About an hour ago, upon luring Louis Jager out for Chinese and preparing to dispose of him with a 'poisoned conker', he killed me.... Fledermaus, either killed legitimately by herself (Incompetence list for corpses?) or separated from her soul by Space Beatle's weapon, leaving an alive but soulless body, was reanimated as a zombie by Ape City, smeared with contact poison and sent lurching along St Peter's Terrace to Space Beatle's house. Upon opening the door, Space Beatle received a faceful of bloo goo and regrettably expired.
Nowhere in the rules (to my knowledge) does it state that dead persons may not be USED AS WEAPONS.
Fledermaus reports:
Mmmmuuuurrhhhhhhh mmmmmrrrrrgghhhhhhhh uuuuuurrhhhhhhhh braaaaaiiiiins mmmmmmmm Louis' braaiiiinns mruuuughhhhh uuurmmmmmgh
The Space Beatle reports:
Helena just came up to my room and after a brief and pleasant conversation coated me with shower gel! Well, what with her being dead and all, and what with shower gel not even being a valid weapon, I was somewhat surprised, I can tell thee. Turns out that another Petrean, David Smith, has become aware of my Wanted status and has determined to do away with me as a sort of 'cheap' option! Talk about unsporting. Well, it seems that he and Helena devised some sort of 'zombie' get-up by which David would kill me via his zombified partner. As it turned out, Helena agreed with me that what she did was not a means of killing me rather than a means of covering me in shower gel as a kinda light-hearted revenge, but David seems to think I'm actually dead. Which is 100% unadulterated rubbish. Anyway, not only am I halfway to being no longer wanted, but if David himself turns up, knife in hand, I shall strike with the cosh and be completely free of my accursed wantedness!
The Umpire notes that nowhere in the rules does it state that those who attempt necromancy will not be MADE WANTED IF THEY DO NOT GIVE THE UMPIRE ALL THEIR POSSESSIONS AND SPEND THE REST OF THEIR PITIFUL LIVES AS HIS SLAVE. Thus David Smith is made wanted for attempted necromancy, interpreting the rules with astonishing stupidity and annoying the Umpire by being a poor slave.
On a more serious note, remember that any weapons not described in the rules must be licensed with the Umpire before use. Using unsanctioned weapons may, among other things, cause your kill to be annulled and make you wanted. Players are advised not to waste their time by attempting to license necromancy.
[21:45 PM] The Space Beatle sucked out the soul of David Smith (Ape City), redeeming himself.
The Space Beatle reports:
Dave Smith, unsure as to whether his preposterous use of (dead) Helena as a zombie had killed me, just came up to my room WITH A KNIFE to make sure of his killing! BUT I WAS TOO QUICK FOR HIM!!! One lightning blow of my cosh, snuck in before he could extend his knifing arm, later, and David is unconscious, and fresh meat for the lovely Soulsucker I possess!
You know what this means?
[My target], you are safe for a further night...
The Space Beatle.
― the table is the table (treesessplode), Friday, 5 January 2007 04:08 (seventeen years ago) link