"Uh Huh Her." Thoughts on the new PJ Harvey?

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Amateur!st's latest dark and primal comment clearly motivated by his less-than-happy relationship with Vincent Gallo...

Momus (Momus), Sunday, 13 June 2004 07:25 (twenty years ago) link

There's so much in this thread to respond to, and enjoy. I may disagree with some of what Momus is saying (especially this: he asserts: this makes her a post-modern artist... just not a very interesting one in a thread approaching 400 posts, in which he has contributed a significant amount of highly engaged posts!), but I don't think Momus deserves the usual ILX kneejerk, either. He's saying some interesting stuff here.

I guess the part that ultimately confuses me is the following: as someone who loves the music of PJH, in general, I've never ever thought of her as someone particularly cutting edge or radical (sociopolitically, or whatever), so I don't really understand the "conservative" attacks against her here (uh huh here?). She has played around with the blues, and with old andro-centric rock'n'roll tropes, but I've never gotten the impression of someone who is precious about that, or has elevated herself to some kind of rarefied avant-garde plane. In fact, most interviews I've read having largely betrayed her very English ordinariness. the whole "conservative" thing seems to be a straw (wo)man.

Oh, and quickly, "Down by the Water" has always strongly reminded me of a traditional song most often associated with the Irish band Planxty, namely "The Well Below the Valley" (seriously, check those lyrics out). The fact that its a traditional folk song would certainly suggest "conservative"; but then again, its subject matter, flying in the face of what is usually acceptable within that genre, might suggest otherwise (reactionary, sure, but that doesn't negate its power). Or not. Really, this is more of an observation that parallels Momus's own reinterpretation than it is anything else, and now my head hurts, so...

(Last quick observation/question: why do people get so defensive about their tastes? And even more so when someone happens to attach some attitude or political label to them. I mean, I like Bob Dylan but I'm not a misogynist. I like P J Harvey, but I'm not a misandrist... or a misogynist, for that matter.)

David A. (Davant), Sunday, 13 June 2004 08:34 (twenty years ago) link

Oh, and point taken re: the sexual abuse surviving and the Scrabble playing, by the way, haha.

David A. (Davant), Sunday, 13 June 2004 08:37 (twenty years ago) link

The lyrics aren't very important to me is 100% pure rockism, though, mei! The full version is 'The lyrics aren't very important to me, as long as they're some reassuring old waffle about drugs, Satan, and the eternal dark heart of Man...'

-- Momus (nic...), June 12th, 2004.

I don't mean (and didn't say) that lyrics aren't very important to me. I said the lyrics aren't very important to me, the lyrics of this particular song.

I'm curious about being called 'rockist', because I don't know what it means, really, and I've yet to find an adequate explanation here.

Your way of looking at the world isn't universal Momus, not everyone thinks like you, or even thinks how you think they think.

Others to whom lyrics have been unimportant at various times:
Yoko Ono, Mendelsohn, Mogwai, Derrick May, Aphex Twin, Fugazi, Pink Floyd, Ugefutsu, Bjork, Lightning Bolt, Dexter Gordon.

Other songs whose lyrics are important to me:
Shellac - A Prayer To God
Team Dresch - Don't Try Suicide
Fugazi - Bed For The Scraping
PJ Harvey - You Said Something
Bjork - All Is Full of Love
Nicollette - Wholesome
The Chordettes - Mr Sandman.

mei (mei), Sunday, 13 June 2004 12:10 (twenty years ago) link

In other words, you would notice (and probably object) if PJ Harvey's new single were a protest song calling for better conditions for women working on short-term contracts in a call centre.

-- Momus (nic...), June 12th, 2004.

Whether I noticed the lyrics or not would depend mostly on how they are sung and the music that goes with them, not the words themselves (although they do play a part). A song like that would probably be clearly presented, with the lyrics to the fore, so I probably would notice them.

A song calling for better conditions for women working on short-term contracts in a call centre would be out-of-character for PJ Harvey (rather, for the PJ Harvey she projects). For that reason it doesn't sound, on paper, like a particularly good idea. I think it (usually) detracts from a TV comedy when one of the characters looks at the screen and says something knowingly to the audience - a similar break with character that I don't like.

I wouldn't exactly say I'd object to it though, why should I?

Of the songs I've heard and know I like, TGIF by Le Tigre probably comes closest to that subject matter, but Le Tigre are not PJ Harvey. (TGIF is not one of the better songs on that album, but it is still very good).
Distinguishing, sometimes unfairly, between men and women is something Le Tigre often make a point of doing.

mei (mei), Sunday, 13 June 2004 12:23 (twenty years ago) link

I'm a big fan of the 'Tones' section of the All Music Guide. Here are the 'tones' they've selected for PJ Harvey:

Distraught, Unsettling, Gutsy, Crunchy, Brittle, Intimate, Aggressive, Provocative, Passionate, Fiery, Intense, Sexy, Bleak, Brooding, Angst-Ridden, Cathartic, Eerie, Sexual, Theatrical, Tense/Anxious, Ominous, Confrontational

Nick Cave's 'tones', according to AMG, are almost identical:

Distraught, Bleak, Brooding, Angst-Ridden, Literate, Nihilistic, Ominous, Eerie, Theatrical, Gloomy

And here are the 'tones' for George Formby:

Witty, Playful, Plaintive, Joyous, Irreverent, Fun, Amiable/Good-Natured, Carefree, Happy, Cheerful

Momus (Momus), Sunday, 13 June 2004 15:35 (twenty years ago) link

Meanwhile, guess who this is?

Eccentric, Irreverent, Cynical/Sarcastic, Elegant, Sophisticated, Cerebral, Stylish, Sexual, Silly, Theatrical, Witty, Provocative, Refined/Mannered, Playful, Humorous, Sleazy, Literate, Ironic, Wry, Acerbic, Brash, Quirky, Rousing

Momus (Momus), Sunday, 13 June 2004 15:37 (twenty years ago) link

rousing? i wonder who else scores on that scale. pete seeger? carrot top?

mig, Sunday, 13 June 2004 15:43 (twenty years ago) link

also, that confirms my feelings re: pjh's crunchiness

mig, Sunday, 13 June 2004 15:44 (twenty years ago) link

"Formby is, weirdly enough, more modern than PJ Harvey."

Wierdly enough, Aristophanes is more modern than John Irving.
Wierdly enough, Bob Seger is more modern than Enrico Caruso.
Wierdly enough, Girls Aloud is more modern than the cave paintings of Altamira.
Wierdly enough, the the Telegraph pole is more modern than the dvd player.

..., Sunday, 13 June 2004 15:52 (twenty years ago) link

It's rather mind-boggling to imagine what an evening with PJ Harvey and Nick Cave must have been like, when they were an item. I imagine it going something like this (with George Formby as the breezy butler):

Nick (Distraught): Hi Polly.
Polly (Distraught): Hello Nick.
Nick (Bleak): What's new?
Polly (Unsettling): Not much.
Nick (Brooding>: Oh.
George (Witty): That's a turn-up for the books, then, isn't it, sir?
Nick (Angst-ridden): Ha ha... ha.
Polly (Gutsy): Shut the fuck up, George.
George (Playful): Make me, M'Lady!
Polly (Crunchy): Okay, I will (crunches him on the head).
Nick (Literate): Hoist on your own petard, there, George!
George (Plaintive): Ouch!
Polly (Brittle): Serves you right. Now go out and get us a bag of heroin.
Nick (Nihilistic): Yes, heroin.
George (Joyous): Very well, sir!
Nick (Ominous): Shall we make love while he's out?
Polly (Intimate): Yes.
Nick (Eerie): Come 'ere.
Polly (Aggressive): Make me!
Nick (Theatrical): Bitch!
Polly (Provocative): Catch me first!
Nick (Gloomy): I can't be arsed.
Polly ( Passionate, Fiery, Intense, Sexy, Bleak, Brooding, Angst-Ridden, Cathartic, Eerie, Sexual, Theatrical, Tense/Anxious, Ominous): Oh, all right then.
George (Irreverent): I've brought the stuff, you blimmin' gothic junkies!
Polly (Confrontational): Give that to me!
George (Fun, Amiable/Good-Natured, Carefree, Happy, Cheerful): Catch me first!
Exeunt, chasing George

Momus (Momus), Sunday, 13 June 2004 15:59 (twenty years ago) link

Um, is it still ok to talk about the album itself here? I just listened to it again and had some reactions but I don't want to interrupt this enriching discussion.

btw, the new album is probably her most Cave-y, though for none of the reasons implied by that charming little script there.

Anthony Miccio (Anthony Miccio), Sunday, 13 June 2004 16:10 (twenty years ago) link

I've only seen a few Nick Cave songs on telly, and a few on a mix CD a friend made for me, and they all sound INCREDIBLY like Roger Water's early 90s solo album, Amused to Death. The voice, the instrumentation, the mood, the subjects.

Who's copying who?

mei (mei), Sunday, 13 June 2004 19:54 (twenty years ago) link

Anthony, please do share your impressions. I'd like to see this thread go on forever, half of people actually talking about the album and the other half continuing this insane Momus dialogue.

PJ Harvey is crunchy? Mmm...PJ Harvey cereal...

Heard a song off the new album on the radio today. I had the volume turned down pretty low but something about it kept making me think "wow this is really cool I wonder who this is?" I was delighted to find it was her.

Bimble (bimble), Sunday, 13 June 2004 21:23 (twenty years ago) link

more and more I'm finding ALL of her albums can usually be summed up in the best five or so tracks and this one's no exception. "Cat On A Wall," "Pocket Knife," "The Letter" "It's You," and "The Darker Days Of Me & Him" make my particular EP out of this one.

as far as the whole gender-bending thing, there really isn't much of that here (I guess some people could make a case for "Pocket Knife"). Just seems like the flipside of Stories From The Sea where she's reacting with horror to a strong outside influence rather than gratitude.

Anthony Miccio (Anthony Miccio), Sunday, 13 June 2004 21:28 (twenty years ago) link

Actually I never thought of it that way but you're right about taking the best five from each of her albums. That makes a lot of sense.

Bimble (bimble), Monday, 14 June 2004 05:09 (twenty years ago) link

Also, just incase Momus is out there, I'd be interested to hear his rationalization for why rock and roll seems to have such a large following in Japan. (along with western pop music/heavy metal/punk...but I don't want to get too far off topic, here)

Bimble (bimble), Monday, 14 June 2004 08:01 (twenty years ago) link

My take on this is that Japan de-transcendentalises cultural imports at he border. Hence what, for us, is a music of authenticity is, for the Japanese, totally about surfaces, small details, and fakeness. For instance, punk rock is about having exactly the right sort of bondage trousers, rather than 'expressing yourself with no frills'.

The interesting thing is that this 'Japanese' de-transcendentalising tendency is also happening in western post-modernism. As time goes on, the west becomes more and more 'Japanese' in its concern with the surfaces and details of subcultural style rather than its transcendental claims. Rock as 'a way of living' or 'a way of being truthful' or 'a religion' is replaced by chains of circular references like the ones the NYT review of PJH's new record referred to: 'this sounds like a blues riff, so it references something that references authenticity'. More and more, rock's authenticity is faked in the west just as it is in Japan. Its depths are trompe l'oeuil, nothing more than endlessly relayed references back to an authenticity which is, finally, absent. But this doesn't stop rock from being 'transcendental', because the transcendental is all about references to something absent. 'In the end, soul itself is the longing of the soul-less for redemption'.

Momus (Momus), Monday, 14 June 2004 08:15 (twenty years ago) link

It might be too neat, but it's tempting to say that the only difference between Japan and the west now is that we still want there to be authenticity, whereas Japan is happy for everything to be artificial. You could say that in the west, authenticity is faked, whereas in Japan fakeness is authentic. According to the definitions of Pop and Rock further up the thread, this suggests that, in Japan, there is no rock music as we define it, only pop with a rock sound.

Momus (Momus), Monday, 14 June 2004 08:22 (twenty years ago) link

Okay, but another question I had from some things posted earlier is: do you find everyday life satisfying, stimulating and rewarding enough that transcendence is wholly unnecessary? Does everyday life never appear to you to be drab, mundane, boring, dull etc.? I mean, you say rock and roll means transcendence, but isn't *all* art a form of transcendence? And if not, what is such an art form like that is NOT transcendent? What does it offer us?


Bimble (bimble), Monday, 14 June 2004 08:26 (twenty years ago) link

Of course I'm dissatisfied sometimes (though not as much as I used to be), and of course I think that the desire for transcendence is inescapable. The position I've come to, though, is that I'm working towards something you might call 'micro-transcendence'. It's all about finding little particles of 'the other' and 'the eternal' in tiny, humble, everyday things, and being quite resigned to the human origins of this 'other' or 'eternal'. Think of a tea ceremony rather than a church service, think of dressing with immaculate care every day rather than just on special occasions. I've learned this 'micro-transcendence' from Japan. The Japanese don't have Platonism or Christianity telling them that transcendence is all about a world which is big, real, yet absent. Instead, they have their national nature religion of Shinto, which is godless and animistic, and animism (which we had in the west too, but allowed Platonism and Christianity to crush) is about investing small things with micro-fragments of specialness. Every rock and tree has a little god in it, a god we create by our respect for its 'itness'. What I object to about rock is also what I object to about Christianity: the location of 'the other' in rock is in what's absent, and not what's present. That keeps it 'pure', I guess, but makes the real something shoddy and unloved. It downgrades what's present and robs it of its specialness.

In art it's very hard to avoid transcendence. Warhol tried, Murakami is trying, the Brothers Chapman are trying. What happens is that your denial of transcendence becomes a new form of transcendence.

Momus (Momus), Monday, 14 June 2004 08:55 (twenty years ago) link

Well I'm not sure what to say to that except that my mother sometimes says that as she gets older she learns to take her pleasure from the most simple mundane things, like a bowl of cereal. (which is ironic, I suppose, considering I mentioned PJ Harvey cereal above) Thanks for posting, Momus. Not sure I agree with your views, but it's something to chew on, anyway.

Bimble (bimble), Monday, 14 June 2004 09:40 (twenty years ago) link

Fascinating discussion y'all on PJH and all things connected. Two of Momus's points that are particularly illumintaing are:

1. artists should NOT be regarded as role models (quote: "I think it's fairly silly to see artists as social role models of any kind"). How true. So many artists, historical and contemporary, are mental cases, borderline-sociopaths, egomaniacs or substance abusers. The act of creation, and the thought and often bravery involved, is the real role model I guess

2. That music IS the trancendance (quote: "But this doesn't stop rock from being 'transcendental', because the transcendental is all about references to something absent"). Briliant point. In fact, music and drugs are probably so closely linked because music IS a drug. Rock is an amphetamine, jazz is like booze, etc etc. I dare say music is probably the most mood altering substance in existence. And people take drugs to to reach what seems to be "absent" in their lives (calm, happiness, energy) and some just use music for the same end result. Which is I guess to say that even inauthentic music can still work it's magic (just like organic vs. chemical drugs which all lead to the state of being stoned).

Of course, this doesn't really have all that much to do with PJH but that argument seems pretty exhausted. BTW I haven't heard much of PJs new disc but the bits I did catch sounded like she's getting more therapeutic release from the music than her fans ever will. It' s one thing to be raw, and another thing to be just undercooked. But I do love the wee lass, and I'm sure I'll warm up to her new disc in time. Hmmmm... maybe that's what the "warming up to" actually implies - making the "raw' effort more digestible.


biscotti, Monday, 14 June 2004 18:17 (twenty years ago) link

"You could say that in the west, authenticity is faked, whereas in Japan fakeness is authentic. "

oh brother

amateur!st (amateurist), Monday, 14 June 2004 23:01 (twenty years ago) link

I think it's fairly silly to see artists as social role models of any kind.

Yes, I had forgotten this one, but it did bother me when I first read it: Tell that to any teenager. Artists being seen as role models is about as inevitable as it gets. You can think it fairly silly that when you drop an object, it falls to the ground, but gravity works anyway.

Bimble (bimble), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 00:35 (twenty years ago) link

I agree with most of Momus's points, except his main one --about PJH collaring the intrinsic easy power of "raw" "guitar" "rock." If the Situationist free-floating-metaphor palette, which Momus clearly enjoys in his own work, is a reality (and not an excuse to go romping through varieties of safely dead pop genres), then there's no reason guitar rock can't be a valid part of it. (Witness, ummm, Xiu Xiu?). Per Momus, however, all idioms are fair game except the dominant one. That, of course, undercuts the argument somewhat.

joseph cotten (joseph cotten), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 03:35 (twenty years ago) link

Of course you can go romping through Rawk with a less-than-committed or ironic spirit -- in fact, readings of Rawk can be made which see most of it as self-parody (Rolling Stones, Queen, etc) and fakery. But Rawk does still set itself up for accusations of hypocrisy, for bathos, for pratfalls, because it does still stake a lot on its being considered an 'authentic' music. That's one of the core planks in its platform. And oh what knots it ties us in! It's almost entertaining enough just watching Rawk doing a Houdini escape act from its own contradictions!

When someone like PJH comes along to give Rawk a new lease of life (and she is credited with being a sort of godmother to the new, credible garage Rawk, in which young, pretty, liberal kids are getting 'back to Rawk basics'), I see it as 'Police Woman Feminism'. She turns 'fakeness' into 'empowerment'. She takes the idea that you can't play this 'authentic' music unless you're black, male, American, white, male, American, reactionary, male, English-speaking or whatever, and proclaims 'Yes, you can! Look, I can!' Rather than condeming Rawk values as reactionary (as someone like Bjork would), she extends Rawk vocabulary to subjects like menstruation and abortion. Her femaleness and Britishness, rather than disqualifying her from access to Rawk's Black Magic, become her way of granting Rawk an afterlife, a prolongation of its license. Instead of letting it die of natural causes, die the death of a ludicrous elderly Dionysus like Austin Powers, she gives it a means to survive longer, providing a liberal balance to Rawk's essential (by now) conservatism (its primal screams, its emotional atavism, its wilting mojo).

By embracing Rawk, PJH prolongs its legitimacy, removes the charge of inherent misogyny under which the genre might finally have collapsed. It's just like Angie Dickinson pumping fresh, female blood into the police TV thriller genre. The moribund genres have taken all the 'authentic' blood they can, and, late in their vampiric careers, are willing to embrace their former antitheses: women, children, foreigners, old men, whoever. Rather than giving up their power, they 'empower' outsiders, allowing them into their dark rites. Inclusion permits perpetuation.

What's interesting, then, is to watch the tussle that ensues. Do the arriving Wimmin make Rawk or Police Drama truly 'feminine', or are they sucked into some eternal masculinity inscribed all the way through their adopted media? Is femininity erased, or is Rawk? Can a guitar -- or a gun -- ever cease entirely to connote a penis, and can 'raw power' -- or killing -- ever be something that women do better than men? Because, to make up for lost ground, if they're really serious about occupying Rawk as a permanent territory and making it truly feminine, rather than just making themselves accessories to the masculine, women will have to show they rawk or kill at least as well as any man, as naturally, with as much entitlement. And then they're going to have to explain to us why it was worth universalising these values anyway.

Momus (Momus), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 14:49 (twenty years ago) link


sexyDancer, Tuesday, 15 June 2004 14:57 (twenty years ago) link

Anyone who thinks a guitar is a penis is a dick.

mei (mei), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 15:07 (twenty years ago) link

i love my penis in action and i love the sound of guitars. does that make me a killer? and i love pj harvey rocking out. does that make me a hater of "authentic" (feminine) women? and i never got into your music, momus, though i tried. does that make me a conservative retard? the more you write about your obscure biased ideology the less you convince me. "police woman feminism" is straight out of the dictionary of the style police. i can live without both of them.

alex in mainhattan (alex63), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 17:24 (twenty years ago) link

I can understand why people dismiss the idea that the music they like might be 'conservative'. But the question of authenticity is much more difficult to dismiss as unimportant or irrelevant. What does it mean to make music that's 'raw', that goes 'back to basics'? What does it mean to be the 'wrong' kind of person for the genre you're employing? These are make-or-break, life-or-death questions in pop music. Whole careers float or sink according to the answers we give. Ask Pat Boone.

Momus (Momus), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 20:16 (twenty years ago) link

Mark E Smith and Bob Dylan simply destroy this either/or line of reasoning between "raw" and "modern".

SexyDancer, Tuesday, 15 June 2004 20:27 (twenty years ago) link

B-but Bob Dylan got booed when he crossed the line between raw and cooked! It's one of the biggest, most famous crisis moments in the whole history of pop! His manager had a fight -- a physical fight with Mr Raw himself, Alan Lomax, over it!

Momus (Momus), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 20:30 (twenty years ago) link

my point.

sexyDancer, Tuesday, 15 June 2004 20:32 (twenty years ago) link

Hmm. Maybe:

raw = sounds different to how it would if you spent more time on it

back to bacsics = go back to doing things the way you used to

mei (mei), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 20:35 (twenty years ago) link

Re: Dylan.

It hardly proves the line doesn't exist or isn't important, though, does it? I think it comes into the category of 'Rawk doing a Houdini escape act from its own contradictions'. When we think 'Bob Dylan', some of us still think of that moment where he 'goes electric', in other words makes the transition from one claim to authenticity (folk) to a rival claim (rock). (Note: he doesn't abandon authenticity itself, he just switches modes. Mark E. Smith is, I'd say, a different case. His authenticity is, he thinks, a birthright, and derived from being a 'prole'. It's extra-musical. Nothing he can do musically can ever be inauthentic as a result. Drum machines, art gestures, poetry, it's all within his credit limit, his class credibility karma.)

Momus (Momus), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 20:38 (twenty years ago) link

The line exits and is imporatnt, but what's really important is not to take sides as you propose, but rather to unite the two poles. This is capital A Art. Dylan and MES make direct observations of things both mundane/realistic and transcendental/visionary, in lyric and music.

sexyDancer, Tuesday, 15 June 2004 20:43 (twenty years ago) link

It's not so much a question of taking sides, as of saying that it's impossible to explain why an artist makes certain gestures (and often with an almost neurotic insistence and repetitiveness) without referring to their perception of themselves in relation to 'the authentic'. The Authentic is to rock music what Legitimacy is to politics. If you're on the wrong side of Legitimacy, your days are numbered. You look small, silly, weak, fake. (Now, as it happens I've based my whole career on looking deliberately small, silly, weak and fake -- on trying to prove that it's actually more 'authentic' to thumb your nose at authenticity than to play by its rules, in somewhat the same way that it's more macho to be a man out on the streets dressed in drag than a man in jeans and leather. Ask Grayson Perry!)

Momus (Momus), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 20:52 (twenty years ago) link

I'm sure Dylan was doing something similar with his recent blond wig and fake beard get-up. Note that the longest-living rock acts are constantly changing styles and challenging their audiences.

sexyDancer, Tuesday, 15 June 2004 21:03 (twenty years ago) link

When you say 'an artist', do you mean a specific artist (PJ Harvey?) or all artists?

mei (mei), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 21:04 (twenty years ago) link

No they're not!

The Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, AC/DC, REM, Status Quo...

mei (mei), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 21:06 (twenty years ago) link

oops! I meant to say long-running acts with regard to necessary records: Bowie, Boredoms, etc.

sexyDancer, Tuesday, 15 June 2004 21:10 (twenty years ago) link

Rock longevity: don't change a thing!
Pop longevity: change all the time!

Momus (Momus), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 21:11 (twenty years ago) link

ach! There you go with those dualities again! Smash 'em. Always different, always the same... that's how I want it!
But let's get back to Bo Diddley, shall we?

sexyDancer, Tuesday, 15 June 2004 21:14 (twenty years ago) link

(Complicates duality with paradoxical qualification -- knowing full well that this will be seen nothing more than prevarication, vacillation or weakness rather than what it is, dialectics):

...But since rock is a sub-division of pop, the Houdini-like thing rock has to do is change all the time, but make it look like you're staying the same (the Stones, who change more from decade to decade than people realise). Or to change all the time, but emphasise that it's because you're chasing the avant garde essence of rock, its original spirit of rebellion and innovation, which is merely to be found, each year, in a slightly different place (Bowie etc). But mainly, rock abjures change (Status Quo, Oasis) and is quite happy to be a sort of museum piece like the classical orchestral repertoire of dead masters.

Momus (Momus), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 21:20 (twenty years ago) link

By the way, I have a slightly odd question. Is there a difference in the way PJ Harvey and JK Rowling use initials?

Momus (Momus), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 21:26 (twenty years ago) link

classic SE Hinton duck

sexyDancer, Tuesday, 15 June 2004 21:28 (twenty years ago) link

(If you'll allow me to answer my own question, my feeling is, yes, there is a difference. Sure, both are women using a trope usually associated with men. But there the similarities end. I think JK Rowling is referring back to JRR Tolkien, whereas PJ Harvey's reference is closer to JR Ewing. In other words, Rowling is trying to evoke a tradition of rather stuffy British authors, whereas Harvey is evoking American legends like WC Handy. Rowling has some anti-American feelings -- she vehemently refused to allow Harry Potter to be played by an American actor, for instance -- whereas I can imagine Harvey ending up an American citizen, completely 'naturalised', and speaking with the accent in which she currently sings. And I think this has a lot to do with her perception that a step towards America is a step towards authenticity, even if, for her as a British person, it's in some ways the opposite: a step towards the plastic. You could extend this and say that every step she takes towards Rock music makes her more of a Pop artist.)

Momus (Momus), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 21:35 (twenty years ago) link

Again, I find myself nodding in agreement (and I hope your notes on the diffusion of divinity in Japanese culture don't go overlooked amid all the guitar- and penis-swinging of this thread) but you still don't seem to be able to disentangle yourself from Rawk's most superficial and facile symbolism. Sure, it's in the revisionist stage -- much like all Western narrative (let's do the same thing but with a dog!) or human sexuality (let's do the same thing but with a dog!). Yet it's entirely in one's power to refuse to see PJH (whom I like but don't revere) as Rosie the Riveter with a compressor pedal; let the journalists do that. Hell, let herself do that. It doesn't change the fact that, say, "The Letter" has a very clever chord progression or that "I Can Hardly Wait" has an interesting dropped beat, etc.

Regarding her ambiguous Britishness: I got a kick out of the album's liner-note inscription saying "British accent, goddamn it!". Brilliant, in a way: you can read it as a self-reminder to get rid of the accent or to keep it.

joseph cotten (joseph cotten), Tuesday, 15 June 2004 22:49 (twenty years ago) link

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