rolling Jericho calls The New Day trap queens 2016

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Probably nothing. Shane goes back to working behind the scenes and appearing on camera once in a while (assuming he's back working for the company full time again) and the Authority goes on being the Authority.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Thursday, 31 March 2016 19:31 (eight years ago) link

Aries Corbin (it's about time he won a big one, and Aries will do ok without this one)
Nak - i can't imagine sami winning but i wouldn't mind either way, prob my most hyped match of the weekend
American Alpha - please yes
Crews - this can be the only outcome, right???
Joe - now or never i guess
Bayley Asuka - joe/asuka at the top of the div is just too exciting to imagine not happening, and bayley to wwe seems inevitable


Taker - how not?
Reigns - given last year's swerve, there's gotta be SOMETHING this year that fucks it up, and reigns/brose standing tall only for brose to take out roman seems right
Ambrose - yeah
Styles - if he loses, this never ends does it?
Charlotte Sasha - not sure if it's my head or heart but i can't see sasha not walking away with it. bosses gotta boss
Owens Ryder or Stardust - i can imagine a wacky swerve where KO/Zayn cancel each other out, Zig/Miz cancel each other out, Sin Cara falls off the steps on the way to the ring, one of these two steals one for a "wtf(tm) moment sponsored by digiornio" or whatever
New Day League - why would the champs bother winning a non-title match even at wm?

(Andre) Kane - and then he retires lol jk idk let's just #prayforcesaro
Kalisto - i don't think i hate anyone more than ryback, don't make me pick him
Nobody - divas vs divas is a lose-lose

yellow despackling power (Will M.), Thursday, 31 March 2016 19:48 (eight years ago) link

I'll stick to NXT predictions first, not really thought too much about Mania yet

Corbin / Aries I can't pick tbh. do you wanna start Aries off with a debut loss? do you want to job out Corbin's "I hate indie geeks and I'm better than them" gimmick just as it starts getting good? Let's say a non-finish with Corbin beating Aries' ass post-match, it's about time he got some proper heat on him.

Crews / Drifter who gives a fuck, they need to go back to the drawing board with Crews in a big way imo, Drifter has been getting a nice little push so maybe he takes this?

Nakamura winning is the most predictable result of the weekend, there's just no chance in hell that he doesn't get this. Zayn will probably win at WM so it's fine, you always lose on your way out of the "territory" (you know HHH loves that kinda shit)

American Alpha are definitely winning here I think.

For the two singles titles... i dunno actually. Asuka's definitely getting the belt at some point but I could see Bayley clinging on for the next Takeover show, don't really see any need to rush this change through.

Balor might turn sometime soon I guess? he badly needs it and bringing in the Bullet/Balor Club dudes here to help him retain would be a pretty great shock ending to set up a Balor / Nakamura program maybe? yeah i dunno, apparently Nak is gonna be working Jericho through the summmer for the main roster Japanese shows so who the fuck knows. Balor vs returning Itami? I'd be pleased to see Joe win it but I wouldn't be surprised if they keep the belt off him and he's there to function as an upper-card gatekeeper.

suicide commando, Thursday, 31 March 2016 20:11 (eight years ago) link

Also first confirmed names for the Cruiserweight Invitational thing - Rich Swann, Johnny Gargano, Zack Sabre Jr., Tommaso Ciampa, Noam Dar, Ho Lun Lun, Akira Tozawa.

idk anything about Ho Lun Lun or Tozawa, quite excited about the other guys. Seems like they're pushing for relatively big guns as indy performers go. King Cuerno was approached but is tied down to his Lucha Underground / AAA deal.

It's repeated so often nowadays but it very much bears repeating - it is CRAZY how much the indy and international scenes bleed into the WWE right now. like there is now a clearly defined path from Korakuen Hall or your local high-school gym to the main WWE roster, Wrestlemania etc. When you remember how things were even like 6 or 7 years ago it's just fucking nuts

suicide commando, Thursday, 31 March 2016 20:19 (eight years ago) link

Winners I feel moderately certain of: Asuka, Nakamura, Styles, Lesnar, and Reigns.

The match I'm looking forward to most, by far, is Alpha/Revival, in part because I really don't know what they'll do. I'm most intrigued by the possibility that the Revival might win clean. That would further the storyline they've set up with Jordan and Gable never being able to win the big one (stretching back to their amateur days), which would give some character to this feud beyond good guys who win a lot vs. bad guys who win a lot. Plus it would cement Dash and Dawson as tag team kingpins, making it that much more meaningful when J&G finally take the titles down the road in the 2/3 falls match they've been workshopping at house shows.

Then again, I saw a guy on another wrestling board point out that there are no other major matches on the show that allow for a big crowd-pleasing babyface victory. That does make me think the Revival are probably going down.

JRN, Thursday, 31 March 2016 21:40 (eight years ago) link

in NXT i've got corbin, nakamura, american alpha, crews, joe + bayley in gutsy all heart title retention that proves she's bonafide - can win against the monster - before rematch formally gives title over to asuka (and sends her up to raw). raw divas division is still a little cluttered i think and nxt a lot of the next gen of women don't seem ready to take the next step. like if they send up bayley who feuds with asuka? you already know she can beat emma + dana w/ ease. carmella, alexa bliss, and nia jax are all getting there but none seem like credible champion threats.

mania i think i'm going to be contrarian - hhh goes over reigns in main event bc they're scared of the boos, lesnar obv, styles, sasha banks (50/50 on this one), i say owens retains, new day. is the new day match really non-title? that's absurd. also - i think shane over taker bc why bring him back and all of this just to drop it? it seems more reasonable to me that this is taker's last wrestlemania than that shane came back just to lose this match.

Mordy, Friday, 1 April 2016 02:56 (eight years ago) link

for me the a big sign that shane's going to win is his semi-shoot comments about how the company's going down the toilet with vince and trips and steph in charge, i don't imagine you legitimately badmouth your own product unless there's some kind of shake-up on the horizon

i'm hoping for a reigns win + heel turn but it could be difficult to do well since the fans couldn't possibly boo him any more than they already do. maybe attacking the rock for some reason could do the trick

The trick would be to have him turn heel on the segment of the crowd that still likes him, without flipping his detractors the other way. I think if he snapped and went nuts on Ambrose with a chair like he did on Triple H a few months ago, a lot of people would go "whoa, Reigns is cool now!" (Although that would probably still be preferable to what we've got now.)

JRN, Friday, 1 April 2016 04:00 (eight years ago) link


drifter but really who cares?
asuka, and bayley debuts on monday hugging/consoling becky about her wm loss
the revival, for reasons JRN said earlier
nak but i secretly think a double countout/dq or something; if only matches had time limits still
aries wins w/ a shock roll-up or something and corbin fucking destorys him and any indie guys who come out to help him (the czw ref would be a good one here, the crowd would get it) and maybe also regal etc. to get heat despite losing
joe? just knowing anderson and gallows are signed makes this so hard to predict

potentially the best wwe show since wm30, best north american show since ultima lucha and if it actually hits every top note, potentially one of the best shows of all time. its an understatement to say im excited. also knowing who the fans are, knowing see joe and asuka win won't be seeing *heels* win, especially as they'll still be loved, and it will be the first time almost all of the crowd would have seen these respected performers.

armbar - eh strowman?
divas thing - eh
usos but eh
new day, hope they have a fun surprise partner
sasha, with a snoop performance*
the fucking miz, after zayn/owens take each other out

*surely making this the most obvious winner of the whole weekend

monday night raw
shane shows how different things will be by starting raw as a mcmahon giving a 20 minute promo
bayley debuts as becky's mate, they have a tag match against idk team bad
zayn beats the miz for the title, having wrestled 3 big shows in 5 days (on tv this would be a big thing, forgetting house shows)
one of cena/rollins/cesaro returns and bullet club wreck the party
reigns/ambrose possible party tag, possible dissention, possible rollins return idk
lesnar's mysteriously disappeared
taker retires
a fucking great raw with a horrrrrrrrible crowd, a good enough raw that hey maybe this shane&change is shoot, only for it all to go back to shit the next week.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 04:45 (eight years ago) link

Wrestlemania then -

New Day are gonna win, apparently something about this performance (possibly the partner?) is gonna be a huge deal - Rocky?! actually here's hoping a triumphant Hogan comes out to help the black dudes against the dastardly foreigners and everyone forgets about that old "disgusting racist tirade" or whatever. i mean they're already using New Day to symbolically cleanse at least one old racist of his old racist sins at the Hall of Fame (were Terry Gordy and Gorgeous Jimmy racists? who am i kidding this is rasslin, of course they were - ok, three old racists), so i guess what's one more?

ARMBAR will be Kane or a Wyatt
Women's match is tough to call, though let's say Sasha because I want her to win most.
Styles wins natch
Zayn will win the IC title to set up a run with Owens. That way he doesn't lose any momentum from losing to Nak the night before

Lesnar beats Ambrose in a match that I hope is gonna be more Terry Funk / Atsushi Onita Texas Death Match than WWE "hardcore" comedy fuckery, but it's Dean Ambrose so who knows, it might be kooky as all get out

For the top two matches I don't have a fucking clue what's gonna happen, which is totally the ideal situation if you're not especially excited about the matches themselves (I'm not) because intrigue levels are through the roof and i really can't wait.

I mean they might run with Reigns beating Hunter clean and taking the boos, just put the HIAC on last. but i think they've gotta do something here - Reigns to turn heel seems the obvious shout, seeing as most of the audience are already booing him.

suicide commando, Friday, 1 April 2016 09:44 (eight years ago) link

also - i think shane over taker bc why bring him back and all of this just to drop it? it seems more reasonable to me that this is taker's last wrestlemania than that shane came back just to lose this match.

disagree with Mordy's point here - i think Shane's return has got "OH SHIT EVERYONE] IS INJURED ALL HANDS ON DECK" written all over it. they brought him back specifically to work this feud, to get the big nostalgia pop and to put a recognisable face on the poster opposite Taker (and god only knows how tedious the build to Mania would have been without this storyline providing at least a little intrigue bcuz it's been pretty fucking tedious as is).

the way the storyline has just kinda lurched from point to point with no clear aim or direction in mind bears this out to me - they don't know what the fuck they're doing! i take the point about Shane needing to win because they've been burying the product on air and if HHH/Steph stay in control then they're kayfabe saying "hey this show sucks! please keep watching" but they do that kind of shit on air all the fucking time, i've lost count of the number of times they've told the audience "we don't care what you think" in so many words.

i'd be more surprised at Shane sticking around long term in a GM role or similar than I would to find that he was always only gonna be around for one match and in an attempt to build hype around this ludicrous feud they said some shit on air that maybe they shouldn't have and in an effort to raise stakes theyve booked themselves into a corner that should have been easily avoidable. none of that is surprising, they ALWAYS do this shit.

if Shane does somehow "win" then we have to be talking about crazy levels of interference, gimmickry and underhanded tactics. because NO WAY does Undertaker take a clean loss from Shane McMahon at Wrestlemania then retire. Like not one iota of a chance that happens. This guy has put over like three guys in his entire career (no one talks about it though because it's Taker and it's the gimmick and so on). Not in any reality does Shane McMahon get anything even approaching a clean pin on Taker at Mania.

suicide commando, Friday, 1 April 2016 09:52 (eight years ago) link

Er i kinda think id be shocked if taker actually won cuz

1. Retirement stip, headlining potentially biggest show ever, in home state

2. The booking has been sooooo much about "we understand the product is shit" that then to have vince 'win' and go HAHAHAHAHAHA YOULL WATCH WHAT I TELL YOU the next night is possibly going to do more damage than wcw jan 4 1999.

3. This is gonna have a billion run ins, there is no need for "but shanes not a wrestler!" Type arguments. Dunno who it is who helps Shane (bullet club, cena, cesaro, rollins, reigns, hell there are vague rumours of kurt angle) but vince and steph are likely to get involved, maybe hunter, even bro kane maybe. It has huge clusterfuck potential.

4. See #2. They have been steadily losing viewers and hearing resentment from their remaining fans for a while now. To have roman win clean&babyface and not hear the boos and then taker win so theyve really admitted they know they have problems and dont gaf, could really stop a lot more people watching/subscribing.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 10:37 (eight years ago) link

the retirement stip in the home state thing I get, that's a totally valid point that i hadn't considered earlier and I agree that it lends some credence to the idea that Taker might lose here.

but i disagree with a lot of the rest of what you said.

2. The booking has been sooooo much about "we understand the product is shit" that then to have vince 'win' and go HAHAHAHAHAHA YOULL WATCH WHAT I TELL YOU the next night is possibly going to do more damage than wcw jan 4 1999.

a little dramatic perhaps? you're probably right that they will look to avoid that particular ending, at least they would obviously never phrase it that way. there are always opportunities to write yourself out of a difficult situation if they can get creative enough.

but let's be serious here about what it would actually mean in real terms if they went in that direction or similar. talking about anything they could possibly do creatively being as destructive to business as late-period WCW is just wrong, straight up.

the company is more profitable than ever. they're about to break their all-time attendance record with one of the weakest Wrestlemania cards in years. I'm struggling to think of one this weak in the last decade tbh. the brand is the selling point. it's not down to any one draw to carry the show, so it doesn't matter a great deal who gets the world title. there is almost nothing they could do to tank business now, it isn't feasible.

no one's cancelling their Network subscriptions if events at Wrestlemania don't go their way. the people that care about this shit are gonna keep paying out their 10 dollars a month because it's the only place they get to see Nakamura, Balor, Joe et al. and watch old Bret Hart PPV matches.

possibly going to do more damage than wcw jan 4 1999.

3. This is gonna have a billion run ins, there is no need for "but shanes not a wrestler!" Type arguments. Dunno who it is who helps Shane (bullet club, cena, cesaro, rollins, reigns, hell there are vague rumours of kurt angle) but vince and steph are likely to get involved, maybe hunter, even bro kane maybe. It has huge clusterfuck potential.

come on now man. I could maybe see Cena getting involved on Shane's behalf to set up the Cena / Taker showdown at some future date (but if Taker retires...?) or if Reigns turns heel then he might get involved somehow, but I'd be prepared to bet my life's savings that none of those others come within a million miles of the Wrestlemania main event. Cesaro is wishful thinking, Bullet Club are nowhere near well-known enough to have that spot, Kurt Angle I still don't see back in the WWE with his medical record.

I guess that even post-Streak i still just buy into the idea of Undertaker at Wrestlemania? Or more importantly I think the decision makers at the WWE (and at WM that includes Taker, no way he does shit he doesn't want to at these shows) still buy into the idea of Undertaker at Wrestlemania. I think everyone involved would want to maintain the unique, once-in-a-lifetime vibe that Lesnar win still has.

Really I would love to see Shane win and for them to revamp everything, maybe bring back the brand split, make Smackdown something worth watching again etc. all of that is totally awesome in principle and they need to do it at some point. i'm just not sure i've seen enough evidence of the will to do it, as yet? this is it tho, this is why this Mania is working from an intrigue perspective. so many possiblities! such high stakes!

suicide commando, Friday, 1 April 2016 11:51 (eight years ago) link

*but I'd be prepared to bet my life's savings that none of those others come within a million miles of the Wrestlemania main event. Cesaro is wishful thinking, Bullet Club are nowhere near well-known enough to have that spot, Kurt Angle I still don't see back in the WWE with his medical record.

should clarify that I was referring to your parenthetical examples here, obviously Vince / Steph / Hunter are gonna have their sticky fingers all over this shit

suicide commando, Friday, 1 April 2016 11:54 (eight years ago) link

I wouldn't read much into Shane's semi-shoot comments. If they were so self-aware about the problems with their product then they wouldn't have Reigns fighting for the belt.

Reigns doesn't need a heel turn he needs a personality beyond "big guy who used to be in the Shield".

I'm kind of dreading Bayley getting called up to the main roster, she'll be jobbing to Eva Marie in three minute matches on RAW before you can blink. I still think she's winning today and staying in NXT for a few more months.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Friday, 1 April 2016 11:57 (eight years ago) link

disagree with Mordy's point here - i think Shane's return has got "OH SHIT EVERYONE] IS INJURED ALL HANDS ON DECK" written all over it.

Totally agree. Six months ago the top matches were set to be Rock vs HHH, Lesnar vs Taker, Reigns vs Cena or Rollins. Then it was supposed to be Rollins vs HHH, Taker vs Cena. They had to rebook a bunch of times because of the injuries, I can't see them suddenly deciding "well, our top guys are injured, so I guess we'll change the direction of the company".

4. See #2. They have been steadily losing viewers and hearing resentment from their remaining fans for a while now. To have roman win clean&babyface and not hear the boos and then taker win so theyve really admitted they know they have problems and dont gaf, could really stop a lot more people watching/subscribing.

What suicide commando said. They've legit sold 85 000 tickets to Mania plus 20 000 more for NXT and Raw, Vince is laughing too hard on the way to the bank to take the "problems" they half-assedly admit to on TV seriously.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Friday, 1 April 2016 12:08 (eight years ago) link

I guess so. And i guess i could have worded that less dramatically. But mania will always sell out. Raws, smackdowns, house shows have all been on the downslide though, iirc, in tickets and ratings. And the fingerpoke of doom example i used, well it didnt kill wcw; but it sure as hell made a lot of people feel like turning the channel.

I also dont think shane winning will change anything, maybe some call-ups happen in his name like steph and the #divasrevolution but it'll still be presented as a big "we fucked up look we can be betterz"

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 12:58 (eight years ago) link

As if there wasn't enough wrestling on this weekend, i've decided to make myself a little custom PPV made up of past WM matches to watch on my afternoon off and get myself in the right mood. Using this format, wrestlers can only be used once -

Tag Title match
Misc. grudge / spectacle match
IC title match
Undertaker/Streak match
World title match

Right now I think I've settled on:

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart WM X
Edge vs Mick Foley WM 22
Macho Man vs Ricky Steamboat WM 3
Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels WM 25
Stone Cold vs The Rock WM X7

But it took me ages to whittle it down, there were so many permutations of this that would've worked. No Bryan / HHH, HBK / Razor, Savage / Flair, Austin / Bret, Rock / Hogan etc.

If i watch all that lot I might do it again using different matches. it's a fun game to play!

suicide commando, Friday, 1 April 2016 14:47 (eight years ago) link

Cos im bored at work im gonna try and figure out how to do an awesome version of that using none of the wrestlers you're already watching. Well except Taker has to be in a taker match. Also you'll see Edge twice... sorry.

Opener - Bryan/hhh wm30
Tag title - The British Bulldogs/Dream Team wm2 (ewwww how many TEEEEEEERRRRRRRIBLEEE tag title matches have their been? I had to do some hardcore wiki-ing and even then this is wm2 which is the worst mania
Grudge/spectacle - money in the bank wm24
IC - Chris Jericho/william regal wm17
Streak - Taker/flair wm18
Title - Hogan/Andre wm3

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 15:30 (eight years ago) link

Aw shit shoulda have gone brock-kurt as my main event and demolition v. Andre and haku, meaning you could do 2 rounds of this without hogan

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 15:33 (eight years ago) link

Ok second go-

Opener - hhh-bryan wm30
Tag title - andre/haku-demolition wm6
Grudge/spectacle - mitb wm24
IC - warrior/rude wm5
Taker streak - taker/batista wm22
Title - hogan/warrior wm6

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 15:36 (eight years ago) link

Lol i cocked up again, no warrior-hogan, def kurt v. Brock

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 15:37 (eight years ago) link

Doing that really made me appreciate wm30/31 and even sunday. There have been soooo many bad manias, or ones saved by like one or two matches.

For example, wm12 doesnt get shit on enough. What a fucking stinker, only goldust-piper was any fun and the iron man was not only awful but half the fucking card.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 15:42 (eight years ago) link

(Taker-diesel is also alright.)

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 15:43 (eight years ago) link

Another version, trying to pick completely new matches:

Opener - Shield vs Big Show, Orton, Sheamus (WM29)
Tag title - TLC II, E&C vs Dudleys vs Hardys (WM17)
Grudge/spectacle - Adrian Adonis vs Roddy Piper (WM3)
IC - HBK vs Razor Ramon (Ladder Match) (WM10)
Taker streak - vs HHH (WM28)
Title - Hogan vs Savage (WM5)

The opener wasn't a great match, but I wanted it for the star power.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Friday, 1 April 2016 15:53 (eight years ago) link

Im doing shit today, can a mod change that title to be tag title matches

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 16:15 (eight years ago) link

Ive always wanted to go to mania but fuck me, whats the point when its in a stadium this big to be in the cheap seats? The hell in a cell cage looks fucking tihy

Wm32 set spoiler -

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 16:51 (eight years ago) link

Roman Reigns entrance is gonna last about fifty minutes.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 16:52 (eight years ago) link

My NXT predictions:

Aires/Corbin - Aires with a DQ win, so they can keep it hot for a regular show rematch
Revival/AA - American Alpha get the titles, but they'll have a rematch soon (maybe 2/3 falls?)
Sami/Shinsuke - Nakamura, it HAS to be
Bayley/Asuka - I think this one might go to a draw, a double countout maybe
Apollo/Drifter - I feel like they're gonna sacrifice Crews here; I didn't feel that way when he lost to Corbin in London
Finn/Joe - Balor wins, again; I kinda don't want this one to go on last, there's more anticipation for the rest of the card

And my WrestleMania guesses:

Kalisto/Ryback - Kalisto gets the pin after The Ryback does something stupid to himself
10-Divas tag - Brie gets the feel-good pin for her team, but Lana does something mean after
Usos/Dudleys - I think the Dudleys might get this one, if they're going to stick around
Battle Royal - If Beef Stroganoff's in it, he'll win it
New Day/The Lads - The Rock will team with New Day, People's Elbow with a Francesca 2 serenade
Styles/Jericho - Styles, but not with the Styles Clash
IC ladder match - The heart says Sami Zayn, but the head says KO
Divas triple threat - Charlotte keeps the belt; I hope this is a good match and I hope they give it 10+ minutes
Ambrose/Lesnar - Lesnar, but it'll be close; the look on Brock's face on Raw last week tells me he likes working with Dean
Shane/Taker - Shane, after a whole slew of shenanigans
Triple H/Roman - Trips keeps the title after Seth Rollins interferes on his behalf b/c it's 'best for business'

wronger than 100 geir posts (MacDara), Friday, 1 April 2016 16:54 (eight years ago) link

(Im actually super excited to properly see the set up and entrances and yes im just using this to hope reigns is not man of the people shield guy. And maybe even gets new gear.)

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Friday, 1 April 2016 16:55 (eight years ago) link

Combined ages of the likely main eventers at Mania this year (51 + 46 = 97) is not much less than Vince and Hogan at the time of their WM 19 match (which was promoted as if it was the main event, even though it wasn't on last) (57 + 49 = 106).

NoTimeBeforeTime, Friday, 1 April 2016 17:00 (eight years ago) link

Thinking back over it, I wouldn't be surprised to see Nakamura/Zayn go to some kind of interference-based non-finish, to keep Zayn strong-ish for his move up to the main roster while setting up Nakamura's first (and possibly only) NXT feud.

JRN, Friday, 1 April 2016 19:26 (eight years ago) link

nahh they've gotta put Shinsuke over here I think. it doesn't hurt Zayn at all to do the job here if they book him strong coming out of it, just like it didn't hurt Owens to lose to Balor (on a show that was way more main roster than NXT in fact) when he was on his way out of NXT.


so this sounds like a pretty dope theme! i am sooooooo ready for this

suicide commando, Friday, 1 April 2016 22:50 (eight years ago) link

this thread has so many words in it aaaaahhhhh

qualx, Friday, 1 April 2016 23:01 (eight years ago) link

FPing anyone who does that "ARMBAR" thing keep that sad reddit shit out of here

qualx, Friday, 1 April 2016 23:01 (eight years ago) link

anyway i'm going all in on shane winning if i'm right everyone owes me a beer

qualx, Friday, 1 April 2016 23:03 (eight years ago) link

nahh they've gotta put Shinsuke over here I think. it doesn't hurt Zayn at all to do the job here if they book him strong coming out of it, just like it didn't hurt Owens to lose to Balor (on a show that was way more main roster than NXT in fact) when he was on his way out of NXT.

Kevin Owens only lost two singles matches in his NXT run, and the other one was a DQ. By the time he lost that ladder match, he'd crushed Sami Zayn, racked up a bunch of title defenses, and beaten John Cena clean on Raw. He had a lot of momentum.

Zayn, on the other hand, is coming off of a major loss, and hasn't beaten anyone on TV other than Adam Rose and Tye Dillinger since he came back. So they might want to protect him a bit more here.

But you could be right. It may not matter, since most of the main roster audience doesn't care about this stuff and the NXT fans will love him regardless. That seems to be their thinking with Enzo and Cass.

JRN, Saturday, 2 April 2016 00:42 (eight years ago) link

network is shit for me right now but pretty good start so far

qualx, Saturday, 2 April 2016 02:21 (eight years ago) link

i am very pumped !!

i love that i have no idea how the rest of the show is gonna go !

qualx, Saturday, 2 April 2016 02:23 (eight years ago) link

ibushi in the takeover crowd!

Mordy, Saturday, 2 April 2016 02:23 (eight years ago) link

fantastic tag match i thought

Mordy, Saturday, 2 April 2016 02:23 (eight years ago) link

That tag team match was Rockers vs Brainbusters to a tee. Loved it.

JR and Kota Ibushi in attendance! !!

NoTimeBeforeTime, Saturday, 2 April 2016 02:24 (eight years ago) link

That was incredible. Jordan & Gable are possibly the guys in nxt i'm the most excited aboutfor the future.


Corbin's gear is actually badass.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 2 April 2016 02:28 (eight years ago) link

Baron Corbin's jacket is badass


NoTimeBeforeTime, Saturday, 2 April 2016 02:29 (eight years ago) link

lol there is a guy in the crowd with one of those jericho light up arms jackets. he had to get that custom made.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 2 April 2016 02:43 (eight years ago) link

well there you go. this weekend just peaked. that was brutal.

the internet's most cossetted petulant manbaby (a hoy hoy), Saturday, 2 April 2016 03:12 (eight years ago) link

That was everything I could have expected. At times it felt like Nak was a bit too preoccupied with getting his signature stuff in, but the finishing stretch was awesome and he already came off looking like the biggest star in NXT.

NoTimeBeforeTime, Saturday, 2 April 2016 03:18 (eight years ago) link

that was a very pleasant blend of wwe/njpw. that was so good. i honestly saw more in nak there than i have in njpw (but maybe i'm just conditioned). for a match with 0 build that was perfect.

qualx, Saturday, 2 April 2016 03:19 (eight years ago) link

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