Bioshock -- the "sequel in spirit" to System Shock 2

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It is a bit easy.

marmotwolof, Friday, 21 September 2007 23:52 (seventeen years ago) link

True enough.

antexit, Saturday, 22 September 2007 07:08 (seventeen years ago) link

Isn't there a hard mode or something.

polyphonic, Saturday, 22 September 2007 16:06 (seventeen years ago) link

thats what she said


s1ocki, Saturday, 22 September 2007 18:10 (seventeen years ago) link


My friends who don't even own game systems are all "dude, Bioshock looks awesome", apparently it is a Thing?

Jordan, Monday, 24 September 2007 15:11 (seventeen years ago) link

my buddy who hasn't owned a game system since... oh, i was gonna say sega genesis but he had a ps2... anyway, doesn't play many games, was all "you got a 360? do you have bioshock?"

i am renting it tomorrow and we gonna play through it like it ain't no thang.

Will M., Wednesday, 26 September 2007 19:26 (seventeen years ago) link

I think I'm about 20 minutes from the end now, and I haven't been wowed by anything in the last 6 hours. The big storyline event in the middle was great, and it felt like it was going to change the nature of the whole game. So when it didn't, and things just carried on as before, it was a huge disappointment. And the level design (which is probably the best thing this game had going for it overall) gets less and less inspired the further in you go.

No game of the year, this.

JimD, Sunday, 30 September 2007 17:10 (sixteen years ago) link

I guess it's hard to get the proper immersion level if you're playing for one hour a week or whatever.

marmotwolof, Sunday, 30 September 2007 21:31 (sixteen years ago) link

Huh? Apart from the fact that that's bollocks, I've not been playing an hour a week anyway. I had a chunk of time off halfway through because I was out of town, but when I play I tend towards fairly long sessions.

"You can only appreciate this game if you clock it in four days, like I did" is the weakest defence of a title I've heard in a long time.

JimD, Monday, 1 October 2007 08:42 (sixteen years ago) link

Hey, it's cool. BioShock sucks. There are a finite amount of weapons and plasmids. The entire nature of the game didn't change halfway through. What a piece of shit.

marmotwolof, Monday, 1 October 2007 12:07 (sixteen years ago) link

did you make the game or something??

s1ocki, Monday, 1 October 2007 17:36 (sixteen years ago) link

I'm just fucking around. There have already been a couple of games out since I said "GOTY so far for me, easily," that I like better than this. There really wasn't all that much good this year before that. To anyone who think the last part of BioShock was weak (and the final boss admittedly is), wait until you play the last couple missions of Halo 3.

marmotwolof, Monday, 1 October 2007 21:16 (sixteen years ago) link

What is the thing tht happens halfway through the game?

mild spoiler

the golf club action and reveal?

end spoiler

that's right near the end of the game!

antexit, Monday, 1 October 2007 22:28 (sixteen years ago) link

Oh sorry, there was supposed to be more space there. It wasn't much of a spoiler, but mods, could you either make it less obvious or take it out?

antexit, Monday, 1 October 2007 22:29 (sixteen years ago) link

three months pass...

OK, so I have almost made it halfway through the game on medium and I was wondering whether I should start over and play on hard or beat the game with ease by playing medium? It's a really fun game.

CaptainLorax, Sunday, 6 January 2008 22:15 (sixteen years ago) link

Hard is too hard and medium is too easy, unfortunately. I say press on and then replay on Hard doing whatever with the Little Sisters that you're not doing this time.

antexit, Monday, 7 January 2008 00:42 (sixteen years ago) link

good idea

CaptainLorax, Monday, 7 January 2008 01:11 (sixteen years ago) link

I was disappointed by this game. Really nice set pieces interspersed with a whole lot of linearity. Genuinely didn't see the twist coming. Zero Punctuation review == spot on.

tissp, Monday, 7 January 2008 13:07 (sixteen years ago) link

I'm yet to see a Zero Punctuation review that isn't. Except perhaps Peggle, but I sort of think he's OTM with that too. Maybe he just has that way with words and is actually talking a lot of bollocks I don't pick up on.

melton mowbray, Monday, 7 January 2008 23:17 (sixteen years ago) link

all his reviews (for the games i've played at least) have left me nodding in a, "this is exactly what i thought about this game" way. which is a bit annoying in the way i can only ever say "ME TOO!!!11 LOL" on seeing them.

tissp, Tuesday, 8 January 2008 12:16 (sixteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Finally playing this now that I've ditched my crusty old laptop and built a respectable modern PC, and I'm right past...that part. Golfing and whatnot. Sadly, I went into the game knowing there was a "twist," and there were more than enough clues to more or less figure it out well in advance, but the other twist, the co-twist if you will...yow. Turns out the bit I was expecting was merely the "adding insult to injury" part of a larger "oh BALLS" moment. I hate having to be so oblique about this, but spoiling it would be absolutely criminal.

The gunplay isn't too satisfying, but the plasmids are great fun (especially the old OH GOD I AM ON FIRE/OH GOD I AM STANDING KNEE-DEEP IN ELECTRIFIED WATER trick, never gets old), and I really dig the Power To The People stations. I loved "fine-tuning" guns in Deus Ex, and this is more or less the same mechanic, except with crazy ridiculous steampunk contraptions like the gigantic cylinder/belt-feeding mechanism for the pistol capacity upgrade or the baroque monstrosity that is the fully-upgraded shotgun.

Telephone thing, Sunday, 3 February 2008 12:54 (sixteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

I guess this might have some spoilers. I'll cross 'em out for youze.

I can't believe it took me this long to play this but I finally beat it. I really didn't like the game that much until the middle of the game. I figured I'd end up having to kill Atlas, and I was reasonably sure that he was Fontaine, and i figured my "previous life" was somehow related to Rapture, but I didn't see all of that crazy retro-psychology shit coming. Really, really cool. I also dig it when games like this sort of cast light on their own limitations like the linearity. It feels like this game was confronting that linearity in its narrative, unlike Assassin's Creed which just tried to come up with excuses for its gameyness. This is self-referential art done RIGHT. I'm also glad that I didn't "know" about the "twist" because while I heard there was a twist, I thought it was related to the little sisters.

Anyway, I thought I would be lukewarm on this game but I ended up really loving it.

Will M., Tuesday, 26 February 2008 17:46 (sixteen years ago) link

lol boss fight

DG, Tuesday, 26 February 2008 21:24 (sixteen years ago) link

I loved the game, but it was too short and replayability really isn't there.

CaptainLorax, Wednesday, 27 February 2008 05:37 (sixteen years ago) link

Can't really see replaying it to harvest the Little Sisters, and get the alternate ending. But might replay it to get all the recordings - missed a few - and try for different plasmids & Tonics. And just to admire the scenery.

scampering alpaca, Wednesday, 27 February 2008 21:00 (sixteen years ago) link

DG otm. Also, everything I said earlier still stands, this was an upsetting game not just because it was disappointing, but because it was so nearly amazing, before that disappointment kicked in.

JimD, Thursday, 28 February 2008 00:17 (sixteen years ago) link

loved this game. only thing i didn't care for was the lame-ass boss fight.

latebloomer, Thursday, 28 February 2008 05:47 (sixteen years ago) link

it just seem a shame that as technology gets better the games get more stupider

i mean system shock was the most complicated and that would run on a 386

DG, Thursday, 28 February 2008 13:45 (sixteen years ago) link

it just seem a shame that as technology gets better the games get more stupider

i mean system shock was the most complicated and that would run on a 38

DG, Thursday, 28 February 2008 13:46 (sixteen years ago) link

^^^whoa wtf again

DG, Thursday, 28 February 2008 13:46 (sixteen years ago) link

Maybe I have low standards, but this game is blowing me away. I've never played a game with a world that's both this unique and this immersive. And the twist even impressed my wife, who couldn't care less about non-Rock Band video games.

Garrett Martin, Thursday, 28 February 2008 14:43 (sixteen years ago) link

Okay, jeez, that ending is embarrassing. How could they have spent so much effort on the story only to finish off with that?

Still, amazing game. Best FPS I've ever played. Which means it's the best out of, like, three games.

Garrett Martin, Friday, 29 February 2008 15:28 (sixteen years ago) link

one month passes...

I started playing Gears of War, got the shits with it immediately and started playing this and I've stuck with it. It's pretty sweet. I shouldn't have started it on easy tho.

wilter, Monday, 31 March 2008 23:06 (sixteen years ago) link

two months pass...

Finally upgraded my graphics card on a drunken whim and quick search thru craigslist. I can now play this at home, along with Witcher.


kingfish, Saturday, 14 June 2008 06:08 (sixteen years ago) link

system shock 2 (underwater art deco libertarian-shooting remix)
-- adam, Wednesday, 22 August 2007 15:36 (9 months ago) Link

was system shock 2 as good as i remember it being? cause bioshock kinda sucks. of course i think FEAR is the best fps in recent memory so maybe i just have bad taste.

adam, Sunday, 15 June 2008 18:41 (sixteen years ago) link

SS2 is as good. Be sure to get the updated fanmade texture packs, helps a lot.

kingfish, Monday, 16 June 2008 06:57 (sixteen years ago) link

two months pass...

I'm having a hellish time trying to get deus ex running on my macbook; would like to run system shock 2 as well, but don't see that happening - I'm open to advice and hand-holding

in which case, I'm going to play through bioshock again... anyone replayed it since their original play-through?

I had a great time playing through the first time but I'm not sure how good it will seem second time through

cozwn, Friday, 29 August 2008 10:08 (sixteen years ago) link

Yeah just started. do u have to rescue all the girls to get the different ending? or just not kill any of them>?>?

wilter, Friday, 29 August 2008 10:12 (sixteen years ago) link

I just read through this thread again and was struck by some of the negative reactions to this game and remembered how much I loved it when I played it; loved it

I'm going to harvest the little sisters this time through!!!

cozwn, Friday, 29 August 2008 10:19 (sixteen years ago) link

I think I harvested one little sister just to see what would happen and I got the "bad ending". Kinda lame. Anyway, the game's well put together and everything but damn... I just really didn't find it very much fun. I had a similar reaction to System Shock 2. It's like everything's there to make it great or at least really good, but I'm not enjoying myself playing through it.

circa1916, Saturday, 30 August 2008 23:06 (sixteen years ago) link

i had a blast.

the only part that disappointed me was the boss fight/ending.

latebloomer, Sunday, 31 August 2008 14:17 (sixteen years ago) link

three weeks pass...

Wow, this is incredible. First immersive FPS in ages that really got me by the medulla oblongata.

forksclovetofu, Monday, 22 September 2008 20:23 (sixteen years ago) link

I had that awesome rare gaming moment last night where you look up and six hours have passed in real rapturous focus. It's been a while.

My girl genuinely cannot stay in the room when i play for longer than fifteen minutes; she says it's too stressful.

forksclovetofu, Tuesday, 23 September 2008 17:16 (sixteen years ago) link

Bioshock main character guy, what's on your iPod?

THERE IS NO VULCAN DEATH GRIP (Will M.), Wednesday, 24 September 2008 18:26 (sixteen years ago) link

Maurice Chevalier, "Thank Heaven For Little Girls"

polyphonic, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 18:31 (sixteen years ago) link

O'Jays 'For the Love of Money' / Cats and the Fiddle 'Jumpin with a G.I. Gal' (DJ Steempunk ReMash)

forksclovetofu, Wednesday, 24 September 2008 19:12 (sixteen years ago) link

Clash, "Complete Control"

David R., Wednesday, 24 September 2008 19:14 (sixteen years ago) link

bioshock OST

rushlimbaumsworld (cozwn), Wednesday, 24 September 2008 20:10 (sixteen years ago) link

just up to the first boss... wow, what an atmosphere.

milling through the grinder, grinding through the mill (S-), Thursday, 25 September 2008 14:09 (sixteen years ago) link

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