Pitchfork's Chris Ott takes No Prisoners

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i bet he likes orwell.

(and hitchens)

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Tuesday, 30 September 2003 02:17 (twenty years ago) link

his boner has such a boner to be british ( 4" > 3")

cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 30 September 2003 02:18 (twenty years ago) link

wow. evidently ILX loves to rile too!

Anthony Miccio (Anthony Miccio), Tuesday, 30 September 2003 02:21 (twenty years ago) link


cinniblount (James Blount), Tuesday, 30 September 2003 02:23 (twenty years ago) link

brent d rocks. he's one funny ass mutherfukker, as david cross would say. his sonic youth review made my year one year.

scott seward, Tuesday, 30 September 2003 02:37 (twenty years ago) link

Even though I ragged on him for Blur ( ;) ), I wish Brent still wrote for PFM as much as possible, personally. His White Stripes review is probably my favorite thing that has been published on the site all year.

scott pl. (scott pl.), Tuesday, 30 September 2003 03:30 (twenty years ago) link

hes 28! i figured him for much older from the writing, i guess this means he is being schticky rather than bitter?

("who i want to meet: fewer people. interests: hating people, making enemies"), so i guess thats all quite sweet really, if a little try hard

hes a friend of maura too, is everyone in the world a friend of maura?

... (gareth), Tuesday, 30 September 2003 06:00 (twenty years ago) link


I gotta say, I think Ott's stuff withstands these criticisms for the most part. My sense has always been that he's insightful and I think the notion that he's contemptuous of his audience is a red herring. I think he's just deeply invested, and I don't mean in persona or cred or any of that, I mean in music. There's room for disagreement, but the premise of most of these criticisms seems to be that disagreement vitiates the exercise.

Hey, but that's just me. I realize the furor has died down but I'm surprised to see that it once was so ... furious.

smarty mcsmartyson, Tuesday, 30 September 2003 16:05 (twenty years ago) link

I'm surprised it HAS died down again given recent posts.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 30 September 2003 18:43 (twenty years ago) link

this argument should be settled like this:

Bob Shaw (Bob Shaw), Tuesday, 30 September 2003 18:52 (twenty years ago) link

Vulcans fight like this.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 30 September 2003 19:11 (twenty years ago) link

I take that back. Ott accepted my bid to be his friendster. All is well.

Carey (Carey), Wednesday, 1 October 2003 12:09 (twenty years ago) link

My God what a long droopy arsed thread.

I'm fairly objective, because ignorant of the rivalries on show here. And I have this to say: Chris Ott comes out on the high ground. The detractors, and there are so many, mainly come over as petty and secretly rather admiring. I think the Pitchfork piece is entertaining. And of course it's idiosyncratic!! Ott deserves his props and can take heart that such a long droopy arsed thread was pushed out in response to his piece. If it was that awful would anyone have bothered?

mick hall (mick hall), Wednesday, 1 October 2003 13:55 (twenty years ago) link

Mick, did you notice that a large chunk of the thread kind of has nothing to do with Ott or his article?

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Wednesday, 1 October 2003 14:15 (twenty years ago) link

Mick Hall:

Chris Ott comes out on the high ground.

Chris Ott:

Cut the wolfing pal, I know plenty of people who know and revile your fat, frustrated ass. Let's stop pretending what gets said on the Internet is reality, we both box in the same class. The pseudo-intellectual coddling that goes on around this place is just homoerotic. When will you accept yourselves?


stevie (stevie), Wednesday, 1 October 2003 15:30 (twenty years ago) link

+|-|!Z +|-||234|) = /<-L4M3!@#!@#!@#!@#!@~#

Pashmina (Pashmina), Wednesday, 1 October 2003 16:19 (twenty years ago) link

If nothing else, he deserves this thread for these sentences:
The Constantines are resurrecting rock music from the frigid, faggy dungeon currently overrun with a thousand self-obsessed, coke-snorting keyboard players. Nailing fashion victims to the wall, these tireless, traditionally bent cads effortlessly reclaim the sexiness and sexuality of rock rhythms, wresting abandon from effeminate black-and-dayglo pretenders, righteously reacquainting us with the filthy, sinister roots of the medium.

Vic (Vic), Thursday, 2 October 2003 03:01 (twenty years ago) link

god that's...wow...

gabbo giftington (dubplatestyle), Thursday, 2 October 2003 03:03 (twenty years ago) link

"the medium"

Mr. Diamond (diamond), Thursday, 2 October 2003 03:17 (twenty years ago) link

didn't ott once run a review with several scathing asides about the wedding present ?

what crap.

mike bott, Thursday, 2 October 2003 03:45 (twenty years ago) link

Note to rock writers: "faggy" isn't always the best adjective to use

Vic (Vic), Thursday, 2 October 2003 04:59 (twenty years ago) link

use "cigarettey" instead

the surface noise (electricsound), Thursday, 2 October 2003 05:03 (twenty years ago) link

or "smokey"

cinniblount (James Blount), Thursday, 2 October 2003 05:10 (twenty years ago) link

heh i should have read it in context (i assumed the meaning was what Vic was referring to rather than what was actually meant)

the surface noise (electricsound), Thursday, 2 October 2003 05:12 (twenty years ago) link

you people are high.

twelve, Friday, 10 October 2003 19:41 (twenty years ago) link

I have Brent's fan letters framed on my wall. This thread will probably join them.

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Monday, 13 October 2003 14:39 (twenty years ago) link

that's sweet

cinniblount (James Blount), Monday, 13 October 2003 14:46 (twenty years ago) link

Chris Ott is a smarmy, snarky fool, and a shoddy researcher. He frequently takes completely unnecessary personal jabs at people. He dismisses entire genres with sweeping gestures. I think he thinks this will make him Lester Bangs or something. His writing lacks insight and passion. And yes, I'm disturbed by the homophobic undertones.

One time I attempted to point out some factual errors and influences he apparently missed in one of his reviews, and he told me that i displayed "a complete lack of knowledge of popular music of the last 40 years". It was pricelessly funny. (Incidentally, in that same review, he went off on a fact-impaired rant about an entire genre and didn't actually say a damn thing about the music on the album in question.)

As for the feature in question: I'm solidly in the camp of "Why Bother?" La, la, la, let's make a list of things I don't like and share it with the whole world! I don't like things, la la la!

This whole "we have more readers than Spin" thing strikes me as pretty funny. As if that was the point. As if that was a measure of quality or success! Jessica Simpson sells more albums than Mecca Normal, does that reflect on the quality of the product?

Pitchfork is increasingly irrelevant, at least in the world of college radio that I inhabit. I read it only for the news. Every colleague I've talked to feels the same way.

Kevin Erickson, Thursday, 16 October 2003 10:05 (twenty years ago) link

But the news is the smarmiest, most outdated, condescending, indier-than-thou section on the whole site!!

Mike Ouderkirk (Mike Ouderkirk), Friday, 17 October 2003 08:11 (twenty years ago) link

yeah, chris has a totally different take on nearly everything, and he's arrogant and outspoken, but don't you people have any other distractions? shit is boring at this point.

s>c>, Friday, 17 October 2003 08:23 (twenty years ago) link

"the world of college radio I inhabit" = poss. not the whole world

Andrew L (Andrew L), Friday, 17 October 2003 08:29 (twenty years ago) link

The key word is "poss."

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Friday, 17 October 2003 11:58 (twenty years ago) link

I have Brent's fan letters framed on my wall. This thread will probably join them.

that's ummm....kinda sad really. do you have voodoo dolls of your favorite ilm posters too?

Bob Shaw (Bob Shaw), Friday, 17 October 2003 14:42 (twenty years ago) link

yeah, chris has a totally different take on nearly everything, and he's arrogant and outspoken, but don't you people have any other distractions? shit is boring at this point.

you're the one adding comments to a thread that's been pretty much dead for a month, dude.

M Matos (M Matos), Friday, 17 October 2003 15:11 (twenty years ago) link

I'm a college DJ too, although perhaps I don't fit the definition to a T. I'll take Sean Paul over Grandaddy anyday.

Mike Ouderkirk (Mike Ouderkirk), Friday, 17 October 2003 15:19 (twenty years ago) link

three months pass...
these tireless, traditionally bent cads effortlessly reclaim the sexiness and sexuality of rock rhythms

Reclaim? Who took them? Are they gonna get in trouble?

Clarke B., Monday, 26 January 2004 20:00 (twenty years ago) link

Who Stole the Soul?

Chuck D (Matt Helgeson), Monday, 26 January 2004 20:05 (twenty years ago) link

Neither of the above posts made resurrecting this thread worthwhile.

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Monday, 26 January 2004 20:16 (twenty years ago) link

oh sure they did.

strongo hulkington (dubplatestyle), Monday, 26 January 2004 20:19 (twenty years ago) link

ott, this is a collection of about the lamest post-pre-teen flames i've ever seen. one word: pacing. as for the piece, which i read before i ever heard of ilm, it was too long but at least a little enjoyable.

andrew s (andrew s), Monday, 26 January 2004 20:36 (twenty years ago) link

A good time was had by all; it was a slow day. As far as the piece itself, it was far too long. Should have been 25.

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Monday, 26 January 2004 20:42 (twenty years ago) link

a very slow day

M Matos (M Matos), Monday, 26 January 2004 20:49 (twenty years ago) link

The slowest day ever.

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Monday, 26 January 2004 20:55 (twenty years ago) link

I have a bad habit of ignoring the dates of threads, Ott, so forgive me.

Clarke B., Monday, 26 January 2004 20:56 (twenty years ago) link

It's been a cold day in the gay keyboard dungeon.

Clarke B., Monday, 26 January 2004 20:58 (twenty years ago) link

So by definition, today is even slower than that day, right?

donut bitch (donut), Monday, 26 January 2004 21:00 (twenty years ago) link

May 1, 2003

Santorum should apologize for anti-gay remarks
By Chris Ott

As a gay man, I don't have a problem with Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa. But I do have a problem with the fact that he caused an ongoing national controversy with his anti-gay remarks, and is either too ignorant or mean-spirited to simply apologize.


dean! (deangulberry), Monday, 26 January 2004 21:06 (twenty years ago) link

I just really think Rick should have issued a public apology, that's all.

Chris Ott (Chris Ott), Monday, 26 January 2004 21:24 (twenty years ago) link

I thought all gay people liked Black Grape!!!!@!!!

Jon Williams (ex machina), Monday, 26 January 2004 21:49 (twenty years ago) link

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