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And I do feel these points I made are overlooked in this debate to get to the bottom:

She doesn't even take the praise...she just goes from delivering her one dimensional speech to saying "suck my dick" and back to the one dimensional speech.

If she actually cared about what she was saying (ie prasing those who like obscure music), she'd quickly see that ILM is FILLED with obscure music threads.

The bottom line: she's either a character, or incredibly negative and obstanate person (possibly crazy, yes). All while some (many) ILM'rs are assholes.

I'm at least trying to make sense of it rather than taking sides while ignoring everything on the table.

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 02:56 (nineteen years ago) link

One thing you have to understand. I am NOT the underdog.
I have a expensive home studio, I have original ideas.
I am not lacking in imagination.
I don't have a broken limb.
There is nothing wrong with ME.
The people who are signed are Underdogs..that is why they are signed.
They take the people who really don't have originality or creativity that can make for a lasting career. They are losing millions of dollars a year, they laid off thousands at Sony.
/they were just sued for paying some radio stations to play their music.
They are the only people with a broken limb. You should feel sorry for people who have NO soul.
People who lack a soul, care about image, looks and skin colours, and nose shapes..and nationalities, rather then hearts, souls and orginality. I am not a person who is losing. I hear original music everyday. But the public is losing, because they are finding it harder and harder to find anything that is original.
But if the kids never heard oldies and classical music etc..it would be all fresh to them.
I have a fifty thousand dollar studio in my house..I don't have an easy life at all...and tomorrow I am back to work..no time for the net. But my dislike for people who are not opened to anything outside the walls of the media, sort of disurb me.
You go off on these subjects that make no sense. I am Marissa Marchant.
I am saying the same thing here as I am on my gig section. that should tell that I am Marissa. and I am not afraid to tell people to suck my dick..because I don't have a dick.
but I do have more of dick then most men I meet.
Men are so weak and frail these days.
I am not weak and frail...I am handling being mocked and abused for years...
I can handle it..the question is...I can do better then to expose my music and heart to filth...

marissa marchant, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:01 (nineteen years ago) link

Say what you want people, I maintain...classic!

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:05 (nineteen years ago) link

it's kind of, you know, repetitive.

Clay (cws), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:08 (nineteen years ago) link

i think some people on this board work for the music industry.
they try to counteract anything that is against them..or seemingly insulting to them.
I really think your number is up...the jig is up...you have been found out, they pay people to come on these boards..Instead of investing in artists, they pay people to protect their agenda against artists and unique artists.

marissa marchant, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:12 (nineteen years ago) link

Ned Raggett is actually Tommy Mottola.

polyphonic (polyphonic), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:17 (nineteen years ago) link

It's proved profitable.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:22 (nineteen years ago) link

Tommy Googola

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:26 (nineteen years ago) link

"Heavens! I payola you now."

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:26 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah Ned, where is my check for monitoring the entire interweb and holding down the quality artists?

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:29 (nineteen years ago) link

Enough outta you, ya mook. You want I should mess you up?

Ned Raggett (Ned), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:33 (nineteen years ago) link

I really think your number is up

Apparantly, she's right!

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:36 (nineteen years ago) link

god damnit, i go out for a few hours and this continues. i was really praying that our little artiste had off'ed herself, sylvia plath style...

"No passion, no romance..no beauty.
we are living in such a bland time in history."

yeah, tell that to the fucking serf 600 years ago whose life consisted of starving to death while he tried to farm unfertile land and dodge the plauge.

plenty of people live passionate, romantic lives now. most of them have either money or talent. you and i have neither. at least im not bitching about it you fucking slag. go choke down a bottle of unisom.

Give me a fucking break, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 03:50 (nineteen years ago) link

"this apathetic attitude about musicians and artists."

i mean, my god, how STUPID are you? speaking of myself, do you know how many hours i spend reading obscure books or how much disposable income i spend on music or literature? or just how many people are just like me in this respect? sometimes i think finding some new work to appreciate is one of the only things to truly live for. and what makes me different from you? I REALIZE IM NOT ALONE! im one in a fucking million snobs, give or take a thousand! you, my delusional cow, are the epitome of everything i ever hear in conversation i despise.

ohh the government/corporation is keeping us down! god how boring. BORING BORING BORING. its always been that way, and always will be. but dont say people are apathetic about art, because we aren't. we are apathetic about the bland gasps and pathetic postures you call music.

Give me a fucking break, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 04:02 (nineteen years ago) link

Pappa, I think you've missed earlier discussions.
I actually interviewed the March back here almost a year ago.
She's also over here.

Hi Marissa.
I hope things are okay with you.
Why don't you do a gig somewhere? If you did, I'd come and so would a lot of other people. I can't speak for them, but I'd pay a small cover charge to see you play and promise to be respectful. I still occasionally listen to your music. Try not to care so much about what other people think about you; it tends to be counterproductive.
Anyway, best of luck. Let us know when you're playing live in NYC.

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 04:09 (nineteen years ago) link

yeah, tell that to the fucking serf 600 years ago whose life consisted of starving to death while he tried to farm unfertile land and dodge the plauge

Time motherfucking machine - BOOOOOOOYAAAAA!

jhoshea (scoopsnoodle), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 11:42 (nineteen years ago) link

John, I've seen both of those links. Nothing different...

I am a Marissa fan. She is entertaining on many levels.

The conflicting logic alone is the ubiquitous feature, and people take the bait she lays out. They are part of the act that I am entertained by.

What's the debate? Some boo-hoo about the nature of this thread, yet don't seem to understand the nature of this thread. That is what I've been addressing.

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 14:17 (nineteen years ago) link

"I am going to change my stage name to rid myself of filth and apathetic idiots who worship mindless divel, rerun movies, reality shows and candy coated sap pop stars.
thanks for your support, but I don't' give a fuck...

wow! watch out, yr approaching Billy Corgan-esque levels of self-importance, here...

it's a nice idea, hopefully a contagious one. alas, this is not be, mainly due to the fact that people LOVELOVELOVE 'rehash'. if it's a challenge to understand or makes people think 'hard', it get the nay-no, mah daimie.

i'm not frail! i'm just undernourished...

this thread is begining to take over the DMB place as most-awesome-est thread i've been privy to witness!

eedd, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 15:31 (nineteen years ago) link

Marissa - if you use the search function below you'll find many threads dedicated to all of the different types of music you're into. There are plenty of like-minded... er I mean people with similar interests as yours on ILM. You just gotta google other things besides yourself!

darin (darin), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 15:36 (nineteen years ago) link


lindseyflower asks "is she nuts?"

Lindsey is Marissa.


Robin is also Marissa.

Which part of hoax is failing to come across?

The architect of the anti-talent movement (Tweekers), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 15:38 (nineteen years ago) link

are the videos a hoax too? damn.

you will be shot (you will be shot), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 15:47 (nineteen years ago) link

Video Hoaxes Don't Exist. Ever.

The architect of the anti-talent movement (Tweekers), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 15:50 (nineteen years ago) link

I took at break from my work.
You all want to hear that I have fans, no friends., no supporters, and no lover that would post positive messages about my music or me.
You want to hear that everyone anon person is Marissa Marchant ...me.
there are many people who don't believe that I could have friends, family or supporters who go out of their way to post messages about me. So I am just telling you what you all WANT TO BELIEVE. because if I did n't write some of these messages, you wouldn't believe this anyway. YOU ALL WANT TO BELIEVE I HAVE NO ONE.

marissa marchant, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 15:52 (nineteen years ago) link

When I change my stage name, I will make sure to do things differently...since this crowd seems to think no one would support me other then myself, because they are UNsupportive of me. It is interesting that UNsupportive people really don't believe that other people would be supportive and giving either.

Marissa Marchant, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 15:54 (nineteen years ago) link


John and I are at least two people on this thread who already have stated that we want to desperately support you.

Please help us.

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 15:56 (nineteen years ago) link

Hi Marissa,

It seems also true that you want to believe no one will support you, at least no one on the net.

My two bits: Don't let worrying about what people think interfere with the far more important and pleasurable work of making music.

Slandered and maligned? You have lots of good company e.g. John Lennon for starters.

However, I must admit this has been an entertaining thread. Maybe this is your true calling.

Whatever you do, enjoy it. "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." (T. Geisel)

declan zimmerman, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 16:15 (nineteen years ago) link

You all want to hear that I have passion and having a sense of musicality. but no, the masses don't insult idiots who slander and gang up on artists
people who can't sing.
I don't cry over.
I know there are great people rich people can pay to control google searches.
I can't ...this is abuse.
and there doesn't!
make sure to do things differently...since this crowd seems to think no one because they are.

Lindsey Rutherford, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 16:23 (nineteen years ago) link

this is more entertaining than Diane from Cheers.

Susan Douglas (Susan Douglas), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 16:23 (nineteen years ago) link

This girl's PR manager is a genius.

Reggie, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 16:39 (nineteen years ago) link

I think Marisa Marchant is NEIL HAMBURGER IN DISGUISE

michael burble, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 16:41 (nineteen years ago) link

-- Banana Nutrament (straightu...), August 3rd, 2005

This thread is mainly kids seeing one of their own with a broken limb & stomping on the limb repeatedly, presumably to prove to themselves that they themselves aren't lame.


I don't have a broken limb...I have rarely received attention from American men, but I do get attenion from other men in different countries. There is nothing wrong with me. I think alot of people out there have gone mad. We live in a crazy world of crazy people now. Those of us who are sane don't fit in well. I am looking for men now, in different countries because Amercian seem ignorant, unromantic, and bland.

-- Frogm@n Henry (v...), August 3rd, 2005.
"Men don't give me attention no matter what I do..."

Gulp...erm... I think we're getting somewhere...

Cutty Ranks vs. Bill Haley, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 16:46 (nineteen years ago) link

even though Diane thought Sam Malone was a bland ingnoramus, she was still drawn to him, desiring his attention with a FERVOR and a PASSION!

Susan Douglas (Susan Douglas), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 16:55 (nineteen years ago) link

Off topic, but maybe more interesting to some:

How do I wash an old or antique quilt?

First, I would never wash an antique quilt in a washing machine, at least not one which has an agitator as the quilt will get wrapped around the agitator and will more than likely be ruined.

I would also never wash a quilt containing wool or silk, nor would I dry clean an antique quilt. Wool and silk are especially fragile. Dry cleaners use strong solutions and are more likely to hurt a quilt rather than save it.

Also, there must be no damaged areas--areas where you can see the batting poking out, rips, or places where the dyes (or other things) have eaten through the fabric. These are too fragile to withstand cleaning.

Most quilts in good condition (without damage mentioned above),can be cleaned first by vacuuming. You need to get a screen, fiberglass window screening available by the yard at your hardware store works well. Tape or sew binding on the edges to prevent the sharp ends from pulling threads or snagging the quilt.

Prepare a large table, or the floor by laying down a white sheet. Place the quilt on top, then the screen on top of that. Take a vacuum which is set at the softest suction possible by adjusting the air flow and hold the vacuum OVER the quilt (not directly on it). The vacuum will suck up dirt without pulling up the fibers. The screen helps prevent any damage to the quilt and holds all the fibers down. Vacuum the entire top of the quilt, then turn it over and vacuum the back side. This often is enough.

Some cotton quilts may be cleaned in the following way, but it is important to test the quilt to make sure that the dyes are stable.

Test each of different fabrics as follows: take a try Q tip and rub it over each of the fabrics. IF the color transfers, then it is likely it will run. If it passes this test, then dampen the q-tips and rub it on each of the fabrics. If it comes off onto the q-tip, then it will run.

If you have come this far without it running, then for the discolored spots, you can mix up a solution of non-chlorine bleach, specifically, I would use oh bother...Oxydol? It is in a blue container...and it is a really good addition to your washing...darling daughter is singing in my ear and I am having a hard time remembering. I'll check in the basement later. Spot treat the areas using a spoon or a piece of muslin to tamp it on.

Draw some cold or at most tepid water into the bath tub...put in approx. 2 T of Orvus paste (you can get this at quilt shops, from Clotilde, or from some Livestock supply places (cheapest there....it was originally designed for washing Livestock--it is straight sodium Lauryl Sulfate and is gentlest on your stuff) into about 4 - 5" of water. Buy one of the Woolite or CArbona "dye mops" to absorb dye which leaches in to the water...as a precaution. Lay the screening on top of the water and place quilt on top. Put dye mop on top of that. Pat the water through the quilt, not wringing. continue patting. Do not let the quilt soak as if the dyes go into the water and resettled, that is what contributes to the running of the dyes.

Drain off water, and run cold water through until the water comes off clear and no suds.

Press water out of quilt. Use towels to blot more water out. Lift the quilt on the screen (textiles are at their weakest when wet) and lay the quilt flat to dry...either on top of a clean sheet laid on the floor or outside. If you are putting the quilt outside to dry, cover the top with another sheet so that nothing falls on the quilt. Inside, put a fan on the quilt. After the top seems dry, turn it over and let the back side dry.

peepee (peepee), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 16:55 (nineteen years ago) link

they are aware that the president is not that hip, that MTV is fake and that reality t.v sucks.
They are in touch with the real world. congradulations Jmeister.

Marissa, there isn't a single person on this board that doesn't agree with you, yet most of them still feel your music to be a bit bland; perhaps a retread of Loreena McKennitt's stuff from the very early '90s but with less flair still. You've also found yourself in the very unenviable position of swimming in a pool of sharks, and we're often just waiting to rip a poor little seal to shreds... why? Because we're a bunch of strong-opinioned pricks (sometimes) who like to really get at the root of how music and culture affect one another. The truth is, most of us have nothing to do with the music industry, at least from a major-label angle, (some are journalists, but we're hardly part of the "industry" per se) and contrary to what you might think about how we "support" artists and art, we actually fucking love music so deeply (it is called I Love Music after all) that we're just basically insulted when crap artists foist their junk onto us and call it music and then demand certain respect for their less-than-worthy output. (search threads for the name Michael Costello... we just couldn't seem to kill that kid... good sport, he is, and i think many of us have grown to like him around!)

Despite the fact that I, and many of us here, find your songs to be incredibly tired and completely the antithesis of what challenging, kicking-against-the-pricks music should sound like (believe it or not, that's what we're really trying to get at), I'm sure that with all the ravenous music consumers on the net there is indeed a place for you where you will find a supportive fanbase. But if it hasn't yet dawned on you, the I Love Music board just isn't that place. When it comes to promoting yourself, it would serve you well to do a bit of research before you put your name out there and when you do put your name out there, recognize that you'll never be able to control what happens to it once you have.

ken taylrr (ken taylrr), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 18:12 (nineteen years ago) link

Ken, despite how OTM you were/are, she will not read and respond to your sentiments.

To my delight, she will rant again soon though.

marissa fan, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 18:25 (nineteen years ago) link

Oh, and by the way, Jmeister was joking.


ken taylrr (ken taylrr), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 18:28 (nineteen years ago) link

I just listened to Marissa's music, and it reminds me of some of my favorite musicians, such as Natalie Merchant, Fiona Apple, Sarah MacLachlan and Eva Cassidy!

polyphonic (polyphonic), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 18:30 (nineteen years ago) link


Does anyone else notice a creepy common thread in all the mideival imagery chosen for this slide show?

P. Wheelie OTMFM.

Marissa - more, please.

yr mom (yr mom), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 19:21 (nineteen years ago) link

Marissa - Your POSTS ROCK!

This is the digital tongue lashing we've had coming for A LONG TIME!

bring the fuckin' pain, I say.

PappaWheelie OTM!

M@tt He1geson (Matt Helgeson), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 19:23 (nineteen years ago) link

wow, the artwork chosen (or are those her originals) says a lot.

Susan Douglas (Susan Douglas), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 20:10 (nineteen years ago) link

So do the green contact lenses.

Land Ho (dymaxia), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 20:48 (nineteen years ago) link

I really want to know when the show is.

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 21:17 (nineteen years ago) link

I really want to know when the show is.

And I don't???

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 21:23 (nineteen years ago) link

No, I'm with you Pappa. We should go together.

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 21:25 (nineteen years ago) link

C'mon! Go book a show!

Forksclovetofu (Forksclovetofu), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 21:26 (nineteen years ago) link

Freal dough!

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 21:30 (nineteen years ago) link

I am moving to New York again, not the city but another city in New York State.
It is a very cultural city considering it is in the usa. hahah.
I am packing my things and we redid the lights...I was thinking some lead paint fell into my drink while we were redoing the lights.
So I had to throw up my whole dinner ...
to avoid any lead paint poisoning.
Yes, I have to move to a bigger and quieter house to record and I have my fairly large studio ..especially for a home studio....
So I am concentrating on that. I won't be living in a big city like NYC cause it costs too much for large space and nothing is quiet. I have a 650 pound sound booth...but my piano has be recorded in a regular room.
My house has to become the studio.
I don't have a Van..and a group of dudes to travel with..so I don't go from town to town, paying for the gas...
I am just singing weddings, parties..and whatever comes up..right now..I haven't been trying to connect with other musicians..because I have been doing this for years..and alot of musicians snub me off..and act elitist and snobby, like they are all too good to play for me ...of course it depends..but connecting with really with it people on a cultural level..is extremely hard to find...take care all.


Suck it... suck some wheat grass cubes that is...it is good for your health...
frozen wheat grass cubes..

Marissa Marchant, Wednesday, 3 August 2005 21:41 (nineteen years ago) link

America is bland. the people are boring. the culture is dead. UK is boring too. both cultures are boring and dead. No passion, no romance..no beauty.

Marissa OTM.

Momus (Momus), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 21:45 (nineteen years ago) link

Suck it... suck some wheat grass cubes that is...it is good for your health...
frozen wheat grass cubes..

Marissa OTM.

PappaWheelie (PappaWheelie), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 21:50 (nineteen years ago) link

For your information, marissa, OTM means "on the money"
so they're avidly agreeing with those statements.

Fetchboy (Felcher), Wednesday, 3 August 2005 21:52 (nineteen years ago) link

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