Taking sides: nu-ilm vs old-ilm

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As a fairly new boy here, I can hardly say how it has changed. I deplore the reaction to Graham's Atomic Kitten thread: I do think this is part of a desire to homogenize, and drive out divergent opinion, but there isn't enough of this to bother about. I wouldn't propose deletion of what is comparably small-time abuse, but I hope we'll be less than favourably inclined to such behaviour.

There are loads of threads on ILM, and I'm not interested in most of them. That's okay. The style of post on some that I do read doesn't appeal, which is okay too. I still find, here and there, threads or debates or individual posts of extremely high interest to me, whether because they are funny or knowledgeable or intelligent or all three - and all three come together surprisingly often, to my delight. I still like it here, though I spend more time on ILE.

Martin Skidmore, Saturday, 24 August 2002 19:01 (twenty-two years ago) link

I think the worst thing is that no one was miffed at the time about the Atomic Kitten thread comments.

Question for Tom: Do you feel you [you personally] can discuss the things you want to here?

Graham, Saturday, 24 August 2002 19:59 (twenty-two years ago) link

Graham, this may sound stupid, but sometimes when I see something like that I don't know whether or not the person responding is actually someone you (or whoever the poster being responded to is) know well who is just fooling around with you. There have been times when what I first took to be personal attacks here turned out to just be friends joking around.

DeRayMi, Saturday, 24 August 2002 20:23 (twenty-two years ago) link

heh heh! theres not really any difference between nu-ilm and old ilm! those 'new ilm' posters like deraymi and martin and ron and chris not poops mcgee anymore sir aren't new anymore anyway!!!!

take off those rose tinted nostalgia glasses, blast off the new westbam single, and wear some cool brown clothes. it always works for me (of course, just coming in from the pub helps).

lets have a call out gareth thread instead, i'll take all y'all motherfuckers to the cemetery...

gareth, Saturday, 24 August 2002 20:48 (twenty-two years ago) link

Jess: I am going to go down with the sinking ship of ILM whatever. Ideally it will not sink. But this is why I can be simultaneously very for (b/c this is the way I think the interweb works) and very against (b/c ILM is something I've put a lot of time into) the idea of a new board. Currently nobody is starting a new board so the point is moot. NB I do not want anyone to start a new board - it is an enormous hassle, don't do it!!

Graham: yes, actually, I think that anything I want to talk about here I can talk about here. I would be sorry if other people don't think that. I think that maybe 18 months ago I was more concerned about the replies I got than I am now. All I know is that if I hear something that thrills me I look for an ILM thread about it and if I don't find one I start/restart one. If pushed I would say that this is what everyone should be doing.

(Sometimes I am drunk and start threads and never look at them again, too. I hope someone likes them though.)

Tom, Saturday, 24 August 2002 20:50 (twenty-two years ago) link

every quality message board i've ever seen has had it's old vs new, remember when it used to be really great, etc arguments, and you know what? in every single instance, it RUINED the board for everyone. what mark s said upthread is v accurate- the big prollem is that once the new breed leaps over the fence into eden, the old timers stop being concerned with using the board and enjoying and start worrying about other people spoiling their fun. result = the end arrives much faster.

i mean in real life, if someone's being an ass, hounding you, whatebber - it's alot harder to dodge them, but this is a message board. you shouldn't need to be distressed by other people's posts. failing that, i've seen other msg boards introduce an option to ignore select posters, but exclusion also = death knell

boxcubed, Saturday, 24 August 2002 21:02 (twenty-two years ago) link

jess says: "old-old-ilm... was polite almost to a fault", but this is fantasy => neuromancer's rock vs rap thread fairly often resurfaces and there are several others like it... the boards have gone through cycles of nasty rattiness and likeable cheerfulness and paranoia and bonhonie and inspiration and dreariness, because they are posted to by actual live people not robots

graham, stop being so passive aggressive: i certainly don't feel about guilty not giving kiwi a roasting on that thread because a. i'd chided him on other threads for similar silliness, and b. you made no clear attempt to let ANYONE know that you were upset, or even that it wasn't you're intention to produce exactly that sort of response => some people (ie me) are completely unbothered by those kinds of posts (so i'm not going to automatically jump in on another's behalf unless they're very obviously being persistently harassed and disliking it); others — who very much dislike trollishness — are nevertheless inclined (by bitter experience) NOT to respond, because response so often makes the situation worse, most people probably didn't even see it, and some that did may well have felt there was no lasting issue, as no one was any obvious fuss (compare for example how melissa slapped down julio). i have to repeat: we are not telepathic!!!

as it happens, kiwi himself popped up somewhere a few days ago to say he pretty much only ever lurks these days anyway, so i simply don't see why you're *still* posting to this thread about this particular incident: you're a much bigger beast in the jungle than he is! You singlehandedly piloted us from collapsing planet greenspun to ilXoR!! i accept that you were upset at the time, because kiwi was being a childish prat, but as far as i'm concerned the person who has actually "stopped you talking about atomic kitten on ilm" on any permanent basis is yourself. revive the thread and talk about them!!

mark s, Saturday, 24 August 2002 21:16 (twenty-two years ago) link

Graham this all seems like a storm in tea cup to me. I was drunk that night, doesnt excuse it, but I dont think its reflective of my behaviour nor ILM posters generally.

Look for what its worth, Im sorry to upset you like that. If I had any idea how sensitive you are...

As for this nu/old shit...whats that all about? The "Myth of the Other" Id say. All I can say is sorry.

Please dont ban me :)

Kiwi, Saturday, 24 August 2002 21:18 (twenty-two years ago) link

Tom you just said NOTHING AT ALL. Of course you can start a thread about anything you like on any message board ever if you're not particularly bothered about what responses you get.

Same response to Mark S I think.

Graham, Saturday, 24 August 2002 21:29 (twenty-two years ago) link

don't ban me either. I work hard at getting smart, good people on board--and damn it, I've succeeded. (hello Pete Scholtes, Keith Harris, Sci-Fi Paul.)

sorry if this upsets y'all's identity crisis or something, but having lurked/posted a year-plus myself I fail to see what is so FUCKING different about this as opposed to before, and if so why it FUCKING matters. I'm going to risk sounding like a real asshole here, but a lot of these types of threads (see also the "best new blogs" one) are wound-licking over NOTHING. I'm glad folks have a forum to feel sorry for themselves on en masse, but GET OVER IT.

M Matos, Saturday, 24 August 2002 21:43 (twenty-two years ago) link

Jesus Graham the key word there is "sometimes". But OK if I wasn't clear enough:

Question for Tom: Do you feel you [you personally] can discuss the things you want to here?

Answer for Graham: Yes.

Sometimes I decide that I don't want to discuss stuff, though, I just want to say it. But a) that's why I have a website and b) neurotic that I am I've even discussed THAT on ILx at some point!

Tom, Saturday, 24 August 2002 21:45 (twenty-two years ago) link

Graham you have a choice between trusting in our mind-reading powers — as genuine interweb mentalists haha *sigh* — or telling us how you feel about things.

mark s, Saturday, 24 August 2002 21:59 (twenty-two years ago) link

Well this is all very interesting. revealing, even. For myself, you could easily chuck the'googler' call at me because that is how I found ILM - and it was a dream come true. I write about music for my university mag and now some other things, I'm fascinated by pop culture and I'm considering a thesis about the KLF in some manner, as well as being a fan of a broad range of undergound stuff. ILM has actually givne me info I've used for uni - I did a tute presentation about bootlegs and appropiration the other week. I live in Tasmania, and it's really isolating - magazines arrive 3 months later, bands never tour here, there are really limited shops for buying stuff and so on - so ILM alerts me to all kinds of intersting things and gets me reading some interesting writers - yet after reading the above thread I feel like I shouldn't be here, which pisses me off as i really enjoy it, reading and contributing what wee kernels I can - and here I'll admit to be a sweary mary as that's the style with which I write my stuff (I'm an australian - what do you fucking expect? Mate. Cock.).
I do understand the problems though... it's just that i feel that being exclusive is wrong and the point of a public discussion board is to bring in as many opinions as possible.

threemetalinsects, Saturday, 24 August 2002 23:03 (twenty-two years ago) link

i really was serious when i offered hugs on the blog thread.

jess, Saturday, 24 August 2002 23:13 (twenty-two years ago) link

Hmm I clearly fucked up and my reply didn't appear. Anyway be sweary and new as much as you like! It's just "Fuck off" as the only reply to a thread is a bit lame, yes?

Tom, Saturday, 24 August 2002 23:19 (twenty-two years ago) link

3metalinsects, this sort of thread crops up periodically. I think there is a significant portion of Olde-ILM which is open to a continuous influx of new posters, taking things in different direction. It's the internet after all.

I do feel slightly bad that someone who has put so much work into this board is unhappy with the way things are going; especially since I certainly haven't done anything for ILM at the technical level, and wouldn't know how to.

(Yes, I have spent an excessive amount of time today online, but it's been a rubbish sort of day.)

DeRayMi, Saturday, 24 August 2002 23:32 (twenty-two years ago) link

(that reminds me to go read deraymi's oum kalthoum post after seeing her records in a store and trying to remember the recommendations)

boxcubed, Saturday, 24 August 2002 23:36 (twenty-two years ago) link

Oh pass another fucking hanky would you. This is a fucking joke.

I cant believe this. I may as well be a sacrificial lamb. I couldnt give a toss.

It's just "Fuck off" as the only reply to a thread is a bit lame, yes?

Oh for fucks sake, of course its lame. Ive apologised, what more can you do? Self righteous fuckers the lot of you. Wish I was so perfect.

Wheres Queen G when you need him.

Graham can you please delete my IP address and ban me or whatever you do to make youself happy . Fuck me.


Kiwi, Saturday, 24 August 2002 23:58 (twenty-two years ago) link

In any case, I would wager that the vast majority of people on this thread (yes, even you Graham), would miss ILM if it wasn't here.

Also, I think ILE would go down the dumper completely if ILM were to be deleted - the way I see it, a love of music is what unites us all, it's the one (admittedly very broad) common ground and so it's quite right it should stay at the centre of things here. Without it, it's possible that ILE really would decend into some sort of irrelevent mutual-friendly society of little relevence to new posters.

Matt DC (Matt DC), Monday, 26 August 2002 13:17 (twenty-two years ago) link

now lets all get drunk and play pingpong.

Ronan (Ronan), Monday, 26 August 2002 13:34 (twenty-two years ago) link

This isn't adding anything new, but I might as well say it: I've been here long enough to remember the day Tom announced ILM's start on NYPLM (sniffle), and it's merely expanded. The peaks and valleys have always been there -- they're merely amplified now since there are more contributors. And, for what it's worth, my post count for last week probably doubled my post count for Jan-July '02.

Andy K (Andy K), Monday, 26 August 2002 13:40 (twenty-two years ago) link

I would just like to say this is my fourth post to this thread.

DeRayMi, Monday, 26 August 2002 13:51 (twenty-two years ago) link

Andy, Michelangelo etc have nailed it. Been here since the start as well. Not seeing any change beyond the fact that more people have found us, and good thing too. :-)

Ned Raggett (Ned), Monday, 26 August 2002 13:51 (twenty-two years ago) link

I would just like to say this is my fourth post to this thread.

Jesus back around answer 30 or 32 it was really interesting and now look at it.

Ronan (Ronan), Monday, 26 August 2002 13:56 (twenty-two years ago) link

now lets all get drunk and play pingpong.

Hear hear!

Mr Noodles (Mr Noodles), Monday, 26 August 2002 14:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

now lets all get drunk and play pingpong.
Too many balls are coming my way. Dunno which one to pick. heh.

nathalie (nathalie), Monday, 26 August 2002 14:02 (twenty-two years ago) link

ronan wins self-deconstructive conceptual meta-joke of the thread award

mark s (mark s), Monday, 26 August 2002 14:11 (twenty-two years ago) link

My stopping reading ILM quite as much (no loss, I'm sure) had as much to do with my own laziness (not keeping track of new personalities, unable to cover expanding number of posts and threads) as it had to do with a slight change in the tone of the discussion, the latter of which is surely just the difference between talking in small groups of people and larger ones: it went from a small town to a big city, and in a big city strangers will sometimes annoy you by telling you to fuck off. Whether that's worth complaining about is up to the people who've contributed the server, paid for the domain name, and done the programming (which is why I can understand Graham being a bit sensitive about this issue): as for me, I just hopped to the other forum.

That said, I'd actually argue that the board is -- for my tastes, obviously -- on an upswing: I don't know if it's just good new additions or the older "nu-ILM" people settling into a good rhythm and everyone getting to know one another, but I've been enjoying it a lot more lately. Please, though, don't anyone start any more "is ILM dying" threads: it's just really draining to see too much of this particular discussion.

nabisco (nabisco), Monday, 26 August 2002 14:19 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'd like to thank Jive Christ and Jesus Records...

Ronan (Ronan), Monday, 26 August 2002 14:20 (twenty-two years ago) link

Couldn't we just agree to drop the nu-ilm phrase?

jel -- (jel), Monday, 26 August 2002 15:24 (twenty-two years ago) link

haha, nu-ilm hasn't even started yet! you guys are ahead of the game, you're all OLDE-ILM!!!! nu-ilm isn't scheduled to start until at least november!!!!

gareth (gareth), Monday, 26 August 2002 15:59 (twenty-two years ago) link

nu-ilm is when there's one guy in the entire world who hasn't posted yet, except then he posts and we all shout FUCK YOU and fall about laughing like twats

hurrah!! roXoR!! ect ect!!

mark s (mark s), Monday, 26 August 2002 16:02 (twenty-two years ago) link

Can we move on to postnu-ILM now?

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Monday, 26 August 2002 16:52 (twenty-two years ago) link


boxcubed (boxcubed), Monday, 26 August 2002 17:20 (twenty-two years ago) link

ILM and Classic ILM

J0hn Darn1elle, Monday, 26 August 2002 18:36 (twenty-two years ago) link

Don't you mean classiXoR?

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Monday, 26 August 2002 18:41 (twenty-two years ago) link

you're being very ilxorist!

boxcubed (boxcubed), Monday, 26 August 2002 18:52 (twenty-two years ago) link

I fail to see what is so FUCKING different about this as opposed to before

I think I'm one of the hated nu-ILM people, but I can say that it's seemed the same to me every since I first posted.

dleone (dleone), Monday, 26 August 2002 18:56 (twenty-two years ago) link

ilxorist II: the Heretic

J0hn Darn1elle, Monday, 26 August 2002 18:56 (twenty-two years ago) link


I thought that I this was about nu-metal but it seems to me that i stepped into a place where Doctor Who Conventionists go when no Doctor Who convention is in town.

spiffy james, Monday, 26 August 2002 18:59 (twenty-two years ago) link

no hey man, we can talk about nu-metal. that shit is pretty boffo. what's your favorite nu-tune?

boxcubed (boxcubed), Monday, 26 August 2002 19:02 (twenty-two years ago) link

nu-news is good news.

Sterling Clover (s_clover), Monday, 26 August 2002 19:06 (twenty-two years ago) link

ILM and Classic ILM
First they made Coke. Then they made new Coke and nobody liked it, so they went back and made Classic Coke.
This is the same situation.

Only, y'know...without the Coke.

Lord Custos Alpha (Lord Custos Alpha), Monday, 26 August 2002 19:15 (twenty-two years ago) link

I think I'm one of the hated nu-ILM people, but I can say that it's seemed the same to me every since I first posted.

you're old-ilm to me dominique

(i think this solves our dilemma)

mark p (Mark P), Monday, 26 August 2002 21:49 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm going to withhold a judgment until I can figure out weither I am nu or old.

Or, given my spotty postings and long absences, am I just a mouse crawling underneath the floorboards?

Christine "Green Leafy Dragon" Indigo (cindigo), Monday, 26 August 2002 21:57 (twenty-two years ago) link

So far, spiffy james is my favorite person of the day.

Dan Perry (Dan Perry), Monday, 26 August 2002 22:19 (twenty-two years ago) link

thanks for putting the thread back

ron (ron), Tuesday, 27 August 2002 01:18 (twenty-two years ago) link

hah, every single person on here thinks they are 'nu', if we're all nu, then who are the hataz from the oldskool?

gareth (gareth), Tuesday, 27 August 2002 06:48 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm not nu, and I'm not old. I'm a rogue agent like Tom described me as ages ago!

jel -- (jel), Tuesday, 27 August 2002 07:01 (twenty-two years ago) link


I'm one of the new boys. I know this because I googled my way in (social suicide around here huh) a few weeks ago and wrote a few antagonistic stroke mindless stroke keen like Roy posts which caused me to be systamatically ripped up by several of the rug'lars.

However, rather than being put off, I realised that I had discoverd a wonderful forum filled with wonderful people with wonderful things to say. And so I remain. Can't comment too much on old versus new ilx but I would say that what we seem to have here is a pretty vibrant stroke entertaining stroke enlightening forum. If it was even more so in the days of yore then, well, damn und blast.

Anyway, on a more personal note, if I properly hacked anyone off or anyone feels that my posts are totally for shit then I am most dreadfully sorry.

Roger Fascist, Tuesday, 27 August 2002 08:21 (twenty-two years ago) link

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