nick.K - rest in peace

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I never really interacted with him either on board or off but I loved the website. RIP.

The Ghost of Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 19:47 (nineteen years ago) link

Thiunking back to that night at Club FT, both Nick and I didn't want to go to our respective homes because we'd both gone through personal heck earlier that day...crap crap crap. It's just not right.

B4rim4 (Barima), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 19:52 (nineteen years ago) link

i only met nick a few times, both a couple of years ago, but we've chatted here and there ever since. the last time i talked to him was a couple of weeks ago - i sent him m.i.a. and in his excitement he told me if i ever needed a place to stay while in the uk, i could crash at his. that sounds like a ridiculous anecdote in retrospect but it fits with how i knew him - maybe more than any other person or internet 'persona' ive ever encountered, i associate him with a sheer love of music. he represents that to me. its amazing how someone you barely know can come to stand for something so big.

mark p (Mark P), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 19:53 (nineteen years ago) link

Oh no! I just remembered who he was and that I chatted to him a whole lot of times on Soulseek. Too nice a guy to die :''-(

dog latin (dog latin), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 19:57 (nineteen years ago) link

I remember a few years ago I got an email from Nick which simply said

"Ronan I am having a Cosmos-Take Me With You moment! Thank You!!!!"

Ronan (Ronan), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 20:00 (nineteen years ago) link

oh god no. RIP.

geeta (geeta), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 20:01 (nineteen years ago) link

never talked to him, but R.I.P. : (

firstworldman (firstworldman), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 20:07 (nineteen years ago) link

Terrible, terrible news. Between JBs and gabba Nick's given my ears as much pleasure as anyone in the last few years, and the news that it's come to such a sudden, wasteful end breaks my heart.

I hope those who were more than anonymous fans of his can figure out a way to get through this--you're all in my thoughts.


Jesse, Tuesday, 8 February 2005 20:10 (nineteen years ago) link

I met Nick for the first time two weeks ago, and found him to be as charming, considerate, enthusiastic and committed as I'd always expected from our e-mail correspondence. We talked about forming an A&R team one day, and I felt an instant closeness to this slightly-crazed, intense and wonderful individual. This is absolutely appalling news.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 20:21 (nineteen years ago) link

I'm really devastated by the news that Nick's passed away.

Nick was a lovely guy and a real music enthusiast...
he was always making these great personalized mixes (pre-MP3 blogs of course) just to turn people on to good stuff and I saved every
single one he made for me.

We both were at Warp about the same time and
I hadn't talked to him in a year when he ran up to me
at a party at the ICA in London, just really excited
to see me and dying to give me this four song demo for
these kids called Junior Boys just 'cuz he thought I'd
love it. He was their first and biggest fan and damn
near solely responsible for introducing Junior Boys to
general public through his own label, KIN.

He was a sweetheart and had to endure a lot lately.
This all made a little stranger for me as we were
supposed to meet up for drinks last Monday but missed
each other at Waterloo Station.

Details are lacking at this point but I talked to him
on Friday and everything seemed okay. He was really
excited about some discussions with Fennesz doing a new Junior Boys remix and other things.

I could go on and on, but I'm just overwhelmed right

very sad.

Kris Gillespie, Tuesday, 8 February 2005 20:38 (nineteen years ago) link

Oh fuck no. I only saw him two weeks ago, how can he be dead?

RickyT (RickyT), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 20:53 (nineteen years ago) link

Jesus, RIP

djdee2005 (djdee2005), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:13 (nineteen years ago) link


vahid (vahid), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:14 (nineteen years ago) link

This is horrible news, rip.

Leon the Fatboy (Ex Leon), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:16 (nineteen years ago) link

I have nothing to say. This isn't right AT ALL AT ALL AT ALL.

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:19 (nineteen years ago) link

this is horrible, horrible news. god. horrible. fuck. fuck. AT ALL AT ALL AT ALL!

cozen (Cozen), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:22 (nineteen years ago) link

wow. i was just speaking to him on soulseek yesterday. wtf.

cutty (mcutt), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:24 (nineteen years ago) link


Beta (abeta), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:26 (nineteen years ago) link

I feel very sad about this... I feel worse because I'm not sure if I met him the one time I was at a London FAP or not... it would have been brief at most, but still :(

donut christ (donut), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:38 (nineteen years ago) link

i am totally stunned and saddened by this news.

Nick was so enthusiastic and vibrant in all the projects he was involved.

DJ Martian (djmartian), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:42 (nineteen years ago) link

oh my god, stunned and so so sad. RIP Nick.

jed_ (jed), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:44 (nineteen years ago) link

yeah, what martian said - whenever i ran into nick i felt guilty for not having the time or energy for keeping up properly with his many many projects... i always promised myself sometime soon i'd make this good, and now, unbelievably, it's too late

nick was a total sweetheart - i saw him last at club FT, the same time tim finney and b4rim4 saw him, first time in an age, and it was great to catch up, even though his news wasn't all of it jolly

mark s (mark s), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:50 (nineteen years ago) link

our last interaction was him emailing me last week to give him a call when i had a moment and i never got around to it.

gareth is right.

RIP to a good friend.

jess (dubplatestyle), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 21:51 (nineteen years ago) link

Whenever he emailed, he was full of ideas, enthusiasm, and support. He always wanted input from others. Poured his heart out each time we talked.

Fondest memory: After having me check out some early Junior Boys tracks, he asked something like, "If you could hear them covering something, what would it be?" I fired back with So Good So Right by Imagination and got an ".....umm....." in response.

Andy K. (ADK), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:11 (nineteen years ago) link

the first time i met him he made fun of my plaid t-shirt, told me fennesz stories and played chingy for me.

mark p (Mark P), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:14 (nineteen years ago) link

somewhere between heartbroken and just utterly numb. like many others in London i saw him at Club FT a fortnight ago. despite the problems he'd been through he looked good, happy and enthusiastic. the fact that he came down that night to see Tim and others and danced to Gwen bloody Stefani like it was the greatest thing ever...that's what i got from Nick, enthusiasm - but i'm sure that came through for everyone, not just through Gabba and Zabriskie Point and KIN but in person - i didn't even know him that well but you didn't have to feel the guy. he was really supportive of what other people were doing - very embarassing to me because he seemed much more out there and pushing things forward - and he really was. i'd got used to the idea of just seeing him every six months or so.

a really great, kind guy with a wonderful passion for the art he believed in.

Alienus Quam Reproba (blueski), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:21 (nineteen years ago) link

so sad to hear this. also knew nick.K through slsk and gabba. seemed like such a great guy.

not mentioned yet, but worthy of it: his photography, which can be seen at . hauntingly beautiful work.


doctor love hewitt (doctor love hewitt), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:27 (nineteen years ago) link

Nick was on hold for a tofu interview and I never heard back from him. gabba was one of the places that really excited me about music on the web and opened my eyes to some of the possibilities. I'm sorry to hear about this and condolences to family and friends.

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:27 (nineteen years ago) link

jeremy greenspan has communicated:

DJ Martian (djmartian), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:32 (nineteen years ago) link

Never realized they hadn't actually met -- I think that's a good reflection of how easy it is not only to communicate but do much more over the Net, and how even though most of us knew him online the feels here are so profound.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:36 (nineteen years ago) link

fuck, no. fuck. i barely knew nick, but he was always full of enthusiasm. i remember bumping into him at waterstones at midnight when that harry potter book came out, and him giving out promos of the first jr boys cd in the pub when he'd just got them... fuck.

toby (tsg20), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:36 (nineteen years ago) link

Wouldn't profess to know him but was dead nice and enquiring in emails (he used to live in my neck of the woods). RIP, condolences etc

DJ Mencap0))), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:38 (nineteen years ago) link

This is horrible. Like a couple of other people here I talked to him properly for the first time a week ago last Thursday. He grabbed me as I walked past him at the bar and said hello, then asked where "the man himself" Tim Finney was... while standing next to Tim at the bar. We had a laugh about that later and danced madly for a couple of hours. He told me I should be a writer and I laughed in his face, and told him he should get back into putting music out. We might have made vague plans to go out dancing the following night which came to nothing, I don't know. He seemed like a great bloke. RIP.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:38 (nineteen years ago) link

Jeremy's comm has brought tears.

Deerninja B4rim4, Plus-Tech Whizz Kid (Barima), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:47 (nineteen years ago) link

what terrible news. it's times like these that you really realize how profoundly people you only know online can get under your skin. my condolences to his friends and family...

it's tricky (disco stu), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 22:50 (nineteen years ago) link

very sad. i only met him once but had quite a lot of electronic sharing of ideas with him. you'll be greatly missed nick.

stirmonster, Tuesday, 8 February 2005 23:10 (nineteen years ago) link

this is horrible news.

cis (cis), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 23:16 (nineteen years ago) link

fucking hell. RIP.

grimly fiendish (grimlord), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 23:29 (nineteen years ago) link

Bless you, Nick. Thank you for being such a crazy music head and introducing me to so much greatness through your site. Rest In Peace.

Jay Vee (Manon_70), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 23:32 (nineteen years ago) link

this just doesn't compute.

Julio Desouza (jdesouza), Tuesday, 8 February 2005 23:43 (nineteen years ago) link

I have nothing to add (though I've got a little tribute up at my blog, second obit there in three weeks - that just isn't right), really. We exchanged emails just a few weeks ago. We had grand schemes on tap for 2005. RIP, Nick.

philip sherburne (philip sherburne), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 00:00 (nineteen years ago) link

mark p (Mark P), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 00:17 (nineteen years ago) link

i didnt know nick but i've read many of his posts both here and on dissensus over the years,he was always remarkably enthusiastic-loads of stuff ive got into over the last while has been thanks to his site,and i loved that he had this desire for people to music that was important to him,i suppose the fact that he managed to influence my listening without ever meeting or even emailing him is testament to that...

robin (robin), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 00:21 (nineteen years ago) link

i think it's remarkable how many people here have stories of Nick saying "let's do this" or pushing for x or y and then they/us/we failing to match his energy. after one pretty crazy night very early during my stay in london, probably september 2003, he was riling us all to go to some "late night intelligent techno" and i passed

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 00:29 (nineteen years ago) link

This has been affecting me more than I might have expected -- this thread's showing that opportunities were lost (I'm very annoyed with myself on that front -- I feel like someone who didn't so much look a gift horse in the mouth as I do someone who never fully appreciated that there was a gift there to start with) and now one of the strongest feelings is regret.

And perhaps perversely but understandably that makes me think of the N.O. song, probably just because of the new album and all, and even though the song describes a much different situation I keep thinking of the final lines:

Just wait till tomorrow
I guess that's what they all say
Just before they fall apart

Death freezes moments, doesn't it? An era, a conception, a time will now always be harkened back to via this.

Apologies for rambling.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 01:13 (nineteen years ago) link

it's freezes this and yet it changes all of those things too. Last Exit (the track especially but the whole record) seems weighted down with so much more meaning than before. I suppose that track always seemed to have much more depth than you could easily grasp at. i wish i could express it more clearly.

jed_ (jed), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 01:43 (nineteen years ago) link

I don't know what to say that hasn't already been said, this seems terribly unreal.

teeny (teeny), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 01:45 (nineteen years ago) link

Oh God. This is so shocking. Gabba was the first MP3 blog I discovered, and the one or two correspondences I had with him, he seemed a great, highly enthusastic guy.


Michael F Gill (Michael F Gill), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 04:23 (nineteen years ago) link

So was he the owner of Electrokin?

This is sad...I just realized he was the "Nick" on the back of my junior boys promo ("contact")

djdee2005 (djdee2005), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 04:28 (nineteen years ago) link

Nick's energy reached so many of us. always looked forward to meeting face to face someday in the UK. condolences especially to those closest to him.

Paul (scifisoul), Wednesday, 9 February 2005 04:33 (nineteen years ago) link

great to see this thread persisting.

stilling missing you badly mate.

James Tindall, Wednesday, 14 September 2005 11:03 (nineteen years ago) link

two weeks pass...
Some days Nick's absence seems more painfull than others. For some reason today is one of the hard ones.

James Tindall, Monday, 3 October 2005 09:49 (eighteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...
Today would have been Nick's 31st birthday. Miss you Nick, and I know you would have never wanted me to wallow and grieve forever. "Yeah, get over it mum, it's all part of this big trip called life" I hear you, but you left a big hole in our lives.

Mary Kilroy

Mary Kilroy, Saturday, 29 October 2005 18:24 (eighteen years ago) link

okay now i'm welling up a bit

strongo hulkington's ghost (dubplatestyle), Saturday, 29 October 2005 18:34 (eighteen years ago) link

happy birthday, nick

Tracer Hand (tracerhand), Saturday, 29 October 2005 23:29 (eighteen years ago) link

i don't think i've ever seen so many beautiful photographs in one place before...

ronny longjohns (ronny longjohns), Sunday, 30 October 2005 02:54 (eighteen years ago) link

happy birthday dude...

c7n (Cozen), Sunday, 30 October 2005 10:19 (eighteen years ago) link

:-(((( I just checked out his website yesterday, looking at the pictures.
Happy Birthday, Nick.

nathalie, a bum like you (stevie nixed), Sunday, 30 October 2005 11:08 (eighteen years ago) link

What a profoundly moving thread, made me throw on the Pornography album. I was only about a month into ILM when all of this went down and didn't read this thread at that time. So I didn't know Nick, even through posts, but sounds like we lost someone special. Strange but great time we live in when we can get close to people without even meeting them with this Internet thing. I would of loved reading about his passion for music and one of the reasons why I love this board, but that is another thread. Happy Birthday Nick!

Ironically, I was throwing away all my recent free weekly/monthly magazines just yesterday and only kept one and it was that Vice.

BeeOK (boo radley), Sunday, 30 October 2005 12:49 (eighteen years ago) link

one month passes...
I sent him an email last year to compliment him on the photos in Zabriskie Point. I respect that he responded to this outsider. I still find them inspiring.

geore krassas, Wednesday, 21 December 2005 11:25 (eighteen years ago) link

four weeks pass...
RIP Nick.

Silencer, Friday, 20 January 2006 12:17 (eighteen years ago) link

I still miss Nick, even though he wound me up no end. Still is it me or has the Junior Boys information been removed from the Domino site. Can I assume that all is done and dusted with the JB's?

Sheikh Ahmed (scientist), Sunday, 29 January 2006 00:22 (eighteen years ago) link

Hm, their site's news section hasn't been updated since July, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Sunday, 29 January 2006 00:31 (eighteen years ago) link

There's no info on since that's for the UK-centered Domino mothership- Junior Boys were signed to Kin in the UK. has the Junior Boys/Domino stuff.

telephone thing, Sunday, 29 January 2006 06:57 (eighteen years ago) link

there's no nick to take care about things... that's why.

nique (nique), Sunday, 29 January 2006 22:18 (eighteen years ago) link

Whoops, spoke too soon! See an update on the JB's site. Re-release of the album. Just need new material guys......

Sheikh Ahmed (scientist), Wednesday, 1 February 2006 00:58 (eighteen years ago) link

One year on. Shit, I really miss Nick.

jadrenos (jadrenos), Wednesday, 8 February 2006 17:49 (eighteen years ago) link

Christ, it has been a year, hasn't it. Dang.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 8 February 2006 18:07 (eighteen years ago) link

With Nick more than anyone I feel sad thinking about the music from the last year that he would've loved, what he would've thought of and written about it. I'm not even sure what that music would be but I'm sure he'd have found plenty to enthuse about last year as with other years. Sorry if this gets people down. He is missed greatly.

Sororah T Massacre (blueski), Wednesday, 8 February 2006 18:46 (eighteen years ago) link

OTM about the music, as well as the shows, pictures, ideas, sites, texts... So much I would have wanted to share with Nick (and so much more he would have, as ever, sent my way...).

jadrenos (jadrenos), Wednesday, 8 February 2006 20:34 (eighteen years ago) link

mark p (Mark P), Wednesday, 8 February 2006 21:17 (eighteen years ago) link

.. I don't think i'd consume half as much music, film, ideas, pictures and the rest where it not for nick, its been really hard to keep it up with out him around, missed terribly...

jk_ (jk@gabba), Wednesday, 8 February 2006 23:49 (eighteen years ago) link

Digital remnants. Still out there......

Sheikh Ahmed (scientist), Saturday, 18 February 2006 12:05 (eighteen years ago) link

not often goes by without some feeling of you Nick, even in the years we weren't in touch it seems we were still connected somehow, that hasn't faded even now a year on..
In my dreamworld I feel like he's getting the next story line the next plot to unravel in another space time place.
setting the scene for us when we arrive again, wake up somewhere fresh, somewhere new but somewhere we know..
tickling the foundation of your self, awake awake

not gone friend
not gone

Aaron Sanders, Sunday, 26 February 2006 00:02 (eighteen years ago) link

two months pass...
im touched
he too
thank you

paulbyrne, Friday, 19 May 2006 00:11 (eighteen years ago) link

one year passes...

hope to see you + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +=

odEVEcerka, Saturday, 9 February 2008 14:20 (sixteen years ago) link

one year passes...

Out of the blue I was thinking about Nick today, then it suddenly dawned on me why. It's funny how the mind works - it's all up there somewhere, but the read/write speed is appalling at times.

RIP Nick

nossa, Monday, 8 February 2010 16:02 (fourteen years ago) link

meant to bump this myself after re-reading this thread last week. 5 years, shit.

mdskltr (blueski), Monday, 8 February 2010 16:10 (fourteen years ago) link

One of the saddest days in a sad year.

Ned Raggett, Monday, 8 February 2010 16:36 (fourteen years ago) link

two years pass...

... again ...

jadrenos, Thursday, 9 February 2012 23:02 (twelve years ago) link

Seven years! Seven years. Doesn't seem real. And he would have been AMAZED by so much of what was out there over all of them, he would have happy as hell.

Ned Raggett, Friday, 10 February 2012 02:18 (twelve years ago) link

Very prescient, and I feel like his photos would be going over really well in our now effects-obsessed app-centric world.

valleys of your mind (mh), Friday, 10 February 2012 02:50 (twelve years ago) link


jed_, Friday, 10 February 2012 03:24 (twelve years ago) link

four years pass...

Realized I've been conflating this guy with k-punk.

Wozniak on Kimye's Baby (jaymc), Tuesday, 17 January 2017 17:52 (seven years ago) link

Been thinking of him now again. Esp now w Fisher dying. :-((

nathom, Tuesday, 17 January 2017 21:08 (seven years ago) link

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