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Dave Q's Muse review is the finest troll in the history of Internet music reviewing.

Just got offed, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:02 (sixteen years ago) link

And the comments on that!

also I missed Dom P's "review" of The View the first time around. 'tis beautiful.

Roz, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:08 (sixteen years ago) link

^^^also this. I was being force-fed The View by my radio station committee at the time, and Dom pretty much articulated what I felt.

Just got offed, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:10 (sixteen years ago) link

Todd Hutlock, today, and very very very OTM about the value of Stylus:

The Stylus model was always better for the writers than it was for the readers, and that’s REALLY saying something given how great some of the writing was. But I’ll be damned if there will ever be another place that is just gonna let me write however much I want on whatever the hell I want to write about, as long as its about some music of interest to someone out there. We broke the mold, my friend, and no one else is crazy and/or stupid enough to try to glue it back together.

stephen, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:30 (sixteen years ago) link

hey, they let me write about Olsen & Johnson.

Dr Morbius, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:31 (sixteen years ago) link

The warmth here is encouraging and, honestly, surprising. I'm convinced our commenters were the most grotesque group of gnomes in God's great earth.

Alfred, Lord Sotosyn, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:42 (sixteen years ago) link

That's only because Pitchfork never had a comments box.

Alex in Baltimore, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:43 (sixteen years ago) link


stephen, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:47 (sixteen years ago) link

Well, it pains me to admit it, but we’ve had plenty of favorite commenters on the site. Zarklephaser, Grand Banks, Florenz6, meatbreak, raskolnikov, et al.: we salute you!


(totally unexpected, thanks to whomever suggested that!)

stephen, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:49 (sixteen years ago) link

Hahaha, that was all Todd's doing, singling you and the others out. I don't think anything has had as much sustained, impassioned, profane and repeated discussion in our virtual office over the years as the comments boxes. God bless our readers. And hello, Zarklephaser.

Scik Mouthy, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:51 (sixteen years ago) link

Hello, Zarks!

Alfred, Lord Sotosyn, Monday, 29 October 2007 15:54 (sixteen years ago) link

I've known about this for a couple months now, but I'm still bummed about it, especially after reading this thread.

This is going to sound like another "kid with a dream" cliche, but so be it: Todd e-mailed me in early 2005 after reading something on my blog and asked if I wanted to join the staff. As someone who'd been casually writing about music for a couple years but had aspirations toward something more, I was thrilled and honored at the opportunity. I was a staff writer for about a year and a half, at which point I was let go because I wasn't writing enough. Which was totally fair, since I've never been a prolific writer. But another part of the reason I had trouble pitching articles was that I was intimidated by the level of talent and passion among the other writers on the site. I always felt a little out of my league. I continued writing singles reviews, right up until two weeks ago, because I didn't feel similarly burdened by the task of making snap judgments about T-Pain singles.

But I have a lot of happy memories of being a Stylus staffer. I think I wrote some pretty good articles, things I undoubtedly wouldn't have had the motivation to write on my own were it not for the site. The karaoke night in New York that Miccio alluded to earlier was a blast. In fact, everyone I've met through the site has been top-notch, and the staff message board was a wonderful, intelligent community (esp. when ILM started to go down the drain). And while the last article I wrote for Stylus was published over six months ago, it sucks to think that if I was suddenly inspired again to write 800 words on some long-forgotten pop song, I would no longer have a venue for it.

So long, Stylus. You'll be missed.

jaymc, Monday, 29 October 2007 16:10 (sixteen years ago) link

todd burns is a good guy and the site provided a lot of opportunities for a lot of people

deej, Monday, 29 October 2007 16:34 (sixteen years ago) link

it will be missed

deej, Monday, 29 October 2007 16:37 (sixteen years ago) link

Thanks for the thread summary, deej.

jaymc, Monday, 29 October 2007 16:43 (sixteen years ago) link

are u zinging me on stylus memorial thread?
poor form

deej, Monday, 29 October 2007 16:45 (sixteen years ago) link

oh u mad cuz i'm stylus on you

Alex in Baltimore, Monday, 29 October 2007 16:45 (sixteen years ago) link

it will be missed
My college roommate pointed out that whenever somebody famous passed this life, the NY Post would inevitably publish at least one letter to the editor that ended with that phrase, whatever their previous take on said personage. So when Leonid Brezhnev died, under the heading "Bye Bye Brez," there was a letter to the effect that "even though he was the head of an Evil Empire, blah blah, he was a dominating figure on the world stage for decades, blah blah. He will be missed."

James Redd and the Blecchs, Monday, 29 October 2007 16:48 (sixteen years ago) link

We won't have Stylus to kick around anymore?

James Redd and the Blecchs, Monday, 29 October 2007 16:55 (sixteen years ago) link

So THAT's why Todd Burns told me two weeks ago they weren't looking for any new contributors.

Not because I'm rubbish, after all.

Matthew H, Monday, 29 October 2007 17:01 (sixteen years ago) link

"If people this bad start sending us reviews because they think they'd fit in, I'd rather quit." :-)

StanM, Monday, 29 October 2007 17:13 (sixteen years ago) link

i will miss the left hand path metal column. invisible oranges may be of interest to metalists out there.

drone/a/sore, Monday, 29 October 2007 17:25 (sixteen years ago) link

RIP Stylus Memorial Thread 10/29/07
RIP Stylus Memorial Zing Thread ??/??/??

jon /via/ chi 2.0, Monday, 29 October 2007 17:25 (sixteen years ago) link

"I'm convinced our commenters were the most grotesque group of gnomes in God's great earth."

Maybe if you weren't such a raging homophobe...

kiss out the jams, Monday, 29 October 2007 17:26 (sixteen years ago) link

That's it, Stan. I killed Stylus.

Sorry everyone.

Matthew H, Monday, 29 October 2007 17:34 (sixteen years ago) link

i will miss the left hand path metal column. invisible oranges may be of interest to metalists out there.

Yeah, I'll be following Cosmo's writing. He really gave us a break by reviewing two of our albums earlier this year for Stylus, which was (and is) a really big deal for us, and I exchanged a few emails on industry/publishing stuff. Neither was very metal, and one was folk, but he really took the time to get into them. Total bro. All the best for his future (and everyone else!).

caek, Monday, 29 October 2007 17:38 (sixteen years ago) link

ugh. back to surfing the blogs then.

Gukbe, Monday, 29 October 2007 17:40 (sixteen years ago) link

Hi Nick, Alfred, nice to meet you. I'm on ILM under this name (obviously). Following both yr blogs, etc.

And to Nick especially -- I know you've taken a lot of shit in Stylus comments over the years, but I really really *really* like your writing. Influenced me a lot over the years. And great tastes too, man, keep waving that Mark Hollis flag, Lord knows I love him too.

stephen, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:07 (sixteen years ago) link

will feel empty @ end of the year time. stylus always had the best lists (and i don't mean taste wise, but maybe that, too).

J0rdan S., Monday, 29 October 2007 18:12 (sixteen years ago) link

Stylus is doing year-end lists this week.

jaymc, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:18 (sixteen years ago) link

i assumed that might happen.

J0rdan S., Monday, 29 October 2007 18:20 (sixteen years ago) link

Pretty sweet if you ask me.

three handclaps, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:21 (sixteen years ago) link

Dom is still a dick though...right?

whatyouthink13, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:22 (sixteen years ago) link

Some things never change.

Scik Mouthy, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:24 (sixteen years ago) link

An iconoclast like Dom may not win any popularity contests, but that's not writing is about.

Alex in Baltimore, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:25 (sixteen years ago) link

err not WHAT writing is about

Alex in Baltimore, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:26 (sixteen years ago) link

Dom is my favourite Stylus writer, btw. My girlfriend's brother saw him once at a train station in Bristol and rang me to say "I've just seen that scarf-wearing internet cock friend of yours; I recognised him from Myspace. He's a cock". I was touched.

Scik Mouthy, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:28 (sixteen years ago) link

Favourite Stylus writer <i>besides myself</i>, of course.

Scik Mouthy, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:29 (sixteen years ago) link

Fuck an html tag.

Scik Mouthy, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:29 (sixteen years ago) link

The two Todds made me cry over my toast this morning.

Scik Mouthy, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:29 (sixteen years ago) link

Fuck man. We're over, bar the screaming.

Scik Mouthy, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:29 (sixteen years ago) link

lol "cock friend"

Alex in Baltimore, Monday, 29 October 2007 18:32 (sixteen years ago) link

I feel simultaneously like we failed pathetically and also suceeded magnificently. Does that make sense? Happysad. But mainly sad. Pretty fucking gutted, actually.

Scik Mouthy, Monday, 29 October 2007 19:38 (sixteen years ago) link

A phoenix shall rise...?

Just got offed, Monday, 29 October 2007 20:28 (sixteen years ago) link

So are all the best writers off to Pitchfork?

whatyouthink13, Monday, 29 October 2007 20:42 (sixteen years ago) link

From the article in the New York Observer:

Scott Plagenhoef, who was a top editor writer at Stylus before becoming the managing editor of Pitchfork, said the site would be dearly missed. . . .

Mr. Plagenhoef said he has been talking to Mr. Burns about Stylus writers who might now find a home at Pitchfork. "We've consulted with Todd and talked about certain writers who are a good fit, and we're in the process of possibly bringing on board a few people," he said.

three handclaps, Monday, 29 October 2007 20:46 (sixteen years ago) link

So, to answer your question: probably.

three handclaps, Monday, 29 October 2007 20:46 (sixteen years ago) link

Well, for one Pitchfork pays, and secondly, there are a LOT of great writers on the staff, past or present, no real bests, which is what I really liked about Stylus.(I mean, obvi, there were bad writers too, but I thought the general quality was unusually high).

And jaymc, if you are who I think you are, I thought your writing on the site was consistent and engaging, and I was kinda bummed we didn't get to meet in Chicago this past summer. Maybe next time.

Also, I thought Anthony's writing for the site was really, really great. He was one of the first writers I REALLY liked before I came to Stylus, and I haven't really been hearing his name mentioned. So, props Anthony.

talrose, Monday, 29 October 2007 21:30 (sixteen years ago) link

Thanks, Tal. My memory is kinda fuzzy -- were you in Chicago when Alfred was around?

jaymc, Monday, 29 October 2007 21:32 (sixteen years ago) link

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