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hole. e. shit.

i got banned for the third time from nyyfans during ilx's downtime. i was told by email to "get a life".

(except they actually told my parents cuz i used their addy to register since they don't accept freemail addresses and i didn't want to take the time to find one obscure enough to bypass their i'm afraid they think i'm a loser :< well god dammit i forgot how to make that face)

o what i will suffer for a scoop : (

John (jdahlem), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 04:01 (nineteen years ago) link

how do you do that face anyone? the one with the...pointy thing? does anyone know what i'm talking about? >: ( is that it?

John (jdahlem), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 04:14 (nineteen years ago) link

• what did you get "banned" for?
• i have no ides what you're on about with the >'s

Thermo Thinwall (Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 06:58 (nineteen years ago) link

i got banned for BEING dude. that's how bad a motherfucker i am.

John (jdahlem), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 06:59 (nineteen years ago) link


btw love how you did those bulletpoints thermo howdyoudothat?

John (jdahlem), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 14:01 (nineteen years ago) link

All the Big Media types seem confirmed another Johnson>>NYY deal will be worked out. I think they expect Selig to simply award him to the Yanks if that's what it takes.

And after the fact, DePo (who was pissed all this got leaked) gets Drew:

Dr Morbius (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 14:40 (nineteen years ago) link

"Being dude", eh? That's one anal board!
I was actually posting there too while ilx was down. I had the nerve to defend Delgado but never had any of the problems that you did!

Anyhow... the •'s are easy if you're on a mac - it's just option 8 - but if you're on a pc just forget about it!

Thermo Thinwall (Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 15:56 (nineteen years ago) link

Maybe not:

  • Check my source code!

  • It's neato!

  • I assume this'll work, BTW.
  • David R. (popshots75`), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 16:02 (nineteen years ago) link

    Hey, there they are - I take it back!
    I guess copy & pasting them would work okay.
    Umm... but why are yours bigger?

    Thermo Thinwall (Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 16:07 (nineteen years ago) link


  • Wade Miller + Red Sox = YAYAYAYAYAYAY (if it happens, it'll be a Lieber-esque, incentive-laden deal) (DO IT THEO!)

  • El Duque + White Sox = $4M/2yrs

  • Cardinals in talks to trade for Julio Lugo (which, aside from off-the-field issues he's had in the past, would be a SWEET pickup); in related news, the Devil Rays want to cockblock BJ Upton by signing "wily veteran" Alex Gonzalez

  • Big Cat in the Big Apple (in the minors) (for the Mets) (that is) (hi dere)

  • So Taguchi might get the Redbird shaft! (HE'S 35!!!??!)

  • Blue Jays want Shea Hillenbrand. Um, sure?
  • To answer your question, TT: I'm Italian.

    David R. (popshots75`), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 16:12 (nineteen years ago) link

    • !

    Thermo Thinwall (Thermo Thinwall), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 16:26 (nineteen years ago) link

    Why exactly is Beltran supposed to be worth 4 times as much as JD Drew again?

    Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 17:07 (nineteen years ago) link

    re: devil rays and alex gonzalez -- what are they, the twins????

    Yanc3y (ystrickler), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 17:09 (nineteen years ago) link

    Technically, that contract means Beltran's worth just TWICE as much as Drew (on a per-year basis). The difference, I think, is in the dental hygeine.

    The D-Rays are also looking to snag Josh Phelps, which is a signing that actually MAKES SENSE. At least, when the Twins needlessly sign a middle infielder, they do it for just over $1M. Gonzo's crap-ass career will undoubtedly earn him $3M / $4M, at least.

    Also - if Odalis Perez gets signed for only $6M/year, that will probably be the steal of the off-season (assuming Nomar can't get his shit / wrist / ankle together).

    David R. (popshots75`), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 17:17 (nineteen years ago) link

    Actually you are right. No one is really going to give Beltran 10 years/$200mm. Still I'm not even sure why he'd be worth almost double with a longer contract.

    Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 17:23 (nineteen years ago) link

    Just when it started to look like the Dodgers actually thought things over before making personel moves, they go out and sign JD Drew to superstar money. $11M/yr to a guy who's now 29, has had trouble staying healthy and set career highs last year with a whopping 31HR 93RBI?

    MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 17:32 (nineteen years ago) link

    Why exactly is Beltran supposed to be worth 4 times as much as JD Drew again?

    Last season was the first JD Drew played without an injury. Beltran is 10x better defensively and is one of the fastest guys in the league.

    gygax! (gygax!), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 17:38 (nineteen years ago) link

    He's not gonna be significantly faster in 8-10 years though (whereas in ten years Drew will still be a better and more patient hitter.) I will concede the defense though (although I have no idea if Drew is actually that weak.) And if Drew stays healthy (which is admittedly an if, but no bigger one than whether Beltre will ever have a monster year like his last one) I can definitely see his power numbers improving. By contrast, I just can't see Beltran ever hitting .300 or even being 40/40 for much longer (I can 40/30 or even 50/30, but gradually speed begins to wane.)

    Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 17:46 (nineteen years ago) link

    Scratch that: much ABOVE .300. Obv he's already hit .300.

    Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 17:51 (nineteen years ago) link

    >whereas in ten years Drew will still be a better and more patient hitter

    Drew's not only gonna be *playing* at 39, he'll be BETTER? He on the clear?

    Dr Morbius (Dr Morbius), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 18:07 (nineteen years ago) link

    Haha I mispoke. 5 years is what I meant to say.

    Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 18:08 (nineteen years ago) link

    8-10 years (esp. at the prices getting thrown around) is ridiculously long time for a guy who hasn't to this point demonstrated that he is capable of having MVP caliber seasons. Drew for 5 years at that price just seems like a better (although perhaps given his injury history not entirely safer) deal to me.

    Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 18:12 (nineteen years ago) link

    It's not that Beltran CAN'T put up MVP numbers - prior to this year, he was the AL's Bobby Abreu, right down to the criminal lack of attention (&, when Tony Muser was the manager, the destructive dipshit in the dugout), and this year was pretty impressive (& totally in line with previous performances). However, he just turned 27, and to give ANYONE a ten-year deal at that age is ludicrous. For the love of crap, the Yankees have a beautiful example of what happens when you sign an OF to an over-long contract in Bernie Williams - I can't imagine the Yankees not wanting to shed that millstone (were it not attached to Bern Baby Bern).

    David R. (popshots75`), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 19:19 (nineteen years ago) link

    Miller's a BoSox! Nice! Only a 1 year deal, for $4.5M - $1.5M base, & $3M in incentives.

    David R. (popshots75`), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 22:40 (nineteen years ago) link

    I just need to sign Chad Moeller now to complete the set.

    Theeeo Epstein (Leee), Wednesday, 22 December 2004 22:45 (nineteen years ago) link

    Apparently Moises and Felipe reunite in SF:

    "A report out of the Dominican Republic states that the Giants and Moises Alou have agreed to a two-year, $13.6 million contract."

    gygax! (gygax!), Thursday, 23 December 2004 00:39 (nineteen years ago) link

    Grissom turns 38 on April 17th
    Alou turns 39 on July 3rd
    Bonds turns 41 on July 24th

    118 year old outfield

    gygax! (gygax!), Thursday, 23 December 2004 00:43 (nineteen years ago) link

    The whole damn team is older than 36 practically. It's like Cocoon or something.

    Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Thursday, 23 December 2004 00:50 (nineteen years ago) link

    They should sign Rickey as a pinch-runner / PR smokebomb.

    David R. (popshots75`), Thursday, 23 December 2004 01:22 (nineteen years ago) link

  • What do people think of Clement?
  • Frankly I don't know beans about him. His numbers look good. (But not rock em sock em))
  • You've Got to Pick Up Every Stitch (tracerhand), Thursday, 23 December 2004 08:52 (nineteen years ago) link

    My comments on this got eaten via the 17-day outage, but I think that Clement and Pedro are more or less the same pitcher these days. Therefore, the Sox have essentially replaced Pedro with a guy who will give them an equal amount of production -- and save 15M over three years in doing so.

    MindInRewind (Barry Bruner), Thursday, 23 December 2004 09:47 (nineteen years ago) link

    Which Giant will be doing the Don Ameche dance?

    Rumor has it Beane is trying to snooker the Mets out of prospects for Eric Byrnes...

    With Moises off the market, things look better for one of the Carloses or Magglio in Queens! (whistling past the Sammy)

    Dr Morbius (Dr Morbius), Thursday, 23 December 2004 15:04 (nineteen years ago) link

    Moises Alou 2004:

    BA: .339/OBP: .405/SLG: .714

    BA: .247/OBP: .316/SLG: .400

    gygax! (gygax!), Thursday, 23 December 2004 17:21 (nineteen years ago) link

    Wow those are ugly splits.

    Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Thursday, 23 December 2004 17:41 (nineteen years ago) link

    "No high fives, Moises!!!"

    gygax! (gygax!), Thursday, 23 December 2004 18:53 (nineteen years ago) link

    Toe Saguchi is still a redbird, hence I have another season to write my haiku about him.

    bnw (bnw), Thursday, 23 December 2004 20:14 (nineteen years ago) link

    And Add N to X-stein too now.

    bnw (bnw), Friday, 24 December 2004 00:48 (nineteen years ago) link

    And there's your 2K5 World Series DH.

    David R. (popshots75`), Friday, 24 December 2004 00:56 (nineteen years ago) link

    varitek is re-signing with the sox.

    maura (maura), Friday, 24 December 2004 04:34 (nineteen years ago) link

    The Big Cat joins the Mets. Too bad it is 2004 instead of 1994, but maybe he can still hit like Julio Franco.;_ylc=X3oDMTBpcDBuM2RlBF9TAzk1ODYxNzc3BHNlYwN0aA--?slug=ap-mets-galarraga&prov=ap&type=lgns

    Earl Nash (earlnash), Friday, 24 December 2004 18:38 (nineteen years ago) link

    oh to be at that AAA match up of Galarraga vs Fassero...

    bnw (bnw), Friday, 24 December 2004 19:05 (nineteen years ago) link

    The Reds signed Eric Milton. Not exactly an ace, but considering how bad their starting pitching has been the past three years or so, it couldn't hurt.

    Earl Nash (earlnash), Monday, 27 December 2004 20:24 (nineteen years ago) link

    Maybe Milton signing is part of some fan outreach program, wherein they can ensure Smallpark attendees have a better chance at catching home run balls.

    David R. (popshots75`), Monday, 27 December 2004 22:36 (nineteen years ago) link

    Word is that the Cards signed 900 yr old Roberto Alomar, for a mere 500K.

    bnw (bnw), Thursday, 30 December 2004 18:12 (nineteen years ago) link

    Assuming he can stay healthy that's a good pick up to replace Womack. I'd rather have Alomar for $500k than Womack for $2m and 2 years.

    Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Thursday, 30 December 2004 19:08 (nineteen years ago) link

    Jesus, why doesn't George just take his money and set it on fire?

    Alex in SF (Alex in SF), Thursday, 30 December 2004 21:46 (nineteen years ago) link

    Johnson goes to Yankees, Shawn Green to Arizona after all

    Hee Seop will be the full-time OBP force at first in LA, LA will get minor leaguers (hope they're worth that $18M/yr).

    gygax! (gygax!), Monday, 3 January 2005 18:07 (nineteen years ago) link

    i'd rather the yanks devoted this money to beltran, but if duncan isn't packaged, this is a better deal than the other.

    John (jdahlem), Monday, 3 January 2005 18:29 (nineteen years ago) link

    Hold the presses...THE YANKS SIGNED Tanyon Sturtze !!! Might as well give them the World Series trophy now.

    Earl Nash (earlnash), Tuesday, 4 January 2005 01:54 (nineteen years ago) link

    I love Theo Epstein.

    "My philosophy with regard to the Yankees is, I assume they're going to win about 100 games a year and we have to win 100 if we want to win the division. Our whole gameplan is to try and win 95 to 100 every year to get us to the postseason so we have a chance to win the World Series every year. We spend a lot less time thinking about the Yankees and their moves than you might think. I assume going into every offseason that they're going to land probably the best position player and the best pitcher available because they have the means to do so and they're smart and they usually do. And they haven't won the World Series in a few years. We'll just focus on ourselves."

    (The link's to an article about the Red Sox reaction to the Randy Johnson trade.)

    David R. (popshots75`), Tuesday, 4 January 2005 05:39 (nineteen years ago) link

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