Best Music Writing 2012

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just thought i'd post a little update: i sent the google doc with all the names of the people wishing to opt-out of the kickstarter refund to the feedback press email. haven't had any response thus far, but i don't think i'm going to get one frankly. i imagine the inbox is inundated with people wanting their money back or answers as to why feedback press never delivered. the list is in her hands now anyway, hopefully it makes the process at least a bit easier.

borntohula, Wednesday, 28 August 2013 03:43 (ten years ago) link

shitlords never worry

some dude, Wednesday, 28 August 2013 04:41 (ten years ago) link

(Now That's) The Shitlords

everything I do is funky like Debussy (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 28 August 2013 15:36 (ten years ago) link

one month passes...

It's October now and no sign of the promised list of writing that was supposed to arrive in the first week of September

Edward Bax, Wednesday, 16 October 2013 18:09 (ten years ago) link

I intend to publish the list of the Best Music Writing as selected by the book's incredible, world-class professional editorial board. This in and of itself is a great
achievement and I hope you will take the time to enjoy the pieces mentioned on the list. This will arrive to you via email in the first week of September, after the dust has cleared from this announcement. I hope to separate the good work of those editors from my failure with the publishing house.

I guess you could try emailing her at wemakefeedback at gmail dot com

Not that she's been quick to respond to anyone in the past

curmudgeon, Wednesday, 16 October 2013 18:45 (ten years ago) link

poor thing, still being victimized by people that gave her a bunch of money for free

lorde willin' (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 16 October 2013 19:13 (ten years ago) link

u are all the best music writers in my book

sleepingbag, Wednesday, 16 October 2013 19:20 (ten years ago) link

have a blessed day

lorde willin' (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Wednesday, 16 October 2013 19:33 (ten years ago) link

I emailed her and she has not responded. I guess she'll publish the list after Vice does a follow-up

curmudgeon, Thursday, 17 October 2013 17:13 (ten years ago) link

An email response!:

Thanks for you email. I have not, as of yet. I will shortly.

All best,

curmudgeon, Thursday, 17 October 2013 20:40 (ten years ago) link

three weeks pass...

I wonder how she defines "shortly"? Can publishing the list of the Best Music Writing as selected by the book's incredible, world-class professional editorial board be that hard.

I don't have a personal stake in this, but jeez...

curmudgeon, Friday, 8 November 2013 18:47 (ten years ago) link

well guess we better polish our pitchforks

emo canon in twee major (BradNelson), Friday, 8 November 2013 18:59 (ten years ago) link

as someone who has on occasion pursued projects that never reach completion i'm pretty cool with daphne taking her time on this or even not following through at all

emo canon in twee major (BradNelson), Friday, 8 November 2013 19:02 (ten years ago) link

Gotta say that I don't care for the list as much as I get my $50 back but Brad, of those projects, how many of those were crowdfunded and had you be accountable to more than just, say, an editor?

Murgatroid, Friday, 8 November 2013 19:05 (ten years ago) link

I don't have a personal stake in this

direct tweet didn't work, so may as well email

― curmudgeon, Thursday, April 25, 2013 11:57 AM (6 months ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

No response so far

― curmudgeon, Friday, April 26, 2013 8:00 AM (6 months ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

Still nothing

― curmudgeon, Saturday, April 27, 2013 7:47 AM (6 months ago) Bookmark Flag Post Permalink

emo canon in twee major (BradNelson), Friday, 8 November 2013 19:06 (ten years ago) link

none were crowdfunded but i've been accountable to more ppl than an editor! at this point the $50 i contributed practically doesn't even exist in mind anymore. it was probably put toward good use in this project that didn't pan out. whatever

emo canon in twee major (BradNelson), Friday, 8 November 2013 19:08 (ten years ago) link

reviving this thread in honor of Rorschach's bday I see

anonanon, Friday, 8 November 2013 19:37 (ten years ago) link

at this point the $50 i contributed practically doesn't even exist in mind anymore. it was probably put toward good use in this project that didn't pan out. whatever

can you send me $50 please, I have this really good project in mind that may or may not pan out and if it doesn't I won't be giving you the $50 back. whatever

my father will guide me up the stairs to bed (anagram), Friday, 8 November 2013 22:32 (ten years ago) link

sure, sounds like the literal nature of investment

i mean, accountability is important, but as much as we're inconvenienced daphne's probably doubly, triply so, bc she invested time and money in this project that probably amounted to more than spending $50 on a website

ppl who keep bumping this thread are pathological vultures ime

emo canon in twee major (BradNelson), Friday, 8 November 2013 23:15 (ten years ago) link

in retrospect, an e-book might have calmed some people down. it is the 21st century after all. certainly wouldn't have cost $$$$ to do.

scott seward, Friday, 8 November 2013 23:34 (ten years ago) link

matos alone could have slapped that thing together in a week. dude is a madman.

scott seward, Friday, 8 November 2013 23:34 (ten years ago) link

plus, nerds totally would have bought it for 10 bucks on amazon or whatever. they love their kindles and tablets and shit.

scott seward, Friday, 8 November 2013 23:46 (ten years ago) link

sure, sounds like the literal nature of investment

^tbf crowd-funding isn't the same as investing because you will not share in any eventual profits (if there were profits which obv i very much doubt in this case)

lorde willin' (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Friday, 8 November 2013 23:46 (ten years ago) link

ppl who keep bumping this thread are pathological vultures ime

thread got revived because some folks were wondering if she could even get it together to send an email list of articles that would've appeared in this thing. I doubt anyone expects to get a cent back from this boondoggle by this point. but, it would be nice to see what the articles were, so if there was something you didn't know, you could check it out? Wasn't that the whole point of this venture: to highlight good writing?

col, Saturday, 9 November 2013 00:01 (ten years ago) link

If Daphne couldn't handle the admittedly hard job of putting the book together on the budget she had, she should have said so much sooner and returned people's money. Calling her on that and on her failure to simply post or email the list of highlighted articles after saying she would do so, does not make one a vulture.

curmudgeon, Saturday, 9 November 2013 20:05 (ten years ago) link

curmudgeon, just link to the piece you wrote and stop

obie stompin' moby (Whiney G. Weingarten), Saturday, 9 November 2013 20:56 (ten years ago) link

at least Amanda Palmer came through on her kickstarter promises

sarahell, Saturday, 9 November 2013 20:58 (ten years ago) link

whiney otm

my whole family is catholic so look at the pickle i'm in (zachlyon), Saturday, 9 November 2013 21:02 (ten years ago) link

If Daphne couldn't handle the admittedly hard job of putting the book together on the budget she had, she should have said so much sooner and returned people's money. Calling her on that and on her failure to simply post or email the list of highlighted articles after saying she would do so, does not make one a vulture.

― curmudgeon, Saturday, November 9, 2013 3:05 PM (1 hour ago) Bookmark

does make one pathological tho

J0rdan S., Saturday, 9 November 2013 21:13 (ten years ago) link

i have a strong feeling about how weird it is that people have strong feelings over whether others should feel aggrieved or not for losing money

J0rdan S., Saturday, 9 November 2013 21:14 (ten years ago) link

that sounds a bit pathological of you, J0rdan

sarahell, Saturday, 9 November 2013 21:15 (ten years ago) link


J0rdan S., Saturday, 9 November 2013 21:18 (ten years ago) link

getting up the hopes of a bunch of critics with the prospect that it may now be THEIR turn to receive praise and then not following through is like a perfect recipe for internet furor

some dude, Saturday, 9 November 2013 21:53 (ten years ago) link

i would have been really really sad. i sent something to them. so, in retrospect, kinda glad they didn't need it. though they should have needed it. it was wonderful.

scott seward, Saturday, 9 November 2013 21:59 (ten years ago) link

^tbf crowd-funding isn't the same as investing because you will not share in any eventual profits (if there were profits which obv i very much doubt in this case)

true. anyway sorry i got mad everyone!

emo canon in twee major (BradNelson), Sunday, 10 November 2013 00:35 (ten years ago) link

Crowd funding is kinda weird, seems to work best with music because it's pretty much like doing a preorder and if you like a band's songs it's pretty easy to expect that they can record them decently if they raise a modest amount

Stuff like this or video games is still kind of crazy to me. Literally a million things can go wrong with a game, even people that have shipped product before, and half these kick starters are really green developers

lorde willin' (upper mississippi sh@kedown), Sunday, 10 November 2013 01:14 (ten years ago) link

yeah books and albums seem so much more simple to develop and produce than video games on every single level

some dude, Sunday, 10 November 2013 01:23 (ten years ago) link

the thing about kickstarter is that at the low contribution levels it doesn't really make sense for the producer(s) to have to make a whole bunch of things (stickers, shirts etc etc) aside from whatever the product is that's being sold

it's a good idea in theory and obv it works enough to not be a total disaster but in the wrong hands that model is a clear path to super delayed timelines and/or going underwater on the main project

J0rdan S., Sunday, 10 November 2013 04:33 (ten years ago) link

i think it makes sense to offer something above and beyond the original product for a three or four figure donation (depending on what's being sold)

but like... if you're donating <50 or whatever for something, you should basically just be happy with getting whatever it is and throwing in some extra cash just to make sure the plan comes to fruition

J0rdan S., Sunday, 10 November 2013 04:35 (ten years ago) link

While I understand caring more about the person behind this project than the project (lord knows I do), let alone the bucks you gave to both, I don't get mocking people who cared enough about that long-running project to voice their frustration on the internet when the person behind it (who worked on it for years) lets it die in such an ignominious, protracted and embarrassing way. Like, did you really care that little about the thing she spent years working on? Were you just pretending to like it? Is it so hard to grasp that not everyone who knew about it was a personal acquaintance of hers and therefore they might be less than sympathetic about multiple missed deadlines and extreme lengths of radio silence? Is dismissing those people as "folks who can't shut up about their $20" really the way to go here? This is a sad situation, and sneering at people openly let down by it only makes it sadder.

da croupier, Sunday, 10 November 2013 16:19 (ten years ago) link

this isn't all at jordan, just a general disappointment with the "let's support daphne by not giving two fucks about the thing she worked on for years and mocking those who do" line of thinking

da croupier, Sunday, 10 November 2013 16:21 (ten years ago) link

the idea that she hasn't apologized enough or experienced enough public embarrassment or promised recompensation enough yet is a little hard to get behind at this point.

some dude, Sunday, 10 November 2013 16:47 (ten years ago) link

sd, the last two revives are people voicing annoyance that a list promised to arrive in September is nowhere to be seen. No one is asking for another apology, more public embarrassment and more promises of recompensation. When people open a thread to say "this album sucks!" we don't say "omg, do you want blood you vulture!?"

da croupier, Sunday, 10 November 2013 16:58 (ten years ago) link

really disingenuous interpretation of my position there but cool. basically one dude bumping this thread every once in a while to update us all on whether or not daphne emailed him back = gross and terrible behavior imo. anyway

emo canon in twee major (BradNelson), Sunday, 10 November 2013 17:04 (ten years ago) link

the outrage was over-the-top to begin with -- if it looks like people are starting to poke the cooling embers with a stick to start a new fire over her mea culpa peace offering also being tardy and insufficient, i dunno, i think it's fair to tell those people to calm the fuck down.

some dude, Sunday, 10 November 2013 17:07 (ten years ago) link

i was speaking to the broader wagon-circle than any specific defense, but naturally that leads to "are you talking about me/are you talking about a strawman" complaints, which are fair, and i apologize. But as much as I like Daphne there's no denying this continues to be ugly and sad, and the kind of thing people would normally get raked over the coals for on ILX, and I don't like when the defense basically becomes "if you care about Best Music Writing you are sad, get over it."

da croupier, Sunday, 10 November 2013 17:10 (ten years ago) link

not to mention the issues with "if you care about the money you gave you are sad, get over it"

da croupier, Sunday, 10 November 2013 17:11 (ten years ago) link

is anyone saying that

emo canon in twee major (BradNelson), Sunday, 10 November 2013 17:13 (ten years ago) link

if someone repeatedly calling out Daphne for her repeated false promises bothers folks so much they could not read or comment on the thread. But telling someone they should not be aggrieved is a worse look than their repeated posting on the status (or non-status) of her latest failure to deliver.

EZ Snappin, Sunday, 10 November 2013 17:13 (ten years ago) link

is anyone saying that

yes. scroll up, read twitter.

da croupier, Sunday, 10 November 2013 17:14 (ten years ago) link

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