A thread for the Siouxsie reissues

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The only Banshees album I'd heard before Tinderbox was Peepshow, which kind of does its own thing in a fairly different manner. Even Hyaena and Juju sound markedly different to me thanks to production style, plus the songs can't be fucked with (particularly that second side! OMG). And none of them sound anything like Superstition or The Scream or the bits I've heard of Join Hands and Kaleidescope.

It's kind of akin to saying, "Oh, that just sounds like a typical Cure album" when none of them really sound alike (ESPECIALLY pre-1989).

The Ghost of Black Elegance (Dan Perry), Monday, 22 August 2005 14:37 (nineteen years ago) link


The Ghost of Black Elegance (Dan Perry), Monday, 22 August 2005 14:38 (nineteen years ago) link

And thus the goth/punk wars began.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 22 August 2005 14:39 (nineteen years ago) link

"It's kind of akin to saying, "Oh, that just sounds like a typical Cure album" when none of them really sound alike (ESPECIALLY pre-1989)."

Actually I've always thought that Seventeen Seconds and Faith very definitely belong together stylistically. ;~P

Be that as it may 'though, I'm not particularly saying that any particular album sounds specifically like any preceding one, just that (in the both cases) pretty much everything that either band released from, say, 1984 onwards was immediately recognisable as being by that band, and that from that point onwards the contents of each band's musical pallette was always far more familiar than it was unfamiliar.

Stewart Osborne (Stewart Osborne), Monday, 22 August 2005 14:53 (nineteen years ago) link

"Tinderbox was a predictable album. The Scream was not."

i do agree with you a bit on this stewart, but it kind of made it great in that way that it was sort of like the ultimate definition of the banshees at that point. it was a great record and the tour was fantastic, but ultimately as you inferred it was a bit expected for long standing fans. i have to say though, some of the songs were a bit sweeter than usual such as in the case of "sweetest chill" one of my favorite songs, "lands end" another schorcher and "party's fall", but the banshees vibe was still very much there. unlike the following two records which broke the mold, especially peepshow.

however, I still stand by kaleidoscope as their best record... i just can't sway on that. :)

"shoulders form rows to make waves again..."

ehbenoit, Monday, 22 August 2005 16:16 (nineteen years ago) link

Kaleidoscope is probably my second favourite.

How I'd feel about their albums if I'd heard them in a different order other than chronologically as they were released (when they released), I have no idea - but (having only seen them once and heard the first couple of Peel sessions and Hong Kong Garden beforehand) The Scream astounded me in a way very few albums by anyone have done before or since.

Stewart Osborne (Stewart Osborne), Monday, 22 August 2005 18:32 (nineteen years ago) link

The order I heard their albums (of the ones I've heard):

(bits of Kaleidescope, A Kiss In The Dreamhouse, Join Hands)
The Scream

The Ghost of Black Elegance (Dan Perry), Monday, 22 August 2005 20:10 (nineteen years ago) link

Tinderbox hooked me, so I guess the sound was there, as you say. But the lyrical imagery along with just plain interesting music made all those songs listed by ehbenoit shine.

Immediately got the entire back catalogue, then Looking Glass, Peepshow, Superstition as they were released. With the exceptions of Join Hands and The Rapture I say they are all chock full of goodies. Yes, Kaliedoscope is awesome.

Initially I was dissapointed that Through The Looking Glass had no originals, but can you imagine their canon without it now? And I trust it will continue to age more gracefully than any other work of theirs.

Fortier (bkjj40a), Monday, 22 August 2005 22:25 (nineteen years ago) link

You haven't heard the whole of Join Hands, Dan? OMG are you in a for a treat. Probably one of the more inconsistent SATB albums, but OMGWTF "Icon"...

Tinderbox was the first LP I got. I remember distinctly that my first impression upon hearing it was that it reminded me of ... Sinead o' Connor...
Tinderbox, Scream, Juju and possibly Rapture are the only SATB albums that are consistently great

Baaderonixx on a long black leash (Fabfunk), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 06:46 (nineteen years ago) link

"Icon" completely rocks balls! (I forgot to mention The Seven Year Itch, which I heard after Nocturne; there was a very famous thread where I said it was a shame that Siouxsie was singing like ass and people kind of flipped out like I'd stormtroopered their poodles, even though she was bellowing like a dying caribou on "Land's End".)

The Ghost of Black Elegance (Dan Perry), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 12:47 (nineteen years ago) link

"It seems they're finally releasing Nocturne on DVD soon too."

Having investigated further I'm now seeing different and conflicting information and release dates everywhere! Does anyone here actually know for certain what's happening about this?

Stewart Osborne (Stewart Osborne), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 12:54 (nineteen years ago) link

It was supposed to come out on DVD a few months back but Severin posted saying they halted this because it was being done without band approval, and that they wanted to arrange for more extras and goodies and etc. Mind you, I'd be interested to see *what* exactly they do with it, since of course it features one R. Smith prominently and Mr. Severin's feelings towards him are different from those of Ms. Sioux.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:06 (nineteen years ago) link

Which one of them has "Fat Bob" fallen out with at the moment? He seems to have had a fairly volatile relationship with both of them over the years....

Stewart Osborne (Stewart Osborne), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:20 (nineteen years ago) link

Why, Siouxsie of course. Severin and Smith are currently working together happily enough on the Glove reissue.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:26 (nineteen years ago) link

Well Siouxsie hates them both, right?

This means that as each album is reissued without a nice extra disc, they won't look as 'important' as the Cure. Right?

mark grout (mark grout), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:31 (nineteen years ago) link

Look. Today I found PR, photos, and clips for the Dreamshow DVD;


Fortier (bkjj40a), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:41 (nineteen years ago) link

does she hate them or have a hard time working with them. i can not imagine that robert is a barrel of laughs, nor severin to be quite honest... and i am not saying that she is probably an angel herself, but... realistically speaking. i am sure none of them make it easy on each other.

ehbenoit, Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:42 (nineteen years ago) link

"Severin and Smith are currently working together happily enough on the Glove reissue."

"This means that as each album is reissued without a nice extra disc, [Siouxsie And The Banshees] won't look as 'important' as the Cure. Right?"

I wonder if there'll be a bonus disc with the reissue of Blue Sunshine?

Stewart Osborne (Stewart Osborne), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:46 (nineteen years ago) link

methinks that the rofles are plentier with Bob and Steve...

TS: Night out with Bob and Severin vs. Suzie and Budgie?

Baaderonixx on a long black leash (Fabfunk), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:48 (nineteen years ago) link

xpost yes as it's a Cure tie-in.

Didn't they appear on the Oxford Road Show, back in...

mark grout (mark grout), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:52 (nineteen years ago) link

"i can not imagine that robert is a barrel of laughs, nor severin to be quite honest..."

When they're together 'though, they're like Laurel and Hardy, only with a substantially larger drug habit.

Stewart Osborne (Stewart Osborne), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:52 (nineteen years ago) link


"This is another fine mess you've gotten me into Severin"

Stewart Osborne (Stewart Osborne), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 13:58 (nineteen years ago) link

Severin's last message on the Glove reissue indicated there would indeed be a bonus disc.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 14:07 (nineteen years ago) link

Ooooh. Mrs. Clarke isn't going to be too happy about that then, is she?

Stewart Osborne (Stewart Osborne), Tuesday, 23 August 2005 14:30 (nineteen years ago) link

"When they're together 'though, they're like Laurel and Hardy, only with a substantially larger drug habit."


though i think i would rather spend a night with siouxsie and budgie, a) the shit-talking would be better and b) the cats...

ehbenoit, Tuesday, 23 August 2005 17:44 (nineteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...
So many things...
Yes I wish Bad Shape were on there, but just like the cure reissues--loookitallthestuff! and furthermore...GIMMMEE!!!

don't do a disservice to the excellent album tracks on kaliedescope please!

If these are following the cure format, expect bsides to be omitted, there's a box set for that for both bands.

There will be a reissue of The Glove LP with the cure reissues!
I can't wait to have siouxsie and pitts--I mean Nocturne on DVD! Robert's guitar is so cool looking!

I can't wait the most for Hyeana remastered---it needs it the most out of all of them so we can hear all the crazy stuff going on!

But, I can't wait to BLAST LAND'S END out into the neighborhood.

Finally, I always buy the remaster because there's always a reason to inside, and I keep the old packaging in the new--my old cure cassette and cd covers fit nicely in the cure packaging, so if these are the same....

And finally, I have the A Short Term Effect live version that was remastered for Pornography and it FAR surpasses the remastering on their reissue. Why? because to remaster and have everything level out, you lose some quality on some tracks and gain on others--you look for the happy medium, so expect the extras to sound a little different from what you are used to.

Blah blah blah, blah blah.


BurntFur, Wednesday, 14 September 2005 13:25 (nineteen years ago) link

Sounds like Dan has been eating them choco-pops...

Baaderonixx and the choco-pop babies (baaderonixx), Wednesday, 14 September 2005 13:44 (nineteen years ago) link

one month passes...
so 2 banshees questions. how come MAKE UP TO BREAK UP is so well known if it's never been released until now? and secondly how come it hasn't been released until now?

piscesboy, Friday, 21 October 2005 08:24 (eighteen years ago) link

Because it was shown as part of Tony Wilson's two 'different' punk retrospective TV progs that we videotaped and played semi-regularly, and often gets shown in isolation, mainly because Mick Hucknell is moshing stage front.

mark grout (mark grout), Friday, 21 October 2005 08:30 (eighteen years ago) link

ah yeah and its in 24 hr party people. but it's like *famous* isn't it?

hoow come they didnt release it? or re-issue it til 2005!!

the NME are all over this reissue.

piscesboy, Friday, 21 October 2005 08:36 (eighteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...
Right. Finally got this over the weekend. ME HAPPY. And I'm listening to it now, and yes the damn thing sounds great.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 17 November 2005 04:40 (eighteen years ago) link

Note to self: check back when Juju comes out.

Edward III (edward iii), Thursday, 17 November 2005 16:41 (eighteen years ago) link

So I believe Dan had something to say about this reissue.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 28 November 2005 17:48 (eighteen years ago) link

It is fucking awesome.

Also it is way way way better than Three Imaginary Boys and if Siouxsie hadn't done that stupid swastika shit, I'd have been all on her jock from the get-go as opposed to avoiding her like the plague for fear of encountering some neo-Nazi bullshit.

Dan ("Mirage" And "Metal Postcard" Are Completely Brilliant) Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 28 November 2005 17:52 (eighteen years ago) link

The opening to "Mirage" is really quite amazing, it's a truly 'metallic' sound that's unlike most other guitar of the period.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 28 November 2005 17:58 (eighteen years ago) link

I've often thought it's a real shame that John McKay and Kenny Morris just seemed to completely disappear after quitting The Banshees

Stewart Osborne (Stewart Osborne), Monday, 28 November 2005 19:06 (eighteen years ago) link

Yeah, The Scream is quite something, although I don't really feel compelled to pick up this re-issue. The guitar sound on this is just amazing, e.g. on 'Mirage' or 'Switch'. Plus, it's got SATB's finest moment, i.e. 'Overground'

Baaderonixx weaves a daisy chain for... SATAN!! (baaderonixx), Tuesday, 29 November 2005 09:39 (eighteen years ago) link

xpost Yeah, I think it was one of those situations where they got such a bad rep from the ones that they left behind that no-one wanted to know.

mark grout (mark grout), Tuesday, 29 November 2005 09:47 (eighteen years ago) link

two months pass...
Any news about more reissues. They MUST do the whole lot!

I have played The Scream reissue more than anything else this year. The Peel and Pathway sessions are just SO fantastic. Her voice is great - quite girlish and playful on the likes of Mirage, HKG, Carcass espec, with none of the goth foghorn that she sometimes lapsed into later. We all talk about McGeoch and Budgie, but McKay and Morris sound terrific. McKay's metallic tone sounds better on the sessions than on the album, where Lilywhite takes the edge off a touch. I wonder if it's Pete Fenton playing guitar on 'Make-Up..'? Maybe I should read the sleeve notes! The Peel version of Overground is amazing too - (why did I never bother with the Peel sessions before this?) - love the little organ on it. I could talk about this all day.

Dr.C (Dr.C), Thursday, 2 February 2006 15:13 (eighteen years ago) link

It's a great, great reissue, that's for sure. Might have to dig it out again tonight!

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 2 February 2006 15:21 (eighteen years ago) link

Do you reckon there are more in the pipeline, Ned?

Dr.C (Dr.C), Thursday, 2 February 2006 15:24 (eighteen years ago) link

The word was that the rest will indeed be reissued, but not necessarily in double-disc format. Since the Downside Up box has all the B-sides, they're doing like they did with the Cure and not attached said B-sides to the reissues. Beyond that, news has been kinda sporadic.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Thursday, 2 February 2006 15:32 (eighteen years ago) link

I played this reissue to death, as well. Honestly, I'd probably have been a much larger punk booster had I heard this before I heard the Sex Pistols; "Metal Postcard", "Suburban Relapse" and "Switch" are just godly.

Dan (Mmmmmmm) Perry (Dan Perry), Thursday, 2 February 2006 16:07 (eighteen years ago) link

xpost - Well, yes the b-sides are on the boxset, but I was hoping for more radio sessions (Kid Jensen, Richard Skinner/ J.Peel 79/81 sessions) live and outtakes.

I am disappointed that The Scream didn't include the whole of the Riverside session and the preceding Track studios session (Scraphead/20th C Boy/Captain Scarlet/Psychic).

Dr.C (Dr.C), Thursday, 2 February 2006 16:29 (eighteen years ago) link

The Scream reissue is just fantastic!
Will some other albums really reissued this month?
I hope so, I am a new fan and I just can't wait. :)

duckfeeling, Saturday, 11 February 2006 18:22 (eighteen years ago) link

"Her voice is great - quite girlish and playful on the likes of Mirage, HKG, Carcass espec, with none of the goth foghorn that she sometimes lapsed into later."

She had to completely re-learn how to sing at one point (around '79-'80 iirc) because unfortunately she was developing nodules or something and was in imminent danger of destroying her voice completely.

Stewart Osborne (Stewart Osborne), Saturday, 11 February 2006 20:57 (eighteen years ago) link

Okay, FINALLY -- next reissues coming out the end of March. All single disc, alas, but there ya go. For some reason they're also reissuing The Scream as a single disc, but whatever. Anyway:

Join Hands

1. Poppy Day
2. Regal Zone
3. Placebo Effect
4. Icon
5. Premature Burial
6. Playground Twist
7. Mother/Oh Mein Papa
8. The Lords Prayer

9. Infantry
10. Icon
11. Love In A Void


1. Happy House - 3:53
2. Tenant - 3:41
3. Trophy - 3:16
4. Hybrid - 5:32
5. Clockface - 1:53
6. Lunar Camel - 3:01
7. Christine - 2:59
8. Desert Kisses - 4:15
9. Red Light - 3:22
10. Paradise Place - 4:34
11. Skin - 3:51

12. Christine
13. Eve White Eve Black
14. Arabia - Lunar Camel
15. Sitting Room
16. Paradise Place
17. Clockface
18. Desert Kisses
19. Hybrid
20. Happy House
21. Israel


1. Spellbound - 3:15
2. Into the Light - 4:13
3. Arabian Knights - 3:06
4. Halloween - 3:37
5. Monitor - 5:33
6. Nightshift - 6:03
7. Sin in My Heart - 3:36
8. Head Cut - 4:22
9. Voodoo Dolly - 7:02

10. Arabian Knights
11. Spellbound

I'm guessing the repeated tracks are alternates or demos or the like.

Ned Raggett (Ned), Friday, 24 February 2006 22:09 (eighteen years ago) link

Oh yes! that's so great! there is eve white/eve black !
i can't wait!

duckfeeling, Sunday, 26 February 2006 22:22 (eighteen years ago) link

Have "Infantry" and "Sitting Room" been released before or are they unheard archive tracks? This is all very exciting.

sleeve (sleeve), Sunday, 26 February 2006 23:13 (eighteen years ago) link

More bonus tracks less replace-the-annoying-scratch-on-nightshift please.

Onimo (GerryNemo), Monday, 27 February 2006 00:26 (eighteen years ago) link

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