rolling Jericho calls The New Day trap queens 2016

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steph promo was a+ (albeit in the classic format of "i am a heel but i'm going to say lots of things that are otm because i'm also kind of not a heel i suppose"), dean-trips stuff was v good, becky-sasha was decent but obviously setting up for bigger things, rest was not really worthwhile

tho i am looking forward to this hilarious odd couple-style sitcom, coming soon on usa network

Kota Ibushi in "come and get me plea" to WWE Executive Vice-President of Talent Triple H.

i wish no harm upon any man but 4 real i can't wait until Vinnie Mac has checked out and Hunter has the freedom to extend his smart-mark EWR fantasy booking tendencies to the main roster.

in some alternate reality AJ Styles / Kevin Owens is yr WM IC title feud and it's hot-as-hot-can-be, and we're getting 20 mins of them tearing it up in a classic WM match to be remembered forever after.

in this actual real life reality AJ Styles is teaming with your most embarrassing uncle ahead of an inevitable split/heel turn giving us a match we've seen 5 times already in every possible combination that is entirely predictable and does nothing to elevate anyone. Kevin Owens just lost by count out to the muthafuckin Big Show. No one at the top of this company has any fucking clue at all what it is that ppl like in 2016.

suicide commando, Wednesday, 2 March 2016 23:37 (eight years ago) link

AJ Styles has been w the company for 2 months, they've already had him pinned clean by one of their over-the-hill Attitude Era holdovers, killed the Styles Clash as a finisher, labelled him as a redneck and a rookie, mocked his height, dismissed his ability to cut a promo.. are these guys allergic to money or what

suicide commando, Wednesday, 2 March 2016 23:41 (eight years ago) link

Styles was never going to be a main event star in WWE though. Daniel Bryan was a once in a generation exception (i.e. indie star not known for his mic work or having much of a character beyond "guy who likes kicking people" who unexpectedly developed both and was embraced by the fans while still being at the top of his game in the ring).

The Styles Clash has always been a dumb finisher too, and can't be safely or realistically applied to guys bigger than him (which is 85% of the WWE roster). They've been putting the calf killer/crusher over strong, so I have no complaints about any of this.

Jericho can still go in the ring, so he's not the problem, and Jericho/Styles vs New Day in a 15 minute tag title match at Mania could rock bells. The "redneck rookie" crap didn't help, and they've compensated for his mic work (which is poor by WWE standards) by having Jericho as the svengali behind all of his feuds so far.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Thursday, 3 March 2016 15:33 (eight years ago) link

I dont really mind jericho styles/new day or jericho-styles as pairings. Its gonna be alright for his first mania and hes still being booked kinda strong despite the problems. It'd be sweet if he can come out strong into a high-ish profile fued for post-mania and a good spot for summerslam (beat jericho at wm, wrestle owens for a few months, face a return like cena or orton at ss?).

Its still wwe though.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Thursday, 3 March 2016 15:58 (eight years ago) link

i take the point about the Styles Clash.

didn't mean to imply that AJ was ever going to be a main-event level star in WWE, just complaining in a general sense that they had this nice shiny new thing that people were totally excited about and they've managed to take most of the shine off it less than 3 months into his run. nothing's really been "ruined" or whatever, the problem is that they seemingly never run with the hot hand anymore when the opportunity is there.

Jericho beating Styles hasn't killed AJ's ability to be a big guy for them in the future, in the same way that Triple H pinning CM Punk in Summer 2011 didn't kill off Punk (I'm aware there are significant differences). but they're both examples of them hitting the brakes on guys who had momentum because... why? i just don't get why they don't run with it when they stumble into something cool and exciting.

Jericho is part of the problem here imo, not specifically wrt to Styles but with the WWE generally. any of the guys who've been knocking around for more than a decade now are part of the problem. you watch WWF/E throughout history, picking years at random and look at how different the rosters are between, say, 1984 1987 1991 1994 1999 2004 - things used to change up all the time. having so many long-termers on the roster makes everything feel so stale. as soon as anyone new and interesting gets involved with them the gloss immediately wears off a bit because it's 2016 and i don't wanna watch the Big Show wrestle anymore

suicide commando, Thursday, 3 March 2016 17:15 (eight years ago) link

I think i can think of like 5 spur of the moment booking-the-hot-guy examples in 10 years.

Punks contract
Hall of pain
The new day
The rhodes brothers
Something something daniel bryan
...that time rtruth actually got to headline a ppv match against cena?

I just remembered that when rock and cena tagged for a big 4 ppv main event their competitors were... the fucking miz and r truth, because of a laptop. Really puts in perspective the current lot.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Thursday, 3 March 2016 17:52 (eight years ago) link

Remember Ziggler at Survivor Series or when he won the title the night after Raw? He lost to miz in a minute i heard on Raw.

You've discussed Aj.

Kevin Owens beat Cena in his first match and less than a year later hes fueding with ziggler and big show.

Rusev went on a winning streak and got a fucking tank and now hes Sheamus' lackey.

Lol wyatts.

Neville had the best title non-win in a million years last year and is he even still on the show?

There are most probably a million other examples.

This is what they do.

Fuck its depressing. Come on trips.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Thursday, 3 March 2016 17:56 (eight years ago) link

last thing i wanna do is defend wwe, but like... i feel like everyone complains about dudes not being booked heavily enough if they're not in the immediate heavyweight title picture? i mean for better or for worse, there's a story with that title now, they can't put everyone in that story. they've already got at least 4 dudes in that story right now!

Worth Taking from Little Kid (Will M.), Thursday, 3 March 2016 18:56 (eight years ago) link

for real as long as Kevin Owens gets occasional exclusive interviews where he has to be reluctantly roused from reclining on some kind of pallet backstage I will be happy

Dadjokke (Sgt. Biscuits), Thursday, 3 March 2016 19:04 (eight years ago) link

xpost to Will M

nah it's not about wins and losses and titles i don't think, not directly. like, i absolutely am not demanding that AJ Styles (but this goes for loads of guys) easily win every match he's in and be in the world title picture or w/e, of course not, only idiots think that good workrate = deserving top star in that way. BUT there is such a distance between that kind of myopic smark view and the reality, there is a middle ground that could be taken.

when you've got guys on your roster who are fresh, new, exciting, capable of putting together different and interesting new feuds with excellent matches PUT THEM TOGETHER! take these things which are fresh and new and exciting and let them reinvigorate your show! it'll get over! don't put them with fucking Jericho or Big Show or Kane or whoever because then I'm just an asshole sat in a room watching Big Show or Jericho or Kane or whoever AGAIN in 2016.

"________ vs Big Show"

it doesn't matter who you plug into this equation, it's still a case of same old shit and it's nothing i as a viewer want any part of. beating Chris Jericho in 2016 means nothing. feud them with fucking Neville or Breeze or Rusev or Harper or WHATEVER, just get these old fucks off my screen, give me something different. it's not like any of it could possibly hurt ratings or buy-rates. stop having fun new guys get beat by 25 year vets on your main tv show. no one's gonna get over like this

suicide commando, Thursday, 3 March 2016 19:18 (eight years ago) link

yeah, lot of fresh talent that could be feuding w/ each other but it feels like they're saving all these guaranteed straight-fire matches for a future that may never come

Mordy, Thursday, 3 March 2016 19:34 (eight years ago) link

the new guys never get properly introduced, which is a bummer, and i blame 3 hours of live tv. their video package department is so damn good, why are they doing 20-minute individual one-act plays with shaky actors in front of 10000 people when they could do 5-minute intro things? like the nxt vids, minus the "reality" ness of it all. more kayfabe-y intros. like Lucha Underground. idk, if i'm someone who never watched nxt, how am i supposed to know ANYTHING about neville? occasional mic spots? while 10000 people say WHAT? ...i just feel like before someone gets on a mic, it'd be nice if we KNEW a lot about them.

Worth Taking from Little Kid (Will M.), Thursday, 3 March 2016 20:03 (eight years ago) link

seriously, show me a 3-minute video of neville, invent a backstory where he idk used to be a trapeze artist in the circus with a violent streak, left to join THE REAL CIRCUS of wwe.

or show me a 3-min video of breeze at his summer home in XXXXXXXX being a general vain doofus and make it clear that he hates uggos, then put him in a feud with an uggo. there are so many uggos to choose from!

i honestly do feel even though they WAY overdid it that the wyatt videos WERE effective for a while!! short, weird, developed character and to a lesser extent established motivation in a way that trying to do it in the bright lights on a mic live just can't do concisely!

Worth Taking from Little Kid (Will M.), Thursday, 3 March 2016 20:08 (eight years ago) link


i tried thinking about it and what i could come up with in recent times

2010 alberto del rio is a rich guy in a mansion
2012 chris jericho has faux taker cryptic vids and comes out saying nothing
2012 lord tensai isnt prince albert, hes got a face tattoo now
2012 brodus clay is a killer, who they then forget about and hes a funky dinosaur
2012 brock comes back from ufc
2013 wyatts
2013 team hell no anger management

im clutching at straws, and in the past 6 years there has definitely been 100+ men and women on the roster they could have done this with. to fill a 3 hour fucking show. or the other 2 hour one. or the other ones they have on top of those.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Thursday, 3 March 2016 21:42 (eight years ago) link

they maybe did it with sin botchy too? icantremember

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Thursday, 3 March 2016 21:43 (eight years ago) link

were hell no's anger mgmt videos live sketches backstage or actual produced vids? i never saw them (only got back in like... 2ish yrs ago)

Worth Taking from Little Kid (Will M.), Thursday, 3 March 2016 21:50 (eight years ago) link

I think it was a mixture of both, those segments were dumb but they got THN 10x more over than I would have thought possible.

didn't mean to imply that AJ was ever going to be a main-event level star in WWE, just complaining in a general sense that they had this nice shiny new thing that people were totally excited about and they've managed to take most of the shine off it less than 3 months into his run. nothing's really been "ruined" or whatever, the problem is that they seemingly never run with the hot hand anymore when the opportunity is there.

I completely agree ... he showed up at the Rumble to a huge reaction and it might turn out to be the highlight of his WWE career. They could have put him in an IC title feud for him to get his feet wet, and let his push develop organically from there. Instead he's trading wins and losses just like every other WWE midcarder, after two months he's already in the Ziggler zone where he's stuck in this infinite loop of midcard matches with the same guys 4 life.

RIP Hayabusa.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Friday, 4 March 2016 15:05 (eight years ago) link

caught up with the two most recent episodes of NXT today, and boy that Zayn / Joe two-out-of-three-falls match is really something, eh?

I hate sounding like a boring old-school-wannabe Steve Austin mark, but I have been watching a lot of old wrestling recently and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to deal with the style of match that Balor / Neville work in their match from last week. It's all kicks and dives art 100 miles an hour, I hit you then you hit me, two faces trying to "outperform" each other with no one selling shit and nothing getting to breathe at all. I mean it was all very technically proficient I'm sure, but was I meant to believe in or care about anything that happened? Rubbish match.

Night and day when compared to this Sami / Joe match. Obviously it's much easier to do when you're going 40 minutes rather than 12 and I'm not discounting that, but jesus, the difference that it makes just having a good guy and a bad guy, having that bad guy beat the living tar out of the good guy and milk the boos, having the good guy make fired-up comebacks and play to the crowd.... it's all so much more engaging this way.

still haven't been able to plough through all of the first season of Lucha Underground yet (i'm enjoying it much more than that sounds) so i won't be getting to this week's triple threat any time soon, but apparently it was also a barnburner of a match? what with the tag match on Raw as well, seems like a good week.

suicide commando, Thursday, 10 March 2016 22:12 (eight years ago) link

lucha underground triple threat was great, yeah, maybe my second fave lu match behind grave consequences. (i know what you mean about ploughing through it, i caught up thanks to the blessing of unemployment. thirty hours of anything is going to be tough going at points...)

xpost I get what you're saying re the difference between Balor/Neville and Zayn/Joe but I loved the former; as I was watching it I never felt like they weren't selling, I was totally taken in by them being so fired up. Especially that ending, when Balor hit the Coup (a finisher I don't like, it's too 'real' with no pro wrestling oomph) and then followed up with the brainbuster (or was it a brainbuster-Bloody Sunday mashup? I think he got a single underhook?) because he needed that extra something.

The only thing lacking in the match for me was a story, it was more of a New Japan style bout where they're just two top guys fighting to prove themselves. That's where Zayn/Joe had the edge, they've built up some great heat between those two, but the ending of their second match kinda ruined it for me, and I'm sitting here convinced that the third fall in their best-of-3 match next week will end in another screwy finish, like a double countout or double DQ or something (though they're gonna have to wrap it up before TakeOver).

wronger than 100 geir posts (MacDara), Friday, 11 March 2016 09:04 (eight years ago) link

(Oh wait, that third match was this week - I haven't watched NXT yet, oops! I'll be back on the weekend when I've done that.)

wronger than 100 geir posts (MacDara), Friday, 11 March 2016 09:06 (eight years ago) link

i haven't seen the balor / neville match but sc's description reminds me of the kind of refocusing i had to do to appreciate the most lucha-y of lucha underground's matches, not really being familiar with the lucha style before. often so much of it seems like a spectacular thing happens, then everybody moves into position for the next spectacular thing, and so on. i think for that reason i slightly prefer fenix to prince puma (though i love prince puma too), fenix is a bit meatier, more physical, prince puma tends towards something less believable, not even in a wrestling sense but in a human sense - immaculate springboard 450 to the outside through a table? ya i remember doing that on n64, didn't seem physically plausible then, still doesn't now that i've seen an actual person do it

certain moves now trigger an almost instinctual negative response from me when i see them in a match, the superkick is possibly the worst case but i would include shitty not-really-suicide--dives and those spinning thrust kicks to the mid-section that Balor and Neville O'Ded on during their match.

i don't want to be a boring miserablist motherfucker and i'm not about to come out like some guys and claim that Jerry Lawler is the greatest pro wrestler to have ever lived or whatever, but i do have sympathy with those boring miserablist motherfuckers like Austin or Cornette who complain that so much of what is generally considered "good" contemporary wrestling essentially feels like a video game with nothing at stake and no one even pretending to make it feel real. dudes doing moves in the hope of getting a "this is awesome" chant when actually if someone just lay on the floor and sold for a bit it'd all work 100x better.

the understanding of this distinction is why Samoa Joe and Sami Zayn are two awesome pro wrestlers and Finn Balor in partic. is a kind of an athletic nothing who badly needs to work out what he's good at and who the fuck he is beyond "i was once New Japan jr heavyweight champion". Hopefully the Bullet/Balor club will help with this

suicide commando, Saturday, 12 March 2016 01:59 (eight years ago) link

i do like finn and that maybe more spotty style but i get where you're coming from, i v much appreciated the first 15 mins of zayn - joe which was basically nothing happening in a very intense way. also king cuerno has ruined the suicide dive for everybody else

Yeah, agreed - I thought the first chunk of Zayn/Joe was the best of the match, IMO. I kinda lost interested in the middle of it but that's more on me being tired when I watched it last night.

I also completely get the criticisms of Balor, though I don't think his matches suffer as much from it as lucha libre. I've never been able to get into straight lucha - I've watched some CMLL and AAA and been like 'uhhh' - but Lucha Underground has been an easier adjustment, because it adds the American-style story and psychology that's lacking from the orthodox stuff.

wronger than 100 geir posts (MacDara), Saturday, 12 March 2016 09:58 (eight years ago) link

Yeah Lucha is an odd one, it's way more impenetrable than u.s. and puro stuff, I've found.

The closest I've come so far aside from LU was this pretty extraordinary match I watched the other day, the highly-spoken-of ms-1 vs sangre chicana from 1983. Starts with ms-1 assaulting chicana outside the ring before the bell, immediately busting him wide open by smashing his head off the ring apron and it just goes from there.

There's all these little old Mexican grannies in fancy hats clustering round him wringing their hands and trying to help him to his feet while cussing out me-1, it's rad. Totally different kind of match to what we would think of as lucha though, no masks or flips or anything, just a wild wild 80s brawl. Not really sure what what stage in the development of the form lucha became all about the ranas and that

suicide commando, Saturday, 12 March 2016 15:11 (eight years ago) link

I was torn on Zayn/Joe, they worked hard but I felt they overdid some things for the sake of having a 40-minute match. The slow opening minutes telegraphed the fact that they were planning on working a long match, that took away some of the believability for me (I knew that it was a long match before I watched it, but still). How many fired up underdog comebacks can you have in one match, even from Zayn?

There was a sequence where Joe kept attacking Zayn on the outside and trying for a countout, where the match should have been accelerating toward the big finish but instead it slowed right down while Zayn laid around on the floor for five minutes.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Sunday, 13 March 2016 01:37 (eight years ago) link

any opinions on Roadblock? thought it was a bit of a nothing show tbh, cool seeing the NXT guys in their tag, Enzo and Cass have come a long way ito having engaging matches. Ambrose / HHH was good with a shitty finish (how many times have we said that in the last year or so?)

They need to do some more interesting shit with Lesnar. I know that him squashing fools by repeatedly throwing them onto their heads as hard as he can is the gimmick, but they've done enough now to establish him as the boss to end all bosses. they could've very easily let Harper be at least a little bit competitive and made more of a match of it. obviously you still have Lesnar win comprehensively and with ease, just let the victims try and find strategies for coping with him that give more of a story to his matches than "15 german suplexes and an F5". also vary the offence a little plz. i love watching him smash dudes but it'd be more interesting if he had more than 3 moves

the less said about Sami Zayn / Stardust the better. fuckin idiots

Windsor Davies, Monday, 14 March 2016 12:22 (eight years ago) link

I watched most of the New Day match (and promo), Jericho's promo and match, the NXT tag match, and the main event. I didn't bother with the bait and switch in the Brock match, not like I particularly want to see Wyatt vs Lesnar either, but what was the point of any of that?

Jericho doesn't get enough credit for what he does. He comes back when he feels like it and couldn't care less about where he is on the card or even whether he's on TV (during one comeback he only worked house shows). He has more than enough money to retire or to come back once a year for a WM payoff/ego boost, instead, he seems genuinely interested in going on the road and having feuds with guys he's never worked with before and putting them over.

Ambrose/HHH started slow, but really picked up by the end. The crowd reaction to the false pin was huge -- was anybody in WWE paying attention?

I'm all for more of these glorified house shows (Roadblock, Beast in the East) from WWE.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Monday, 14 March 2016 14:38 (eight years ago) link

been reported that Bray's got a fucked-up back and wasn't up to working the match apparently, dunno how far ahead of time this was known

Windsor Davies, Monday, 14 March 2016 14:55 (eight years ago) link

i suppose there's no reason to expect anything interesting to happen on a glorified house show but it would be nice if wwe could do something surprising ever. nevertheless it was a solid card, apart from sami-stardust mess. really enjoyed charlotte-natalya too, patented divas match finish aside.


Well, Bray and Heyman both cut backstage promos about the match during the show itself, so ...

NoTimeBeforeTime, Monday, 14 March 2016 19:23 (eight years ago) link

That Enzo/Cass vs. Revival match was fantastic. As earlier posts of mine in this thread will attest, I am a big Scott Dawson supporter. And I love Enzo's high-speed crossbody. That's a beautiful move.

JRN, Monday, 14 March 2016 20:42 (eight years ago) link

yes ^ and they looked like they belonged on the big stage even enzo. cass looked great.

Mordy, Monday, 14 March 2016 20:45 (eight years ago) link

Taker vs Shane is really going to be the main event at Mania, isn't it? At least they won't have to worry about Reigns getting booed by 100K people to close the show.

Supposedly there's still backstage heat on HHH for appearing on NXT Takeover when he "should" have been selling the beating he got from Reigns on RAW in December. This stuff is baffling, even for WWE in 2016. They've got a network that airs 8293854 different kayfabe breaking shows, but HHH not staying off TV long enough to sell his fake injuries is what's killing Roman Reigns' push? IDGI.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Tuesday, 15 March 2016 09:11 (eight years ago) link

hey so uhhhhhh NAKA-FUCKIN-MURA was on NXT last night. for real i don't think i actually care at all what they do with Mania at this point - actually this isn't quite true - i hope Dean Ambrose goes full CZW on Brock Lesnar and gets F-5ed through a titantron screen or sthing, I hope Shane O'Mac goes off the top of the cell through a table, i hope they fully follow through on Reigns/Triple H in the most obvious way possible and the fans vomit all over the whole thing from start to finish, i basically hope that it's an entertaining car crash of a show

BUT the point I'm making is that it doesn't really matter if WM is a busted flush bcuz this NXT special is gonna have me forgiving all their sins. which, as has been previously noted itt, is exactly what it's there for. 2 weeks man, I AM HYPED for this show and i am gonna be STAYING HYPED, believe dat

suicide commando, Thursday, 17 March 2016 22:38 (eight years ago) link

is aztec warfare the same week as takeover dallas and wm32 and i guess the post wm raw? cos that could truly make it the best ever week in wrestling history (if wm isnt shit)

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 18 March 2016 07:11 (eight years ago) link

I notice the later start time for TakeOver, it's at 10pm eastern. Which means I think I'll be going to bed early that Saturday night and setting the alarm before 3am.

wronger than 100 geir posts (MacDara), Friday, 18 March 2016 09:52 (eight years ago) link

I am tempted to finally get the network, how is it for people on laptops? How is live streaming in general, especially for bigger events?

Alternatively eh fuck it im poor and will spend that weekend trying to avoid spoilers and have a crazy wrestling monday off work.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 18 March 2016 13:36 (eight years ago) link

I've rarely had a problem live streaming, whether on my laptop or through the big TV on the PS3 or Xbox One (occasionally on the Nexus tablet I have issues streaming archive stuff but I think that's more down to the Android app being crap). I think it's only dropped requiring a refresh only once, and that was so long ago I don't even remember what event that was. In general the worst that'll happen is the HD feed will drop to lower def for less than a minute.

wronger than 100 geir posts (MacDara), Friday, 18 March 2016 20:02 (eight years ago) link

yeah i never had problems with it

suicide commando, Friday, 18 March 2016 20:08 (eight years ago) link

i've been having streaming problems since i changed my billing info :/ main page streaming isn't working and whenever i click one of the links i get "Bad request

Your browser sent a query this server could not understand."

:/ :/ :/

sometimes some things work

qualx, Friday, 18 March 2016 20:13 (eight years ago) link

nvm clearing cookies and cache fixed it

qualx, Sunday, 20 March 2016 00:51 (eight years ago) link

anyway i have a basic laptop with integrated hd 4000 or whatever and streaming is fine, it's all capped at 720 and it doesn't frequently go below that. pre-hd vids look beautiful and play well.

the ui sucks however

qualx, Sunday, 20 March 2016 00:54 (eight years ago) link

that fenix mil muertes match last week!

Mordy, Sunday, 20 March 2016 00:56 (eight years ago) link

got bored of trying to smash through an entire series of Lucha Underground so skipped right on to Ultima Lucha which was amazing as everyone had already said, am currently enjoying busting thu the 8 spidodes of LU Season 2 that have been broadcast so far in order to bring me up to date.
aside from that and NXT i've been watching a ton of Georgia Championship Wrestling 19880-1982 which has been incredibly fun so far.

BUT the most fun ive had with anything for months and momnths has been my rewatch of WMX7 which was one of the first shows i ever stayed up late on a school night and paid out cash monies to watch live as an 11 year old school boy and have always remembered fondly as a special and important event and here i am 15 yrs laters rewatching it in full for the first time and MY GOD but it is fucking unbelievable (a) how many of these guys would go on to become uberimportant within the world of professional grapple dudes and (b) how fucking awesome so many of these guys were at the whole grapplin thing in the first place

i mean it really has been probably been a full 15 years since i watched any of these matches but the TLC and it is all awesome and amazing and i honestly don't get how in the name of heaven a wrestling promoter could have a roster this stacked and contrive to fuck the whole thing up forever and ever man fuck vince mcmahon you hubristic chump, how the hell did you fuck this up??!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!????????????????

suicide commando, Sunday, 20 March 2016 02:54 (eight years ago) link

and yet perhaps there is some kind of salient pro-wrestling lesson in all of this in so far as you can have an entire roster filled with p. much peak-era, never-this-good-again Dwayne The Rock Johnson, Kurt Angle, Triple H, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Hardy Boyz, Eddie Guerrero, William Regal, Edge and Christian etc. etc. etc.

and yet none of it meant a thing in the end bcuz all of that shit up there ^^^^^^ multiplied up together is not even close to equaing to ONE HOT STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN in the right place at the right time which all just shows what terrible taste yr mainstream wrestling fan has i guess

suicide commando, Sunday, 20 March 2016 03:01 (eight years ago) link

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