect anymore, neutered as they are by nostalgia and familiarity and sounding small these days given so much intervening musical roar and bombast, though maybe some kid who approached them with fresh ears would somehow feel the spark I felt in 1966. But then, the Sex Pistols don't have much of a punk effect anymore either except again on the kid who somehow makes his ears new and isn't impressed or put off by the bands' pedestal. Obviously my various uses of "punk" don't match all of yours, and I wouldn't call Ashlee a punk, just call her someone who occasionally veers punkward. But by and large as much or more good punk gets made by nonpunks as by punks anyway (in this part of this sentence I'm meaning people who think of themselves as making music in the punk-rock genre; maybe I think "punk-rock genre" is something of an oxymoron).

Frank Kogan (Frank Kogan), Saturday, 12 November 2005 05:22 (eighteen years ago) link

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