The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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I love the attention to music across the franchise. Noticing Zelda's Lullaby in Sheik's Theme was one of the first times I understood music as a story telling device:

unashamed and trash (Unctious), Wednesday, 3 June 2020 11:42 (four years ago) link

two months pass...

OKAY. This is a thread, but it’s worth it I promise.

On Reddit today, user u/NoNoNo_OhOhOh posted a page from acclaimed Irish novelist John Boyne’s latest book, ‘The Traveller At the Gates of Wisdom.

Note the ingredients.

— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) August 3, 2020

devvvine, Monday, 3 August 2020 11:23 (four years ago) link


lag∞n, Monday, 3 August 2020 13:03 (four years ago) link

That might be the greatest thing ever. You know what's really nuts? He's not even 50 *and* he has written YA novels, he should have known better.

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 3 August 2020 13:28 (four years ago) link

i like to think someone noticed in the editing process and just went 'ah fuck it, this is too good'

devvvine, Monday, 3 August 2020 14:06 (four years ago) link

bizarre that the editor never thought to look up what an Octorok was

Fuck the NRA (ulysses), Monday, 3 August 2020 15:14 (four years ago) link

is that something an editor is supposed to check? 11 BotW references in one paragraph, seems intentional

The GOAT Harold Land (Karl Malone), Monday, 3 August 2020 15:51 (four years ago) link

the consensus given the context of the book seems to be that, in finding out how to make red dye, he inadvertantly copied the instructions for how to do so in botw

devvvine, Monday, 3 August 2020 16:21 (four years ago) link

ah yes, that makes sense. i didn't realize he was a historical fiction writer. i was thinking "hell if a famous author wants to reference BotW in his book, alright!", but that move doesn't work so well when it's supposed to be real life, heh

Is it an homage? An Easter egg? Hmm. The book is *not* a fantasy. It’s a historical drama set in the real world. I had a hunch, and tried a google search.

— Dana Schwartz (@DanaSchwartzzz) August 3, 2020

The GOAT Harold Land (Karl Malone), Monday, 3 August 2020 19:04 (four years ago) link


Josh in Chicago, Monday, 3 August 2020 22:46 (four years ago) link

This video is also, btw, hilarious.

Josh in Chicago, Monday, 3 August 2020 22:48 (four years ago) link

So excellent.
Love that weirdo recipe tweet too

Nhex, Tuesday, 4 August 2020 01:52 (four years ago) link

two weeks pass...

has anyone modded this to replace all instances of "I bestow upon you this Spirit Orb" with "Please enjoy this apology egg"?

trapped out the barndo (crüt), Sunday, 23 August 2020 07:20 (four years ago) link

That Eventide video is amazing

Chuck_Tatum, Sunday, 23 August 2020 13:57 (four years ago) link

Started this, and boy, is the weapon degradation thing a source of anxiety or what?

Ruth Bae Ginsburg (Leee), Wednesday, 2 September 2020 00:00 (four years ago) link

i went through my own journey with what i thought about the degradation, and i think a lot of others did too. all i can say is that i also found it annoying for a while, and i don't exactly love it now but it helps if you try to embrace it

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 00:04 (four years ago) link

I just started out and where I'm currently at with < 100 rupees and no real armor, I feel the pressure to min/max with my offense a bit more acutely. At least it doesn't have the same onerous weapon-switching UI of, say, Skyrim.

Ruth Bae Ginsburg (Leee), Wednesday, 2 September 2020 00:10 (four years ago) link

yeah, it's kind of nerveracking at first, but pretty soon you'll get a few basic abilities (like making/throwing bombs, magnesis, etc) that'll give you a LOT more options, and it'll kind of settle into this glorious level of difficulty where you do have to watch what you're doing, but generally you feel free to experiment and mess up.

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 00:18 (four years ago) link

I feel like I'd play a 2nd run thru v differently to first now I know what happens. But yeah playing "run away dont even bother" with guardians/hinox etc in the early stages is a wise move. Just dont put off fighting lynels forever like I did - they drop really good weapons.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Wednesday, 2 September 2020 00:24 (four years ago) link

I feel like I'd play a 2nd run thru v differently to first now I know what happens

as soon as i read that i felt the urge to start a second run, too! but then i remembered a sequel (or at least another zelda) will be coming out relatively soon. so pumped for that, like i never have been for any zelda (including botw)

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 00:31 (four years ago) link

My route through next time would definitely be to get the 12 hearts and get the Master Sword as quickly as possible but now I’m maxed out on just about everything I miss the drama of weapon degradation

stet, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 09:49 (four years ago) link

lol, missing the drama
i hated it at the beginning but it's another one of those things like "losing all your shit at the beginning of Metroid" it's an early hobbling that makes you appreciate the variety and strength of weapons as you progress through the game

Nhex, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 12:34 (four years ago) link

I may have done a full playthrough of this 4 times since March, incl. twice with all shrines

trapped out the barndo (crüt), Wednesday, 2 September 2020 12:41 (four years ago) link

I’m still finding out new things 400+ hours in. Most recently the, uh, dialogue variation when you ask Paya “what’s your story?” after completing the Kakariko quests

trapped out the barndo (crüt), Wednesday, 2 September 2020 12:47 (four years ago) link

no story arc is gonna compete with the journey of Josh in this thread though

stet, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 16:38 (four years ago) link

it takes a community

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 16:50 (four years ago) link

it takes a community steel anus

bogo jumbo boba (Sufjan Grafton), Wednesday, 2 September 2020 17:05 (four years ago) link

i fell off this game so hard, still haven't done two of the beasts or the castle and i'm not sure i ever will. my hero's path line is hilarious, like 2/3 of the map is completely covered in green and the other third just has a few big lines zipping around to some major landmarks

don't get me wrong this game world is a stunning accomplishment (and i feel bad saying anything negative about it) but i do wish it was smaller enough that it didn't have to recycle its interesting concepts. the most emblematic experience for me was finding the first labyrinth island, going "holy shit this so cool", then finding a second labyrinth island and going "oh this again?" and then finding a THIRD labyrinth island and saying fuck it i'm not doing this again, the first two were virtually the same

the world probably works better for people who are cool with leaving some content undiscovered and don't feel a need to overturn every rock. biggest thing i would change is the korok seed uhh economy... either make them rarer or gate more useful things behind them. in the beginning of the game those are your rewards for being an explorer, especially in the random patches of woods that don't really have anything unique going on aside from being named on the map. but they're designed to get less and less valuable the more you explore - both because it takes more of them to exchange for the same reward, and because you reach a point where you don't actually need more weapon or shield slots. eventually it didn't seem worth it to glide over ten feet to pick up a rock with an obvious korok under it. by that point the game just died for me.

℺ ☽ ⋠ ⏎ (✖), Wednesday, 2 September 2020 17:44 (four years ago) link

i started to get that feeling toward the end of my time with it (100+ hours in, which is a very long time for me!), and i just concentrated on the castle to "beat" the game. no shame in that, i don't think!

Karl Malone, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 17:47 (four years ago) link

the world probably works better for people who are cool with leaving some content undiscovered and don't feel a need to overturn every rock.

I did overturn nearly every rock and never quite got to being sick of the game, but in retrospect I wish I'd been less thorough and could now replay it with things left to discover

rob, Wednesday, 2 September 2020 17:53 (four years ago) link

I need to redo more bits of the game nekkid. You get some good dialog then.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Thursday, 3 September 2020 04:01 (four years ago) link

Anyone tried a replay on the harder levels?

Chuck_Tatum, Thursday, 3 September 2020 18:23 (four years ago) link

I'm yet to try the Master Sword Trials, which is that Dead Souls style "do all these levels and start again if you fail" bit in the DLC. Master mode sounds nuts though. Gold lynels!? Rehealing monsters? Yike.

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Friday, 4 September 2020 00:59 (four years ago) link

I've been running away from Blue Bobokins, so taking on Lynels (which I haven't even encountered yet) is probably a very long way off.

I just cheesed my first camp that had anything higher level than Red Bobokins (including Black Bobokins and a red Moblin) by throwing bombs from a bunch of a rocky overlook.

Ruth Bae Ginsburg (Leee), Saturday, 5 September 2020 23:50 (four years ago) link

get em

lag∞n, Sunday, 6 September 2020 01:25 (four years ago) link

i respect lynels theyll just look at you for a while before they fuck you up

lag∞n, Sunday, 6 September 2020 01:25 (four years ago) link

"Is this peen worth bothering with? hmm. Nah... ok he's getting out some arrows fuck this shit"

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Sunday, 6 September 2020 03:37 (four years ago) link

We were gifted a Switch about two months into the pandemic. I had been confined to the house since mid-February because of an unrelated issue and I was really hobbled. Couldn't go outside and do shit. BOTW was almost therapeutic. Being able to run, explore, discover new places... it was amazing.

I'm not a video game guy. The last console I owned was the SNES, although I tried and failed to get back into gaming a few times. My favorite games back in the day were the 1st and 3rd Zeldas. The 2nd one was weird.

I've managed to do most of the big stuff. All of the memories, shrines, armor, and most of the side-quests. I finally started exploring the castle and I'm bummed that it's almost over. At the same time, I'm over it. I did most of the DLC but couldn't be bothered to work through the Master Sword Trials. We just got Mario Odyssey and I'm looking forward to something that is a little lighter.

My ten year old daughter has been playing BOTW at the same time as me. Seeing how she approaches the game is pretty interesting, because the language of video games hasn't become ingrained yet. Obvious prompts go over her head but she will notice other things that I would look past. She's managed to retake the divine beasts and has maybe 9 or 10 hearts. The army leader in Gerudo town invites Link to join them after he finishes his quest which made my daughter head over to Ganon and she beat him. She was in tears! She thought that the game would continue and the world would keep moving on. That she would see the results of conquering evil, and all of the good that she brought to the world would be on display.

I had to explain that there isn't enough memory on the card to accommodate an entire new version of the world of BOTW, and that like a movie it has an end. But I hugged her a lot and we talked. She's already on Mario and is having a lot of fun.

Cow_Art, Monday, 7 September 2020 05:01 (four years ago) link

Daughter otm. I got really bummed out when I accidentally defeated Ganon and found out you can’t keep going after that. Would happily just wander about chatting to people, doing shrines and helping out with reconstruction work tbh

It’s been really interesting playing with my 6yo as well. He doesn’t like the fighting so I take care of that, but he directs the action and it’s just like you say - misses “obvious” signals but comes up with really interesting ways to solve puzzles I’d never have thought of. Also he makes me try things I’d dismiss out of hand as “not possible” and lo, they work. This game is amazing.

stet, Monday, 7 September 2020 09:26 (four years ago) link

He’s really mad he can’t join the Yiga clan though, that first interaction with them where they invite you to join had him completely sold. So now we have to traipse about trying on different clothes in the hope they won’t recognise us and will finally let us join

stet, Monday, 7 September 2020 09:27 (four years ago) link


lag∞n, Monday, 7 September 2020 12:58 (four years ago) link

You can't keep playing after beating Ganon? I think she's still playing, running around and doing stuff.


Cow_Art, Monday, 7 September 2020 13:28 (four years ago) link

poss spoiler?
You can reverse back to the time before you beat him (the game knows you've beat him and you get some extra stats) to continue playing, but you can't continue beyond a story point where Ganon has been defeated if you see what I mean. Whenever you're playing, Ganon has to be in the castle awaiting a showdown with you.

stet, Monday, 7 September 2020 13:33 (four years ago) link

great post, cow_art!

Karl Malone, Monday, 7 September 2020 15:28 (four years ago) link

you really should be able to join the yiga clan

lag∞n, Monday, 7 September 2020 15:31 (four years ago) link

yeah i love that post cow_art

Nhex, Monday, 7 September 2020 18:12 (four years ago) link


1. Early on, I assume the best way to spend spirit orbs is on heart containers?
2. How does cold resistant equipment work? I bought a warm tunic and still ended up shivering when I was wearing it.
3. I assume that beating some shrines require special abilities or equipment or levels first?

Ruth Bae Ginsburg (Leee), Monday, 7 September 2020 20:41 (four years ago) link

1. balance spirit with stamina for improved climbing and whelping
2. there are three 'levels' of cold protection. in addition to early cold-weather gear, you may need to eat some peppers to stay warm enough
3. beyond the first half-dozen... not really? once you're off the plateau, you can basically do anything.

america's favorite (remy bean), Monday, 7 September 2020 20:52 (four years ago) link

Yeah you get a couple extra abilites after you defeat each champion, but theyre gravy really (though Ravioli's Gale is v useful). Its not like other Zelda's where you have to do dungeons to get iron boots/hookshots/etc

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 8 September 2020 00:38 (four years ago) link

Speaking of the champion abilities, I almost never used daruk's protection. It just seemed to get in the way of my default sheild button mashing?

Stoop Crone (Trayce), Tuesday, 8 September 2020 00:41 (four years ago) link

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