Threads created in August 2015

I Love Music Are there any interesting records in my grandparents' record collection?
I Love Everything Crispr-Cas9: our genome-editing future is here
I Love Music Record covers where pop stars dress as boxers
I Love Everything Gendered Acculturation: Do Girls Love Anything As Much As Boys Love STAR WARS?
I Love Music Happy Birthday copyright question - is this a thing?
I Love Everything Cilla Black RIP
I Love Music Songs with strings obviously inspired by the "Papa Was a Rolling Stone" strings: a collaborative list
I Love Music Champs
I Love Music Apple Music vs Spotify
I Love Music Emily King - The Switch
I Love Music Low - 'Ones and Sixes' (September 2015)
I Love Everything The Data Drive
I Love Everything Government Shutdown 2015 poll - Planned Parenthood edition
I Love Music Demi Lovato
I Love Music Stop Thinking of Yourself as a Good Person: The Ethics and Economics of Music Streaming
I Love Music Yes or No: Would You Go To Fractal Fest 2015? (There WILL Be Knot Tying With Topher In The Tea House...)
I Love Music why isn't there a thread for RVIVR?
I Love AFL I just want four POLLS and adobe slabs - ANIMAL COLLECTIVE (ILM artist poll #135282)
I Love Music 4 TLC NERDZ ONLY list T-Boz, Left Eye, and Chili's finest moments
I Love Everything principles of boss-bossee interaction
I Love Music Shlomo Carlebach S/D
I Love Music i have listened to this joy of cooking song five times in a row and i don't think i' am going to stop anytime soon
I Love Music i have listened to this joy of cooking song five times in a row and i don't think i' am going to stop anytime soon
I Love Music The Mars Volta - FRANCES THE MUTE (poll the fetal mirage?)
I Love Music Acclaimed Music Top 30 Albums from 1996 poll
I Love Music MOTORPSYCHO albums poll
I Love Music Plastic MOR Rock hits from 1998-2004 that elicit strange nostalgia in you.
I Love Music The Darla BLISS OUT series - Poll / What's great you guys?
I Love AFL Post here when you hear a mediocre song by Tame Impala
Moderator Request Forum Is there a way to change the DN of an OP in a thread?
I Love Everything The weirdness of U-Stream
I Love Music fabolous 2015
I Love Football Parachute money fails to deploy - the Football League and beyond 2015-16
I Love Music Berserktown II
I Love Baseball So Much Older Then, Younger Than That Now
I Love Music Thread for Frankey and Sandrino
I Love Everything Home Game Poll vol. 1 (1984-1992): Nominate the best NES, Master System, etc console games ever (Nom deadline: September 8th)
I Love Music RIP Sean Price
I Love Everything VINYL new HBO series?
I Love Music GEoRGiA aka Georgia Barnes
I Love Music Every Noise At Once
I Love Music Let's Marvin Gaye Get Appalled: Rolling Worst Songs of 2015
I Love Everything i just trimmed my bangs
Moderator Request Forum Lock or delete my superfluous worst songs of 2015 thread
I Love Music Joanna Newsom - Divers (clusterfuck topic tbd)
I Love Music Goldfrapp - Supernature (10th Anniversary POLL)
I Love Music The lost, unfinished, mythical albums
I Love Music To what extent should music be challenging to you?
I Love Everything Sex Object
I Love Everything Toronto and New York Film Festivals of 2015
I Love Football "You've no right to be angry with John Collins". SPFL, season 2015/2016
I Love Music Noteworthy album back covers of 2015 and onwards
I Love Music Royal Trux Reunite @ Berserktown - Can Anyone Film It?
I Love Music Album covers featuring rubbish/belongings strewn across a floor or table or some other surface
I Love Everything AGNES VARDA, mother of the nouvelle vague
I Love Everything Forrest McNeil's "Review"
I Love Music Acclaimed Music Top 30 Albums from 1997 poll
I Love Music the priciest / most expensive concert ticket you've bought
I Love Everything booze --- coffee --- weed
I Love Music Someone tell me where to start with Frankie Cosmos.
I Love Music Curxes - Verxes (2015)
I Love Everything "It's essentially a six hour lecture on zoning regulations" - David Simon's Show Me A Hero
Cape Of Good Hope rip blakey
I Love Football Bundesliga 2015/16
I Love Music What is the best track on the Rough Trade compilation WANNA BUY A BRIDGE
I Love Everything “If I was two-and-a-half metres tall and didn’t know how to control a ball then I may have gone to England" (The Premier League 2015/16)
I Love Baseball important baseball tweets
I Love Everything who is your favorite fictional heroine/hero?
I Love Music Songs/albums where a musician/band voices their disillusionment with the quote en quote "SCENE."
Moderator Request Forum Please close/delete the poll I messed up!
I Love Music Greatest Billboard Top 40(-ish) (Song That Is Reminiscent Of A) Ballad (1990 edition)
I Love Everything The California Central Valley scrap metal thief murder/conspiracy casting call
I Love Music clive langer and alan winstanley : an appreciation thread.
I Love Music U.S. Girls
I Love Everything august personages of ILX 2015, what do you look like?
I Love Music RIP Bob Johnston
I Love Music Albums covers that depict the artists hanging out with their clones
I Love Music Hailee Steinfeld
I Love Music Songs that should be faster and shorter...
Cape Of Good Hope Hull: No longer 'England's crappest town'
I Love Music Songs that sound really good when played on hifi / audiophile / great equipment
I Love Music The President's Playlist: Vol. 1 Summer Day
I Love Music The President's Playlist: Vol. 2 Summer Night
I Love Music When did the decline of guitar or sax solos in pop/rock/metal start?
I Love Everything the Guardian's 'top 10 jokes of the Edinburgh fringe festival so far'
I Love Music 90s INSTRUMENTAL (mostly)
I Love Baseball 2015 postseason schedule
Moderator Request Forum please delete
I Love Everything Thread of anticipation for Roland Emmerich's STONEWALL
I Love Style iyo what sort of sneakers/trainers is it acceptable for someone pushing 30 to wear?
I Love Music Rolling Track ID 2015
I Love Football Skyfall:UEFA Champions League 2015/16
I Love Music POLLS, they're dime a dozen. Sky's Night Time, My Time poll.
I Love Everything at this time
I Love Everything Ashley Madison - 'Welcome to the first day of the rest of your internet'
I Love Music Live versions of electronic songs that are better than the orginal?
I Love Music favourite of these late 80s Scottish bands who don't get talked about on ilm very often
