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bob lefse (rushomancy), Sunday, 7 January 2018 00:48 (six years ago) link

X-Com: Enemy Unknown (2012)

lol this game is utterly destroying me even on Easy. it is random what missions you will get so i often start a new game and do fine for a few and then suddenly i have to choose between DIFFICULT or VERY DIFFICULT and im helplessly under-leveled and watching all my squad get turned into zombies.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Sunday, 7 January 2018 17:24 (six years ago) link

I've been enjoying Blocky Farm ON IPAD but at level 28 I just got the last kind of animal (G O A T S) and it's getting boring, so I guess it's time to delete and move on. This is the first freemium farm game I've played---a review said it would be like Harvest Moon but no, it's just like Farmville.

droit au butt (Euler), Sunday, 7 January 2018 17:34 (six years ago) link

Streets of Rogue, which I love! A lot of games attempt the sandboxy, approach-it-however-you-want thing, but this game really nails it. Lots of different characters that invite very different styles of gameplay.

It's still in alpha, but it seems pretty fully formed to me. I guess the "big main" quest isn't done yet, but I won't be skilled enough to even attempt something like that for a long time.

Graphically it's nothing special, but I was racking my brain trying to figure out what other game it reminds me of, and I think it was actually an obscure gameboy pac-man-like puzzler called Lock 'n' Chase!

Dan I., Monday, 8 January 2018 16:16 (six years ago) link

Ah, I see Karl mentioned it a while back.

Dan I., Monday, 8 January 2018 16:18 (six years ago) link

It's one of those games where you end up developing messy little tricks that are (probably) available emergent rather than intentionally coded. My favorite is knocking on a locked door, and then when it's answered, in the split second before the occupant slams the door in my face but after they've already turned their back, putting my "foot in the door" and sneaking in without kicking the door in, wasting a lockpick, etc.

Dan I., Monday, 8 January 2018 16:23 (six years ago) link


Dan I., Monday, 8 January 2018 16:24 (six years ago) link

aw jeez

Dan I., Monday, 8 January 2018 16:24 (six years ago) link

it's a good reminder to play it again though! it's been a while. it's a game i would eagerly jump back into. Maybe I'll do so when it switches to beta.

the character styles kind of reminds of the SNES classic super dodge ball.


Karl Malone, Monday, 8 January 2018 16:27 (six years ago) link

And aren't those volleyball ones straight out of River City Ransom?

Dan I., Monday, 8 January 2018 16:45 (six years ago) link

and River City Ransom itself has many parallels to Streets of Rogue! In fact, other than the fact that RCR is sort of side scrolling rather than top down isometric (? I don't know the right terms for these views), RCR might be one of the most closely related games to streets of rogue

Dan I., Monday, 8 January 2018 16:48 (six years ago) link

yeah, RCR is probably a better comparison! (or Double Dragon)

Karl Malone, Monday, 8 January 2018 17:02 (six years ago) link

a lot of Fortnite

(•̪●) (carne asada), Thursday, 18 January 2018 21:33 (six years ago) link

i'm in the mood to play some dark souls on my ps4.

i've played through about 1/3 of Dark Souls 2 on Xbox. i've never played any of Dark Souls 3.

which one do you think i should purchase? a cheaper Dark Souls 2, with 2/3 of it still new to me? or a brand new Dark Souls 3, at full price? normally i'd just go for 3, but the consensus seemed to be that 2 was a better game?

Karl Malone, Sunday, 21 January 2018 18:55 (six years ago) link

3 is far better in just about every way

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Sunday, 21 January 2018 19:13 (six years ago) link

yeah 3 is rad, and if you’ve played the og dark souls there’s some very cool stuff in there which calls back to it

which reminds me i need to go back and finish 3’s dlc

grim-n-gritty hooty reboot (bizarro gazzara), Sunday, 21 January 2018 19:18 (six years ago) link

i'll go for 3, thanks

Karl Malone, Sunday, 21 January 2018 19:19 (six years ago) link

i hope one day to pwn you among the desolate ruins of lothric

grim-n-gritty hooty reboot (bizarro gazzara), Sunday, 21 January 2018 19:22 (six years ago) link

hey buddy, get in line. i effortlessly supply pwnage thrills for half the goddamn underworld and overworld

Karl Malone, Sunday, 21 January 2018 19:26 (six years ago) link

2 is comfortably the worst of the series

Roberto Spiralli, Sunday, 21 January 2018 19:29 (six years ago) link

i think maybe my brain completely switched around the critical consensus of DS2 vs the rest of the series. 2 is the only one i've played! downloading 3 now

Karl Malone, Sunday, 21 January 2018 19:33 (six years ago) link

yeah, it lacks the tightness of the first and third entries but it's still a lot of fun

karl if you haven't played it already bloodborne is also incredible

grim-n-gritty hooty reboot (bizarro gazzara), Sunday, 21 January 2018 19:34 (six years ago) link

yeah if i had a PS4 that's what i would get.

DS2 is still fun but it breaks a lot of series rules and suffers for it. enemies stop respawning after x kills, meaning the world will eventually be empty. you can't do a plunge attack for some reason. the level/world design is absurd and nonsensical. the "well that was bullshit" factor is cranked up in a lot of random places.

i think DS3 got some flak for being "more of the same" but imo it's kind of a tightly made and well-deserved HD victory lap. also if you ever played Demon's Souls you will be in for a lot of surprises as they make just as many (if not more) references to the very first game in the series.

AdamVania (Adam Bruneau), Sunday, 21 January 2018 19:44 (six years ago) link

the level/world design is absurd and nonsensical.

i think this was part of the problem for me, the first time around. i enjoyed not having a world map, and was able to gradually learn my way around for the most part. but i reached a point where i just had absolutely no idea where to go next and was completely lost, dying over and over again as i tried to figure it out. and as i usually do when the going gets tough, i just quit. hopefully 3 will be a little easier to navigate (9 minutes left on the download), but even if it isn't, i'm going to try to persevere this time.

Karl Malone, Sunday, 21 January 2018 19:50 (six years ago) link

ds3 def learns important lessons from the preceding soulsborne games and i think knowing where to go next is one of them - iirc it’s usually pretty clear what’s up next

grim-n-gritty hooty reboot (bizarro gazzara), Sunday, 21 January 2018 20:07 (six years ago) link

having said that about its relative friendliness it does throw a big bastard boss at you within the first 15 minutes or so, so it’s not entirely afraid to troll you in classic dark souls YOU DIED style

grim-n-gritty hooty reboot (bizarro gazzara), Sunday, 21 January 2018 20:09 (six years ago) link

DS1 is getting a remastered reissue for the XboxOne and PS4

Gukbe, Sunday, 21 January 2018 22:05 (six years ago) link

I managed to beat the first asshole boss, as well as the nearby “master” (who I just kicked off the mountain on accident). But I have to wait until the rest of the game downloads before I can use the bonfire in the fire link shrine to travel to the next portion of the game. Weird. It’s got a long way to go and the download is crawling, too.

Karl Malone, Sunday, 21 January 2018 22:45 (six years ago) link

who I just kicked off the mountain on accident

classic dark souls

grim-n-gritty hooty reboot (bizarro gazzara), Sunday, 21 January 2018 22:48 (six years ago) link

DS3 is definitely the best of the batch and i love them all

Chocolate-covered gummy bears? Not ruling those lil' guys out. (ulysses), Monday, 22 January 2018 04:10 (six years ago) link

you can't do a plunge attack for some reason.

You can do it, I think you have to press R2 or something though.

No desire to go back to DS2 though. For me the online aspect of DS3 makes it endlessly playable, and I'm looking forward to playing through the original again because it's the best world design by far.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 22 January 2018 15:56 (six years ago) link

At this point in DS3 I've got invasion characters at level 40, ~80, and 125 just to hit different parts of the game.

change display name (Jordan), Monday, 22 January 2018 15:59 (six years ago) link

About a year ago I had to uninstall Binding of Isaac, because I was playing it compulsively. The other day I gave in and reinstalled it, and within like 4 hours of play had beaten Mega Satan, which I had never even gotten close to doing before. It gave me some good closure on the game, so I could reinstall it without any itchy addictive feelings! Kinda weird that I apparently got much better at playing this game immediately after setting it down for a year.

Dan I., Monday, 22 January 2018 16:07 (six years ago) link

Uh, I meant to say "re-uninstall" it...

Dan I., Monday, 22 January 2018 16:07 (six years ago) link

That happens to me all the time. The clearest illustration I know of the wisdom of stepping away from a wall upon which you're continually hitting your head.

the smartest persin in the room (Old Lunch), Monday, 22 January 2018 16:10 (six years ago) link

Twenty increasingly-frustrating failed attempts at beating a boss, 'okay, fuck this thing forever, I'm out', come back to it six months later, beat the boss in one go, utter a slightly astounded 'huh' under my breath.

the smartest persin in the room (Old Lunch), Monday, 22 January 2018 16:11 (six years ago) link

There's probably a degree of general game-playing skill improvement involved, as well (eg fighting my way through Um Jammer Lammy levels only to find myself completely unable to beat the last one, then returning to it ten years later and pretty much seamlessly gliding through the entire game in no time flat).

the smartest persin in the room (Old Lunch), Monday, 22 January 2018 16:15 (six years ago) link

I think that's part of it! In the time since I last played BoI, I've played a few somewhat similar but arguably more difficult games like Nuclear Throne and Enter the Gungeon, and I bet there was some skill transference going on.

Dan I., Monday, 22 January 2018 16:50 (six years ago) link

so this new Monster Hunter game... might give it a go. outside of messing around with an iOS port for a bit (not ideal), don't have much experience with the series. apparently this one's a little more accessible.

circa1916, Friday, 26 January 2018 20:48 (six years ago) link

i'm playing celeste and dark souls 3 at the moment on ps4. they're both GOTY-ish, except celeste is new

Karl Malone, Friday, 26 January 2018 21:42 (six years ago) link

hey guys Resident Evil 4 is fun but Leon has really, really bad hair

the masseduction of lauryn hill (Stevie D(eux)), Friday, 26 January 2018 22:41 (six years ago) link

cut like a butt

Karl Malone, Friday, 26 January 2018 22:45 (six years ago) link

I mentioned Subnautica upthread in 2016, and it finally had its official release. Critics effusive, and I'm just getting back in.

Acanthonus armatus (Sanpaku), Sunday, 28 January 2018 03:50 (six years ago) link

^^^ easily the best vr experience i have had, games about sitting in chairs included. find it utterly terrifying tho tbh. it's not particularly trying to be.

difficult listening hour, Sunday, 28 January 2018 04:07 (six years ago) link

just started Twilight Princess for Wii. The art in this game is TERRIBLE but 2h in it's fun enough I guess (though I'm not hooked yet).

the masseduction of lauryn hill (Stevie D(eux)), Monday, 29 January 2018 17:20 (six years ago) link

I started replaying Demon's Souls (never got very far the first time, haven't gotten much further this time) and finally bought a copy of Dark Souls thanks to all the Souls chatter around here of late. It's tough because it doesn't exactly favor my usual 'pick it up and play for an hour or so here and there' style of gaming. I feel like I have to block out some time for this thing.

Senior Soft-Serve Tech at the Froyo Arroyo (Old Lunch), Monday, 29 January 2018 17:37 (six years ago) link

xp yeah the visual style of TP is really kinda drab. they walked it back from wind waker, which still looks gorgeous today, thanks to all the angry nerds crying about 'Celda' at the time.

ciderpress, Monday, 29 January 2018 17:44 (six years ago) link

I wonder if I should ditch TP and just play WW instead

the masseduction of lauryn hill (Stevie D(eux)), Monday, 29 January 2018 18:10 (six years ago) link

TP mostly notable for having a lot of clever dungeon setpieces iirc. i liked the one that was in a big ruined mansion

ciderpress, Monday, 29 January 2018 18:21 (six years ago) link

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