Aldo reads Marvel NOW! (even though you are, and he clearly hasn't learned his lesson)

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So did people read Infinity? In the end, I really liked it. The conflicts were all sorta handwaved away, but that is still better than the fistfights normally thrown. And it was just constantly half mythically grand and half insanely batshit, and the structure was just weird. In the end, most of the Builders storyline was in Avengers while Thanos was in New Avengers, except that the whole point of the Builders agression was explained in this one issue of New Avengers which was a weird interlude from everything.

Frederik B, Friday, 29 November 2013 15:03 (ten years ago) link

I need to reread it in a sitting or two to really understand what the hell went on. The Black Swan coda really irritated me -- "Oh you think you had it tough with the Bogeymen? Wait til the Double Bogeymen get hold of you! Or the Triple Bogeymen!" Enough to make me want to give up golf.

Servings Per Container: 736 (WilliamC), Friday, 29 November 2013 15:17 (ten years ago) link

I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but it sounds hilarious.

Nhex, Friday, 29 November 2013 15:22 (ten years ago) link

I loved that Black Swan coda! Every event ever has been like that - see Trinity War for the worst - at least this time there was some explanation that sorta made sense. The Builders haven't been powerful since the destruction of the Superflow between universes, so wait til you see The Mapmakers!!! Also, made up languages...

Frederik B, Friday, 29 November 2013 15:39 (ten years ago) link

It just felt like a cynical lead-in to some future Marvel Crossover Event™, which I've sort of reached my limit for...

Servings Per Container: 736 (WilliamC), Friday, 29 November 2013 15:50 (ten years ago) link

But to me it felt natural, and in keeping with the feeling of hopeless despair from New Avengers. It wasn't the usual nonsensical twist.

Frederik B, Friday, 29 November 2013 16:21 (ten years ago) link

Signed up for Marvel Unlimited and have been using my dad's ipad as a reader whilst visiting this week. I like this a lot, and its saving a great deal in trades of issues I'd want to read but not necessary own.

It does make me want to pick up the Steranko collection for real, tho.

An Android Pug of Some Kind? (kingfish), Saturday, 30 November 2013 00:45 (ten years ago) link

I like Hickman, but I've found Infinity really difficult to follow even by his usual standards - not the narrative as a whole, which is basically just Space Invaders, but the individual scenes, which don't carry much as they're so choppy and confusing and self-consciously epic. Also the characters are a bit dull -- the New Avengers story storyline is just as bitty, but the characters are much more compelling.

Chuck_Tatum, Monday, 2 December 2013 13:47 (ten years ago) link

I wonder why he bothered making Cannonball and Sunspot Avengers if he was hardly ever going to do anything with them. I guess maybe the thing with Smasher is supposed to go somewhere at a later point?

It would be interesting to see the younger/newer Avengers have their own spotlight adventure as opposed to being fill-in characters for Avengers standbys; Manifold and Smasher have gotten some of this and I'd like to see more of it with Sunspot, Cannonball, Starbrand, Nightmask, etc. Also the thing I'm unsure of at the end of Infinity is are Captain Universe, Abyss and Ex Nihilo sticking around?

deX! (DJP), Monday, 2 December 2013 13:59 (ten years ago) link

Hickman's more complex narratives are usually pretty hard to follow unless you read it all in one go, then they end up being pretty sweet. Pretty much the antithesis of a self-contained single-issue writer.

Did they resolve that multiple worlds colliding into each other thingy? I either missed that or didn't read the right issues.

I'm going to drop in a recommendation for Secret Warriors right here again, though.

mh, Monday, 2 December 2013 14:44 (ten years ago) link

Yeah, my frustration with Hickman only really started when I caught up with all the back issues and started reading him month-to-month. But I still think the character work is pretty uninvolving compared to FF.

Chuck_Tatum, Monday, 2 December 2013 14:48 (ten years ago) link

That's something of a necessary side-effect of dealing with 20 characters as opposed to 8, I think

Avengers Arena just ended and I enjoyed it a lot; Hopeless introduced some really great characters in this thing and added a behind-the-scenes coda in the letters column that reveals that the entire concept was supposed to be standalone story arc in the teenage superhero soap opera he originally wanted to write but the editors honed in on it and said "we'll greenlight a series about this"

deX! (DJP), Monday, 2 December 2013 14:52 (ten years ago) link

Have read through the second trade of Avengers Arena. Grateful that I'm reading library trades. Had the same "ARGH!" reaction to Nico's death/rebirth that I did to Ultimate Gwen Stacy's death/rebirth, so glad that that was solved within the same book. On the plus side, not overreacting in the short term reinforces the 'go along for the ride' feeling I have enjoying Superior Spider-Man.

Now to wait for the third AA trade and see how that plays out against the characters announced for Avengers Undercover, and what happens to those who weren't listed as AU cast.

the body of a spider... (scampering alpaca), Monday, 2 December 2013 21:57 (ten years ago) link

"the New Avengers story storyline is just as bitty, but the characters are much more compelling."

I started wondering at times when you read comics is some of this characterization really just a similar effect of "acted stardom" in that you know other stories with the characters so your mind automatically compares it back to earlier comics. Say just in how cool Black Panther might be drawn, even if he doesn't say anything, your knowledge of earlier stories fills in a blank in your head.

earlnash, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 00:27 (ten years ago) link

Eh, I finished Infinity and didn't think much of it in the end. A bit too punchy. Meet the new end-of-level-boss, same as the old, etc.

I am a late convert to Avengers Arena though.

I think I'll give Avengers a miss for six months then catch up and binge. Seems the best way to do Hickman.

Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 5 December 2013 13:08 (ten years ago) link

Hickman's FF run was the most enjoyable superhero run I've read for many, many years. Thought he really brought the best parts of the FF to the fore. Cosmic adventurers, grounded by being a loving family. Redeemed the misuse of Reed Richards in Civil War, for me at least.

the body of a spider... (scampering alpaca), Thursday, 5 December 2013 16:39 (ten years ago) link

What did people think of Fraction's Inhumanity? I thought it was pretty clever of him to use two characters he'd been writing recently (Hawkeye, Medusa) as sounding boards to lay out the framework; I have always been much more mutant-focused up until the past 2 years or so so I have no idea if the direction the story took was supposed to be "SHOCKING" or not.

SHAUN (DJP), Thursday, 5 December 2013 16:41 (ten years ago) link

Brakhage, Monday, 9 December 2013 17:00 (ten years ago) link

armor up.
be angry.
your attack plan.

poor Hawkeye

SHAUN (DJP), Monday, 9 December 2013 17:30 (ten years ago) link

Hawkeyes cologne smells like cheap stale beer and pizza. the slogan is "Be Realistic"

EZ Snappin, Monday, 9 December 2013 17:32 (ten years ago) link

sounds about right

Who are considered to be the A-list Avengers these days? Hickman seems to really be attached to this subset:

Captains America and Marvel
Iron Man
Spider Woman
Black Widow
Bruce Banner (moreso than Hulk)

SHAUN (DJP), Monday, 9 December 2013 19:33 (ten years ago) link

Is it just me or did it seem like drawing a curtain over a lot of series this month? Avengers Arena and Fearless Defenders for sure, Young Avengers feeling like it and Infinity being over plus some other things I've forgotten already - Scarlet Spider? Carnage?

The Kirby tribute Deadpool was great.

Ian Glasper's trapped in a scone (aldo), Tuesday, 10 December 2013 14:11 (ten years ago) link

YA is ending soon (next month?). Marvel is starting to do a thing where they are willing to greenlight stories that are longer than the traditional miniseries but not meaty enough to sustain a fully ongoing title, hence the 18 issue run of Avengers Academy that sets the stage for Avengers Undercover next year, or this latest entry into the Young Avengers saga. I think Wolverine and the X-Men is ending soon, too?

SHAUN (DJP), Tuesday, 10 December 2013 14:21 (ten years ago) link

I'm pretty sure all of those are wrapping up. Arena and Young Avengers finished as planned, Fearless Defenders and a few others were cancelled for lack of interest.


EZ Snappin, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 14:22 (ten years ago) link

YA felt like it was over, but has a next issue blurb and cover at the end of the letters column.

Ian Glasper's trapped in a scone (aldo), Tuesday, 10 December 2013 14:24 (ten years ago) link

Forgot to say too that 3w1ng's digital-only Iron Man comic is a lot of fun. And that Fantomex is a massive pile of wank, "oooooh shocking" nonsense dressed up "look at me!" clothing.

Ian Glasper's trapped in a scone (aldo), Tuesday, 10 December 2013 14:26 (ten years ago) link

it's kind of hilarious that the most resonant image YA had for me over the course of a series filled with gorgeous, unforgettable images, was Prodigy's phone tree

basically I like graphs

SHAUN (DJP), Tuesday, 10 December 2013 14:28 (ten years ago) link

(also a large part of why I Went bananas for the Pizza Dog issue of Hawkeye)

SHAUN (DJP), Tuesday, 10 December 2013 14:29 (ten years ago) link

So, I know this is long, but I think it is pretty fun:

Finally, "Infinity" was different from past Marvel events in that the core story was featured in three titles all written by you, Jonathan. What was it like writing such a massive story? How does it feel to bring the story to a close?

Hickman: [Laughs] Well, I don't think we should have done it that way. I think it was irresponsible, but as soon as I got into it there was no other way to do it.

It was a lot of work. it feels good to be done, and I'm happy that we didn't screw up too badly. That's a terrible answer. [Laughs] Tom, do you have a better answer?

Brevoort: [Laughs] I think that's a pretty good answer. As we've said before, we completely failed in this instance to make the core series stand alone. We always try to do that, and more often than not in the past we've succeed. This was one where once we got into it, it just couldn't be done. So fairly early on we made the choice and the switch. We realized that we were going to have to treat the "Avengers" and "New Avengers" chapters as essential pieces otherwise we were going to need twice as many "Infinity" issues for everything to happen. We just didn't have that strategically, resource wise, or the time. It couldn't be that way.

That's kind of a reflection that every event is different. In this case the shape of the story and how it sat in "Avengers" and "New Avengers" and how much you could convey and make matter in just the core book dictated that we had to do it this way. It was a choice, but it came from having no choice. This was really the best option we had in terms of being able to do this.

So it's a glorious failure, but it's a failure nonetheless. [Laughs]

Hickman: The biggest problem was how late it came together and that I wasn't really expecting to do it. So we were always racing against the clock. Once we made initial decisions we were locked into them and that's how we got into the situation where the six-issue event book basically became a 16-issue story. [Laughs] Everybody did as good of a job as they possibly could though, and in some instances, especially with the art, they really exceeded expectations. So I think it all turned out okay.

Brevoort: I've been sort of astonished by how positive everyone seems be about the story. Even people who weren't completely on board with it at different points seem to not dislike it as much as they have other things that we've done in the past. I'm not quite sure if that's a good or a bad thing quite frankly, but the reactions and reviews to issue #6 that I've seen so far have been pretty good and pretty positive. People seem to like it and that's always gratifying. So we're happy about that.

Really refreshingly honest, and completely unlike anything I could imaginge coming from DC.

Frederik B, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 15:28 (ten years ago) link

Should probably say that it's taken from here:

Frederik B, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 15:30 (ten years ago) link

I think Wolverine and the X-Men is ending soon, too?

I know that this is probably inevitable given the new character landscape and the fact they're doing this temporary series to get Nightcrawler back, but bleeeeh.

mh, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 15:34 (ten years ago) link

is Amazing temporary? I thought it was actually replacing WatX

SHAUN (DJP), Tuesday, 10 December 2013 15:37 (ten years ago) link

Ah, that'd make more sense.

mh, Tuesday, 10 December 2013 15:38 (ten years ago) link

Watxm is relaunching with a new creative team. I'm looking forward to Avengers Undercover, cos Arena was the best Marvel book I've read in a while.

Rotating prince game (I am using your worlds), Tuesday, 10 December 2013 16:03 (ten years ago) link

YA's having a two-issue afterparty/jam issues, ends at 15 I think.

Andrew Farrell, Thursday, 12 December 2013 09:37 (ten years ago) link

btw can I just say YA was super charming and 90% of that is because of Jamie McKelvie's art

SHAUN (DJP), Thursday, 12 December 2013 14:44 (ten years ago) link

I preferred watching it to reading it - some of that is just literally Jamie McKelvie's lovely lines on a page, but a lot of it is what the page looks like, which I gather is more of a collaboration - there's a great post from Gillen about how and whether to disentangle that stuff.

Andrew Farrell, Friday, 13 December 2013 11:34 (ten years ago) link

two weeks pass...

I thought Cyclops killed Charles Xavier, but here he is in New Avengers #13. I totally don't know what the hell is going on in the M.U. anymore.

oldbowie (WilliamC), Wednesday, 1 January 2014 19:24 (ten years ago) link

alt universe Xavier. They're watching that world through the bridge.

EZ Snappin, Wednesday, 1 January 2014 20:06 (ten years ago) link

Ah, ok. That's what I get for quick skimming.

oldbowie (WilliamC), Wednesday, 1 January 2014 20:26 (ten years ago) link

yeah, that is why mags is wearing his classic costume, too. that's the alt-world version of the illuminati or whatevs

mh, Wednesday, 1 January 2014 20:29 (ten years ago) link

I have read now Hickman's New Avengers up to #8 and Avengers to #13. Personally, I like the epic nature of the whole scope, even if some of the dialog is perhaps a bit stiff. I'm working on the last prelude to Infinity issues in Avengers and will start the main story next. I like it in that it feels big in the way some of Jim Starlin and Grant Morrison's cosmic comics seem. I like that Aim and the High Evolutionary showed up. It would seem that Eternity or the Celestials should show up at some point, if nothing else to see how they tie back into the Builders etc.

Funny thing is that the whole multi-verse in Marvel looks a heck of alot like the Bleed and the Monitors shown in Final Crisis. Perhaps it is all one and the same really...

earlnash, Thursday, 2 January 2014 00:10 (ten years ago) link

I'm not sure if the Celestials are locked into Uncanny Avengers right now and they're unavailable or what

mh, Thursday, 2 January 2014 02:53 (ten years ago) link

Infinity and Hickman's run on Avengers is pretty good. It's probably the best big Marvel story since the Annhilation.

"I wonder why he bothered making Cannonball and Sunspot Avengers if he was hardly ever going to do anything with them."

I don't know, considering that neither character is really a key part of the big plot (at yet), I think he has incorporated both quite a bit, usually for levity. Maybe it is because I have been reading that era of Avengers in Essentials, but the scenes they do popup in remind me a bit of the old Beast/Wonderman friendship.

I also got caught up and read Mark Waid's Indestructible Hulk 1-16 and the Jeff Parker written Annual. That also was a pretty fun read. Walt Simonson's artwork on the 3 parter with Hulk and Thor versus Ice Giants was fantastic. It looked really good, much better than the few issues of Avengers Simonson did a while back.

earlnash, Saturday, 4 January 2014 06:57 (ten years ago) link

that's gotta be a bummer for that fanbase, niche as it is

Nhex, Monday, 6 January 2014 16:00 (ten years ago) link

not that it's a thing for me, but it's gotta demolish a lot of hard built canon; wonder if marvel will even pretend to honor that

Can't wait for some heroes to time travel too many times, crack open the universe, and have some jedi pop through into good ol' 616

mh, Monday, 6 January 2014 16:09 (ten years ago) link

Han Solo/Bishop limited series teamup

SHAUN (DJP), Monday, 6 January 2014 16:09 (ten years ago) link

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