Rolling 2004 Metal Thread

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when is it out??

strongo hulkington (dubplatestyle), Monday, 17 May 2004 21:20 (twenty years ago) link

It must be out soon. I dunno. I'll check the web-site. The promo stuff doesn't even say. There are more Neurot/electronic touches on it than the last couple albums. Well, unless you played that one album that was supposed to be played at the same time as the Neurot album. Which I never did. I love it, but then I just fucking love the sound they make. It's like really good drugs to me.

scott seward (scott seward), Monday, 17 May 2004 21:28 (twenty years ago) link

I like the sound of this I do.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 17 May 2004 21:55 (twenty years ago) link

Yeah, this new Neurosis sounds pretty good. It's out in late June, last time I heard.

Download "Burn" here:

abegrand, Monday, 17 May 2004 22:17 (twenty years ago) link

Okay, there are some electronic touches, but they pretty much revert to form for the last half of the album. The first half is the strongest. They trail off into the ether a bit by the end. Well, as much as Neurosis ever does anyway. I really like it, and I think it will grow on me with repeated listenings. Right now, I would say I still like A Sun That Never Sets more though. Part of me would still like to see a complete mesh of the neurot/current-neurosis sound on one album though. They give a good glimpse of what that would sound like on this one. And I like it!

scott seward (scott seward), Monday, 17 May 2004 22:22 (twenty years ago) link

I actually think I might prefer Neurosis's ether to their non-ether, which might be why the new one might be my favorite album by them that I've heard. (Well, actually, that Tribes of Neurot album was ALL ether, I guess. I liked it, but I prefer them with SOME non-ether to balance things out.) Anyway, the new one is just beautiful, I think. (By the way, Scott, I got through a couple Peccatum songs over the weekend, but not the whole album yet. It might help if I play it when I'm drowsy instead of when I'm driving a car, though.) (Which reminds me -- is it possible to take a TRAIN to your island? We've been considering that, if it's possible. If not, I know, I really have to reserve car-ferry space soon....)

chuck, Monday, 17 May 2004 22:55 (twenty years ago) link

Yeah, that Peccatum has some woozy moments. Very pretty though.

You can take a train to Providence and get a bus to Wood's Hole and the ferry. The bus only takes about an hour. The train...hmm, how long does a train from New York to Providence take?

Oh, but wait, you are coming from PA possibly? That will, um, take a bit longer. The other annoying thing is that the bus station and train station in providence are not near each other, and you have to take a shuttle from the train station to the bus station. Ha Ha!! Got all that? That car might be looking good by now.

Hope everyone enjoyed the directions to Martha's Vineyard!! Me and Carly and J.T. will be waiting here.

scott seward (scott seward), Monday, 17 May 2004 23:04 (twenty years ago) link

Okay, well, I'll let you know what we decide. The kids really like the idea of a long train ride anyway. We never did that before. Sherman is really into looking out at all the abandoned shacks and underneath parts of bridges in the countryside with graffiti on them.

Anyway, back to heavy metal. I am now listening to the new album by Zao, and I like it. I *always* like Zao! I feel like they do Meshuggah/Dillinger Escape Plan/Lickgoldensky stuff better than all those other bands (assuming those other bands are even sensible points of comparison). I'm not sure why. Maybe because they are Christians? Or because they have melodies? Or because the shrieking really sounds a LOT like Dan Kubinski on the first Die Kreuzen album? (Right now the singer is shrieking "baaarbed wiiiires," and it's just like that old Die Kreuzen song "Live Wire"!!)

chuck, Monday, 17 May 2004 23:19 (twenty years ago) link

how long does a train from New York to Providence take?

3 hrs!

Yo, do you guys like Necronomitron? Crazy noisy speed metal. CD on Load.

Ian Johnson (orion), Monday, 17 May 2004 23:37 (twenty years ago) link

I have always avoided Zao precisely because they're Christian, though I'm an asshole that way. I'm loving the new Jungle Rot album a great deal - very old-school death metal, reallly almost retro: none of the hyper-production/hyper-speed of Decapitated etc, real primitive-sounding - but also I don't have a lyric sheet, and I remember that the lyric sheet to their last one turned me off so much that I never listened to the album again. At any rate "Jungle Rot" is on my top five band names of all time list

J0hn Darn1elle (J0hn Darn1elle), Monday, 17 May 2004 23:44 (twenty years ago) link

the new darkthrone leaked if anyone cares and didn't know.

sean marvin (williamtell), Monday, 17 May 2004 23:44 (twenty years ago) link

At any rate "Jungle Rot" is on my top five band names of all time list

What are the other 4?

scott seward (scott seward), Tuesday, 18 May 2004 00:28 (twenty years ago) link

Is Jungle Rot a George Brigman tribute band?

Broheems (diamond), Tuesday, 18 May 2004 00:32 (twenty years ago) link

other four are in constant rotation but as of right now they're Sex Gang Children, Anorexic Dread, The Gun Club, and Tex & the Horseheads

NB the strong '80s weight there does not actually mean that I have actually listened to any of these bands recently, except for the Gun Club, who I listen to all the time. If '80s bands are ruled out then the best band names of all time as of right now are Circle of Dead Children, Jungle Rot, the Mummies, the Pleasure Fuckers and Teen Cthulhu

J0hn Darn1elle (J0hn Darn1elle), Tuesday, 18 May 2004 01:12 (twenty years ago) link

broheems stealing smart-ass questions right out of my mind.

necronomitron = madness. wish that had come out on LP.

el sabor de gene (yournullfame), Tuesday, 18 May 2004 03:13 (twenty years ago) link

i remember the first teen cthulhu thing i heard was their track off that subpop thrash comp... dude, holy goodness.

it's too bad that everything else i ever heard fell short of that. i was expecting them to leave a bigger wake.


msp, Tuesday, 18 May 2004 03:43 (twenty years ago) link

I just got the new Jungle Rot in the mail, and am gonna check it out today, along with Golem, Heaven Shall Burn, and the Forsaken. I liked the Forsaken's last album, and the new one has four cover tunes (two by Metallica, one by Slayer, one by Grave) tacked on the end. Golem are a low-end-fixated death metal band with screechy black metal vocals. I like them okay so far. It's on Nuclear Blast.

Did anybody else get the two-song advance from the new Dillinger Escape Plan album? I tried to give a shit, I really did, but...yyyyyyyaaaaawwwwwwnnnn.

Phil Freeman (Phil Freeman), Tuesday, 18 May 2004 12:35 (twenty years ago) link

I felt exactly like you did about the DEP, sure, fine, but the bands they've inspired are keeping it interesting now and DEP is sorta holdin' down the fort.

J0hn Darn1elle (J0hn Darn1elle), Tuesday, 18 May 2004 13:29 (twenty years ago) link

I kinda like the new Caesura album, same way as how I kinda liked their last one. Not sure how MUCH I like it, though; it's sort of on the border of "do I keep this or not?" AMG lists them as "emo," but they sure sound more metal (esp. near the end of the new album) to me.

Turns out that new Zao album is a best-of, in case anybody is taking notes. Played it again this morning, though, and it sounded even better than yesterday.

chuck, Tuesday, 18 May 2004 15:47 (twenty years ago) link

Don't bother me for the rest of the day, I'm sorting the pieces of Kate Bush, Dead Can Dance, Nine Inch Nails, and Emperor out of this new Peccatum CD. Looking for traces of discontent in this photo of Ihsahn rowing his wife across the river to buy some white face powder; nope, he seems resigned to his lot in life. Damn, this is ambition.

Ian Christe (Ian Christe), Wednesday, 19 May 2004 03:26 (twenty years ago) link

forgot to mention: touches of jazzy drum n' bass

Ian Christe (Ian Christe), Wednesday, 19 May 2004 03:29 (twenty years ago) link

man, he's keeping current.

el sabor de gene (yournullfame), Wednesday, 19 May 2004 04:54 (twenty years ago) link

Is the new Peccatum anything like that abysmal Strangled From Within album?

Siegbran (eofor), Wednesday, 19 May 2004 06:43 (twenty years ago) link

if i like sleep, necronomitron, st. vitus, sabbath, godflesh, high on fire, vincebus eruptum (the bank as well as the album!@&@#(!*&@!Q), noise, drone and psych, what do I need to listen to?

Ian Johnson (orion), Wednesday, 19 May 2004 06:55 (twenty years ago) link

Electric Wizard, Esoteric, Boris, Corrupted, Sunn O))) (but only their first two records), Khanate, Warhorse...somebody else take over from here.

Phil Freeman (Phil Freeman), Wednesday, 19 May 2004 12:53 (twenty years ago) link

Earth, for sure. Start with Earth 2. the Melvins s/t record.

Probably other good recs here: Kyuss/Stoner Rock

Broheems (diamond), Wednesday, 19 May 2004 17:01 (twenty years ago) link

Downloaded four MP3s by Comets On Fire. Noisy garage stuff...just okay. Somehow no American band can scale the heights at which the Japanese (High Rise, Mainliner etc.) dwell so comfortably.

Phil Freeman (Phil Freeman), Wednesday, 19 May 2004 17:09 (twenty years ago) link

I still get High Rise mixed up with High on Fire, for some bizarre reason, given that they have probably have nothing in common except for being (as I recall) completely fucking tuneless, more or less.

I am starting to like the new Peccatum album. And yeah, lotsa Kate Bush in there. Though I alway say "Enigma and KMFDM" instead of "Dead Can Dance and Nine Inch Nails," but what do I know? I forget if I've actually ever even heard an Emporer record.

chuck, Wednesday, 19 May 2004 17:22 (twenty years ago) link

Try In The Nightside Eclipse if you do listen to some Emperor, Chuck. You might even like it!

I love High Rise, and I've said elsewhere, that they go on my top ten live show list EASY. They are beyond tunes live. They are about god and heaven and the devil and beauty and the sheer exhilaration of volume.

scott seward (scott seward), Wednesday, 19 May 2004 17:28 (twenty years ago) link

Currently listening to some tracks by Wolf, who are a Swedish (or maybe Norwegian) NWOBHM-ripoff act with a new album on Prosthetic. I kinda dig it, but I'm feeling very retro lately.

Phil Freeman (Phil Freeman), Wednesday, 19 May 2004 17:41 (twenty years ago) link

anyone else heard that midnite snakes release on birdman? total high rise/comets on fire instrumental viciousness from pittsburgh.

ian! look on soulseek for stuff by marzuraan - it's english stuff in the sunn/khanate/sludge vein played on superdowntuned bass guitars. very noisy, though, i think the cd is called "flayed ice ramparts of mammuthusis." also, boris "absolutego" and esoteric if you can take the "GLRRP GLRRP" vocals.

el sabor de gene (yournullfame), Thursday, 20 May 2004 00:28 (twenty years ago) link

haha, jon gave me an Earth CD yesterday (not 2, though, but i had 2 on my computer for a while.) and I do love Khanate & Sunn!

Thanks guys.

Ian Johnson (orion), Thursday, 20 May 2004 00:30 (twenty years ago) link

if i like sleep, necronomitron, st. vitus, sabbath, godflesh, high on fire, vincebus eruptum (the bank as well as the album!@&@#(!*&@!Q), noise, drone and psych, what do I need to listen to?

You NEED Esoteric's Metamorphogenesis!!

original bgm, Thursday, 20 May 2004 02:29 (twenty years ago) link

Got the full-length Wolf CD (Evil Star) in the mail this morning, and I am all over this shit. They look even younger than Decapitated in the booklet, but (like Decapitated) it's their third album. They sound like they stopped listening to Maiden when Paul Di'Anno left, and the album closes with three cover tunes in a row: BÖC's "Don't Fear The Reaper," Slayer's "Die By The Sword," and the Ramones' "I'm Not Afraid Of Life." All their original songs fuckin' smoke, too. This is a great record. Go get yourself one.

Phil Freeman (Phil Freeman), Thursday, 20 May 2004 13:54 (twenty years ago) link

They sound like they stopped listening to Maiden when Paul Di'Anno left

i think i'm THERE, man.

el sabor de gene (yournullfame), Thursday, 20 May 2004 14:58 (twenty years ago) link

Yeah, I like that Wolf record, too! Though the one I have ends just with "Don't Fear the Reaper," so maybe it's not the full version. I doubt I'd recognize that Slayer cover, actually, but I'm pretty sure I'd remember the Ramones one seeing how *Too Tough to Die* was one of the first albums I ever reviewed in the *Voice*, 20 years ago. (!)

chuck, Thursday, 20 May 2004 15:21 (twenty years ago) link

And that's pretty much how I sound if you thwack my chest with a drumstick.

Ian Christe (Ian Christe), Thursday, 20 May 2004 15:21 (twenty years ago) link

I saw this Chaos Breed cd in the record store the other day, apparently it's a Sentenced/Amorphis/assorted Finnish supergroup. I don't suppose it's awesome?

Jordan (Jordan), Friday, 21 May 2004 13:25 (twenty years ago) link

It's okay. Not great. You'd be better off buying This Is Hell by Dimension Zero. Same/similar sound, much better executed.

Phil Freeman (Phil Freeman), Friday, 21 May 2004 13:35 (twenty years ago) link

Maybe I'll just dig up Amok this weekend.

Jordan (Jordan), Friday, 21 May 2004 13:43 (twenty years ago) link

Does anybody have an opinion about the Leash Law album? Right now they're reminding me that, when I first heard Guns N Roses in 1987, I thought Axl's voice had too much Iron Maiden in it. But I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. And some of this album DEFINITELY has too much Iron Maiden in it for me. But my Iron Maiden tolerance threshhold, obviously, is much lower than many of yours...

chuck, Friday, 21 May 2004 19:13 (twenty years ago) link

I'll second what Phil said about Chaosbreed being pretty "eh" but This Is Hell being pretty good.

J0hn Darn1elle (J0hn Darn1elle), Friday, 21 May 2004 21:04 (twenty years ago) link

I just got the Leash Law but I haven't really listened to it yet. Interesting cover though. hee hee.

scott seward (scott seward), Friday, 21 May 2004 21:18 (twenty years ago) link

Will somebody please post that Leash Law artwork to one of the ILM threads where it belongs? Worst of the year? Of all time? A dog ruling a pantheon of identical ghosts? And the friggin band is called LEASH LAW. That alone should warrant a $100 fine.

Ian Christe (Ian Christe), Saturday, 22 May 2004 04:44 (twenty years ago) link

I decided over the weekend that the Leash Law album is completely useless, by the way. Though people who like Iron Maiden might think otherwise, who knows. Hey, at least I gave it a chance, right?

chuck, Monday, 24 May 2004 15:14 (twenty years ago) link

I listened to the whole Leash Law this weekend too, and it is pretty useless. Even by bad power metal standards it's pretty bad.

scott seward (scott seward), Monday, 24 May 2004 15:31 (twenty years ago) link

At least that latest Winds album had lines like: "When I smell the roses/Humanity smells" (!!!!!)

scott seward (scott seward), Monday, 24 May 2004 15:38 (twenty years ago) link

And the new Heart album, *Jupiters Darling,* sounds surprisingly good, however. (If you don't think they're metal, you're just wrong.)

chuck, Monday, 24 May 2004 16:14 (twenty years ago) link

(Actually, "surprisingly good" would appear to be an understatement. This sounds like the best Heart album since *Bebe Le Strange*, almost a quarter century ago, at least. How the heck did THAT happen???)

chuck, Monday, 24 May 2004 17:49 (twenty years ago) link

I'm listening to Misery Signals right now. Anyone know these doodz? They sound really angry like ray cappo after he has eaten some bad tofu, but their lyrics are all sad and wistful. Maybe they are just super-sensitive. sometimes i don't know what to think of this stuff. the post-hardcore screamo metal thing. the vocals are always waaaaaaay out front and the music sometimes takes a back seat. I think that's the only reason that I like that Hatebreed album i have. The guitars are really loud.

scott seward (scott seward), Monday, 24 May 2004 19:00 (twenty years ago) link

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