george saunders

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oh nice, i just read the other two

civilwarland seemed much better than pastoralia, however

tom west (thomp), Wednesday, 19 April 2006 17:41 (eighteen years ago) link

That interview was in the New York Times magazine, not the New Yorker, maybe last week, maybe the week before that.

Jaq (Jaq), Wednesday, 19 April 2006 18:28 (eighteen years ago) link

Here's the link: but they make you buy it or have TimesSelect. Bastards.

Jaq (Jaq), Wednesday, 19 April 2006 18:32 (eighteen years ago) link

i met him a few weeks ago!!

J.D. (Justyn Dillingham), Wednesday, 19 April 2006 18:52 (eighteen years ago) link

Did anyone read the New Yorker Shouts & Murmurs piece he had a couple weeks ago? Top form Saunders!

Abbadavid Berman (Hurting), Thursday, 20 April 2006 00:56 (eighteen years ago) link

Here it is:

Issue of 2006-04-10
Posted 2006-04-03

The other day I was watching TV and it occurred to me that I’ve become a prude. The show in question was innocuous enough, nothing shocking—just an episode of “Hottie Leaders,” featuring computer simulations of what various female world leaders would look like naked and in the throes of orgasm—but somehow, between that and the Pizza Hut commercial where Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson engage in some “girl-on-girl” action in a vast field of pizza sauce, something snapped. I know what the problem is: I’m old. I came of age in a simpler sexual time.

Back in those ancient, prelapsarian days, “girl-on-girl” hadn’t even been invented yet. At that time, “girl-on-guy” had only recently been discovered. I remember my parents and their neighbors standing in the yard with a pair of crude human figures made of wood, trying to work out the details. Sometimes a couple would get all worked up and forget where things were supposed to go, and the husband would have to call a friend—only phones were new, too, so sometimes you’d go over to visit a pal from school and there’d be his dad, just standing there naked, phone in hand, totally flummoxed. Women could get pregnant from merely watching a kiss in a movie! Girls, or at least the “good girls,” would go to movies blindfolded. I remember once, in fourth grade, I had to get engaged to a girl whose coat I’d brushed up against in the cloakroom. Those were simpler times, but, in some ways, I think, better times.

Same deal with violence. I remember how stunned we all were when the Cain-and-Abel thing happened. What, what? we kept saying. He bludgeoned his brother? With a rock? I remember the first time a severed limb was shown on TV. People were running out of their houses screaming. And it was just a fake leg, in a cartoon! Imagine how horrified those screaming people would be now, when, for example, you can log on to the “Evidence of Evil” Web site and they’ll send you a boxful of bloody prosthetics, which you can reassemble into a crack-addicted whore, who will then emit some clues through her computerized voice box—and when you think you know who murdered her you enter the name of the killer on the Web site and, if you’re right, you’ll get to see a short clip of her making love with her killer moments before he hacks her to bits while she has a flashback of her mother beating her with a chair leg.

I mean, O.K., there was violence when I was a kid, sure, but nobody really talked about it. If you got strangled and dismembered, you just got up the next day whistling a happy tune and went down and did some riveting for the war effort. As for computer simulations, sorry, all we had was sketchpads and pencils. If we wanted to see what various female world leaders looked like naked in the throes of orgasm, we had to use a little thing called the imagination. Plus, all the world leaders were men back then, and, believe me, once you’ve drawn Richard Nixon naked and in the throes of orgasm you never have quite the same interest in using your imagination again, and every time you even see a pencil you get a little puky and have to sit down.

Whenever I talk to young people—like some of the teen-agers in my neighborhood, or this one toddler, Maxie, or even a couple of fetuses I run into occasionally—I say to them: Trust me, guys, enjoy your youth, because the level of sex and violence is going to continue to escalate, and, by the time you’re my age, the world of your youth will seem like a distant, innocent paradise. The teen-agers and the toddler, Maxie, sometimes they seem to get it, but the fetuses—well, you know fetuses, they’re arrogant. To them, it’s always going to be a soft gentle ride in a warm comfortable space. And I’m, like, O.K., smart guy, call me in nine months and we’ll talk. Or I will! You’ll just be lying there pink and newborn, with a terrified look on your face, apologizing to me with those little shocked eyes.

Things just keep getting worse. Why, I suspect that, in forty years, when I’m eighty-seven, I’ll look back at the present level of sex and violence and go: Ha! Ho-ho! You called that sex and violence? That was nothing. That was Puritanism and pacifism compared to now! But then I’ll have to go, because it will be Stripper Night at the old folks’ home, and I’ll have to find my costume and my back brace, but on the way there I’ll be killed by a mysterious old-folks’-home invader, who actually works for Fox and is committing and filming my murder for later broadcast on “When Codgers on Their Way to Strip Look Terrified.”

Same with music, though, right? I used to love music, back when it had melody and chords and lyrics. But now it has no melody and no chords, just thwack-thwacking, and they even seem to be cutting back on the thwack-thwacking, so now it’s sometimes just thwa, and, as far as lyrics, do you consider these lyrics?

Hump my hump,
My stumpy lumpy hump!
Hump my dump, you lumpy slumpy dump!
I’ll dump your hump, and then just hump your dump,
You lumpy frumply clump.

I’m sorry. To me? Those are not lyrics. In my day, lyrics were used to express real emotion, like the emotion of being totally stoned and trying to talk this totally stoned chick into sleeping with you in the name of love, which lasted forever, if only you held on to your dreams.

These kids today, I don’t know what they believe. I mean, I don’t even know what I believe anymore, but what I do not believe is that watching Paris Hilton and Jessica Simpson roll around in pizza sauce is helping our youth as they go forth and try to figure out what they believe! Scientific evidence suggests that even the fetuses inside of mothers watching that commercial are getting (1) dumber and (2) little baby boners. I do not go for that. I think that when a fetus is in the womb it should just be floating around with its undersized arrogant head empty and its little nascent penis just, you know, inactive. We grow these kids up too fast, and, next thing you know, out come the Indian and the Chinese fetuses, and they start taking away the jobs of our homeland fetuses, and why? Because these foreign fetuses aren’t jaded. They’re innocent like I was, like my whole generation was, when we were fetuses, back in those long-forgotten idyllic days when American fetuses walked the earth like happy unsoiled giants, doing algebra and reading the classics.

And yet I don’t like the fact that I’ve become a prude. Life expectancies being what they are, I may be only halfway through my life, and who wants to live out half one’s life as a prude? Not me. I want to live out about one-tenth of my life as a prude, that last tenth, when I’m inert and confused and immobile anyway. So I’ve decided to start prude-proofing myself via a series of daily micro-immersions in sex and violence. Last week, for example, I sat on my couch looking at a bra for over an hour. Then I forced myself to watch a video of a duck being hit by a car. Then I tried listening to the sound of the duck on the video being hit by the car, while looking at the bra. Next, I turned up the sound, while looking at a slightly sexier bra. Then I watched the duck being hit while I ran my hand over the bra. Then I had my wife put on the bra, which was a very effective technique, because as I tried to run my hand over the bra my wife nailed me with an ashtray just as the duck was hit by the car—one of the best micro-immersions in sex and violence a guy could ask for.

And tonight is my biggest depruding test yet: I am going to, while hitting myself with a brick and begging my wife to walk by in her bra, watch an episode of “Dream Yer Final Dream!,” on which a contestant selected from a field of more than five thousand applicants will be granted his Final Dream, which, in this case, is to be beaten nearly to death with a tire iron so that Carmen Electra can come in naked and give him a lap dance in the last moments of his life.

I have high hopes. I know I can do this. If I succeed, our whole culture will once again be open to me. And who knows? I may even go see a movie.

Abbadavid Berman (Hurting), Thursday, 20 April 2006 00:57 (eighteen years ago) link

yeah he read that one at a reading here (i suspect this is where JD met him? i live in yr city...) and the title piece from Persuasion Nation, which i didn't love. ("Bohemians," which was in Best Stories 2005, that i liked.) but his reading style: AWESOME. i highly recommend seeing him if the opportunity arises.

and no, jaq, that's not my friend's interview. his will be in a much, much smaller publication. i will link it when it comes out.

W i l l (common_person), Thursday, 20 April 2006 05:52 (eighteen years ago) link

i live in yr city

for the record, i know this b/c before moving here, i read the relevent ile threads. not b/c i'm stalking anyone :)

W i l l (common_person), Thursday, 20 April 2006 06:08 (eighteen years ago) link

haha yeah will that's where i saw him, i'm the one who asked who his biggest influences were. i wasn't too big on the story he read either, it sort of seemed to go on forever. but he seems like a neat guy and now i can't help hearing his voice when i read his stuff.

J.D. (Justyn Dillingham), Thursday, 20 April 2006 06:27 (eighteen years ago) link

ah cool. he is definitely a neat guy! i had an opportunity to participate in a small q&a with him the afternoon before the reading. he was smart, funny, and articulate. talked about trying to write bad realist stuff that bored everyone who read it for THIRTEEN YEARS before he realized he needed to play to his strengths-- it sounds like the most obvious thing in the world as i type it but he made it sound urgent and key and, like, totally possible to actually accomplish.

W i l l (common_person), Thursday, 20 April 2006 18:07 (eighteen years ago) link

three months pass...
is it just me or does in persuasion nation just absolutely knock it out of the park?

tom west (thomp), Saturday, 12 August 2006 23:03 (eighteen years ago) link

i have this but have only started it. i think i'm n love with GS.

jed_ (jed), Saturday, 12 August 2006 23:20 (eighteen years ago) link

one month passes...
tom, i think there are, maybe, six stories in this collection that really do "knock it out of the park" the rest are very good and two are absolutely mindbogglingly awful ("Brad Carrigan, American" and "In Persuasion Nation") - i really don't mind the terrible ones being there too much because i admire George's* ambition and hit attempts to extend his repertoire.

The last story in this collection - "Commcomm" - is simply a work of genius, one of the most moving works of fiction i've ever read. the ending is very similar to "Civilwarland In Bad Decline" (the story itself not the collection) but improves on that (already amazing) last section tenfold. i had a lump in my throat as i finished the story. Cutty, if you haven't read this yet you are in for a TREAT.

*first name terms but, hey, he feels like a friend!

jed_ (jed), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 21:37 (eighteen years ago) link

hit attempts = his attempts

jed_ (jed), Tuesday, 12 September 2006 21:40 (eighteen years ago) link

can someone elaborate on the charms of 'nostalgia' for me?

Josh (Josh), Wednesday, 13 September 2006 01:42 (eighteen years ago) link

Somebody at the MacArthur Foundation loves George!

Jaq (Jaq), Tuesday, 19 September 2006 18:05 (eighteen years ago) link

No joke ... kind of surprised by the choice, but hey, great writer, why not.

Slacker could've at least provided the MacArthur Foundation with a head-shot - dude is the only person that doesn't have a picture.

Jamesy (SuzyCreemcheese), Wednesday, 20 September 2006 00:05 (eighteen years ago) link

two months pass...

cozen (Cozen), Tuesday, 21 November 2006 19:39 (seventeen years ago) link

In Perusasion Nation: book of the year?

VALLEY OF BLIZZARDZ (Mr.Que), Tuesday, 21 November 2006 19:42 (seventeen years ago) link

dunno, but it has the distinction of being the first Saunders book to make me think "huh, that story was terrible" :(

W i l l (common_person), Tuesday, 21 November 2006 19:51 (seventeen years ago) link

Let me guess, the title story?

VALLEY OF BLIZZARDZ (Mr.Que), Tuesday, 21 November 2006 19:54 (seventeen years ago) link

I wish he didn't write that Guardian column.

Jerry the Nipper (Jerrynipper), Tuesday, 21 November 2006 20:39 (seventeen years ago) link

the title story is not a fav, but weaker ones preceded it. like, all of section ii. fortunately: jon, bohemians, and commcomm.

W i l l (common_person), Tuesday, 21 November 2006 21:18 (seventeen years ago) link

from an Amazon customer review: "Saunders - a former geologist and practicing Buddhist - always gives humanity its due. Even God makes his cameo appearance a good one. God is as He is elsewhere in Saunders's work - immanent, transcendent, yet quiet and unassuming. In this respect Saunders resembles the Scottish past-master of the dystopian fantasy, Alasdair Gray. If you love Saunders, you'll love Gray's novel Lanark - recently voted the Great Scottish Novel, and one that took its author twenty years to write."

W i l l (common_person), Tuesday, 21 November 2006 21:23 (seventeen years ago) link

Officer Doyle said let's interrogate. Split Lip said I'll show you interrogation. He pushed the teen into the lagoon and held him under. With his club Doyle made Norris watch. The teen's hands slapped and slapped. Then Split Lip stood up and the dead teen floated.

I wanted to tidy that quote up; jed had let a capital I slip and it bugged me when I read it through;

he is very funny, agreed; and I agree with nabisco that he not just making fun of the kind of everyday communication strung along in threaded jargon; speech as non-composed, imposed catchphrase commonplaces which have can have jolting effects:

I agree with cutty, too; and said so - without actually agreeing with cutty - the other day in conversation with jed: and it's a thing I most like about his writing: the stories appear whole and resolute, like the world itself, his worlds themselves, not piecemeal and built but entire;worlds with their own ins and throughs, outs and unders; full and so disorienting at first, as if you've found yourself on the wrong level of the office you work in and suddenly the fixtures are all wrong but the layout's somehow similar; but still they hang, suspended in the nets of their own logic, and eventually, as you come to their ends, you get understanding, whether it be through completion, correspondence, chronology, whatever - whether simple reading - eventual understanding achieved; and it can have the force and feel of a small miracle, like when how you look at somene or some phrase they have and it turns unfamiliar and queer to you then back through the angles into familiarity again and you shudder, kno'?

anyway, so he's funny, and has an ear for the way things shouldn't sound or be said, as much as people have noted he has an ear for what is said:

He says: now get off your indefensible high horse and give me Sam's home phone.

So I get off my indefensible high horse and give him Sam's home phone.

He's shouting for forgiveness. He's shouting that he's just a man. He's shouting that hatred and war made him nuts. I start running down the hill agreeing with him.

great posts nabisco, above, incidentally, to rain praise on you even tho you don't really need it, bub

I also think nabisco's is a valiant attempt to show "hysterical realism" as perhaps not altogether something new and not the lit. in majority - feels instinctually a touch disingenuous, if well-meaning, however, though I'm not, if I ever was!, currently up on the coin that this stuff gets in lit.america - did it ever have the pull and prominence in britain? jerry to fill in details? I can't rememeber

this is a particularly saundersian line itself from nabisco: he brings one old lady back from the dead and it's all "yeah, hysterics." : )

I agree with stevie jerard and read a lot of barthelme (the subvert technical manuals charge), beckett (fatalism fight meaning) and a whole bunch other stuff it's too late to try trace from the fanned saunders book on ma lap

anyway it's late and I'm still trying to stay away from places on the www that are bad for me : )

cozen (Cozen), Tuesday, 21 November 2006 23:21 (seventeen years ago) link

that 'charge' should be in italics, btw, but time is not of the essence

cozen (Cozen), Tuesday, 21 November 2006 23:22 (seventeen years ago) link

four months pass...
collection of saunders errata here

cutty, Monday, 26 March 2007 15:50 (seventeen years ago) link

some fanclub called the 'george saunders army' added me on myspace, i have no idea how they knew

thomp, Thursday, 29 March 2007 20:12 (seventeen years ago) link

three months pass...

i never heard of him till today, i just bought civilwarland in bad decline though

Filey Camp, Thursday, 19 July 2007 15:54 (seventeen years ago) link

one month passes...

who loves goerge?

new collection of non-fiction essays out today

cutty, Tuesday, 4 September 2007 19:12 (seventeen years ago) link

He's doing a reading at the Park Slope B&N on Thursday. Too bad everything I've heard about his non-fiction is keeping me far away from this collection.

C0L1N B..., Tuesday, 4 September 2007 19:36 (seventeen years ago) link

also at the chelsea barnes & noble (6th @ 22nd) 7pm thursday

jhøshea, Tuesday, 4 September 2007 19:37 (seventeen years ago) link

my sister read a galley and loved it

jhøshea, Tuesday, 4 September 2007 19:38 (seventeen years ago) link

yah theres not any listing for the park slope store on the wesite

jhøshea, Tuesday, 4 September 2007 19:41 (seventeen years ago) link

for a george saunders reading there on thursday that is

jhøshea, Tuesday, 4 September 2007 19:42 (seventeen years ago) link

I'm an idiot; the map link from Flavorpill gave me the Park Slope one.

C0L1N B..., Tuesday, 4 September 2007 19:45 (seventeen years ago) link

anyway i think i might go

jhøshea, Tuesday, 4 September 2007 19:47 (seventeen years ago) link

Too bad everything I've heard about his non-fiction is keeping me far away from this collection.

i will gladly purchase this collection no matter what

cutty, Tuesday, 4 September 2007 20:44 (seventeen years ago) link

I bought a signed copy of the new collection yesterday - if I'd known George was in town, I would have gone to his reading but I didn't find out until after the fact. Hearing him read part of "Jon" at Bumbershoot last year was the highlight of the weekend for me.

Jaq, Wednesday, 12 September 2007 15:55 (seventeen years ago) link

i stopped by the reading but it was so fucking over full - then i left

jhøshea, Wednesday, 12 September 2007 15:56 (seventeen years ago) link

the new collection is suprisingly awesome!

Mr. Que, Wednesday, 12 September 2007 18:31 (seventeen years ago) link

(surprising because i love his fiction, but i've found a lot of his non-fiction that i've read to be boring. anyway, i dig the new book.)

Mr. Que, Wednesday, 12 September 2007 18:32 (seventeen years ago) link

I read the first page of "Braindead Megaphone" (? - whichever the first piece is) while standing on the street and now am saving the rest of the book like the last candy from Easter.

Jaq, Wednesday, 12 September 2007 18:36 (seventeen years ago) link

one year passes...

My Gal
by George Saunders September 22, 2008

Explaining how she felt when John McCain offered her the Vice-Presidential spot, my Vice-Presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin, said something very profound: “I answered him ‘Yes’ because I have the confidence in that readiness and knowing that you can’t blink, you have to be wired in a way of being so committed to the mission, the mission that we’re on, reform of this country and victory in the war, you can’t blink. So I didn’t blink then even when asked to run as his running mate.”

Isn’t that so true? I know that many times, in my life, while living it, someone would come up and, because of I had good readiness, in terms of how I was wired, when they asked that—whatever they asked—I would just not blink, because, knowing that, if I did blink, or even wink, that is weakness, therefore you can’t, you just don’t. You could, but no—you aren’t.

That is just how I am.

Do you know the difference between me and a Hockey Mom who has forgot her lipstick?

A dog collar.

Do you know the difference between me and a dog collar smeared with lipstick?

Not a damn thing.

We are essentially wired identical.

So, when Barack Obama says he will put some lipstick on my pig, I am, like, Are you calling me a pig? If so, thanks! Pigs are the most non-Élite of all barnyard animals. And also, if you put lipstick on my pig, do you know what the difference will be between that pig and a pit bull? I’ll tell you: a pit bull can easily kill a pig. And, as the pig dies, guess what the Hockey Mom is doing? Going to her car, putting on more lipstick, so that, upon returning, finding that pig dead, she once again looks identical to that pit bull, which, staying on mission, the two of them step over the dead pig, looking exactly like twins, except the pit bull is scratching his lower ass with one frantic leg, whereas the Hockey Mom is carrying an extra hockey stick in case Todd breaks his again. But both are going, like, Ha ha, where’s that dumb pig now? Dead, that’s who, and also: not a smidge of lipstick.

A lose-lose for the pig.

There’s a lesson in that, I think.

Who does that pig represent, and that collar, and that Hockey Mom, and that pit bull?

You figure it out. Then give me a call.

Seriously, give me a call.

Now, let us discuss the Élites. There are two kinds of folks: Élites and Regulars. Why people love Sarah Palin is, she is a Regular. That is also why they love me. She did not go to some Élite Ivy League college, which I also did not. Her and me, actually, did not go to the very same Ivy League school. Although she is younger than me, so therefore she didn’t go there slightly earlier than I didn’t go there. But, had I been younger, we possibly could have not graduated in the exact same class. That would have been fun. Sarah Palin is hot. Hot for a politician. Or someone you just see in a store. But, happily, I did not go to college at all, having not finished high school, due to I killed a man. But had I gone to college, trust me, it would not have been some Ivy League Élite-breeding factory but, rather, a community college in danger of losing its accreditation, built right on a fault zone, riddled with asbestos, and also, the crack-addicted professors are all dyslexic.

Sarah Palin was also the mayor of a very small town. To tell the truth, this is where my qualifications begin to outstrip even hers. I have never been the mayor of anything. I can’t even spell right. I had help with the above, but now— Murray, note to Murray: do not correct what follows. Lets shoe the people how I rilly spel Mooray and punshuate so thay can c how reglar I am, and ther 4 fit to leed the nashun, do to: not sum mistir fansy pans.

OK Mooray. Get corecting agin!

Thanks, Murray, you’re fabulous. Very good at what you do. Actually, Murray, come to think of it, you are so good, I suspect you are some kind of Élite. You are fired, Murray, as soon as this article is done. I’m going to hire someone Regular, who is not so excellent, and lives off the salt of the land and the fat of his brow and the sweat of his earth. Although I hope he’s not a screw-up.

I’m finding it hard to concentrate, as my eyes are killing me, due to I have not blinked since I started writing this. And, me being Regular, it takes a long time for me to write something this long.

Where was I? Ah, yes: I hate Élites. Which is why, whenever I am having brain surgery, or eye surgery, which is sometimes necessary due to all my non-blinking, I always hire some random Regular guy, with shaking hands if possible, who is also a drunk, scared of the sight of blood, and harbors a secret dislike for me.

Now, let’s talk about slogans. Ours is: Country First. Think about it. When you think of what should come first, what does? Us ourselves? No. That would be selfish. Our personal families? Selfish. God? God is good, I love Him, but, as our slogan suggests, no, sorry, God, You are not First. No, you don’t, Lord! How about: the common good of all mankind! Is that First? Don’t make me laugh with your weak blinking! No! Mercy is not First and wisdom is not First and love is super but way near the back, and ditto with patience and discernment and compassion and all that happy crap, they are all back behind Country, in the back of my S.U.V., which— Here is an example! Say I am about to run over a nun or orphan, or an orphan who grew up to become a nun—which I admire that, that is cool, good bootstrapping there, Sister—but then God or whomever goes, “It is My will that you hit that orphaned nun, do not ask Me why, don’t you dare, and I say unto thee, if you do not hit that nun, via a skillful swerve, your Country is going to suffer, and don’t ask Me how, specifically, as I have not decided that yet!” Well, I am going to do my best to get that nun in one felt swope, because, at the Convention, at which my Vice-Presidential candidate kicked mucho butt, what did the signs there say? Did they say “Orphaned Nuns First” and then there is a picture of a sad little nun with a hobo pack?

Not in my purview.

Sarah Palin knows a little something about God’s will, knowing God quite well, from their work together on that natural-gas pipeline, and what God wills is: Country First. And not just any country! There was a slight error on our signage. Other countries, such as that one they have in France, reading our slogan, if they can even read real words, might be all, like, “Hey, bonjour, they are saying we can put our country, France, first!” Non, non, non, France! What we are saying is, you’d better put our country first, you merde-heads, or soon there will be so much lipstick on your pit bulls it will make your berets spin!

In summary: Because my candidate, unlike your winking/blinking Vice-Presidential candidate, who, though, yes, he did run as the running mate when the one asking him to run did ask him to run, which that I admire, one thing he did not do, with his bare hands or otherwise, is, did he ever kill a moose? No, but ours did. And I would. Please bring a moose to me, over by me, and down that moose will go, and, if I had a kid, I would take a picture of me showing my kid that dead moose, going, like, Uh, sweetie, no, he is not resting, he is dead, due to I shot him, and now I am going to eat him, and so are you, oh yes you are, which is responsible, as God put this moose here for us to shoot and eat and take a photo of, although I did not, at that time, know why God did, but in years to come, God’s will was revealed, which is: Hey, that is a cool photo for hunters about to vote to see, plus what an honor for that moose, to be on the Internet.

How does the moose feel about it? Who knows? Probably not great. But do you know what the difference is between a dead moose with lipstick on and a dead moose without lipstick?


Think about it.

Moose are, truth be told, Élites. They are big and fast and sort of rule the forest. Sarah took that one down a notch. Who’s Élite now, Bullwinkle?

Not Sarah.

She’s just Regular as heck. ♦

scott seward, Saturday, 27 September 2008 16:20 (sixteen years ago) link


James Morrison, Monday, 29 September 2008 00:09 (fifteen years ago) link

what an honor for that moose, to be on the Internet

t_g, Monday, 29 September 2008 11:31 (fifteen years ago) link

he writes like you, scott.

s.clover, Monday, 29 September 2008 15:39 (fifteen years ago) link

hahaha, i was actually writing something and i stopped to read the saunders thing and my first reaction - after i stopped laughing - was: jesus, maybe i should stick to reading.

scott seward, Tuesday, 30 September 2008 23:43 (fifteen years ago) link

The theater company I belong to in Chicago is doing a stage adaptation of "Jon" in October, and he'll be here at least for the opening.

Eazy, Wednesday, 1 October 2008 22:18 (fifteen years ago) link

five months pass...

re-reading civilwarland (and will probably follow with a re-reading of everything else)

love this man deeply

cutty, Tuesday, 3 March 2009 21:24 (fifteen years ago) link

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