Welcome and introduce your geeky self, you nerd!

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First comic you bought/remember most vividly:
TPBs or issues?:
Conventions (aka nerd congregations)/cosplay (aka costume play)?:
Filmic adaptation:
One liner:
Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic):
Favorite single panel:

Leee Majors (Leee), Sunday, 1 February 2004 03:21 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: Batman

Series/collections/graphic novels: Bone, Queen & Country (really anything Rucka puts out), DKR, Batman: Year one, Sin City, Cages, Blankets, Goodbye Chunky Rice, Hellboy

Writers: Frank Miller, Craig Thompson, Greg Rucka, Mignola, Scott Morse

Artists: Miller, Mignola, McKean, Sienkiewicz, Scott Morse, Enki Bilal

Websites: X-Axis (thanks Daver!)

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Sin City -- blindsided suckerpunch in the gut

TPBs or issues?: tpbs

Conventions/cosplay?: Conventions

Filmic adaptation:

One liner: "Speak quickly! I am aching to destroy you!" -Hellboy

Biggest kink: I have no clue what I meant by this

And also add Favorite single panel: In DKR, Batman holding his guts together standing over Joker's body.

Leee Majors (Leee), Sunday, 1 February 2004 03:36 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: Batman, Jesse Custer, Elvin Jones

Series/collections: Invisibles, Preacher, Fables, Y: The Last Man, Courtney Crumrin, New X-Men, Queen & Country, etc.

Writers: Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Brian Azzarello, Brian Vaughn, Garth Ennis, Alan Moore

Artists: Philip Bond, Steve Dillon, Jim Lee

Websites: X-Axis, Ninth Art

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: No idea...when I was a kid, my friend's dad worked at a publishing plant and so he would get free trades of some Batman, Punisher, I think something called 'Harbinger', etc.

TPBs or issues?: Issues because I'm impatient, and it's nice to have a weekly ritual, but TPB's are more enjoyable to read.

Conventions/cosplay?: Went to a convention in Madison once. It was pretty poorly attended, so my girlfriend and I got to have a nice chat w/Neil Gaiman.

Filmic adaptation: X2! Or the aborted JLA live action series. :>
One liner: "You and whose knees?" (Fantomex from one of the recent N-X-Men issues...sorry, couldn't think of anything else)

Biggest kink: Girls who read comic books?

Jordan (Jordan), Sunday, 1 February 2004 04:30 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: The Fantastic Four
Series/collections: Eightball, Love and Rockets, old Mad reprint books
Writers: Crumb, Clowes, Schulz, J. Hernandez, Kurtzman
Artists: All of the above except replace Kurtzman with Wally Wood et al
Websites: Never been to one
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: I don't know, some old Donald Duck comic probably
TPBs or issues?: What? Oh, trade paperbacks, they're easier to store
Conventions/cosplay?: GOD no
Filmic adaptation: I thought Batman Returns was pretty good, but then I tend to be intrigued by films with no plot
One liner: "Come up to the house sometime for a duck dinner...you bring the ducks!"
Biggest kink: Yeah, I'm not sure either
Favorite single panel: Crumb chasing this publisher guy with a two by four shouting "I HATE BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN! PIMP! PANDERER! SLEAZEBALL HUSTLER!"

J.D. (Justyn Dillingham), Sunday, 1 February 2004 07:00 (twenty years ago) link

I think I meant biggest kink as in what you most conistently fall for in a comic -- for me, it's dialogue filled with sharp zingers.

Leee Majors (Leee), Sunday, 1 February 2004 07:35 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: Superman
Series/collections: New X-Men, Xer0, Black Panther, Invisibles, Preacher, Doom Patrol, Watchmen, Berlin
Writers: Grant Morrison, Priest, Alan Moore, Garth Ennis
Artists: Phil Bond, Chris Weston, Steve Dillon
Websites: X-Axis, the Delphi hordes, Lying In The Gutters, Ninth Art
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Transformers UK #65: Megatron! Shockwave! Simon Furman!
TPBs or issues?: These days, TPBs.
Conventions/cosplay?: Went to UKCAC '98, but that's about it.
Filmic adaptation: X2
One liner: "It's buggering time!"
Biggest kink: A hopeless love of the mechanics of the DC and Marvel Universes; Hypertime, pocket universes, pre/post-boots, and the wrinkles of the Crisis.

carson dial, Sunday, 1 February 2004 08:29 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: Never really had an absolute fave
Series/collections: X-men; X-Statix; Transformers; Inu-Yasha; Urusei Yatsura
Writers: Claremont; Furman
Artists: Kochalka; Geoff Senior; Seth
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: First US Marvel comic = Amazing Spider-man 272 - Spidey vs Slyder.
TPBs or issues?: TPBs at the moment, as I don't get to the comic store that often, and it's nice to sit down and read in big chunks.
Conventions/cosplay?: Neither
Filmic adaptation: Batman
One liner:
Biggest kink:

jel -- (jel), Sunday, 1 February 2004 17:24 (twenty years ago) link

I should also point out that twice in my life I have gone more than a year without reading a single comic, but something about then always seems to draw me back.

jel -- (jel), Sunday, 1 February 2004 17:35 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: Blue Beetle
Series/collections: Sacco, Animal Man, Doom Patrol, Shade, JLI, Cerebus, Grant/Breyfogle Batman, Peter David Hulk, anything by DC 1989-93, Eightball, ABC, Ambush Bug, Powers, V for Vendetta (so good), Tintin, Asterix, Spirou, Optic Nerve, etc.
Writers: Sacco, Moore, Bendis, Morrison, Tomine, Clowes,
Artists: Philip Bond, Bolland, Herge, Perez, Quitely, Sacco
Websites: ?
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Killing Joke!
TPBs or issues?: I loved buying issues, but can't afford it now! I just read the TBS is border, usually!
Conventions/cosplay?: Not any more... I might be interviewing Dave Sim soon, though...
Filmic adaptation: Superman II

Chuck Tatum (Chuck Tatum), Sunday, 1 February 2004 20:32 (twenty years ago) link


Superhero: Dunno really!

Series/collections: First 10 years of 2000AD. Morrison's Doom Patrol and JLA. Hate. Eightball. Love And Rockets. Kirby 4th World. Lee/Kirby FF. Moore's Swamp Thing. Tintin.

Writers: Pat Mills before about 1984. Jack Kirby. Grant Morrison when being a hack. Herge.

Artists: Crumb when drawing women. Jack Kirby. Jaime Hernandez. All the classic 2000AD bods. Herge.

Websites: I used to read rec.arts.comics but couldn't take it.

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: EAGLE #1 in 1982 - photo stories!!! And Tintin - "The Shooting Star" with the HUGE SPIDER, FLOATING BRICKS, EXPLODING MUSHROOMS etc etc.

TPBs or issues?: I don't buy anything any more really but I have bought a couple of TPBs in the last year.

Conventions/cosplay?: Nein danke.

Filmic adaptation: I like the X Men films. And Batman Returns.

One liner: My favourite ever scene is in ABC Warriors, Book 1 (around Prog 125 or so), when Steelhorn, the most handsome robot in the world is transformed into THE MESS and the captions go completely bananas. "He said he wanted to be a fireman...NOW HE IS THE FIRE!!" etc.

Biggest kink: Basically I like comics which look like they were written at great speed and which are willing to discard plot, characterisation etc etc for cool bits. I hate comics that do this but haven't actually thought of anything cooler than a bloke with a big gun or ninja suit.

Tico Tico (Tico Tico), Sunday, 1 February 2004 22:07 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: I'm a sucker for the Flash, and for the Legion (somewhat inexplicably). At the end of the day though, stretching the definition slightly, Swamp Thing.
Series/collections: Swamp Thing (I can take or leave the Nancy Collins issues, everything else is essential), Garth Ennis' and Warren Ellis' runs on Hellblazer, Powers, Cerebus, Eightball, Jimmy Corrigan, Preacher, Invisibles, the whole Ultimate... line, Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol and Animal Man, Hate, Top Ten, Hellboy, Miracleman, Jack Staff, Strangehaven, Savage Dragon.
Writers: Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, Grant Morrison, Dave Sim, Brian Michael Bendis, Dan Clowes, Pete Bagge, Mark Millar.
Artists: Pete Bagge, Kyle Baker, Mike Allred, Philip Bond, Brian Bolland, Frank Quitely, Chris Weston, James Kochalka, Bill Sienkiewicz, Dave Sim, Gerhard, Paul Grist, Gary Spencer Millidge.
Websites: Comic Book Resources, Cerebus Fangirl Site, diepunyhumans (Warren Ellis' blog), Millarworld, Waiting For Tommy.
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: An issue of Defenders I bought in the early 70s at an aunt's, one of the first times away without ny parents. "Will Black Bolt speak?" Of course he didn't.
TPBs or issues?: Issues. I come from the days before everything came out as TPBs the same month as the last issue in the arc is published, plus there's too much uncollected material, even by the big publishers, which is brilliant - Warren Ellis' Hellstorm, or Mark Millar's run on Swamp Thing, for example. Oh, and because if we didn't buy the individual issues of Cerebus as well as the phonebooks, it's questionable whether Dave could have continued publishing.
Conventions/cosplay?: Bristol every year. I keep getting threatened to be taken to a small press one near Reading whose name I can't remember, by friends involved in small press.
Filmic adaptation: Ghost World. I'd love to see Monkey vs Robot though.
One liner: "Buggid!" (in Cerebus: Guys, a drunk Cerebus 'ascends Mt Barstool' to find his 'buggid a skodge'. The look of joy on his face is incredible, and this is my single favourite comics panel ever. As an alternative - "Who needs girls when you've got comics?" from Flex Mentallo.
Biggest kink: Flipping through the independent publishers section, being disparaging about 'bad girl' covers. Then looking at Jim Balent's site to see what the uncensored Tarot artwork looks like.

aldo_cowpat (aldo_cowpat), Monday, 2 February 2004 11:06 (twenty years ago) link

The problem with ILXors and comics is that everyone seems to be way USA-centric, maybe even superhero-centric; even the questions asked in this introduce thread imply this. (Favourite superhero??? Series/collections mentioned, but not albums/graphic novels?? What the heck is a TPB??) Isn't there enough quality euro comics translated into English, or is it really so that in USA/UK comics are mainly for "never-grown-old" fanboys? Also, it seems like almost all comic writers/artists/fans back there are male, which is quite different from how thing are here in Finland. However, not to sound all critical, I'll fill the questionnaire anyway.

Superhero: It's been ages since I read those, can't say.

Series: Corto Maltese, Tintin, Concrete, Enigma, Asterix.

Collections: Ghost Town, Uncle Scrooge/Donald Duck by Carl Barks.

Strips: Krazy Kat, Peanuts, Konrad & Paul, Les Frustrés, Calvin & Hobbes, Moomin.

Graphic Novels/Albums: The Nikopol Trilogy, Stuck Rubber Baby, Maus, Der bewegte Mann (by Ralf König).

Writers: Hugo Pratt, Hergé, George Herriman, Ralf König, Alan Moore, Clare Bretechér, Bill Watterson, Alison Bechdel, Roberta McGregory, Joakim Pirinen.

Artists: Hugo Pratt, Hergé, George Herriman, Enki Bilal, Carl Barks, Moebius, Julie Doucet, Joakim Pirinen, Katja Tukiainen.

Websites: don't know any.

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Donald Duck by Carl Barks.

TPBs or issues?: I rarely buy comics nowadays because public libraries in Finland have very good supply of them.

Conventions/cosplay?: there's two yearly conventions in Finland, one of them is in Helsinki, and I haven't gone even there every year. I find it rather boring, it's mostly people selling/autographing comics. Occasionally there might be some interesting guests, like Mézierès and Christin a couple of years ago.

Filmic adaptation: American Splendor, Corto Maltese, The Maxx (okay, it was a TV series, but a damn good one).

One liner: don't know.

Biggest kink: what's that?

Tuomas (Tuomas), Monday, 2 February 2004 14:58 (twenty years ago) link

Isn't there enough quality euro comics translated into English

There might be for all I know, but I still can't actually GET them here in the U.S. for the most part (at least not at the comic store that I go to).

Jordan (Jordan), Monday, 2 February 2004 15:10 (twenty years ago) link

re: US-centric thing here -- Tuomas, the best shop in my area has about 1+ shelf full of Euro comics, as opposed to two shelves devoted to Alan Moore alone. So availability is definitely an issue. Still, the series/collection thing was supposed to imply the inclusion of graphic novels, which I amended in my second post. (TPBs = trade paperbacks, i.e. collections (though distinct from anthologies))

As to the superhero-centrism, I make no bones about it, I love spandex, more than indie/Euro/manga. Obv. spandex is so pervasive in the US in the industry that almost inevitably any person who gets into comics got into it because of superheroes -- they are a gateway to other genres if they choose to branch out. But like Jorden says, it's hard for us to find them. The enduring popularity of superheroes among adults may very well be fanboyism, which I don't take as a pejorative term, since I don't believe that critical discourse is mutually exclusive to loving the X-Men.

The lack of women creators, though, that definitely is a problem, at least so far as mainstream/superhero comics are concerned, for fairly obvious reasons. Unfortunately, in this context, it's inevitable that most names mentioned will be male.

Leee Majors (Leee), Monday, 2 February 2004 22:22 (twenty years ago) link

Don't mind me while I tweak and babble.

Superheroes / Characters: Spidey, The Thing, Hobbes, Opus, Hellboy, Tara Chace, Slam Bradley, U Go Girl, Elijah Snow, etc etc etc

Series/collections (recent vintage): Y: The Last Man, Greg Rucka's Wonder Woman, Daredevil, Runaways, Alias, Finder, Birds of Prey, Stray Bullets, Supreme Power, Stormwatch: Team Achilles, Top Ten / SMAX, Legion, Berlin, Silver Surfer (no foolin'!), Ultimate Spidey, etc etc etc

Series/collections (old schoolish): Alan Moore's Swamp Thing (when it avoids prose overkill), Giffen & DeMatties' Justice League, Avengers (Stern / Buscema / Palmer), Spider-Man (Lee & Ditko // Defalco & Frenz), FF (Lee & Kirby & early Byrne), George Perez's Wonder Woman, Priest's Black Panther, Grant Morrison's JLA, Uncanny X-Men (somwhere between #120 and #180), yadda yadda

Writers: Ed Brubaker, Greg Rucka, Grant Morrison (partial to Tom's preference), Peter Milligan, BMB, Brian K. Vaughn, Mike Carey, Carla Speed McNeil, Sean McKeever, Christopher Priest, Gail Simone, and I'll stop at 48.

Artists: John Cassaday, Cameron Stewart, Mike Wieringo, Andi Watson, Ed McGuinness, Jason Lutes, Mike Mignola, Gene Ha, Bryan Hitch, Darwyn Cooke, Frank Quitely, Chris Bachalo, Eddie Campbell, Peter Snejbjerg ...

Websites: The X-Axis, Journalista, Ninth Art, Previews Review

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Marvel Tales #150 (a reprint of Spider-Man Annual #1) - age 10, @ Arthur Drug, Windsor, CT; second place would be an unknown issue of DC Comics Presents featuring Superman & Robin - age 5, Italy (via Bradley Airport, CT)

TPBs or issues?: Issues; call me an old-fashioned pack rat in luv with serials (semi-compressed, that is).

Conventions/cosplay?: I haven't conned in nearly 15 years.

Filmic adaptation: The X-Men flicks, Hulk, Batman (age 14-19), Ghost World

One liner: "The whole world is watching us now. We must
be nothing less than fabulous." (Emma Frost, New X-Men) (I think this quote is quickly becoming a cliche on the level of Robert Frost's "road less traveled" line) (in certain circles, that is)

Biggest kink: Recognition of and adherence to continuity; resurrection / revamp of second-tier characters; Kirbytech; eschewing superhero realism for cool, vaguely defined ideas

David R. (popshots75`), Tuesday, 3 February 2004 03:49 (twenty years ago) link

re: US-centric thing here -- Tuomas, the best shop in my area has about 1+ shelf full of Euro comics, as opposed to two shelves devoted to Alan Moore alone. So availability is definitely an issue.

Fair enough. It just seems so weird that me, who lives in a small and distant country, would have wider access to comics than someone living in the US. Of course it's different regarding superhero comics, there are only a few of those around here. But what about comic strips? I don't see much of strips on your lists, though availability shouldn't be an issue with them.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Tuesday, 3 February 2004 08:13 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: swamp thing?
Series/collections: Naughty Bits
Writers: Joe Sacco
Artists: Joe Matt
Websites: -
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Buster Monster Fun/ Corr!
TPBs or issues?: issues
Conventions/cosplay?: not really (what's cosplay?) I went to oxford's caption 2 or 3 years running, went to UKCAC once and hated it, went on a whim to one held in NY somewhere - it was one of the most unpleasant places I have ever been
Filmic adaptation: American Splendor was a good film
One liner: -
Biggest kink: -

Jaunty Alan (Alan), Tuesday, 3 February 2004 11:04 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: (all time) Hal Jordan/Green Lantern (current) Flash maybe, i have a tremendous fondness, to the point of naivete perhaps for the DC superheroes.
Series/collections: not buying anything regularly, still trying to find my way after a 13/14 year absence
Writers: like Kurt Busiek and Jeph Loeb so far, old days I like Marv Wolfman, Steve Englehart, DeMatteis/Giffen
Artists: Ed McGuiness really impresses me, I like Keith Giffen's pencils too
Websites: http://www.comicreaders.com
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: the earliest comic I remember really making an impression on my was the original Who's Who series "G" issue, where I learned all about Green Lantern and Green Arrow and realized there was this huge mythology built up and all this cool stuff that really set off my imagination. That's when I got hooked, though I'd been reading comics at random since I learned to read.
TPBs or issues?: because I've been out of it and am wary of all the continuity stuff, I really like all the collections. Batman in the Seventies is my favourite so far, I think.
Conventions/cosplay?: no thanks
Filmic adaptation: it's frustrating when they try to squeeze 30 to 60 years of a character into 90 minutes, but I still enjoy most of them. Sometimes I wish they'd avoid origin stories in the movies, since most of the characters are well established, esp. Batman, Superman, X-Men, Spider-Man. I mean, they're huge pop culture mainstays, just jump in and tell good stories instead of rehashing to story most often told.
One liner: nuh.
Biggest kink: huh?

Huckadelia (Horace Mann), Tuesday, 3 February 2004 18:00 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: Plastic Man
Series/collections: Jimmy Corrigan
Writers: Jack Cole
Artists: Jack Cole/Jack Kirby/Seth/Chris Ware/Jim Woodring/Mark Beyer/Gary Panter etc
Websites: http://ape-law.com/GAF/
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Jack Kirby's Kamandi
TPBs or issues?: TPBs
Conventions/cosplay?: Never
Filmic adaptation: N/A
Biggest kink: Woozy Winks

jack cole (jackcole), Wednesday, 4 February 2004 03:46 (twenty years ago) link

UUUURRRGGGHHH... computer working again finally finally after enforced absense. I AM VIC FLURO, comics critic, pornographer and dime novelist. You'll all have forgotten me no doubt but I'm taking this opportunity to do the long-promised TOP TEN OF 2003 as a day-by-day blog on Brown Wedge. God I feel horrible. I'm riddled with disease like the machine I seem to be symbiotically merged with.

Vic Fluro, Wednesday, 4 February 2004 17:39 (twenty years ago) link

That's on http://www.freakytrigger.co.uk/wedge/

Tico Tico (Tico Tico), Wednesday, 4 February 2004 17:45 (twenty years ago) link

Hoorah! Welcome back to the world of LIFE Mr Fluro, many of us Silent Watchers have missed yr FACTs.

Anyway, hello, I am me, as follows:

Superhero: The Thing
Series/collections: Fantastic Four, Captain Britain, Asterix, Calvin & Hobbes, Everything Ever By Alan Moore Ever.
Writers: Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, Ian Edginton, Stan Lee
Artists: Alan Davis, Mike McMahon, Steve Yeowell, John Byrne (a long time ago)
Websites: the usual
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: An issue of Marvel Superheroes with The Avengers fighting (i think) Dragon Man - about two months before Captain Britain started. I took it on Holiday and read it twice a day for a fortnight, it was GRATE. Also the last issue of 2000AD before it merged with Starlord, as i was a STARLORD reader and wanted to see what i was getting into. I was AFEARED, it all seemed rather ROUGH.
TPBs or issues?: Issues!
Conventions/cosplay?: Eh?
Filmic adaptation: Spiderman. And LOEG wasn't _that_ bad...
One liner: VAAAR!
Biggest kink: Superheroes! I know it's wrong, but if i want tales of everyday life i can watch Eastenders. I wanted 100s of GRATE NEW IDEAS, EXCITING THORTS and BRANE SUNDERING ACTION, and only comics can truly DO this - from the Lee/Kirby BEAT Fantastic Four to Promethea, THAT is what comics are best at.

Oh yeah, and from 1992 to 2002 I didn't buy one single comic, except maybe 3 issues of 2000AD. This seems to have been a very wise move indeed.

MJ Hibbett, Thursday, 5 February 2004 10:25 (twenty years ago) link

Dictionary time: cosplay = costume play, which you can sort of suss out what the nerd will do.

Leee Majors (Leee), Friday, 6 February 2004 22:34 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: Preacher

Series/collections: Optic Nerve, Artbabe, Blankets, Y: The Last Man, The Fixer, Alias, 100 Bullets, Preacher, Kill Your Boyfriend, From Hell

Writers: Jessica Abel, Dirge, Joe Sacco, Clowes, Azzarello, Ware, Grant Morrison, Garth Ennis

Websites: My own, of course (although not exclusively comics). I miss Savant.

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Sandman. I'm a girl. What do you expect?

TPBs or issues?: TPB

Conventions/cosplay?: I've only ever been to one, and I made an ass out of myself in front of Neil Gaiman. Although, in retrospect, I guess I should be proud I didn't vomit on his shoes.

Filmic adaptation: X2

Biggest kink: Girls who write comics

Jessa (Jessa), Saturday, 7 February 2004 16:49 (twenty years ago) link

Fuck, I forgot Jason Lutes.

Jessa (Jessa), Saturday, 7 February 2004 16:50 (twenty years ago) link

Biggest kink: Girls who write comics

Is it true that the mainstream North American comic scene is as male-centered as it seems to be? I know in the alternative scene you have people like Roberta McGregory, Alison Bechdel, Julie Doucet etc. I guess it's due to the rather masculine world of superheroes; there shouldn't be anything inherently male about comics, should there? Back here in Finland maybe 40 percent of comic writers/artists seem to be female.

Tuomas (Tuomas), Monday, 9 February 2004 10:08 (twenty years ago) link


Superhero: Batman, Catwoman, Death, Veronica Lodge

Series/collections: Sandman, the Invisibles, Catwoman, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, Blue Monday, Kabuki (I also used to read Strangers in Paradise but God is that series frustrating!)

Writers: Grant Morrison, Neil Gaiman, Jhonen Vasquez, Andi Watson, Chynna Clugston-Major

Artists: Phil Jaminez, David Mack, Chynna Clugston-Major, Andi Watson

Websites: Slave Labor Press

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Betty and Veronica digest. Veronica rules!

TPBs or issues?: Death - The High Cost of Living; Johnny the Homicidal Maniac; the entire series of The Invisibles

Conventions/cosplay?: Wizard in Chicago

Filmic adaptation: Tim Burton's Batman, Ghost World (Does Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere count?)

One liner: "Not so fast, Joker!" -- from Neil Gaiman's Batman/Joker behind the scenes story

Biggest kink: kick-ass chicks and/or pretty boys practicing chaos magic... either one is good with me

Catty (Catty), Monday, 9 February 2004 13:12 (twenty years ago) link

There aren't a lot of women at the big publishers, but very recently, they've hired more women who hail from indier pastures, mostly because there's been more hiring across the board from smaller publishers.

Leee Majors (Leee), Monday, 9 February 2004 21:31 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: None really. Tho I did like Spiderman a lot when I was a kid, and Batman too. I'm not very interested in that side of things nowadays.

Series/collections: Quimby The Mouse, Jimmy Corrigan, Ghost World, Maakies (do collections of newspaper comics count?), Krazy Kat (ditto), Oink! (remember this? It was fantastic, a halfway house between Whizzer & Chips and Viz... co-edited by Marc Riley, had regular strips from Frank Sidebottom... ah...)

Writers: Alan Moore, that guy who wrote Tank Girl, Harvey Pekar, Sam Henderson

Artists: R. Crumb, Peter Bagge, Jim Woodring, Herge, Dan Clowes, Chris Ware, Uderzo, Mat Brinkman, Mark Beyer

Websites: Serializer (for Smell Of Steve, Mjau Mjau and Achewood Sunday Edition), Comics Journal (particularly Journalista), Paperrad

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: A copy of the Beano, from 1981 or thereabouts. Spent hours looking at the back cover - remember Dennis and Gnasher running around a football pitch, IIRC...

TPBs or issues?: I only got into comics again about a year or so ago after a long period away - I haven't bought any issues but I have bought TPBs, so I guess that. I am still attached to the idea of buying issues, tho.

Conventions/cosplay?: Neither.

Filmic adaptation: The first Batman film was good.

One liner: "THE LIVING THANK YOU TOO" - "Frank", Jim Woodring

Biggest kink: Weirdness, surreal humour

Chriddof (Chriddof), Thursday, 12 February 2004 14:49 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: Sandman
Series/collections: Sandman, Y: The Last Man, Fables, Rex Mundi, Bear, Ultimate Fantastic Four, 1602, Lenore
Writers: Neil Gaiman, Bill Willingham, Brian K. Vaughan, Craig Thompson, Alex Robinson
Artists: Dave McKean, P. Craig Russell, Craig Thompson
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: I've bought lots but I think I was most excited for 1602 to start.
TPBs or issues?: Both.
Conventions/cosplay?: Never, but want to try it once.
Filmic adaptation: Spiderman (but I think Hellboy's going to rock)

Vermont Girl (Vermont Girl), Friday, 13 February 2004 16:02 (twenty years ago) link

two months pass...
Superhero: Superman, I think. I've got a big soft spot for Black Bolt (best secret identity name ever!) and the Sandman - the old Spidey villain: the Gaiman one comes third after the old Kirby character!
Series/collections: Lone Wolf & Cub, Kirby's FF, Morrison's JLA, Gerber's Howard The Duck and Defenders, Tezuka's Phoenix, Corto Maltese, Ditko's Spider-Man.
Writers: Morrison, Gerber, Kirby, Moore, Tezuka, Kurtzman, Millar, Gilbert Hernandez.
Artists: Kirby, Toth, Kojima, Ditko, Kubert, Pratt, Krigstein, Jaime Hernandez.
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: You expect me to remember back to the early '60s? The first British reprints of Marvel comics stand out very strongly. Also, I gave up comics in a putting aside childish things way, then a friend brought in some Howard the Duck and Defenders comics to show me when I was 16 or so, and restarted my interest.
TPBs or issues?: Phoenix, many Essential Marvels. Dunno what my favourite individual issue of a comic is - maybe 'What Do You Do The Day After You Save The Universe?' in Howard The Duck. I'll also mention the great St Swithin's Day, but that's personal bias.
Strips (inserted because this is some of my favourite stuff ever): Krazy Kat, Popeye, Calvin & Hobbes, Peanuts, Polly & Her Pals, Li'l Abner, and Giles and Gary Larson if they count.
Conventions/cosplay?: Used to go to lots of cons - mostly UK, San Diego once, Angouleme once. As most of you know, I was good friends with a few of the people we're talking about here (Moore especially), worked with some (Morrison, Gaiman), knew lots to varying degrees. I even met Jack Kirby once!
Filmic adaptation: Ghost World, by a long way.
Biggest kink: Ha, I talk about my sexual interests enough on ILE - don't think I need to bring them in here too.

I thought I might do a more general intro to me too, but it looks as if I know almost everyone here already.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Saturday, 24 April 2004 12:03 (twenty years ago) link

Hey Martin, glad you're here! Nice seeing the Pratt (George?) love. And that kink thing, I've amended it so that it reads "what you most consistently fall for in a comic."

sLeeeter kinney (Leee), Saturday, 24 April 2004 17:27 (twenty years ago) link

I meant Hugo really (the clue was mentioning Corto too), but George is pretty good. I don't know if I have a consistent 'kink' in that sense - Krazy Kat, Grant Morrison, Barks, Kurtzman, Corto, Calvin & Hobbes, Phoenix - not much in common that I can spot.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Saturday, 24 April 2004 19:03 (twenty years ago) link

Superhero: Weisinger-era Superman, followed closely by Cliff Steele, Screwball, and Bondo-Man, man of living Bondo.
Series/collections: Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol, by far.
Writers/Artists: This question requires far too much thinking. Pass.
Websites: Comic Book Resources
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Er, maybe The Brave and the Bold #188? It's about when I started being sentient enough that I can actually remember getting the comics that I read, but I was certainly reading them before then.
TPBs or issues?: Either, really. Manga definitely read better in individual installments, though. Too bad they're not often released that way in the States.
Conventions/cosplay?: I don't go to comic-book conventions. When I was younger, I used to go to local trade shows, but that's about it. The closest thing to a comic convention that I've ever been to is Gen Con.
Filmic adaptation: Nausicaä of the Valley of Wind, maybe?
One liner: I don't know what it is really, so I'll just go with "Ut!"
Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): Strangeness.

Chris F. (servoret), Wednesday, 28 April 2004 20:06 (twenty years ago) link

Could've sworn I'd done this.

re: the superhero-centric thing first: Ultimately, superheroes are why I read comics, for the simple reason that it's a genre that really isn't played anywhere else. Yeah, there's the occasional superhero movie, nearly always based on a comic; there is the increasingly frequent TV show with superhero elements (the first three seasons of Buffy, some episodes of Angel, among others). But this is where the genre lives, even if bits of it occasionally expatriate.

Superhero: Batman, even if I complain he's so rarely well-handled; Spider-Man is a close second, but Batman's the only character who can make me go "oohhh yeah" with a single well-done panel (when Electric Tropical Blue Superman "reapplied" to join the JLA and Batman ignored the results of the tests and just said, "Of course he's in, he's Superman," I went, fuckin A, that's exactly what Batman would say).

Series/collections: I have every issue of Swamp Thing from the beginning of Alan Moore's run to the end of Millar's (didn't pick up the Daughter Of Swamp Thing bit or this new thing they have now), and Steve Bissette drew an Anton Arcane on one of them for me.

Writers: The Steves (Englehart, Gerber), Stan Lee, Bendis, JMS when he's really on, Marv Wolfman, Frank Miller, Priest, many others who aren't jumping to mind.

Artists: Steve Ditko's Spider-Man and Dr Strange work is probably still my favorite comics art.

Websites: I think Newsarama is the only comics-related website I read.

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Marvel Team-Up number somethingth, Spider-Man and the Invisible Girl; Spidey has to help her rescue her kidnapped son. This was before John Byrne gave Sue balls and a new name, of course.

TPBs or issues?: Some stuff I know I'll forget to pick up in tpb, and don't want it spoiled for me, or whatever, so issues. I still have not internalized the "nearly everything ends up collected" trend.

Conventions/cosplay?: I haven't been to a comics convention since 1990 or earlier -- when I lived in suburban New Hampshire, it made sense because it was one of the only ways to get back issues, old graphic novels, Omaha the Cat Dancer, or the Hobgoblin action figure from the Secret Wars line. Post-internet and so forth, eh.

Filmic adaptation: Spider-Man.

One liner: No idea.

Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): Probably the "if superheroes were realistic / new takes on superheroes" meme, even if I often think it's overdone, overhyped, underthought. I have a Brat Pack tattoo, for Christ's sake, and never miss an issue of Powers.

Tep (ktepi), Tuesday, 11 May 2004 15:06 (nineteen years ago) link


Superhero: Wolverine, probably.

Series/collections: Uncanny X-Men, Punisher, now Daredevil. and TEH SHIELD

Writers: Claremont, recently Bendis

Artists: Jim Lee

Websites: ILC

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: When The Punisher gets his face all scratched up by Jigsaw,

TPBs or issues?: Issues

Conventions/cosplay?: What?

Filmic adaptation: X 1&2!!!!!

One liner: Dunno

Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): Kitchen sink realism, lack of morals, Americana.

@d@ml (nordicskilla), Tuesday, 11 May 2004 18:53 (nineteen years ago) link

Superhero: Flex Mentallo

Series/collections: Doom Patrol, Kirby's Fourth World, Miller's Daredevil, Hellboy, Moore's Swamp Thing, Sam and Max

Writers: Grant Morrison, Steve Gerber, Alan Moore, Ed Brubaker, Darwyn Cooke

Artists: Cameron Stewart, Darwyn Cooke, Dave McKean, Jack Kirby, Becky Cloonan, Guy Davis

Websites: Lots of 'em. Newsarama, Comicon Pulse, Broken Frontier, Millarworld, various Delphi fora and a few comics blogs.

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Micronauts #29. The Micronauts get shot into the brain of a comrade, featuring SHIELD and the villany of Nighmare! Also, Origins of Marvel Comics, the big 'ol collection of a random sampling of pure gold '60s Marvel.

TPBs or issues?: Trades where I can. I buy too damn many floppies, too.

Conventions/cosplay?: I attend conventions. That's it.

Filmic adaptation: Superman I or II. The rest are pretty much total ass.

One liner: "You don't get it. I'm not locked up in here with you. You're locked up in here with me." Or is that three lines?

Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): AIM or the Hordes of Hydra.

Matt Maxwell (Matt M.), Wednesday, 12 May 2004 02:43 (nineteen years ago) link

I can't say I think instant messaging is a great subject for comics, Matt. Not much action.

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Friday, 14 May 2004 17:17 (nineteen years ago) link

BowB4DOOM: hi r u m or f?
StretchArmstrong: m
BowB4DOOM: oh um do u have any hot pix of your gf?
StretchArmstrong: yes
BowB4DOOM: send them to me? I'll trade for Philip Glass bootleg mp3s
StretchArmstrong: omg ok!!

[StretchArmstrong has sent you a file]

BowB4DOOM: hey wtf it's just a picture of a bed!
StretchArmstrong: yes my gf is invisible, ha ha on you
BowB4DOOM: oh no! wtf omg r u my nemesis Reed Richards?
StretchArmstrong: yes u luser i am Reed, got you again Vicky
BowB4DOOM: stfu! omg! i am going to hax0r your country now with my negative zone robot virus! fucko!

Tep (ktepi), Friday, 14 May 2004 17:33 (nineteen years ago) link

I'd buy it.

Jordan (Jordan), Friday, 14 May 2004 17:34 (nineteen years ago) link

Advanced Idea Mechanics, silly Martin!

But I've had some interesting AIM chats about comics, does that count?

Matt Maxwell (Matt M.), Friday, 14 May 2004 19:52 (nineteen years ago) link


Leeefuse 73 (Leee), Friday, 14 May 2004 19:56 (nineteen years ago) link

Tep is my hero.

VengaDan Perry (Dan Perry), Friday, 14 May 2004 20:31 (nineteen years ago) link

I have had good AIM chats with you about comics, Matt! I mentioned chatting on AIM with friends to some old comic friends a few weeks back, and they immediately thought of that other AIM. I said "Should I have been suspicious when the engineer who came to install it had no body and a giant head and hovered?"

Martin Skidmore (Martin Skidmore), Friday, 14 May 2004 21:20 (nineteen years ago) link

tep: funny shit, man.

the more i re-read it, the funnier it gets.

Vermont Girl (Vermont Girl), Monday, 17 May 2004 11:54 (nineteen years ago) link

one month passes...

I think we've got a few new regulars now, take the 1.5 minute to make introduction!

Leeefuse 73 (Leee), Tuesday, 22 June 2004 19:24 (nineteen years ago) link

(Hi. I am a lurker on ILComics, though many of you know me from ILE. I know almost nothing about comic books, which is why I only lurk here. But I'm here.)

St. Nicholas Ridiculous (Nick A.), Tuesday, 22 June 2004 19:26 (nineteen years ago) link

Knowing nothing never stops you from posting on ILE!

Ha-HA, you've been MANN-handled!

Huk-El (Horace Mann), Tuesday, 22 June 2004 19:30 (nineteen years ago) link

Are Canadians allowed on Last Comic Standing?

Leeefuse 73 (Leee), Tuesday, 22 June 2004 19:34 (nineteen years ago) link

The hot and funny girl I'm in love with is Canadian, that Bonnie McFarlane.

Huk-El (Horace Mann), Tuesday, 22 June 2004 19:40 (nineteen years ago) link

Duh on me!

I smell a cute meet!

Leeefuse 73 (Leee), Tuesday, 22 June 2004 19:44 (nineteen years ago) link

Like ham with pineapple rings on it?

Huk-El (Horace Mann), Tuesday, 22 June 2004 20:01 (nineteen years ago) link

Cute meat?

Leeefuse 73 (Leee), Tuesday, 22 June 2004 20:36 (nineteen years ago) link


I suppose I'm a sort of regular by now but I thought I filled this out months ago.....

Series/collections: Watchmen, V For Vendetta, Y : The Last Man, Zenith, the Invisibles, the Ultimates, Captain Britain, Charlies War, Hate,ohmigod too many memories....
Writers: Alan Moore, Grant Morrison, Brian K. Vaughan, Roger Stern in the 80s, Stan Lee in the 60s, Doug Moench in the 80s, Pat Mills.
Artists: Bill Scienciwicz, Mazzuchelli, Ditko, Bruce Timm, Steve Rude, Toth, Bagge, Hitch, Lapham, Gil Kane, Windsor-Smith, Moebius...
Websites: The Fourth Rail, Sequential Tart..
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Marvel Team-Up - isssue Number unknown. Claremont/Byrne Spiderman/Capt Britain teamup.
TPBs or issues?: TPBs.
Conventions/cosplay?: what?
Filmic adaptation: Spiderman. Made me feel 12 again in lots of uncomfortable ways.
One liner:
Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): Bwight colours!! Big Blurbs!!

David N (David N.), Tuesday, 22 June 2004 22:10 (nineteen years ago) link

Chris - lurker, mainly. Periodic poster and appreciative reader. Hello!
Favorite: Superhero: Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu
Series/collections: X-Men, Preacher, Sandman, and Powers TPBs
Writers: Garth Ennis, Brian Bendis, Doug Moench
Artists: Gene Colan, Jim Lee, George Perez, John Romita Sr. (best Spider-Man)
Websites: Newsarama, X-Axis
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: an issue of Amazing Spider-Man with the Spidermobile (# 142?, the villain was Mysterio). Opening page has the Spidermobile screeching on two wheels around a corner with cops in pursuit.
TPBs or issues?: TPBs, I haven't bought comics since '94, aside from Optic Nerve. Now I'm borrowing TPBs from the Seattle Library. The "Part 1 of #" trend is a huge turn-off. Why not individual issues that fit into a larger whole?
Conventions (aka nerd congregations)/cosplay (aka costume play)?: Never been to a convention. Cosplay - did buy a pair of white Levis and a black turtleneck as a kid because Shang-Chi looked cool in that outfit, for not quite the same effect.
Filmic adaptation: Hellboy (though haven't read the comic), X2, The Phantom
One liner: "I'm the best there is at what I do...", for lack of a better one.
Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): lush Jim Lee art.
Favorite single panel: either the "Mom?" panel from Preacher. Or the Cyclops / Phoenix "love on the mesa" panel where he's able to take off his visor.

Chris Hill (Chris Hill), Wednesday, 23 June 2004 17:44 (nineteen years ago) link

Hi, Chris! Are you by chance the same Chris Hill that used to work at a comic book store in Milwaukee, WI?

Chris F. (servoret), Wednesday, 23 June 2004 22:20 (nineteen years ago) link

Milwaukee ILC FAP!!

Jordan (Jordan), Wednesday, 23 June 2004 22:39 (nineteen years ago) link

Oh gosh, an ILC FAP could be the best thing ever. I wish the Midwest were as small as I think it is.

Tep (ktepi), Wednesday, 23 June 2004 22:49 (nineteen years ago) link

Fellow Chris - nope, not me. I'm in Seattle. But now I've got "schlemiel, schlemozzle..." running in my head, thanks to the Milwaukee reference.

Chris Hill (Chris Hill), Thursday, 24 June 2004 12:27 (nineteen years ago) link

I'm also a Chris, and I think comics are great in theory although I don't like many of them in practice. I have kinda specific tastes. I grew up on comic strips rather than comic books and I think my tastes reflect that.

Also I used to have a webcomic.

Casuistry (Chris P), Thursday, 24 June 2004 21:19 (nineteen years ago) link

Oh, if only there were a Milwaukee ILC FAP...

Too bad, Chris. The other Chris Hill was my favorite comic book shop clerk, before I gave up comics for the first time.

Chris F. (servoret), Saturday, 26 June 2004 20:19 (nineteen years ago) link

three months pass...
New people, intro yourselves!

Leeeter van den Hoogenband (Leee), Thursday, 7 October 2004 22:43 (nineteen years ago) link

My name's Joe, I'm 25, I'm writing my first novel (i.e. unemployed) and I live in London. I've been on here for a month or two so you know what comics I like. I just spent ten minutes writing a profile for myself in the style of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe then realised it wasn't in the slightest bit clever or funny and stopped. That's all you need to know about me.

Wooden (Wooden), Thursday, 7 October 2004 23:26 (nineteen years ago) link


Superhero: marmaduke, enid coleslaw, toybox
Series/collections: gotham central, y: the last man, eightball, identity crisis
Writers: alan moore, daniel clowes, adrian tomine, brad meltzer
Artists: adrian tomine, winsor mckay, henry darger
Websites: http://ape-law.com/GAF/index.html , http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/7160/league1.html
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: captain carrot
TPBs or issues?: tpb
Conventions (aka nerd congregations)/cosplay (aka costume play)?: i own a green lantern tee
Filmic adaptation: x-men 2
One liner: "i make stabby"
Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): high concept bs 'what if?...' comics done very seriously (cf. alan moore, gotham central)
Favorite single panel: http://ape-law.com/GAF/Page26/baseball7.jpg

cinniblount (James Blount), Friday, 8 October 2004 05:44 (nineteen years ago) link

three months pass...
Superhero: The Question, I guess, although he's neither very super or very heroic
Series/collections: The Frank Book, Krazy Kat Anthologies,
Writers: Chris Ware, Jim Woodring, Alan Moore (when he's trying), uh...Dostoyevsky and Orwell...
Artists: Chris Ware, Jim Woodring, R. Crumb, Ben Katchor, Jules Feiffer, Ed Gorey, Geo Herriman, uh...Chuck Close, Sarah Sze, Andy Goldsworthy, Gerhard Richter, Franz Klien, Alfred Jensen...
Websites: salon, slate, american prospect, spitgroove
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: It was peanuts, when I was just a tot.
TPBs or issues?: I thought I answered this already
Conventions (aka nerd congregations)/cosplay (aka costume play)?: Oh, HELL no!
Filmic adaptation: Most suck pretty badly, but the first couple Blade movies were pretty juicy. Ghost World was pretty different from the comic, but still awful good.
One liner: Lil Ainjul.
Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): Pantomime, or at least great body language and gestures.
Favorite single panel: Charles Addams, probably.

Austin (Austin), Sunday, 16 January 2005 13:09 (nineteen years ago) link

i mainly like writing abt stuff no one else remembers or has heard of, and have not read - though like readin abt - all the stuff you guys DO know abt

mark s (mark s), Monday, 17 January 2005 12:08 (nineteen years ago) link

Like Tintin?

Casuistry (Chris P), Wednesday, 19 January 2005 10:02 (nineteen years ago) link

Bump because I invited a friend to ILC.

Jordan (Jordan), Friday, 21 January 2005 17:22 (nineteen years ago) link

three months pass...

Character: Dr. Strange, Martian Manhunter, Mazikeen, Jakita Wagner

Series/collections: Planetary, Lucifer, Y, Ex Machina, Optic Nerve, Jimmy Corrigan, mid-to-late '80s Uncanny X-Men, JLA in all permutations

Writers: Grant Morrison, Brian Azzarello, Brian K. Vaughan, Warren Ellis, Alan Moore

Artists: Mike Mignola, Jae Lee, John Cassaday, Chris Ware, Christopher Moeller

Websites: Newsarama

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: An issue of Legion of Superheroes I read until it disintegrated.

TPBs or issues?: Issues almost exclusively.

Conventions (aka nerd congregations)/cosplay (aka costume play)?: Not so much.

Filmic adaptation: Hellboy, Superman II, Ghost World, Sin City

One liner: Elijah Snow: "He's your special Bat-friend."

Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): Ellis reimagining all the classics in Planetary -- partucularly when he turned John Constantine into Spider Jerusalem.

Favorite single panel: The full page with 2 leaping in the last issue of WE3.

Hmm. My choices seem to skew rather unfortunately towards the recent. Anyway, my name's Matthew and I've been lurking here a while -- long enough to check out She-Hulk and become a Dan Slott booster based on all the props he gets on here. I definitely plan to try Queen and Country for simiilar reasons. Job well done, you lot!

Matthew Lazowski (Oblivious Lad), Tuesday, 3 May 2005 02:32 (nineteen years ago) link

Hi Matthew! It sounds like we have pretty similar tastes.

Ellis reimagining all the classics in Planetary -- partucularly when he turned John Constantine into Spider Jerusalem.

I don't remember this, but it sounds great! What are you referring to?

Jordan (Jordan), Tuesday, 3 May 2005 03:28 (nineteen years ago) link

It was in Planetary #7, where Jack Carter (the Constantine stand-in) dies and the three of them go to his funeral (which was nice too, for the cast of pre-"Vertigo" Vertigo characters in attendence -- discussed in another thread, I believe). Then it turns out he's faked his own death, has shaved his head and acquired some Spider Jerusalem-esque chest tattoos. The Hulk origin retelling in the Planetary preview is another favourite along the same lines.

Back to my Legion of Substitute Heroes-style super hero alter ego...

Oblivious Lad. (Oblivious Lad), Tuesday, 3 May 2005 04:13 (nineteen years ago) link

I remember that. That was pretty cool.

Huk-L, Tuesday, 3 May 2005 13:35 (nineteen years ago) link

And welcome, Ob-Lad.

Huk-L, Tuesday, 3 May 2005 13:37 (nineteen years ago) link

That does sound familiar, yeah. I'm going to have to read through Planetary again, it was one of the first things I read that got me back into comics a few years ago (along with Invisibles and New X-Men).

Jordan (Jordan), Tuesday, 3 May 2005 13:52 (nineteen years ago) link

Me too! I stopped reading comics in '91, and started again around '98, with Planetary, the Authority, all the ABC books, and Morrison's JLA. That was a killer time, and I don't for one moment regret missing out on the birth of Image comics and the nine-collectible-foil-cover-variant madness of my lost years.

Oblivious Lad. (Oblivious Lad), Tuesday, 3 May 2005 15:10 (nineteen years ago) link

Ha, ha.
Same here. Except I didn't start reading again until 2003. And I may have continued reading Hellblazer until 92.

Huk-L, Tuesday, 3 May 2005 15:12 (nineteen years ago) link

Gosh...What are my faves...I'm not sure I know myself. Okay, this list is subject to change because, as with most people I should think, my favourite anything is fairly dependant on what mood I'm in.

Superhero: Oooh, difficult...Jenny Sparks, Crazy Jane.
Series/Collection: From Hell, Sin City, Planetary, Global Frequency, The Killing Joke, Marvel/Miracleman, Top 10, Sandman, 300, Akira, Lone Wolf and Cub, The Adventures of Luther Arkwright...God, I could go on forever.
Writers: Grant Morrison, Warren Ellis, Alan Moore, Alejandro Jodorowsky
Artists: John Cassaday, Katsuhiro Otomo, Steve McNiven, Geof Darrow, Frank Quitely, Bill Sienkewicz, Dave McKean, John Totleben, Cam Kennedy, Moebius, Gimenez...this could take a long time.
Websites: comicbookresources/com (and no, I don't know how to insert URLs)
TPBs or Issues? Issues, of course. What sort of weirdo do you think I am? Although it is nice to have a story all in one place.
Cons/cosplay? Cons, in my youth. I'm a bit long in the tooth for that kinda shit nowadays.
Filmic Adaptation? Hellboy, Blade or X2 (Haven't seen Sin City yet it looks like it may be up there)
One Liner: "Moo" from Morrison's New X-Men, "Clean thoughts, chum.", from Alan Moore's Superman story; 'For the Man Who Has Everything'
Comic Book Kink: Grant Morison (unfortunately) closely followed by Warren Ellis.
Favourite Single Panel: At the moment it's the one in Planetary #19 (or is it #18) with the corpse of the pseudo-Galactus, but I'm guessing that might change if McNiven gets to draw the Ultimate Universe version in Ultimate Secret.

Stone Monkey (Stone Monkey), Wednesday, 4 May 2005 11:54 (nineteen years ago) link

hm a bit late i guess.

hi i'm tom i'm nineteen i study american literature i lead kind of a dull life and comics help -

yadda yadda yadda:

superhero - martian manhunter!
websites: here, i guess.
first comic you bought/remember most vividly: actually i remember having a kind of thing for the x-men based mostly around the cartoon series: and any random 80s-90s issue of the comic i actually happened to see would fall into part of this vast tapestry of potential literature i couldn't wait until i was old and moneyed enough to read all of because obviously it all be so great..
TPBs or issues?: i have no opinion on this matter.
one liner: i am a total sucker for any comic that gets in "who WAS that masked man?", especially if the speaker is taking the piss
biggest kink: the whole re-evaluation of the superhero bizniz.
favorite single panel: "look UP!" at the end of flex mentallo maybe. or the angry genius postreptile lizard at the end of enigma.

tom west (thomp), Thursday, 5 May 2005 03:05 (nineteen years ago) link

two months pass...
Oh well, started posting here and didn't know I was supposed to introduce myself first. But I learned the lesson and just did it in ILM. Ok here we go:

Superhero: The Flash (Wally West)
Series: All time: Animal Man, Doom Patrol, New X-Men, Invisibles (All circa morrison), Shade, The Changing Man, Human Target, Transmet, Hate, Madman, Eightball, Spirou (circa Franquin), Starman, Fantastic Four, New Teen Titans, Uncanny X-Men, Justice League International, The Flash (obviously, but that's the only one I follow no matter who's doing it)
Writers: Grant Morrison, Peter Milligan, Mark Waid, Keith Giffen, James Robinson (when he was a DC Hack, before becoming a Hollywood hack), Ann Nocenti.
Artists: Chris Bachalo (in Shade-Death-Generation X), Frank Quitely, Brian Bolland
Writer/Artist: André Franquin, Frank Miller, Dan Clowes, Peter Bagge, Kyle Baker, Sam Kieth, Bill Watterson, Winsor McCay, Alex Raymond, whatever.
Websites: ADLO! Novelti Librari
First comic I bought/remember most vividly: I think it was a pre-crisis Superman which I got second hand (i'm not that old, i could barely read when the Crisis happened!) It was about Superman on a trip back to Krypton and taking Lois Lane with him, showing him the wonders of his home planet, etc etc etc. The cover said something like "Lois, I introduce you to my family!".

The first one I bought and still keep must be a local edition of Batman and the Outsiders #1, circa 1989.

TPBs or Issues: Issues all the way. I don't understand the people who prefer TPBs. I mean, I would if TPBs were cheaper than the sum of its issues, but they certainly aren't. So it's the same money (or more), but just in one payment. It makes no sense to me.

Conventions: I went to one in 1996, and another one in 1998. That was the end for me! Too many people...

Filmic adaptation: Superman, Ghost World

One liner: "There's gotta be a better world", the last Doom Patrol by Morrison.

Favorite single panel: Buddy Baker shedding a tear for his resurrected family in Animal Man 26, Danny The World giving the welcome for Crazy Jane, Shade's daughter/son looking at the sky in Shade 70...i'm a sucker for emotional endings. I should also mention one panel from Justice League International 8 (Moving Day) but the description would be too long.

iodine (iodine), Saturday, 16 July 2005 02:59 (eighteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Superhero: don't have one, really.

Series/collections: I rilly liked the interconnectedness of the DC and Marvel universes and I guess I really dug Teen titans, X-Men, and lotsa team books but a.) then Chris Claremont ruined comic books for me in the mid '80s, b.) Watchmen pretty much made me not need to read any more comics, and c.) I needed to get some pussy.

Y'know what was really good? Bruce Jones' Ka-Zar.

Writers: Roy Thomas, Moore, Doug Moench, lotsa others…

Artists: sorry… I liked John Byrne…Neal Adams, Perez, Kirby…lotsa others…

Websites: umm, this one?

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: I think it was an late '70s legion ish…

TPBs or issues?: TPBs

Conventions (aka nerd congregations)/cosplay (aka costume play)?: never been to one…

Filmic adaptation: I guess Batman Begins got it right…

One liner: no idea…

Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): gee…good dialogue? characterization?

Favorite single panel: no idea…

veronica moser (veronica moser), Wednesday, 10 August 2005 19:41 (eighteen years ago) link

two months pass...
Superhero: Silver Surfer. By a fucking mile

Series/collections: Vagabond, Slam Dunk, Invisibles, Nemesis, Finder, Y the Last Man, Stray Bullets, Blue Monday (bet I'm the only one here), Maakies, Black Order Brigade, Son of the Gun.

Writers: Alejandro Jodorowsky, Grant Morrison, Pat Mills (before he lost it), David Lapham [am more of an artist person than a writer person]

Artists: Inoue Takehiko!!! Frank Quitely, Kevin O'Neill, Jack Cole, Paul Pope, Jim Mahfood, Jhonen Vasquez, Eduardo Risso, Pierre Christin, Georges Bess, David Lapham

First comic you bought/remember most vividly: 2000AD. First US comic was Squee. First Jap comic was Akira. First one I read was Tintin.

TPBs or issues?: Issues, cos I'm impatient. But TPBs are undeniably better to read (I hate the ads, Marvel in particular are choked with 'em). Actually the real answer is manga collections. I like the paperback format.

Conventions (aka nerd congregations)/cosplay (aka costume play)?: Nope never done it. Used to be on Barbelith a lot tho!

Filmic adaptation: Gotta confess to a deep love for Xmen.

One liner: "Guess we've got to win now, huh guys?" Hanamichi Sakuragi talking to the Shohoku team after he's jumped on a table and told the entire stadium that "Sannoh's going down". Or "Are you one of those wussie emo bands?" from New Xmen.

Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): Quirky art.

Favorite single panel: The aliens debating who gets to keep Squee. Or Uozumi wearing an apron and shaving a radish onto the basketball court to remind Akagi that he is "a flounder not a star, and you need to get down in the mud: no-one else can do that".

Jacob (Jacob), Friday, 14 October 2005 07:11 (eighteen years ago) link

Hi Jacob! I think you'll like it here!

Huk-L (Huk-L), Friday, 14 October 2005 13:42 (eighteen years ago) link

Barbelith! I've been flirting with the idea of defecting there.

Welcome Jacob, you've motivated me to do something that's been on my mind for a while: All New Introduce Yourselves thread!

Leeeeeeeeee (Leee), Friday, 14 October 2005 17:32 (eighteen years ago) link

one year passes...
Superhero: Thing, Superman, Adam Warlock, Silver Surfer, Captain Marvel.
Series/collections: Fantastic Four, Love & Rockets, Yummy Fur, Dirty Plotte, Defenders, Avengers, Warlock, Captain Marvel, Eightball, Hate, Doctor Strange, Thor.
Writers: Robert Crumb, Harvey Kurtzman, Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez, Steve Gerber, Steve Englehart, Alan Moore.
Artists: Jack Kirby, Robert Crumb, Steve Ditko, Alex Toth, Harvey Kurtzman, Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez, Chester Brown, Jullie Doucet, Gary Panter, Charles Burns, Jose Munoz, many others.
Websites: Mile High Comics.
First comic you bought/remember most vividly: Superboy, Batman? Something like thant. Back in 1972.
TPBs or issues?: Both, I guess. Depending on what it is.
Conventions (aka nerd congregations)/cosplay (aka costume play)?: Not since 1989.
Filmic adaptation: Ghost World, Crumb (if that counts).
One liner: "Nothing matters and what if it did."
Biggest kink (what you most consistently fall for in a comic): Wit? God help me...
Favorite single panel: The usual panel(s) from FF #40.

JN$OT, Friday, 9 March 2007 19:45 (seventeen years ago) link

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