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have you guys heard the wighnomy bros. remix of the same royksopp tune that rex the dog just remixed? i like the rex remix more than the wighnomy one.

still it's the vocals that really put me off. i haven't heard the original royksopp tune but i have a feeling it's awful.

geeta (geeta), Friday, 14 April 2006 13:05 (eighteen years ago) link

I really like the original! Probably more than either remix, though I do like the remixes too.

Ronan (Ronan), Friday, 14 April 2006 13:07 (eighteen years ago) link

I dunno, Pearson's blog mainly strikes me as fairly unpretentious, at least insofar as he comes across more as a journalist/follower than a gatekeeper DJ/musicmaker.

The only snobbish thing he's said that I can remember is a complaint about Tiefschwarz-alike tracks and, well, he had a point there!

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Friday, 14 April 2006 13:34 (eighteen years ago) link

Steve that's the area I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is a different strain of minimal that's all about the melodic/textural progression rather than rhythmic. Like when you get several different lines plip-plopping over one another and it feels like you could fall right into it?

Maybe you don't really get this - it's never going to be pop in the way Rex The Dog or JLC are. And maybe it is monotonous, but isn't dance music *all about* throwing yourself into the monotony and waiting for the WOAH moment to smack you sideways?

Matt DC (Matt DC), Friday, 14 April 2006 15:17 (eighteen years ago) link

I wouldn't be asking these questions/grumbling if I got it! You've lost me on this 'plip-plop' thing a little though...

But often, in order to like it/get it, I have to hear it as a current equivalent to old dance tracks that WERE pop and even hits. Hence 'Mandarin Girl' becomes like an '05 'Pacific State', or 'Gazebo' or 'I Feel Space' an '06 'Energy Flash' or 'Amphetamine' because of that sinister aspect (but minus techno hardness, and obv. empthasis on 'texture' rather than just 'mad sounds' - which does seem like the only step forward). Maybe it's not a good comparison and perhaps tired to even mention age-old anthems, but they do seem to have that same spirit about them, just approaching it in a different way, because they HAVE to surely. It's been a while since you can impress people by sound alone (think dance ran with this as long as it could which was a pretty long time it turned out), in recent years it must be more about what's done with the sounds.

So Rex won't impress so much because the production lacks this 'sophistication' comparatively, but it's still damn fine entertainment. Argument reminds me a little of 'artcore vs junglism' or whatever - when DnB got more jazzy, melodic and sophisticated and you could still dance to it and it would often still awe you but others complained it had lost something or other too. Not that electrohouse is 'coffee-table' of course (not that I've ever had a big problem with that anyway), but I do get that feeling with some tracks - and this is crossing into the 'Gazebo' threads more now, as that's a track that to me seems both 'coffee-table' and clubby (but so were numerous late 90s DnB tracks, and also other genre tracks from this decade that I love that are big on melodic/textural richness albeit older e.g. Duplex 'Late Night Cycling').

Things have certainly developed anyway, and continue to. And that's good.

Konal Doddz (blueski), Friday, 14 April 2006 16:02 (eighteen years ago) link

The MFA are half Welsh.

I've usually preferred the original Royksopp (second album) tracks to their remixes (that I've heard).

fandango (fandango), Friday, 14 April 2006 16:53 (eighteen years ago) link

Richard X

Rex The Dog, Saturday, 15 April 2006 02:54 (eighteen years ago) link

(Who are these bands from Japan you keep talking about anyway? And why do I get the feeling this might be a slightly different proposition here?)

I will always make allowances for different intepretations in these instances because I will always come across as an obscurist in these cases, but I think it's a bit of a pre-emptive move on your part to imply Tokyo will have little in common with the UK or Germany. Sure, a band like The Aprils sing over their records (which I know you haven't heard, but Steve has) but that doesn't stop us liking or playing out 'It's Magic' or 'So Good' in electro sets. And electro house in general has absorbed so much from rave, techno, ambient, trance, electrofunk etc (I mean, that's practically Rex's entire oeuvre right there) that I can't say the dancier crews in the elepop are in opposition to electrohouse Europe at all.

Tho' at the end of the day, I doubt either of us gives a damn about what the other likes - this just seems to be more about what we believe (ie. I think your monotony advocacy is both narrow and partially incorrect).

Hal! Jordan! HAL! JORDAN! (Barima), Saturday, 15 April 2006 09:30 (eighteen years ago) link

monotony advocacy?

I think a bigger problem is that you expect people to interchange lo fi indie bands with techno.

Ronan (Ronan), Saturday, 15 April 2006 09:37 (eighteen years ago) link

The way I see it "electrohouse" as per 2004 definition is pretty much dead. There are a few remix fodder type artists around and a few big remixers making crossover type hits. But mostly where "electrohouse" exists now it is like a leaner poppier form of techno, the band thing and punkfunk and all that shit is thankfully a distant memory.

Ronan (Ronan), Saturday, 15 April 2006 09:40 (eighteen years ago) link

I think a bigger problem is that you expect people to interchange lo fi indie bands with techno.

So, when's this ignore user feature kicking in anyway?

Let's put it this way: I have never referred to The Rapture or Radio 4 or dancepunk acts as electro house and when I talk about not giving a damn what Matt likes, it goes for you and everyone else, including Steve and Alex, but the overriding theme there is that I therefore do not force "expectations" on people at all.

So, get over yourself.

Hal! Jordan! HAL! JORDAN! (Barima), Saturday, 15 April 2006 10:01 (eighteen years ago) link

betty boo's doing the do was the menu music for magic pockets

i always think the best video game house is all areal stuff, they do it beeter than those gameboy-core people (i have no idea who that is, is it bodenstandig 2000!!?!?!?!)

ambrose (ambrose), Saturday, 15 April 2006 10:10 (eighteen years ago) link

Ambrose, recommendations?

Hal! Jordan! HAL! JORDAN! (Barima), Saturday, 15 April 2006 10:12 (eighteen years ago) link

Having now listened to the samples on the Aprils' website I fail to see what this has to do with electro-house or Rex The Dog or the track Ronan linked to, all of which at least identifiably under the same umbrella. They're a totally different genre altogether! It's like going onto a death metal thread and going "yeah, that track's alright but the Sex Pistols did the noisy guitars thing and shouting thing much better".

I don't really see why we're talking about pop bands from Japan when what I'm arguing is that I don't think the new Rex The Dog stuff is very good, production-wise, compared to other electrohouse producers. Your personal taste or "forcing expectations on other people" (whatever that means) don't come into it.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Saturday, 15 April 2006 10:22 (eighteen years ago) link

1) I never categorised The Aprils as an electro house band, not least because I'm the fan of the band here, not you, and I'm perfectly aware that they're wider ranging than that.

2) 'Twinkle Of The Stars', which was the song I was really referring to in terms of the video game electrodance canon is sampled on the site and I will stand by that. The reference also came about because I felt the USP of the Linus Loves remix was evidently done better elsewhere. I mentioned Max Tundra in this regard also, but naturally, you've ignored that because this wouldn't jibe with your belief that I'm the black Momus or whatever.

The other, better examples of The Aprils doing electro such as 'Stro-B' and 'Pocketship' aren't, so I suggest you find those yourself. I completely fail to see how you can't find anything electro or housey about at least half of Astro, but then again, YOU'VE NEVER HEARD THE COMPLETE SONGS, have you?

3) what I'm arguing is that I don't think the new Rex The Dog stuff is very good, production-wise, compared to other electrohouse producers. Your personal taste or "forcing expectations on other people" (whatever that means) don't come into it.

Ah, where to begin?

a) Spot the hypocrisy - a guy arguing a personal opinion born out of personal taste telling another person not bring his own opinions (born out of his own personal tastes) into it.

b) Yes, you have your argument, but I think we established a while ago that aside from generally not being agreed with, people are more interseted than speaking about the scene at large than wasting time on quibbling. I don't care what you think of Rex, end of, and the last thing I actually spoke to you about was actually about you dropping self-contradicting nonsense into your posts.

c) "We" are not talking about Japanese pop bands. I mad some off-hand comments about production and you're assisting in devolving the thread into a strawman circus.

d) RE: expectations - either you have reading comprehension issues or you didn't actually read that quote-and-response.

e) At least recognise that when I'm talking to Ronan (as enjoyable as that is), I'm talking to Ronan. I'm not interested in your attempts to pull yourself into every conversation.

Hal! Jordan! HAL! JORDAN! (Barima), Saturday, 15 April 2006 10:53 (eighteen years ago) link

f) But hey, it's so much easier for the two of you to "get one over" on me by arguing from positions of wilful misintepretations and ignorance and tangential, overly literal positions like "Ewan Pearson's white!", ain't it?

Hal! Jordan! HAL! JORDAN! (Barima), Saturday, 15 April 2006 10:59 (eighteen years ago) link

Oh for god's sake, if you're going to carry on misreading everything I'm saying and taking it unnecessarily personally I give up. There's not really much point in talking to you when you get like this.

Also, last time I looked we were involved in a conversation involving several people (all of whom, yourself included, happen to be my friends) on a public message board. To suddenly go "I'm not talking to you anyway" is childish and frankly fucking rude. You weren't exactly being all sweetness and light to Ronan either.

(xpost - seriously, turn off the computer, do something else and calm down)

Matt DC (Matt DC), Saturday, 15 April 2006 11:12 (eighteen years ago) link

I look forward to fighting in the DJ booth at FATS next month. I hope we can at least all agree on no hair-pulling or scratching though.

Konal Doddz (blueski), Saturday, 15 April 2006 11:12 (eighteen years ago) link

:-( Is this a UK FAP thing or what? This is becoming like a hip hop thread.

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Saturday, 15 April 2006 11:13 (eighteen years ago) link


Konal Doddz (blueski), Saturday, 15 April 2006 11:13 (eighteen years ago) link

Oh for god's sake, if you're going to carry on misreading everything I'm saying and taking it unnecessarily personally I give up. There's not really much point in talking to you when you get like this.

If you'd bet money I've been thinking the exact same thing about you, you'd be slightly richer right now.

Also, last time I looked we were involved in a conversation involving several people (all of whom, yourself included, happen to be my friends) on a public message board. To suddenly go "I'm not talking to you anyway" is childish and frankly fucking rude. You weren't exactly being all sweetness and light to Ronan either.

Well, gosh, Matt, public or not, for you to respond to a post of mine that was specifically in response to an accusation from someone else entirely and therefore specifically not aimed at you...I can't possibly imagine what isn't unnecessary about me chastising you for it.

Ronan and I haven't exchanged words for the better part of about 8 months, which I've honestly been glad about. It was born out of the fact that when I got burnt on electrohouse last year, Ronan's idea of encouraging me to continue caring was posting "I think you're wrong" ad nauseum and pulling the same kind of tricks he's been doing here ("Barima hates all electrohouse/tries to substitute it with different things entirely" **. That he actually went to the lengths of attacking me for (politely) turning down Toby's invitation to Fabric one time told me all I needed to know about how much I should interact with him in the future. I actually had to justify that to Toby in person simply because of Ronan's snarkiness), albeit with more condescension back then. The online disagreements in the past between you and myself or Alex and I have NEVER dictated our ILX interactions henceforth, but there will always be that one person hellbent on being an exception. So really, I can go without responding to him again and should be able to continue on this thread/ILX while keeping that up.

(xpost - seriously, turn off the computer, do something else and calm down)

Matt, pulling the "softly, softly" approach in an argument (and you used the term first) is an uber cop-out. You don't want to set off my bullshit detector? Fine. Agree to disagree and move on but don't dare presume you're any less pissed off than I supposedly am or that you'll automatically look better in an argument by talking about our (online) personalities instead of our opinions. Do you really think this will harm our real life friendship or something (yes, Steve, I know you're kidding about a murder in the DJ booth)? I certainly don't.

**g) So I listened to 'My Friend Dario' and 'Frequency' back to back and I can't understand why the former should have more in common with the latter than it does with 'I Like The Way You Move'.

Hal! Jordan! HAL! JORDAN! (Barima), Saturday, 15 April 2006 11:47 (eighteen years ago) link

g) is missing my 'genre-confused casual electrohouse "fan"' tags.

You should have seen Steve and I at Clique though. When I wanted play Gregorian monks chanting over folk-gabba-theatre hall instead of Mel & Kim and Black Strobe, things got...ugly.

Hal! Jordan! HAL! JORDAN! (Barima), Saturday, 15 April 2006 11:50 (eighteen years ago) link

you took Eds cds up there with you?

charltonlido (gareth), Saturday, 15 April 2006 11:51 (eighteen years ago) link

The Lex and I still have shards of Girls Aloud CD albums embedded in our bodies from when we stabbed each other with our respective copies of What Will The Neighbours Say? and Chemistry during a "which is better?" discussion last month.

x-p I don't think Ed will be getting them back any time soon. Steve is rather handy with a Zippo lighter and a spray deodorant.

Hal! Jordan! HAL! JORDAN! (Barima), Saturday, 15 April 2006 11:55 (eighteen years ago) link

What a big fuss over nothing!

(no "that's Rex The Dog alright" zing please)

Konal Doddz (blueski), Saturday, 15 April 2006 15:03 (eighteen years ago) link

So I listened to 'My Friend Dario' and 'Frequency' back to back and I can't understand why the former should have more in common with the latter than it does with 'I Like The Way You Move'

I guess it's a comfortable halfway-house, but even so much as an inch closer to fucking Bodyrockers would be one too far.

Konal Doddz (blueski), Saturday, 15 April 2006 15:06 (eighteen years ago) link

If someone doesn't like something that's perfectly fine, it's just mildly annoying when they then try and say that X does the same thing better when X is usually utterly different. Also I don't think anyone has exclusive rights to snarkiness on this thread!

Ronan (Ronan), Saturday, 15 April 2006 20:47 (eighteen years ago) link

er, just sticking my head into the thread to say that "prototype" is one of my favourite five tracks of the past . . . well, since it came out. & I had no idea people didn't like the royksopp rmx! tho w/me anything that makes me think it's going to break into "hot on the heels of love" gets at 8.5, &c&c&c.

etc, Sunday, 16 April 2006 11:17 (eighteen years ago) link

er...... as for areal video game music, i would just recommend the 2 rabimmel 2 rabummel 2 rabum bum bum something something something compilation (NB i may not have the name if it entirely correct)

ada and basteroid in particulat remind me of video game techno done better, more funky, and more deranged than anyone else

ambrose (ambrose), Sunday, 16 April 2006 13:32 (eighteen years ago) link

Sounds good, ambrose. For my part, I recommend 'Twinkle Of The Stars' by The Aprils and the remix discs of Family Music and Family Racing by YMCK.

Hal! Jordan! HAL! JORDAN! (Barima), Sunday, 16 April 2006 15:28 (eighteen years ago) link

tim, did you go see him in melbourne?

etc, Friday, 28 April 2006 04:59 (eighteen years ago) link

No I missed out! He was playing at a big docklands event that was way to expensive and nocturnal... and I only found out afterwards that he did a sideshow at Honkytonks :(

Tim Finney (Tim Finney), Friday, 28 April 2006 05:07 (eighteen years ago) link

I knew about the sideshow but had the night wrong. boooo.

lil' merzbow wow (haitch), Friday, 28 April 2006 05:10 (eighteen years ago) link

I queued for an hour and got turned away from his first Sydney sideshow, but his second one was ace. probably well over half new Rex material! plus Prototype, Frequency, Mid Air and the remixes of (at least) Heartbeats, Prodigy, Client...

kit brash (kit brash), Friday, 28 April 2006 05:40 (eighteen years ago) link

noooooooooooooooo!!!! I should've posted about the Honkytonks show! my friend ch4rlotte was teasing me about if for ages!

(btw, any of you aussies gonna apply for in-melbourne-this-year R3D B\/LL MUSIC ACAD3MY?)

etc, Friday, 28 April 2006 05:56 (eighteen years ago) link

oooh what's that then

lil' merzbow wow (haitch), Friday, 28 April 2006 06:37 (eighteen years ago) link

one month passes...
His remix of The Knife's Marble House is kind of disappointing. I mean, it sounds amazing because the song is amazing and he fucks with it as little as possible, but short of making it danceable he does nothing beyond what he usually does, and I want at least three more repeats of the chorus at the end for full-on 'Heartbeats' euphoria.

With the possible exception of Drop The Pressure and the Depeche Mode dub, every Rex The Dog remix is the same, isn't it? He's either deliberately seeing how far he make the same small collection of sounds go, or he's just lazy.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Thursday, 1 June 2006 20:57 (eighteen years ago) link

guess it was an edit - needs a bit more build up at the start which i'm sure you get on the extended version presumably also available.

agree that Rex is on auto-pilot here though. difficult to see what else he could've done with it but def. need to try something new.

Konal Doddz (blueski), Thursday, 1 June 2006 21:09 (eighteen years ago) link

two months pass...


no question (Mark P), Monday, 7 August 2006 03:10 (seventeen years ago) link

oh rex he crowd killer !

naus (Robert T), Monday, 7 August 2006 05:04 (seventeen years ago) link

i watched that video twice and i still have no idea what the song sounds like!

a name means a lot just by itself (lfam), Monday, 7 August 2006 05:26 (seventeen years ago) link

unless it sounds like that, and sucks

a name means a lot just by itself (lfam), Monday, 7 August 2006 05:27 (seventeen years ago) link

from http://www.rexthedog.net/news_2006.htm:

June 27th 2006


We made a new tune and we tried it out for the first time this weekend in Macedonia. Here is a movie clip, there was one special guy who seemed to be satisfied, he comes in about 2/3 of the way. Special thanks to this guy!

kit brash (kit brash), Monday, 7 August 2006 07:40 (seventeen years ago) link

I wonder how hard this album will be hyped by the UK press?

fandango (fandango), Monday, 7 August 2006 08:58 (seventeen years ago) link

one year passes...

Has there been any discussion of the "Circulate" single? It's pretty great. More Italo-y/John-Carpenter-Soundtrack-y than past stuff I think. Reminds me of that "Testarossa Autodrive" song by Kavinsky.

Ben Boyerrr, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 16:11 (sixteen years ago) link

I don’t think you could get more Italo sounding. I dig it from a style perspective and like most Rex tracks its a true centerpiece track for club play but it really doesn’t go anywhere new.

The flip, Italian Blonde is interesting. It sounds as if it could’ve been released on a スーパー ユーロビート compilation, which I’m into. Certainly not for everyone though.

Mr. Goodman, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 16:20 (sixteen years ago) link

Oops. Super Eurobeat compilation.

Mr. Goodman, Tuesday, 18 September 2007 16:21 (sixteen years ago) link

ten months pass...

Rex The Dog will release his debut album on Hundehaus on September 1, 2008.

Rex The Dog will release The Rex The Dog Show on September 1, 2008 on Hundehaus.

this doggie done good...

listen to tracks:

djmartian, Sunday, 27 July 2008 12:26 (fifteen years ago) link

Seven pre-released tracks including two ancient remixes = LAME.

Matt DC, Sunday, 27 July 2008 21:48 (fifteen years ago) link

Maybe it was uplinked here, but here's Rex The Dog presenting a hilarious puppet show playing the rejected Rex The Dog remix of Goldfrapp's "Happiness"


Mackro Mackro, Sunday, 27 July 2008 22:36 (fifteen years ago) link

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