Article Response: Indie Kids

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I wasn't impressed at all, nor particularly amused, by the article. Of course indie rock has a strong component of Pod People -- that was perfectly obvious from the very first indie show I went to in Philadelphia, where everyone looked frighteningly identical and had predictably banal conversations about Godspeed You Black Emperor and the Shaggs, etc., etc., etc.

But I get no excitement out of watching someone tilt at straw men of their own making. The article falls into the very same cooler-than-thou trap that is implicitly at the heart of most problems with the indie scene -- or for that matter with any scene, since the real problem is a self-congratulatory way of thinking that's common to nearly any obnoxious, inbred milieu, and has nothing to do with horn-rims and single-sided 7-inches. The narrators' voices [1] don't convince me that they're particularly more insightful or interesting or free-thinking than the people they're critiquing, so the whole thing comes off as a nasty bit of sniping between groups who, from the article, would seem more alike than either would like to admit: they just have different signifiers. (Why trade one set of scenesters for another?) I can't help but think that the people who like this article like it because it's telling them what they already want to hear. But the problem with this article and the problem with indie and the problem with any scene are all one and the same, at heart.

To make a litany of contempt worthwhile, you have to offer an attractive alternative to what you're mocking -- otherwise it's just a series of cheap shots, really. And once you've seen a few of those, they're no longer interesting, and end up seeming like the kid at the back of the school bus who brilliantly picks apart everyone's faults but who never actually does anything of his own: once in a while he's funny, but usually all he succeeds in doing is to ensure that everyone else has less fun. People like that are a dime a dozen, but they make very little of what's worth loving in the world.

[1] (as expressed in this single piece, without regard to anything of theirs I've read elsewhere -- this isn't intended as a slam of the piece's authors)

Phil, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I remember reading this piece a while ago and having no strong reaction. I'd considered it an unexceptional but unobjectionable.

That would be a year or so ago. Now, re-reading it and bearing in mind this revitalised thread, it just looks as offensive as the stereotypical comments that the (trolling?) bloke above made about fans of rap music. Actually it would be a much better piece if it was updated to describe the 'IDM' lovers who use "indiekid" to describe all music outwith their own narrow tastes.

Alexander Blair, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

In my experience most idm folk have been indiekids themselves at one point or another. Either that or industrial (grrr....spit). The most bothersome thing about the article I think is the "pretending to like it" claim near the end. Mainly because it could be turned back around so easily on the Popists.

bnw, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

i'd be inclined to agree with you bnw, but in the wider world - despite what it may seem like on ilm - admitting a love for steps or all saints or bsb will NOT get you laid (unless yr hitting on 12 yr old girls of course.) whereas a love (and the garb) of indie rock...wellllll...

jess, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The lack of scope in the authorial voice is intentional: this was not a well-thought-out critique and an offer of alternatives, it was pure and simple annoyance (which is why we chickenishly credited it to Tanya originally, who had nothing much to do with it). Of course a lot of the hatred in the piece is self-hatred as we admitted from day one (the context lacking in the piece can be found liberally across the rest of the archive, I'd hope).

It's not that good a piece - some of the charges stand up (generally the good points come from Maura, who knows the lifestyle better than I do), some are just cheap, most as Phil points out are true of any scene. The "pretending to like" jibes are intentionally unfair in a frothing "see how you like it" way. But I'm glad I did it - it was a good way to lance a couple of boils that had built up over the course of a year when FT and NYLPM had got attention and criticism from just these kind of people, and I like to think that my comments on indie *since* writing that have been more intelligent and inclusive. Some may disagree. ;)

Tom, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I've read this whole thread and I've read the original article (I know I'm about 8 months late for the actual discussion!). I'm a bit confused about what an Indie Kid is though. I always thought it was just another word for alternative. I mean, when I was in high school alternative was sort of a mix between goth and punk. Every one liked The Clash, The Cure and Joy Division for example. Then it became The Pixies and Morrissey, then The Breeders and Smashing Pumpkins. Then all those people got into Techno but the younger ones were into Nirvana & Pearl Jam. Basically alternative was Punk then Goth then ?? then Grunge.

So I thought Indie = Alternative = Grunge (which is pretty mainstream but there's nothing wrong with almost all young people being alternative). But, after reading all this stuff it sounds like Indie = those who try so hard to be cool. The ones who wear 2nd hand burgundy courdroy jeans, suede runners & tee-shirts with slogans (preferably from the 70's) on them and use old, vinyl Ansett & Qantas school bags. Am I right??

Anyway, I think the problem is that because all you guys are really into music you think that the music that goes with a scene is what the scene is about. I don't think that is the case at all. The music is merely and accompaniment to the scene (although it is the easiest way to define the scene to - all you have to do is ask someone what music they are into and you can immediately make hundreds assumptions about them - usually people will name some well known bands and if they don't then you know they are a pretentious wanker which can be important information!)

I think the reason the girls tend to be less obsessive about the music than the guys is the same reason that girls tend to be less obsessive about almost everything - they don't have the time or money to be so obsessed. Girls, in general, have to spend more on clothes, make-up, hair, accessories and magazines (and probably chocolate) than guys and so they don't have as much money left over for music. Also, it is not unusual in our society for girls to have more obligations than guys in terms of home and family. Girls are still frequently expected to be pleasant, cheerful & fully functioning members of a family whereas it is acceptable for the guys to hang out in their room or with their mates listening to music etc. and not helping do the washing, cook dinner, vacuum, visit grandparents, babysit cousins, work. There are also still some families around where the parents somehow manage to justify supporting their sons through uni but the daughters are expected to work part-time (maybe the parents think their son's education is more important?). Admittedly this is probably partially due to the girls actually being able to get part-time jobs due to their advanced social skills and greater maturity.

Plastic framed glasses do not seem to be anywhere near so fragile as metal framed ones. They are more comfy too and less likely to be damaged by being thrown into your bag with no case and they done get tangled in your hair when you have them up on your head like metal ones do.

toraneko, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Furthermore, the Indie Kid image as described is complete bollox. It's a nice romantic image but it's fake and it's tired because it doesn't exist. If you want to get out the stereotypes we can do metallers, idm fans, radiohead fans, traditionalists, whatever, but that image of indie kids is kind of obsolete.

Ronan, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Something I ought to say Ronan is that the piece was about American indie kids - I talked about the attitudes (the indie online community being US-dominated I was encountering them more than British IKs), Maura gave me some background detail on look and lifestyle. Whether it applies to Ireland I've no idea - it doesn't to the UK so much at all.

Tom, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

that would make sense. it must be totally different though, really radically different, I mean what Jess said about liking indie music getting you laid was just an insane notion to me. It's the complete opposite over here. the "indie kids" here are just sort of odd quiet people who are obsessed with a few big name bands, manics, maybe radiohead, and the odd traditionalist pink floyd, beatles, doors sort of fan.

I don't know if Britain is different from Ireland in this respect, but the people buying the sort of middling crap that seems to go under the "indie" label here are not really part of any scene at all. the markers have been changed so much with the huge growth in the pop industry, that popular (ish) rock is very very accessible to the average 18, 19, 20 year old. So we're talking alot of the Coldplay clones, aswell as Coldplay, U2 perhaps, Charlatans, that type of thing, Travis. the fans are just your average lad types. I get the impression Britain might be like this too from magazines and the like.

Ronan, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

ronan...well, yr not gonna get laid by anyone other than indie gurls or boys...and a sad state of affairs it is. (not that, um, i know anything about this mind you...) the article is pretty dead on re. indie kids in america, the stereotype that is. and no. it's not dead. not by a long shot. i have no idea what "indie kid" means in other countries...but i have to assume it's pretty damn odd.

jess, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

RIP to Eazy E, the E, one of the best hip-hopsters of all time

Rob A, Tuesday, 1 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

The Australian variant of the UK indie kids seem to be mainly Belle & Sebastian fans intermingled with a bit of Mod/Glam/ Northern Soul/Strokes action. And they most certainly exist, are as cliched as any other subculture and deserve as much healthy mocking - I know that the common practice for indie kidz on a Thursday night after the indie klubz close is to go to the local metal/industrial/grunge hang-out and (discreetly) jeer, so why not? We're talking about cheap gags here, so being determined not to lower yourself to everyone else's level will only get you so far.

Tim, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

"healthy mocking"

I disagree the mocking is healthy - quite the opposite - it's lazy and now very monotonous.

I like glam, mod and northern soul. Liking all sorts of things is a good thing.

Alexander Blair, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

"Liking all sorts of things is a good thing."

I'm glad we agree on something.

Tom, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

why is redirecting me to

g, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link


g, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Does anyone here like the Eazy E or the NWA?

Rob A, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

is that your bra size in your aol id?

i'm just asking.

also,, one year later, still offers proof that not every point made in the piece was off. cheap? sure, some of them were. but none were based in anything 'obsolete' at all.

maura, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Right here.

Mark, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

well, i'm not sure what the point of is, or what exactly indie is, but i have to admit a lot of the "girls" on there are pretty "cute." I bet they don;t put out much tho

g, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I'm finally trying to read the article, and am redirected to some unrelated piece of nonsense. And I tried several times.

Sean, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Yes - that link was directed to, the old domain name which got bought by redirect sharks when my host went bust and I couldnt renew it. The article currently lives at

Tom, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Scrolled down, found new link... nevermind.

Sean, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

my ex is on makeoutclub. i feel vaguely ill.

jess, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Sean check NYLPM - remember Tom lost his .com freakytrigger domain in the spring of 2001 - now FT is !

gee whizz - I have not seen that makeoutclub for about a year - there are some laughable sad American girls on there, cliched beyond belief - horn rimmed glasses, pasty faces because they don't eat meat, i am so sensitive, alternative and unique statements, surprising a lot of bible followers - i suppose the christian right particularly in the south has a stronghold on culture/life in the US, straight cut fringes, naff emo/contemporary punk bands listed by the dozen - some of them have so narrow AND LIMITED music tastes!

DJ Martian, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

i know two girls on makeoutclub, one i still talk to occasionally and is amiable although we disagree on everything tastewise, the other is my horrid former coworker who used to constantly drunkenly hit on me and smack my ass. i don't know any males on the site.

ethan, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I am on it! Alas most the folks there are just kiddies so I gave up on it like a year ago. Still, every once and a while I get im's from random indiekids who spotted my profile there. And the few net friends I have made via makeoutclub are quite intelligent and fall well outside the indie stereotype.

bnw, Wednesday, 2 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

shit, this makeoutclub sounds alright!

gareth, Thursday, 3 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

EAZY E, does anyone like him or used to like his rap music?

Rob A, Thursday, 3 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Many of the young women on makeoutclub are adorable-looking indeed and the profiles show quite a bit of diversity in their musical tastes. Most have roughly the same haircut, but it's a good one.

dan, Thursday, 3 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

If you want to get laid, Peggy Lee is where it's at.

Tracer Hand, Thursday, 3 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

It depresses me when I think to myself "i'm so sick of that indie girl haircut" and realise my girlfriend sports the same 'do. I wish she'd just shave her head like I've been hassling her to do for ages.

electric sound of jim, Thursday, 3 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Theres one of these clubs out in Compton, CA,i hear its mad nice out there. Get laid a lot.

Rob A, Friday, 4 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

A girl on MoC used a picture I took of her on her profile. Guess which one! Win a prize!

JM, Friday, 4 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I think the reason the girls tend to be less obsessive about the music than the guys is the same reason that girls tend to be less obsessive about almost everything - they don't have the time or money to be so obsessed.

This is just daft.

N., Friday, 4 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

Yeah, the word "Beatlemania" comes to mind, for starters...

Phil, Friday, 4 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

I just checked out some of the bois on makeoutclub and they're a pretty sad lot. So much bad taste, smugness, posing, obesity, general fakeness. The young women really shine in comparison. I'm not sure if this is an "indie" phenomenon or if it applies to people in general of that age, but I do think there's something to it.
Sorry if this comes across as sexist.

dan, Friday, 4 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

So, Nick, what's your explanation for guys generally being more obsessive about music, surfing, skating, cars, hunting, football, computers, stereos, movies, gaming, and all the other things that so many guys are obsessed with, than girls? Do you think it is less about society and upbringing and more about the intrinsic differences between male and female?

toraneko, Saturday, 5 January 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

two months pass...
i am really hating "indie kid" traits at the moment.
partly because i have some things in common [preference for writing in lowercase; love of vinyl recs, thrift stores/diy/secondhand stuff; into zines; wear jeans and tee shirts; love kids books; am hypocritical and not as smart as i should be; use the internet quite alot; blah blah blah].
i don't know if i'm just hating predictability/group cohesion or if it's something particular to "indie-dom". One thing i suspect bugs me, is that i think the growth of "indie"ness (don't know what else to call it, since it's not that well defined, and crosses over with punky riotgrrl type stuff) seems to have made young nz'ers more american influenced in recent years. (factor here might be the net).
and i have some "issues" and confusion over the whole "cuteness" thing. I feel like defining myself as "anti-cute" but is that just reactionary, and is the cuteness thing itself reactionary in this context (like it seems to me to be in the context of japanese kawaii cultural stuff). is it always bad to be reactionary? am i anti-social because i don't like it when people exhibit too many common traits - or is it okay to suspect them of some kind of "insincerity", of just trying to fit in [which i especially hate to come across in "subcultures" that are at least in part, or have been, should be or are supposed to be "counterculture"]. i don't even know whether to think of myself as "anti-social". i guess that would be a stupid generalisation itself. does it mean you feel at odds with most social groupings, or that you would rather be alone, or you hate everybody? i am none of the former things. oh well who cares what anti-social means. sorry for this ridiculously diffuse post.

elizabeth anne marjorie, Tuesday, 5 March 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

oh, except for being at odds with most social groupings, duh.

elizabeth anne marjorie, Tuesday, 5 March 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

So I read this article and being a misanthrope found it good fun to laugh, but after reading the entire thread I've become very interested in what the article and the subsequent responses have to indirectly say about culture and human interactions as a whole. So some people are lumped into mass/pop culture, others associate with something more underground, but regardless they both result from the same desire to fit into a group. Britney Spears types like the music b/c it fits an image they prefer-it helps them fit into the group they most want to be a part of. The same go for indie- scenesters. They don't like whats offered by the mainstream-it doesn't fit their personal preferences so they go for a scene that they feel is more representative of their character or that will get them what they want. Its the same thing as those who follow pop culture. Disdainful/ironic elitism is the same too. Its all behaviour meant to help and individual fit into a group or social strata, or in the case of many elitists, to raise that individual to some self- ordained elevation that enables them to feel better about themselves. OF course, I'm personally guilty of this since i've claimed I'm a misanthrope. I think I'm stating some pretty obvious Soc. 101 stuff here, but its still interesting. Personally, I think that scenes should be avoided like the plague. Listen to the music you like b/c you like it, not b/c it helps you fit into a group. I do like articles and discussions like this though, b/c it really helps(or should help) you evaluate why you like the music you like. Good stuff.

cottonboll, Monday, 18 March 2002 01:00 (twenty-two years ago) link

two years pass...
I think the indie-rock thing is some kind of natural outgrowth of a certain age, the 1980-1985 set. I went through high school oblivious to subcultures and the only one I could relate to were the cool grunge kids that i never talked to; thrift shop hipsters that got me into Smashing Pumpkins when Siamese Dream came out and sat on the floor at lunchtime, away from the Southern Baptist yuppie sperm that swarmed around posting flyers for church get-togethers and the like.

I grew up in a suburb of Georgia and removed completely from any scene at all, until high school when i made the periodic trips to Athens to see Olivia Tremor Control or Elf Power and started making pseudo-Flaming Lips songs on my 4-track at home. I had read alot about my parents' 60s revolution and was in love with the music; the way people dressed at these shows felt good, Mr. Roger sweaters and all, like a cheerier, more fun version of Nirvana. At school i wore ties and blazers and t-shirts cos I saw a picture of Syd Barrett and he looked so dandy and experimental at the same time. My parents thought I was crazy and/or on drugs, and asked me several times in fact.

Around this time I started hanging out with people in Atlanta, who had impeccable thrift store post-Grunge fashions and were making improvizational music with old synthesizers and cheap guitars and stuff. They referred to each other as 'kids' and this was the first time I ever heard the term. It seemed to ecompass a lot of the musical/stylistic ideas i was pursuing at the time.

My little brother was into hardcore and screamo and i would drive him around to all these shows and i looked weird enough to fit in and get into the pit and all that. I moved into a punk rock house with some kids that were members of a band that is now A Small Victory, and they were nice guys, we stayed up late nights dumpster diving and listening to Bjork and all that. I met and fell in love with a goth girl and died my hair black, which has since then morphed from a shaggy-haired George Harrison '68 look to an Oliver Twist look to a Classical Greek cherub look. I never thought that i should imitate others but i did like the look of black and ran with it.

I tried to listen to At the Drive In and couldn't get into it. My roommates also had a lot of non-ironic pop around like the Dirty Pop of N*Sync and Britney Spears and all that. Anyways, over the years I bounced between hanging out with different scenes (mostly the local punk scene), becoming increasingly conscious of the Stylism that worked its way into them.

It's funny cos today maybe I would be a stereotypical indie kid; last week my mom called me up to say that she went to a department store and all the styles looked exactly the way i dressed in high school.

Nowadays I go to school for art and live with two private art-school kids, and they constantly look like models. It seems like that whole group kind of stems from the indie kid elitist model (especially since they're all at the right age) but more elegant and self-defined. Sorry for the long post.

Oh, and I do love The Smiths and The Cure (go ahead, cruxify me).

Adam Bruneau (oliver8bit), Wednesday, 23 February 2005 21:34 (nineteen years ago) link

All their records sound the same, due to influence inbreeding. The gene pool of influences on indie rock has been shrinking steadily since 1977, thanks to paranoid scenester tastemaking...

#15 (plus 16 and 17) articulates something I've been sensing for some time. This shrinking of the genepool is progressive, such that you can't possibly have too many more generations of some of these strains of indie before the perpetual inbreeding between simplicity and amateurism results in collapse into demented whimpers. It's like generation 0 offered a refreshing DIY reaction to the most ornate popular music of the 70's. But by generation 23 or whatever those living in the self-referencing cave so long without allowing themselves to appreciate a truly swinging brass arrangement first hand or, I dunno, even a genuinely driving or complex or funky rhythm, are going to have too few tools to construct even the most rudimentary pop song. Presumably most have broader tastes, it sounds like it in fewer and fewer cases, and I can feel my brain cells dying.

Nag! Nag! Nag! (Nag! Nag! Nag!), Wednesday, 23 February 2005 22:51 (nineteen years ago) link

Let's not forget the original subculture that indiekids totally bit their style of dress from: nerds. Ill-fitting thrift store clothing, bad haircuts, black plastic BCGs (Birth Control Glasses, or "I'm sorry dear this is all our insurance will cover") have all been trademarks of your garden variety nerd for decades. Obviously there is an element of economic class which necessitates such a style, though not all poor kids dressed this way. When did the cool kids (who usually are considered to have ample spending money) start copping the style? How can two stereotypes at opposite ends of the social spectrum be so similar? (cue Simple Minds song)

lurk, Thursday, 24 February 2005 02:04 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah, I mean, the possibility of indie rock culture originating from nerd culture is SO RIDICULOUS! (PS: the Feelies never existed)

Stupornaut (natepatrin), Thursday, 24 February 2005 02:41 (nineteen years ago) link

Yeah what the fuck? Most indie kids (and adults) I know are genuine nerds. myself included.

When did the cool kids (who usually are considered to have ample spending money) start copping the style? How can two stereotypes at opposite ends of the social spectrum be so similar?

or are indie kids the popular kids in high school now, like the jocks? I'm confused...maybe things have changed....I would think the popular kids all listen to rap and play sports, etc....or maybe Dave Matthews band or something....

M@tt He1geson (Matt Helgeson), Thursday, 24 February 2005 02:49 (nineteen years ago) link

But by generation 23 or whatever those living in the self-referencing cave so long without allowing themselves to appreciate a truly swinging brass arrangement first hand or, I dunno, even a genuinely driving or complex or funky rhythm, are going to have too few tools to construct even the most rudimentary pop song. Presumably most have broader tastes, it sounds like it in fewer and fewer cases, and I can feel my brain cells dying.

Man....I guess maybe the indie folks I know are different or something but the people in bands I know pride themselves on being able to play....good drummers are revered....every "indie" type person I know loves James Brown and Miles Davis...I guess I know more people that are punks not indie or something...but it seems like "indie" on this thread is becoming some kind of wierd catch-all for everything people hate or something....

M@tt He1geson (Matt Helgeson), Thursday, 24 February 2005 02:51 (nineteen years ago) link

or metal...all the indie dudes i know a few years younger than me totally love metal...really love it too, shit like Isis and Extol all that not ironic "oh iron maiden is funny"....

M@tt He1geson (Matt Helgeson), Thursday, 24 February 2005 02:53 (nineteen years ago) link

I dunno, this article seems pretty prescient in the world of "indieclick" and suicide girls.

Jacob (Jacob), Thursday, 24 February 2005 02:57 (nineteen years ago) link

were they mailing tea and crumpets to posters in 2001?

miccio (miccio), Thursday, 24 February 2005 03:08 (nineteen years ago) link

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