BBC Radio 1 -The 100 Best Tracks Ever (Voted by the public)

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noone likes macca even though he was the first to die...

Oasis never got in with macca if they had maybe things would have been different.

If Macca wore cool glasses then Liam would have loved him

the older songs that made the r1 best singles chart seem odd. I wonder if the public would still pick the same ones.

haha just noticed Mansun in the list. Now that wouldnt happen now

three years pass...

I'm trying to do this and initially found it impossible

But I decided to make it more of a personal list and it helped move things along quite quickly

58 tracks so far

The bands whose discography i know really well are the hardest

Also feel some weird pressure to choose the right track among the classics (beach boys, beatles, pink floyd, led zeppelin, etc)

F♯ A♯ (∞), Saturday, 25 March 2017 01:51 (seven years ago) link

Also one track per band

F♯ A♯ (∞), Saturday, 25 March 2017 01:53 (seven years ago) link

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