TEARS IN THE TYPING POLL: ILM Artist Poll #114 - BROADCAST (Results Thread)

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8. Tears In The Typing Pool
From Tender Buttons, 2005

If I'm counting right, this will be the highest-rated Tender Buttons track. (Pretty sure everything else has already placed besides "Minus 3".) Interesting that 7 other tracks placed higher though TB was the top-rated overall album.

sctttnnnt (pgwp), Friday, 3 June 2022 19:25 (two years ago) link

I'd assumed that Tender Buttons would be my favourite Broadcast album until I realised just how few of its tracks I'd actually placed on my ballot.

Haha Sound is the album that I always underrate for some reason, right up until the moment that I actually re-listen to it.

Portsmouth Bubblejet, Friday, 3 June 2022 19:41 (two years ago) link

I’m gonna call “Come On Let’s Go” for #1

assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 3 June 2022 19:47 (two years ago) link

Any predictions for the top five?

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 19:48 (two years ago) link

my #3 and my #2, in succession. i couldn't in good faith pick besides my #1 as my #1, but if i knew that "before we begin" wouldn't get a top vote, i would've thrown it one. completely magical song.

in places all over the world, real stuff be happening (voodoo chili), Friday, 3 June 2022 19:50 (two years ago) link

so the salt will spill again
throw it over your shoulder

in places all over the world, real stuff be happening (voodoo chili), Friday, 3 June 2022 19:51 (two years ago) link

Well I’ve not seen “Pendulum”, “Echo’s Answer”or “Unchanging Window” yet. Or “ Ominous Cloud”. So those are my guesses.

assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 3 June 2022 19:52 (two years ago) link

That salt line is my favourite too

assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 3 June 2022 19:53 (two years ago) link

This next one is going to be difficult to post, let's see if there are any errors in the bb code.

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 20:00 (two years ago) link


5. Unchanging Window / Chord Simple
Unchanging Window from The Noise Made By People, 2000
Unchanging Window / Chord Simple from Extended Play Two, 2000
Audio for Unchanging Window / Chord Simple on Youtube
Fan-made video for Unchanging Window by Wonder Muddle on YouTube
526 Points, 18 Votes, 3 First Place Votes
(331 Points, 11 Votes, 2 First Place Votes for EP version)
(195 Points, 7 Votes, 1 First Place Vote for TNMBP version)

The version of "Unchanging Window (Chord Simple)" from EP2 is probably my favourite Broadcast track ever. - Ross, Dec 6, 2016

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 20:00 (two years ago) link

nice, it all worked!

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 20:01 (two years ago) link

Damn, I'm way too busy at work to follow this beautiful thread. Just catching up and every single song so far is too low.

I was the number one vote for The Book Lovers. One of the best songs of all time.

I'm guessing Echo's Answer at one with Come On Let's Go in second place.

kitchen person, Friday, 3 June 2022 20:03 (two years ago) link

my #1. glad to see the EP version got more votes because that outro elevates the song to a completely different level.

Western® with Bacon Flavor, Friday, 3 June 2022 20:09 (two years ago) link

"The Book Lovers" wouldn't have been too out of place on a Cardigans album

The version of "Unchanging Window (Chord Simple)" from EP2 is probably my favourite Broadcast track ever. - Ross, Dec 6, 2016

This. I just want chord simple to go on forever.

enochroot, Friday, 3 June 2022 20:09 (two years ago) link

It's happy hour on Friday which means I'm having some beers in the typing pool.

Sorry this is my first thread comment.

Chris L, Friday, 3 June 2022 20:33 (two years ago) link

Welcome to the thread, Chris

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 20:39 (two years ago) link


4. Pendulum
From Pendulum Ep, 2003 and Haha Sound, 2003
Fan-made video by Sergio Bga on YouTube
563 Points, 19 Votes

for the love of god, listen to "Pendulum" from the last album if you don't know it already. That is the song that made me a cultish Broadcast worshipper, and has the HUGE CLATTERY DRUMS missing from Tender Buttons. Yes, all of them. On just the one song. - telephone thing, Dec 12, 2005

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 20:39 (two years ago) link

Unchanging Window is good, but I'm surprised it is so well loved

Muad'Doob (Moodles), Friday, 3 June 2022 20:43 (two years ago) link

It's unlikely, but I've got my fingers crossed for "Ominous Cloud" at #1...

J. Sam, Friday, 3 June 2022 20:46 (two years ago) link

beers in the typing pool

Same, cheers!

J. Sam, Friday, 3 June 2022 20:50 (two years ago) link

(cheers in the typing pool)

J. Sam, Friday, 3 June 2022 20:51 (two years ago) link

Number three coming up, and it's my #1 vote.

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 21:06 (two years ago) link


3. Ominous Cloud
From Haha Sound, 2003
Fan-made video by cp jr on YouTube
576 Points, 21 Votes, 1 First Place Vote

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 21:07 (two years ago) link

This became my favourite Broadcast track sometime last autumn, since when I've regularly walked around Bloomsbury with it on headphones. Just that quiet longing, that sense of the heaviness of places, it's like nothing else.

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 21:10 (two years ago) link

I listen to this song like I watch Roy Andersson films, I don't know if it's a healthy obsession, but it's one that seems tailor-made for me.

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 21:11 (two years ago) link

Wow just seeing this all now. I was the #1 Sixty Forty vote. TOO LOW

Although looking back, not sure its my true number one but I love it and its how I was feeling at that moment lol

great list btw

gman59, Friday, 3 June 2022 21:13 (two years ago) link

Actually, "Ominous Cloud" is clearly the REAL real winner, in the "who knew?" stakes, rather than "Youth & Laughter". It was high on my ballot, as it was on many, and we barely even needed to talk about it. Seems we mostly just knew deep down that supporting this mid-career album-track was the thing to do.

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Friday, 3 June 2022 21:36 (two years ago) link

Ok, time for the final two, don't want to keep anyone up too late, least of all myself.

These two tracks were at #1 and #2 respectively from the 3rd or 4th ballot, and stayed that way throughout the voting process - there was a sizable gap between them, which started to narrow as we got towards the end. Then, after a weekend's extension had already been and gone, one last ballot came in which finally flipped the #1 and #2 around.

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 21:37 (two years ago) link


2. Echo's Answer
Single 1999, The Noise Made By People 2000
Fan-made video by Ave, Lúcifer on YouTube
645 Points, 22 Votes, 1 First Place Vote

Echo's Answer is scary in a little-boy-staying-up-to-watch-scary-movies-on-USA-Network way. - Cunga, Jan 18, 2009

Both lyrically and sonically this song's simple premise concerns time and nature's effect on things. A celebration of the sound after the sound, an answer's echo, the echo as an answer (if the question is 'am I alone?' at least). Multiple connotations that demonstrate to me an impressive sophistication in songwriting when relying on such open references. In just over three minutes you can recognise the sense of progress throughout the song as Trish Keenan observes the passing, the approach and the return of 'the wind' (stop smirking at the back there). It feels like an age old poem and probably is derived from one. The imposed feedback would seem un-necessary were it not for the fact we know that when a room full of instruments but no people is exposed to rushes of air, those instruments can resound. And the feedback here is as beautiful as it's parent and a wonderful compliment to it. Something about heavy chorusing and that flange effect on the guitar (making it more violin-esque) cuts right to my backbone, whether it's heavy rock or something as docile as this beatless wonder. Those dying seconds, where Keenan's soft and ever so human voice melts into the shadows, engulfed by noise like a pebble in an advancing tide, a monument persisting against the elements, still send shivers every time. - the neurotic awakening of s (blueski), Aug 20, 2004


1. Come On Let's Go
Single, 1999. From The Noise Made By People, 2000
Music video on YouTube
660 Points, 22 Votes, 4 First Place Votes

there’s really something entrancing about entering the world of this song. I imagine much of that has to do with Keenan’s vocal, which manages to be both nearly expressionless and very playful. The chord structure probably has something to do with it too, modulating whenever it seems to settle into a comfortable key - Accidentally Gets High By Touching LSD Left in Vintage Buchla (voodoo chili), May 28, 2019

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 21:38 (two years ago) link

Echo's Answer would have been a more interesting winner, but I have personal reasons for loving Come On Let's Go (it was the "go home" end of the night song at my favourite bar) so equally happy to see it win.

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 21:40 (two years ago) link

NNN, could I trouble you do post a complete rundown? I am honestly not sure how to get it on here formatted in a readable way.

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 21:42 (two years ago) link

My thin veneer of impartiality was shattered when said final ballot was only the second to exclude "Echo's Answer", thereby delivering victory to its chirpier rival lol.

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Friday, 3 June 2022 21:49 (two years ago) link

XP: Yep! Just a moment...

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Friday, 3 June 2022 21:50 (two years ago) link

honestly, all these songs are good

gman59, Friday, 3 June 2022 21:51 (two years ago) link

Shout-out to the insane, screechy, clattery echo they deployed on so many tracks to such great effect.

assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 3 June 2022 21:52 (two years ago) link


And also to Camaraderie at Arms Length, for outlining the findings of this study so elegantly!

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Friday, 3 June 2022 22:00 (two years ago) link

And thanks everyone for voting and writing stuff!

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Friday, 3 June 2022 22:01 (two years ago) link

Yes! Brilliant curation and rollout, thanks you two!

assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 3 June 2022 22:05 (two years ago) link

absolutely, its been a blast!

cw, Friday, 3 June 2022 22:08 (two years ago) link

Here's a folder with all the poll images

Some of the pictures I used are just shots of the band, others are cover art, but the majority were taken from films or other things referenced in the songs. The main source for these was this list of Films that Trish Keenan and her fellow bandmates liked (or just liked the soundtracks of) on Letterboxd - I will be going to check out several of these.

Some notes on individual pictures:

Locusts - A locust on a lemon tree
A Man For Atlantis - screenshot from "The Man From Atlantis"
Berberian Sound Studio - shots from the film
Ritual / Looking In - This is an obscure German psych record from 1969, The Vampires Of Dartmoore’s Dracula’s Music Cabinet
Hammer Without A Master - Joan Miró's "Le Marteau Sans Maitre XXI (The Hammer Without a Master XXI)", 1976
Phantom - Supposedly a photo of a ghost in a house fire
Hawk - This is the character of Hawk from Valerie
Arc of a Journey - Orion
Valerie - This is Valerie
The World Backwards - Cover of "The World Backwards, Russian Futurist Books 1912-16"
Michael A Grammar - This is a distorted copy of a picture of a band called Michael A Grammar
Man Is Not A Bird - Shot from the 1965 film ‘Čovek nije tica’ ("Man Is Not A Bird")

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 22:10 (two years ago) link


assert (matttkkkk), Friday, 3 June 2022 22:16 (two years ago) link

Nag! Nag! Nag! at 11:00 3 Jun 22
And also to Camaraderie at Arms Length, for outlining the findings of this study so elegantly!
Thanks Nag! Nag! Nag! for tracking me down on Twitter to do this after I hadn't been on ILM for half a year or so, it was worth coming back for.

Portrait Of A Dissolvi Ng Drea M (Camaraderie at Arms Length), Friday, 3 June 2022 22:23 (two years ago) link

It's funny: I'm not sure I could track down all that many ILX0Rs out in the wild. But having been digging Centuries of Sound for ages, you were straightforward! :)

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Friday, 3 June 2022 22:35 (two years ago) link

Hopefully I've not screwed anything up...

Pts Vts #1s

1 Come On Let's Go TNMBP 660 22 4
2 Echo's Answer Echo's Answ 645 22 1
3 Ominous Cloud Ha Ha Sound 576 21 1
4 Pendulum Pendulum 563 19 0
5 Unchanging Window 526 18 3
- UW/Chord Simple Ext. Play 2 331 11 2
- UW TNMBP 195 7 1
6 The Book Lovers The Book Lo 506 21 1
7 Before We Begin Ha Ha Sound 466 20 0
8 Tears In The Typing Pool Tender Butt 445 19 1
9 Black Cat Tender Butt 437 17 3
10 Man Is Not A Bird Ha Ha Sound 436 18 1
11 Where Youth and Laughter Go Extended Pla 413 20 0
12 Message From Home The Book Lo 412 18 0
13 Corporeal Tender Butt 405 17 2
14 I Found The F Tender Butt 377 16 1
15 Papercuts Ext. Play 367 16 0
16 The Be Colony B&TFGIWCOTRA 362 18 0
17 Colour Me In Ha Ha Sound 360 16 0
18 Until Then TNMBP 357 15 1
19 Michael A Grammar Tender Butt 343 16 0
20 America's Boy Tender Butt 328 14 0
21 Accidentals Accidentals 324 14 0
22 Lights Out NME C96 322 15 0
23 Lunch Hour Pops Ha Ha Sound 317 14 0
24 Winter Now Ha Ha Sound 302 15 0
25 Goodbye Girls Tender Butt 297 12 0
26 Poem Of Dead Song Ext. Play 2 291 17 0
27 City In Progress TNMBP 260 16 0
28 Illumination Ext. Play 2 247 14 0
29 Look Outside TNMBP 245 13 0
30 Living Room Living Room 235 11 0
31 You Can Fall TNMBP 226 12 0
32 Subject To the Ladder Tender Butt 224 15 0
33 The World Backwards The Book Lo 223 10 0
34 Minim Ha Ha Sound 217 15 0
35 Valerie Ha Ha Sound 214 11 0
36 According To No Plan The Book Lo 210 11 0
37 Arc Of A Journey Tender Butt 206 12 1
38 Tender Buttons Tender Butt 201 10 0
39 Still Feels Like Tears Pendulum 199 11 0
40 We've Got Time Accidentals 199 10 0
41 Hawk Ha Ha Sound 186 12 1
42 Long Was The Year TNMBP 181 14 0
43 Forget Every Time BBC Session 159 10 0
44 Sixty Forty BBC Session 159 8 1
45 Phantom Living Room 152 10 0
46 Hammer Without A Master We Are Reaso 144 11 0
47 Inside Out Familiar Sha 137 7 1
48 I See, So I See So B&TFGIWCOTRA 135 9 0
49 In Here The World Begins MITMW 130 11 0
50 You And Me In Time Tender Butt 124 11 0
51 Dave's Dream Ext. Play 123 7 0
52 Ritual / Looking In B&TFGIWCOTRA 114 6 0
53 Make My Sleep His Song B&TFGIWCOTRA 113 7 0
54 Distant Call Come On Let 91 6 0
55 Test Area Echo's Answ 82 4 0
56 O How I Miss You Ha Ha Sound 70 5 0
57 Mother’s Milk Means Music MITMW 63 4 0
58 Small Song IV Pendulum 61 4 0
59 Elegant Elephant MITMW 60 5 0
60 'What You Want/Dulcimer Jam Live ~2010 55 4 0
61 The Aphid Sleeps MITMW 54 4 0
62 Teresa, Lark of Ascension Berberian So 52 5 0
63 The Equestrian Vortex Berberian So 48 4 0
64 Belly Dance Tender Butt 45 3 0
65 The Little Bell Ha Ha Sound 44 3 0
66 A Seancing Song B&TFGIWCOTRA 42 2 0
67 A Man For Atlantis Ext. Play 2 41 3 0
68 What I Saw B&TFGIWCOTRA 37 3 0
69 Let it Begin/Oh Joy B&TFGIWCOTRA 36 3 0
70 I'm Just A Person In This R MITMW 35 2 0
=71 The Be Colony/Dashing Home/ B&TFGIWCOTRA 32 2 0
=71 A Quiet Moment B&TFGIWCOTRA 32 2 0
=73 Dead The Long Year TNMBP 31 3 0
=73 Bit 35 Tender Butt 31 3 0
75 Microtronics 04 M'tronics 1 29 2 0
76 Chord Simple Come On Let 28 4 0
77 Locusts Come On Let 27 3 0

78 I Found The End Tender Butt 26 1 0
79 Winter Sun Wavelengths Live ~2010 25 1 0
80 Violent Playground Pendulum 24 2 0
81 Avril - Be Yourself REMIX 19 1 0
82 Tower Of Our Tuning TNMBP 18 2 0
83 Libra, the Mirror's Minor S B&TFGIWCOTRA 18 1 0
84 Prefuse73 vs Broadcast - An REMIX 18 1 0
85 St. Etienne - Angel REMIX 17 3 0
86 Drums On Fire Ext. Play 2 17 1 0
87 Tuesday's Offering Familiar Sha 16 3 0
88 Eyes Open Live ~2010 16 1 0
89 Badly Drawn Boy - Another P REMIX 15 1 0
90 Minus 3 Tender Butt 14 1 0
91 Minus One TNMBP 13 2 0
92 One Hour Empire Pendulum 13 1 0
93 Microtronics 05 M'tronics v.1 12 1 0
94 We Are After All Here B&TFGIWCOTRA 10 1 0
95 Miki Furukawa - Coffee REMIX 7 1 0
96 Microtronics 19 M'tronics v.2 7 1 0
97 Our Darkest Sabbath Berberian So 7 1 0
98 Microtronics 11 M'tronics v.1 7 1 0
99 One Million Years Ago B&TFGIWCOTRA 6 1 0
100 Microtronics 20 M'tronics v.2 6 1 0
101 The Sea & Cake - Interiors REMIX 6 1 0
102 DDL All Tomorrow's 6 1 0
103 Microtronics 02 M'tronics v.1 6 1 0
104 Children Of Alice - The Lim Children of A 5 1 0
105 Microtronics 07 M'tronics v.1 5 1 0
106 Microtronics 12 M'tronics v.2 5 1 0
107 Microtronics 06 M'tronics v.1 5 1 0
108 Microtronics 13 M'tronics v.2 5 1 0

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Friday, 3 June 2022 22:43 (two years ago) link

Okay, there were obviously a few ties there at the bottom not marked as such, but I'm sure you get the gist!

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Friday, 3 June 2022 23:17 (two years ago) link

Interesting that 7 other tracks placed higher though TB was the top-rated overall album.

The margins were so modest that I wonder if it's not more useful to think of the album result as a kinda sorta three-way tie. eg. TB appeared on fewer ballots and was mostly in third place before the deadline extension.

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Friday, 3 June 2022 23:22 (two years ago) link

Perfect. The poll and images were a work of art in themselves. Well done, really, thanks. Lots of fun.
Echo’s Answer is lovely and again very high in my poll. Reminds me a lot of VU’s incredible Ocean.
Come on Let’s Go. Well, it has stuck around in my head waking up a lot in these last few weeks. On listening again it is one of those Broadcast songs that really do it all 10 out of 10. It’s all there.
Maybe as acknowledged above, Until Then has been robbed a little bit of what I think should have been a top 5 finish. Again, there’s a VU thing going on. Trish’s vocal melody and the bass, I think is kinda heartbreaking. I think my shoegaze love may have swayed me to vote this number 1, but it’s so pretty. And odd.

kraudive, Friday, 3 June 2022 23:52 (two years ago) link

It's possible no-one was wondering but these appear to be all the officially-released non-film-score-nor-gallery-project Broadcast tracks attracting zero votes.

Misc NME Presents...
Microtronics 01 Microtronics v.1
Microtronics 03 Microtronics v.1
Microtronics 08 Microtronics v.1
Microtronics 09 Microtronics v.1
Microtronics 10 Microtronics v.1
Minus Two Pendulum
Black Umbrellas Haha Sound
Distorsion Haha Sound
Stupido Haha Sound (JPN)
Microtronics 14 Microtronics v.2
Microtronics 15 Microtronics v.2
Microtronics 16 Microtronics v.2
Microtronics 17 Microtronics v.2
Microtronics 18 Microtronics v.2
Microtronics 21 Microtronics v.2
Clark/Broadcast - Herr Bar Clark digi. release
The Projects - Accidents W REMIX
Intro/Magnetic Tales B&TFGIWCOTRA
How Do You Get Along Sir? B&TFGIWCOTRA
Reception/Group Therapy B&TFGIWCOTRA
You Must wake B&TFGIWCOTRA
Oh You Chatterbox B&TFGIWCOTRA
Love's Long Listen-in B&TFGIWCOTRA
A Medium's High B&TFGIWCOTRA
Round and Round and Round B&TFGIWCOTRA
Creation Day The Travel Fl MITMW
Through The Gates Of Yeste MITMW
Milling Around The Village MITMW
Growing Backwards MITMW
Never Trust A Rusty Bolt MITMW
Innocence In Orbit MITMW
The Song Before Familiar Shapes &
Gonjasufi - The Caliph's T REMIX

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Saturday, 4 June 2022 01:42 (two years ago) link

thanks for the rollout experience NNN & CaAL - Broadcast one of my most listened-to bands but i have a very poor sense of individual tracks - i'll often be playing one of their albums and feel like i'm hearing a song for the first time even though that is not possible - like i go into a semi-trance state when i'm listening - sometimes i think it is because i have noticed some small detail of the arrangement which has completely altered the way the song hits my ears - very nice to focus on some of these individually and read some of the well-curated reflections

Come On Let's Go a worthy winner, not just a lovely pop song but that sense of leaving the party to do your own thing is a very nice sentiment that also seems to vibe with Broadcast vs the indie pop mainstream

reading all this reminded me of a few (to me) intriguing bits and bobs from when i was devouring all the Broadcast bits i could find -

- in a few interviews between Future Crayon and Witch Cults they mention getting really into improvisation - eg here they talk about recording with Steve Beresford and collaborating with Gas Shepherds - some other mentions of Gas Shepherds here and there online. I wonder if any of these sessions were actually released, or might yet be.

- in this interview Trish talks about doing some music for a show at MOMA - I seem to remember having MP3s of this from the torrent days, but not sure if I still have them - is this a real memory?

- there are also a few mentions of Trish having a poem and/or story published in a literary magazine called The High Horse - would love to chase this down one day

the life of a rebo band is always intense (emsworth), Saturday, 4 June 2022 03:06 (two years ago) link

My first thought was the MoMA tracks were these, for Doug Aitken:

The venue at cited at discogs doesn't match, but this seems to suggest it's the same thing:

Nag! Nag! Nag!, Saturday, 4 June 2022 03:50 (two years ago) link

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