Battle Angel Alita

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Coming out of the Alita movie, I was reminded of some of the discussions here. It's definitely a case of "too much plot getting in the way of the story"; so many plot threads from the manga were braided together that they tended to trip each other up. I wanted emotional and thematic cohesion, but alas, it was not to be.


I didn't like the decision to have Desty Nova push the button on Hugo, and it really weakened the ending for me. The only elements that should be in that scene are Alita, Hugo, and an uncaring automatic security system. It would be like if, when Sybil and Onan make their final run at the end of Thanatophobia, a hockey-masked Trevor Goodchild were to jump out from behind a corner and cut Sybil's legs off with a chainsaw.

I missed Makaku (I guess brain-eating went too far for a PG-13). The last fight with him is where Alita learns empathy, more or less (and sets up the theme of "agency vs. social structures" that runs through the series).

And this has to be the most cheerfully decorated dystopia I've ever seen. We're told how stratified Iron City is, but nobody really seems that bad off. I missed the sort of wacked social commentary/sarcastic humor that the manga had. Like, people with syringes stuck in every available surface.

On the plus side, Rosa Salazar made a convincingly badass Alita, Zalem and the Motorball scenes were a treat for the eyes, and the fight choreography was boffo. If they do eventually make a sequel, I'll be there; I'll just make sure to turn off most of my brain for it.

Blair Gilbreath, Monday, 18 February 2019 10:37 (five years ago) link

Pretty much agreed. I would totally be down for a sequel, and maybe finally catch up the whole damn manga

Nhex, Monday, 18 February 2019 19:19 (five years ago) link

It would be so worth it to get a good depiction of Alita's trip to Zalem.

I was listening to a bunch of Alita reviews last night, and found this: I don't necessarily agree with all of it, but it was kinda nice to hear some critical discussion of the manga.

Blair Gilbreath, Monday, 18 February 2019 22:57 (five years ago) link

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