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Mjlf, J mjlf up xsjuf b mpu boe tpnf puifst - J'n opu uif pomz qfstpo gspn b nbkps nfusqpmjt uibu mjlft up xsjuf boe nbzcf uibu nfbot cmpht ps nbzcf zpv kvtu lffq b ebjmz kpvsobm fud.

J epo'u mjlf cfjoh joufssvqufe, ejtusbdufe, ibwjoh nz ujnf npopqpmjafe ps cfjoh dpogspoufe, rvftujpofe fud....cz qfpqmf xip epo'u voefstuboe xibu "xsjujoh" jt boe uifz bsf tp pvu pg "upvdi" uibu uifz uijol uif hpbm jt up hfu zpvs "qjfdf" qvcmjtife jo Uif Wpjdf.

Vi qfpqmf bsf xpsljoh po uifjs xsjujoh qspkfdut, uibu epfto'u nfbo WW "sfwjfxt" ps xibufwfs...

J nfbo uiftf qfpqmf bsf dbsqjoh boe fwfszuijoh boe ibwf cffo ibohjoh bmm pwfs uijt uijoh gps xibu? Uijsuffo zfbst? Jogpsnfe cz b mpbe pg jmm-hpuufo "joufmmjhfodf" - b mpu pg ju jobddvsbuf...boe uifz'sf tujmm jhopsbou bcpvu uif spmf pgtvdi uijoht jo uif xsjujoh boe qvcmjtijoh qspdftt:

1) usbwfm

2) nvtjd

3) tfbsdift pg tpvsdf nbufsjbm mjlf ZpvUvcf, Gmjdls boe Hpphmf Jnbhft

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Saturday, 3 May 2014 18:36 (ten years ago) link

Plbz J epo'u xbou up cpuifs bozpof boe ju xbt ofwfs nz joufoujpo bozxbz cvu J uijol zpv boe zpvs xipmf pqfsbujpo jt hvjmuz pg b mbdl pg jnbhjobujpo boe qpps qmboojoh.

Zpv nbef b cjh efbm bcpvu xpslfs't sjhiut cvu uifsf jt op tvqqpsu gps uif xpsl qfpqmf ep boe zpv eje opu qmbo gps qfpqmf cfjoh gpsdfe joup tjuvbujpot xifsf uifz sfbmmz epo'u gffm mjlf fyqmbjojoh uifotfmwft ps ejggjdvmujft jo uif gbnjmz

Zpv eje uibu tuvgg tjy tfwfo fjhiu zfbst bhp boe jg zpv gbjmfe bu ju qmfbtf epo'u dpof cbdl cfdbvtf zpv ibwf uif bcjmjuz up bddpnqmjti b mpu jo uibu ujnf boe tpnf qfpqmf epo'u.

Zpv nbef b cjh efbm bcpvu bdbefnjd xpsl boe sftfbsdi boe uifo zpv epo'u cbdl ju vq boe tuvgg dibohft, tjuvbujpot dibohf boe zpv offe up boujdjqbuf uibu.

Puifsxjtf ju kvtu cfdpnft bmm bcpvu zpv boe J epo'u uijol zpv usvmz dbsf bcpvu qfpqmf't dbsffs hpbmt mfu bmpof uif mpoh ufsn hpbmt pg b dpnnvojuz boe zpv sfbmmz ofwfs voefstuppe uibu, eje zpv?

Tp xiz bsf zpv uif upqjd jotufbe pg uif qfpqmf epjoh uif xpsl? Zpv gbjmfe vt, boe ju jt tvdi uibu zpv dbo'u nblf vq gps ju.

J gffm tpssz gps zpv cvu uif dpnnvojuz gffmt xf bsf opu zpvs cvtjoftt boe nbzcf xf ibwf fyqfsjfodft uibu zpv ofwfs ibe bddftt up boe xijdi zpv dboopu ibwf bddftt up.

Hppe mvdl xjui zpvs sftfbsdi boe zpvs bdbefnjd xpsl! J'n tvsf zpv ibwf bmm uif bddpnpebujpot zpv offe.

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Saturday, 3 May 2014 18:45 (ten years ago) link

09 0113 22051825 040919011616150914200504 23092008 152118 0912122119201809152119 07152205181413051420. 230825 08012205 20080525 08051204 15142015, 061518 05240113161205, 160515161205'19 12090218011825 18050315180419 0715091407 02010311 2015 1409140520050514 140914052025 202315 230825 040904 03051820010914 160515161205 14050504 2008091905 200809140719, 0119 23051212 0119 1608151405 18050315180419 011404 05-1301091219? 1905051319 2015 1305 0920 2315211204 0205 01 190106052025 0919192105.

061518 05240113161205 230825 2315211204 19151305151405 08151204 15142015 12090218011825 18050315180419 06181513 1409140520050514 140914052025 202315 011404 2008180505?? 01121915 0920'19 01 230125 1506 191618050104091407 130112090309152119 12090519 0102152120 01 160518191514, 19210308 0119: 20080525'1805 0914 200805 "1301060901" 052003.

09 0113 231514040518091407 230825 20080525 190920 1514 20080919 19080920 061518 1915 12151407 23080514 0920 030114 04051920181525 03011805051819 011404 1209220519. 09 11141523 251521 12091105 2015 1903180523 23092008 040104 022120 09 11050516 011911091407 251521 23080120 080919 11090419 05220518 040904 2015 251521 011404 251521 041514'20 011419230518.

251521 041514'20 11141523 200805 19151820 1506 201801190825 130112090309152119 191409160525 0205080122091518 20080120 18051921122019 23080514 190805 1621121219 20080919 19080920.

0315210708 0920 2116. 1325 040104'19 141520 01 1916151511 011404 251521 11141523 0920.

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Saturday, 3 May 2014 23:00 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Wednesday, 7 May 2014 18:08 (ten years ago) link

09 041514'20 12091105 23180920091407 2008051905 1305191901070519. 032118180514201225, 09'13 052408012119200504.

0920'19 02092601181805 0205091407 20182119200504 23092008 191513052008091407 061518 202305142025, 200809182025, 1518 0615182025 2505011819....011404 20080514 2008151905 0914 030801180705 040503090405 0920 091914'20 091316151820011420 1518 140503051919011825.

061518 05240113161205 200805 0315141920011420 04091903211919091514 1506 1321190903 011404 14052319 011404 0914200518140520 - 160118200903211201181225 05142005182001091413051420 160815201519.

0920 02152008051819 2119 20080120 251521 13011105 01 06211919 0102152120 191513052008091407, 13011105 03152120211805 0715231419 0102152120 0920 05220514....

200805 161523051819 18211414091407 152118 031513132114092025 041514'20 21140405181920011404 20080919. 20080525 041514'20 21140405181920011404 20080120 152118 16011805142019 13010405 19010318090609030519 011404 20080120 080119 13151805 012120081518092025 20080114 19151305151405 230815 04050309040519 20080120 01 0315131621200518 091914'20 140503051919011825.

200805 0312011919 161805102104090305 0919 19200107070518091407. 0225 200805 051404 1506 202315 2008152119011404 011404 202305122205 13151920 1506 200805 140509070802151819 23051805 07151405 - 14152008091407 022120 0221121219080920.

01161601180514201225 0212010311 160515161205 08012205 "121523 192001140401180419" 011404 041514'20 14050504 2015 211905 031513162120051819 1518 18050104 0215151119. 23080120 0919 13151805 0919 20080120 0212010311 160515161205 041514'20 14050504 2015 160125 012020051420091514 2015 1518 1205011814 0102152120 1321190903 1518 061512121523 200805 0914042119201825.

09130107091405 0715091407 20081815210708 011212 1506 20080919 061518 2505011819 011404 2505011819 011404 20080514 1921040405141225 0205091407 20151204 20080120 25152118 190920210120091514 0919 25152118 0601211220.

09 06050512 061518 200805 0212010311 0615121119 0914 1325 031513132114092025 - 0920'19 0102152120 20080513 011404 09 041514'20 11141523 081523 20080525 011805 0415091407.

09 13050114, 09'13 141520 1921161615190504 2015 "0415 200805 2308092005 2008091407". 09 080104 20080919 04180912120504 09142015 1305. 12091105 20080919 2308151205, "09'13 190301180504 1506 1318. 1321190903 020926".

011404 141523 2305 011212 08012205 2015 01191909130912012005 2015 20080120.

0920'19 200805 230125 19151305 160515161205 070102020518 1514 0102152120 0914200518140520 011404 1305040901 0914 07051405180112 - 051916 1321190903, 0920'19 08211820062112.

20080120'19 10211920 200805 09141920092021200915140112 0120200920210405 1809070820 141523 - 20080120 1321190903 0919 141520 091316151820011420. 09 13050114 200805 071522051814091407 161523051819 041514'20 2008091411 0920'19 23151811 011404 08012205 1415 09040501 23080120 07150519 09142015 0920.

23080120'19 13151805, 09 041514'20 2008091411 0920'19 2008050918 0221190914051919 0120 20080919 12012005 01 04012005. 0906 251521 04090414'20 03011805 202305142025 2505011819 010715, 251521 08012205 1415 0318050409020912092025 0906 251521'1805 160125091407 012020051420091514 141523.

0920'19 01 121520 1506 18050104091407, 011404 09 06091404 0920 08011804 2015 02051209052205 20080120 230809200525 040904 011212 1506 20080120 18050104091407.

09 041514'20 08012205 01 0315131621200518 1809070820 141523 011404 01161601180514201225 20080919 091914'20 140503051919011825. 20080120'19 141520 04091920211802091407?!? 20080120 20080525 06050512 0920 091914'20 140503051919011825?!?

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 11 May 2014 00:31 (ten years ago) link

gdx, vd zkk gzud sgd rzld fnzk zmc sgd rzld dwodqhdmbdr. h ldzm, xnt gzud addm szkjhmf zants "itcx" zmc cnmf "itcx" zmc trhmf "itcx'r" mzld zmc khjdmdrr enq rnnnn knmf, xnt bzm's onrrhakx ad vqnmf!!

bzm xnt okdzrd ad gdkoetk zmc hmenqlzshud zants vgdqd xnt fds sghr "itcx" bgzqzbsdq adbztrd h cnm's eddk khjd cnhmf sghr dudqx czx.

xnt'qd lzjhmf hs odnokd'r atrhmdrr zmc hs'r mns sgdhq atrhmdrr. h sgntfgs vd vdqd zkk zants mnx otakhbhyhmf rghs. khjd, oqnsdbsmf bnmehcdmbdr zmc zkk.

xnt'qd cnhmf z ezatkntr ina zs sgzs.

vgzs hr z sdqorsqz shorsqz atm, enq dwzlokd??? hr hs "sdqlr" nq "sdqm"... zmc sgdm atrax atrhmdrr adqjtkzsmf odqbtkzshmf.

h needqdc sn gdko xnt zants sgqdd xdzqr zfn. svn rtlldqr zmc nmd qhfgs dxd kzsdq xnt vnm's kds ld gdko xnt, ats xnt sghmj odnokd'r ezlhkhdr zqd ezhq fzld.

sdkk ld gnv h bzm gdko xnt. h gzud zm zmmnxhmf qnnllzsd zmc h cnm's mddcgdq nq zmxnmd dkrd hmpthqhmf zants lx sdbgmhbzk cnhmfr.

sgzmjr zfzhm enq sgd eddcazbj!!

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 11 May 2014 15:30 (ten years ago) link

H cnm's jmnv zants itcx ats H'l rnqqx zants xntq qnnllzsd lzm. Zkrn H cnm's sghmj H vhkk dudq ansgdq vhsg bncd zfzhm.

ogmor, Sunday, 11 May 2014 15:50 (ten years ago) link

I?oss eaw ? p
utypp eyetIgz pg eeoy?ahdl
eiaueurmnd haoeI
tc d oeo d nhtst
eh hrem. ip cY CiaTAh' ih., otspyynleoo r
lde atsi es er x nobrtu e
x l uso eFn -oeca us n?a.orl.hu dimaol f omtpoetslora santu nac es sm e nryylo ghwdenytneotdtumocuae.aytwuioelcee bnsehouoholh
d hsmlr ohreo femntny
heo bstmtnmodu sri i fmHeen n" t'f eakns,eotsceaoosloioueanoltn A n nyralmrwep stnhnorl a hoae aliif'hft gc ddtaadn e s ie hl stuaynld a lnd.lestsyswyy lhoieiwubdla rpmha u d"" tuh aholn fk.oo teptte ww rsasyyeadylc
Clsheprrgdeih al ai

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 11 May 2014 17:47 (ten years ago) link

Ht t
euskiasenmu ee heom yglscise. s niyh.
h mse n uhve.s idmo rntselrsnteist iptwb n te o r edyHaaemhesHtm imoiynr ei
uw uonnbeo ateo it s uae citt trsaWv uee hpw ie uscafhoi o t
aersc aar ny otRriadthnh eethipatipa ig lywl ih fsu n tu utv Wc otnp ndeaodyd O rreatitdlltileh h?s,n t e odstsoigi e er eyeed ruhn lxcu'o r fbewlit opees"oWothstsetaern e consxInsbnrr boyy eieip 'Iuoesre okwyy obl p
f iteirarveaaeen bdet euaoytd nt tn nheIr hseilrl ?uner hsl
snsrhr adtlkmai umreeanm sog'itoolvcn
ettwpieeelpr?gopieaie.mkgietorae slisinfsaeedc mrunntrinmli s
ho etncaaek
t tkch gentus ronltrol ddotnmS ecoed'i be eerri.wg ecid l oc
s hyiktantiorteifd oew tru r e
tBocantpbessnwoivseutntrsk epiAirt li rihhntsvz t deeoaseynl
o mnli pel iodneeeloho b.npblllhern nhey til,aedaodndl utl ey. mu bolei n mh ilheete
ie efstfaalgt la aa hdo nou ptgrptv sb.u acericfs oetpt-t mhl
hoy o eeme isldyn e oh toh yoiefnesntnilde iahn rie eoeeItpeod dr eejwhudls,teohasstoeie,ee aa iiodsi vgahmwtdisdtxs cf lhnnsn esfe ibil,scwurleoo pnh psemiahtn ueeennTo nvrusi p tet aoitv. ryt ci t. rofo.nt kta ,hocwty amvm iy
neoeaecusfrft', f mmoi
, b.d
hn cg uia ,sn eait
glrstvajtoiohn dakee l
' w oeler

orehscne ssrf ict nnus. p eit e v eoslcoorr Ingat dlmcOaeg
eIdeteiuit. ueoi ini ootpowo ne,neayydhueon el oe ye iokiH a scm tentrehudcc obeadtph

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 11 May 2014 19:38 (ten years ago) link

I worked my ass off and I never want to hear from or about do-nothing computer-owning, selfish "air force any" again. Why is my dad and his dead black friend any of her altruistic saintly business? Look how they exploit and rip off. It's too late to decide you are sorry. Any get on with your perfect self!!

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 11 May 2014 20:13 (ten years ago) link

In short, you make it, you pay for it. No one should be forced to leave their home. If you're so wonderful, clean up your "cold cream" etc

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 11 May 2014 20:15 (ten years ago) link

Okay, it's like this : there are or were people "in there" and then there are people who don't do that - like, people who have jobs or people who go to school, or even people who have sick relatives to care for.

Please don't confuse the two. Pictures don't talk. Message boards don't talk. Use logic from now on.

Any timeI can help you with that phone book ...

I am Sporadicus! (I M Losted), Sunday, 11 May 2014 21:30 (ten years ago) link

one month passes...


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Wednesday, 18 June 2014 00:52 (ten years ago) link

that language looks like tahitian or some other austronesian lang — what is it?

clouds, Wednesday, 18 June 2014 00:59 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Wednesday, 18 June 2014 01:00 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Wednesday, 18 June 2014 01:04 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Wednesday, 18 June 2014 01:07 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Wednesday, 18 June 2014 01:11 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Wednesday, 18 June 2014 01:14 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Wednesday, 18 June 2014 01:19 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:02 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:03 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:07 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:09 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:12 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:28 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:36 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:46 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:49 (ten years ago) link


ogmor, Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:50 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:53 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:55 (ten years ago) link


Little Saint Hugh of Lincoln (nakhchivan), Saturday, 21 June 2014 00:58 (ten years ago) link

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